Article (non-refereed)
Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D., Sollander, K. (2016). Guldfiskbeslut av Ericsson att flytta ut produktionen.
Intelligent logistik : inköp, logistik, produktion, affärer (pp. 8-9).
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O., Wang, Y. (2016). Simulation based decision support systems in the supply chain context.
Industrial management & data systems 116(2),
Hilletofth, P., Rampa, V., Wen, Y., Wang, C., Chen, C. (2016). Editorial.
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 21(4), 221-223
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O., Lorentz, H. (2013). Editorial.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 4(2/3), 97-98
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2013). Towards management of challenges in the innovation process: a case study on the application of the interface assessment tool.
Product 11(1), 15-23
Hilletofth, P., Hedenstierna, C. (2012). Editorial.
International Journal of Services Sciences 4(3/4), 211-212
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2012). Editorial.
International Journal of Manufacturing Research 7(2), 99-100
Wikner, J. (2012). Kundorderstyrning och frikopplingszoner.
Bättre produktivitet (pp. 10-18).
Almström, P., Andersson, C., Muhammad, A., Winroth, M. (2010). Hållbar produktion kan skapas genom ökad utnyttjandegrad.
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J. (2010). Strategiska frikopplingspunkter och samverkan i försörjningskedjor.
Bättre Produktivitet 8(8), 12-16
Bäckstrand, J., Wikner, J. (2009). Samordning av grad av samverkan och grad av kundorderstyrning.
Bättre produktivitet (pp. 12-16).
Johansson, E. (2006). Överföring och användning av information för utformning av logistiksystem.
Wikner, J. (2006). Affärssystem och lean production: det bästa av två världar.
Intelligent logistik
Johansson, E. (2005). Utveckling av logistiksystem i produktutvecklingsprojekt.
Transport och hantering
Olhager, J., Wikner, J. (2000). Perspektiv på modeller och metoder för produktionslogistik.
Bättre produktivitet (pp. 12-15).
Article (refereed)
Bertan, F., Ferreira, A., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Análise da Integração Interfuncional nos Pontos de Contato de Processos de Desenvolvimento de Sementes.
Organizações Rurais & Agroindustriais 18(3),
Burnett, S., Mendel, P., Nunes, F., Wiig, S., van den Bovenkamp, H., Karltun, A. ... Fulop, N. (2016). Using institutional theory to analyse hospital responses to external demands for finance and quality in five European countries.
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 21(2), 109-117
De Oliveira, E., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2016). Integration through cross-functional teams in a service company.
European Business Review 28(4), 405-430
Edh Mirzaei, N., Fredriksson, A., Winroth, M. (2016). Strategic consensus on manufacturing strategy content: Including the operators’ perceptions.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 36(4), 429-466
Engström, A. (2016). Arbetsmöten: Arenor för samspel och lärande.
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 21(3-4), 283-305
Eriksson, D., Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Using the industry as a model for better learning experience in higher education.
International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE) 10(4), 325-338
Huang, D., Lee, T., Hilletofth, P., Kao, C. (2016). Creation of a step-by-step process in the pre-startup of a micro business.
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 15(1), 43-60
Karltun, J., Vogel, K., Bergstrand, M., Eklund, J. (2016). Maintaining knife sharpness in industrial meat cutting: A matter of knife or meat cutter ability.
Applied Ergonomics (pp. 92-100).
Lantz, B., Andersson, R., Manfredsson, P. (2016). Preliminary tests of normality when comparing three independent samples.
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 15(2), 135-148
Löfving, M. (2016). Homogeneity of manufacturing choices in subcontractor SMEs.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27(2), 261-286
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2016). Manufacturing strategy formulation, leadership style and organisational culture in small and medium-sized enterprises.
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) 30(5), 306-325
Melander, A., Löfving, M., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Thulin, M. (2016). Introducing the Hoshin Kanri strategic management system in manufacturing SMEs.
Management Decision 54(10), 2507-2523
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Infrastructure project portfolios for sourcing nearshoring of manufacturing to Russia.
Russian Journal of Logistics and Transport Management 3(1), 52-63
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Роль интермодальных перевозок в национальной экономике: [The role of intermodal traffic in the national economy].
18(11), 28-36
Persson, M., Eklind, J., Winroth, M. (2016). Coordinating external manufacturing of product modules.
Decision Sciences 47(6), 1178-1202
Soosay, C., Nunes, B., Bennett, D., Sohal, A., Jabar, J., Winroth, M. (2016). Strategies for sustaining manufacturing competitiveness: Comparative case studies in Australia and Sweden.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27(1), 6-37
Winroth, M., Almström, P., Andersson, C. (2016). Sustainable production indicators at factory level.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27(6), 842-873
Andersson, R., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2015). Lean implementation in the geriatric care sector in Sweden.
International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage (IJSSCA) 9(1), 56-71
Andersson, R., Manfredsson, P., Lantz, B. (2015). Total productive maintenance in support processes: an enabler for operation excellence.
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 26(9-10), 1042-1055
Ellonen, H., Wikström, P., Johansson, A. (2015). The role of the website in a magazine business – revisiting old truths.
Journal of Media Business Studies 12(4), 238-249
Hilmola, O., Lorentz, H., Hilletofth, P., Malmsten, J. (2015). Manufacturing strategy in SMEs and its performance implications.
Industrial management & data systems 115(6), 1004-1021
Hong, M., Lee, T., Kao, C., Hilletofth, P. (2015). Setting organizational key performance indicators in the precision machine industry.
International Journal of Management, Knowledge, and Learning 4(2), 135-161
Hägg, G., Vogel, K., Karltun, J., McGorry, R. (2015). How do different temperatures affect knife force?.
The Ergonomics Open Journal (pp. 27-31).
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2015). Managing uncertainty, complexity and dispersion in product development projects.
International Journal of Product Development 20(1), 25-48
Lee, T., Kuo, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2015). Formulation of marketing information and communication strategies in Taiwan tourism industry.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 18(2), 250-265
Tsai, C., Lee, T., Yen, S., Hilletofth, P. (2015). Operational process stages of brand alliances: A case study from the reinforcing bar and the construction industries.
European Business Review 27(4), 389-408
Vogel, K., Karltun, J., Yeow, P., Eklund, J. (2015). Increased work pace is unprofitable: A beef-cutting case study.
Meat Science (pp. 81-88).
Wikner, J., Johansson, E. (2015). Inventory classification based on decoupling points.
Production & Manufacturing Research 3(1), 218-235
Andersson, R., Hilletofth, P., Manfredsson, P., Hilmola, O. (2014). Lean Six Sigma strategy in telecom manufacturing.
Industrial management & data systems 114(6), 904-921
Danilovic, M., Winroth, M. (2014). Managing Dynamics in Corporate Networks.
World Journal of Engineering and Technology 2(1), 32-40
Hilletofth, P. (2014). Achieving the potential of seminar teaching: A student-led approach.
International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE) 8(2), 160-167
Johansson, G., Sundin, E. (2014). Lean and green product development: two sides of the same coin?.
Lee, T., Chang, T., Hilletofth, P. (2014). Using Binary Logit Model to Develop the Target Consumer’s Differentiation Standards for the Marketing Activities in Tea Retailers Sales Observation Method.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 15(4), 432-446
Lee, T., Chen, C., Hilletofth, P., Hsu, Y. (2014). Key factors affecting customers’ willingness to use mobile coupons in a restaurant setting.
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 13(3/4), 248-260
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2014). Manufacturing strategy frameworks suitable for SMEs.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 25(1), 7-26
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2014). Interface challenges and managerial issues in the industrial innovation process.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 25(2), 218-239
Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G. (2014). R&D in Sweden and manufacturing in China: a study of communication challenges.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 25(2), 258-278
Yurtkulu, E., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2014). Extended service use and new product possibilities in Swedish trucking.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 5(1), 80-98
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2013). Linking Moral Disengagement to Supply Chain Practices.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 4(2/3), 207-225
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2013). Supply chain configuration and moral disengagement.
International Journal of procurement management 6(6), 718-736
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2013). Creating value through wholesaler and retailer interface.
Industrial management & data systems 113(8), 1169-1188
Havemose, K. (2013). The Encyclopedia Hands: From Design Thinking to Design Making.
Swedish Design Research Journal (pp. 58-64).
Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2013). Assessing interface challenges in product development projects.
Research technology management 56(1), 40-48
Rösiö, C., Säfsten, K. (2013). Reconfigurable Production System Design - theoretical and practical challenges.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 24(7), 998-1018
Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Gustavsson, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). New ways of organizing product introductions.
Work 41(supplement 1), 4856-4861
Berglund, M., Karltun, A. (2012). Towards Understanding and Managing the Learning Process in Mail Sorting.
Work 41(2), 115-126
Bruch, J., Bellgran, M. (2012). Creating a competitive edge when designing production systems: facilitating the sharing of design information.
4(3-4), 257-276
Bruch, J., Bellgran, M. (2012). Design information for efficient equipment supplier/buyer integration.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 23(4), 484-502
Eklund, J., Karltun, J. (2012). Ten years of experience from interactive ergonomics projects.
Work (pp. 4862-4865).
Hilletofth, P. (2012). Differentiation focused supply chain design.
Industrial management & data systems 112(9), 1274-1291
Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D., Hilmola, O. (2012). Two Sides of a Token: Coordinating Demand and Supply at Furniture Wholesaler.
7(2), 101-122
Hilletofth, P., Lättilä, L. (2012). Framework for demand chain and supply chain coordination.
4(3/4), 240-256
Hilletofth, P., Lättilä, L. (2012). Agent based decision support in the supply chain context.
Industrial management & data systems 112(8), 1217-1235
Lakemond, N., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2012). From Product Development to Production: On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion.
Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research 2(3), 125-137
Short, T., Lee-Mortimer, A., Luttropp, C., Johansson, G. (2012). Manufacturing, sustainability, ecodesign and risk: lessons learned from a study of Swedish and English companies.
Journal of Cleaner Production (pp. 342-352).
Wikner, J. (2012). A service decoupling point framework for logistics, manufacturing, and service operations.
4(3/4), 330-357
Winroth, M. (2012). A longitudinal study of Swedish manufacturing: eight short cases.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 23(4), 535-542
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P. (2011). The Importance of the Retailer for OEM Developing Innovative Products.
Conradi Research Review 6(2), 63-81
Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2011). Coordinating new product development with supply chain management.
Industrial management & data systems 111(2), 264-281
Fasth, Å., Bruch, J., Stahre, J., Dencker, K., Lundholm, T., Mårtensson, L. (2010). Designing proactive assembly systems: Criteria and interaction between automation, information, and competence.
Asian International Journal of Science and Technology in production and manufacturing engineering (AIJSTPME) 2(4),
Johansson, G., Winroth, M. (2010). Introducing environmental concerns in manufacturing strategies: Implications for the decision criteria.
Management Research Review 33(9), 877-899
Lindström, V., Winroth, M. (2010). Aligning manufacturing strategy and levels of automation: A case study.
Journal of engineering and technology management 27(3/4), 148-159
Wong, H., Wikner, J., Naim, M. (2010). Evaluation of postponement in manufacturing systems with non-negligible changeover times.
Production planning & control (Print) 21(3), 258-273
Fjällström, S., Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Stahre, J. (2009). Information enabling production ramp-up.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 20(2), 178-196
Fredriksson, A., Johansson, E. (2009). Integrating logistics into the outsourcing process.
International Journal of Logistics 12(4), 281-298
Johansson, E. (2009). Information management for materials supply systems design.
International Journal of Production Research 47(8), 2217-2229
Wong, H., Wikner, J., Naim, M. (2009). Analysis of form postponement based on optimal positioning of the differentiation point and stocking decisions.
International Journal of Production Research 47(5), 1201-1224
Johansson, G. (2008). Product innovation for sustainability: on product properties for efficient disassembly.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 1(1), 32-41
Johansson, G., Huge Brodin, M. (2008). An analysis of product properties affecting performance of end-of-life systems for electrical and electronics equipment.
Management of environmental quality 19(6), 705-717
Magnusson, T., Johansson, G. (2008). Managing internal technology transfer in complex product development.
European Journal of Innovation Management 11(3), 349-365
Wikner, J., Tang, O. (2008). A structural framework for closed-loop supply chains.
The International Journal of Logistics Management 19(3), 344-366
Johansson, G., Greif, A., Fleischer, G. (2007). Managing the design/environment interface: Studies of integration mechanisms.
International Journal of Production Research 45(18-19), 4041-4055
Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T., Säfsten, K. (2007). Interfaces between technology development, product development and production: critical factors and a conceptual model.
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP) 3(4), 317-330
Naim, M., Wikner, J., Grubbström, R. (2007). A Net Present Value Assessment of Make-To-Order and Make-To-Stock Manufacturing Systems.
Omega 35(5), 524-532
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Stahre, J. (2007). The content and process of automation strategies.
International Journal of Production Economics 110(1-2), 25-38
Wikner, J., Naim, M., Rudberg, M. (2007). Exploiting the Order Book for Mass Customized Manufacturing Control Systems With Capacity Limitations.
IEEE transactions on engineering management 54(1), 145-155
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2007). Automation strategies: Existing theory or ad hoc solutions?.
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) 11(1), 98-114
Danilovic, M., Winroth, M. (2006). Corporate Manufacturing Network: From Hierarchy to Self-Organizing System.
The International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 2(1/2), 106-131
Johansson, E., Bellgran, M., Johansson, M. (2006). Evaluation of materials supply systems during product development projects.
International Journal of Production Research 44(5), 903-917
Johansson, E., Johansson, M. (2006). Materials supply systems design in product development projects.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 26(4), 371-393
Johansson, G. (2006). Incorporating environmental concern in product development: A study of project characteristics.
Management of environmental quality 17(4), 421-436
Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2006). Organising for environmental considerations in complex product development projects: Implications from introducing a “green” sub-project.
Journal of Cleaner Production 14(15-16), 1368-1376
Karltun, A. (2006). Utvärdering av interventionsarbete med hälsofrämjande åtgärder: en metodologisk ansats..
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 83(2), 130-146
Olhager, J., Selldin, E., Wikner, J. (2006). Decoupling the Value Chain.
International Journal of Value Chain Management 1(1), 19-32
Wikner, J. (2006). Analysis of Smoothing Techniques: Application to Production-Inventory Systems.
Kybernetes 35(9), 1323-1347
Bergendahl, C., Lichtenvort, K., Johansson, G., Zackrisson, M., Nyyssönen, J. (2005). Environmental and Economic Implications of a Shift to Halogen-Free Printed Wiring Boards.
Circuit world 31(3), 26-31
Danilovic, M., Winroth, M. (2005). A Tentative Framework for Analyzing Integration in Collaborative Manufacturing Network Settings: A case study.
Journal of engineering and technology management 22(1-2), 141-158
Johansen, K., Comstock, M., Winroth, M. (2005). Coordination in Collaborative Manufacturing Mega-Networks: A Case Study.
Journal of engineering and technology management 22(3), 226-244
Wikner, J. (2005). Dynamic Analysis of a Production-Inventory Model.
Kybernetes 34(6), 803-823
Wikner, J., Rudberg, M. (2005). Introducing a Customer Order Decoupling Zone in Logistics Decision-Making.
International Journal of Logistics 8(3), 211-224
Wikner, J., Rudberg, M. (2005). Integrating Production and Engineering Perspectives on the Customer Order Decoupling Point.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 25(7), 623-641
Johansen, K., Comstock, M., Winroth, M. (2004). From Mass Production to Mass Customization: Enabling perspectives from the Swedish mobile telephone industry.
Production planning & control (Print) 15(4), 362-372
Johansson, E., Johansson, M. (2004). The information gap between design engineering and materials supply systems design.
International Journal of Production Research 42(17), 3787-3801
Johansson, E., Medbo, L. (2004). On the use of product data in the design of the materials supply system.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 15(7), 641-650
Rudberg, M., Wikner, J. (2004). Mass Customization in Terms of the Customer Order Decoupling Point.
Production planning & control (Print) 15(4), 445-458
Winroth, M., Danilovic, M., Boix Miralles, R. (2004). Manufacturing Networks: Critical Factors to Successful Collaboration.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33(3),
Comstock, M., Winroth, M. (2003). Enabling Mass Customization in the Mobile Telephone Industry: Agility, Flexibility and the Changing Role of Assembly at Ericsson.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 32(4),
Wikner, J. (2003). Continuous-Time Dynamic Modelling of Variable Lead Times.
International Journal of Production Research 41(12), 2787-2798
Winroth, M., Björkman, M. (2003). Manufacturing strategies: A survey among medium sized enterprises in Sweden.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems 32(3),
Johansson, G. (2002). Success factors for integration of ecodesign in product development: A review of state of the art.
Säfsten, K., Aresu, E. (2002). Assembly System Design and Evaluation of 15 Manufacturing Companies in Sweden.
Manufactoring Systems 31(1),
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2002). Analysis of the congruence between manufacturing strategy and production system in SMME.
Computers in industry (Print) 49(1), 91-106
Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2001). Planned or experience-based processes for ecodesign innovation: Exploring product development driven by environmental performance targets.
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 1(1-2), 164-178
Olhager, J., Rudberg, M., Wikner, J. (2001). Long-Term Capacity Management: Linking the Perspectives from Manufacturing Strategy and Sales and Operations Planning.
International Journal of Production Economics 69(2), 215-225
Winroth, M., Björkman, M. (2001). Application of Manufacturing Strategies: The influence of manufacturing strategies upon the decision process when investing in new assembly equipment.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Olhager, J., Wikner, J. (2000). Production Planning and Control Tools.
Production planning & control (Print) 11(3), 210-222
Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (1998). Eco-innovations - a novel phenomenon?.
Journal of Sustainable Product Design (pp. 7-15).
Agrell, P., Wikner, J. (1996). A Coherent Methodology for Productivity Analysis Employing Integrated Partial Efficiency.
International Journal of Production Economics (pp. 401-411).
Agrell, P., Wikner, J. (1996). An MCDM Framework for Dynamic Systems.
International Journal of Production Economics 45(1-3), 279-292
Grubbström, R., Wikner, J. (1996). Inventory Trigger Control Policies Developed in Terms of Control Theory.
International Journal of Production Economics 45(1-3), 397-406
Towill, D., Naim, M., Wikner, J. (1992). Industrial Dynamics Simulation Models in the Design of Supply Chains.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 22(5), 3-13
Wikner, J., Naim, M., Towill, D. (1992). The System Simplification Approach in Understanding the Dynamic Behaviour of a Manufacturing Supply Chain.
Journal of Systems Engineering (pp. 164-178).
Wikner, J., Towill, D., Mohammed, N. (1991). Smoothing Supply Chain Dynamics.
International Journal of Production Economics 22(3), 231-248
Abrahamsson, L., Bengtsson, L., Gremyr, I., Kowalkowski, C., Lindahl, M., Nilsson, A. ... Öhman, P. (2016). Industriell ekonomi och organisering.
Stockholm: Liber
Havemose, K. (2012). Ting i rörelse - om designprocessen.
Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2010). Effektiv Produktframtagning: analys och hantering av osäkerhet, komplexitet och spridning.
Lund: Studentlitteratur
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2009). Production Development: Design and Operation of Production Systems.
London: Springer
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2005). Produktionsutveckling: utveckling och drift av produktionssystem.
Lund: Studentlitteratur
Chapter in book
Bäckstrand, J. (2013). Kunddrivet inköp.
In: Bonnier Ledarskaphandböcker Stockholm: Bonnier Business Publishing
Danilovic, M., Winroth, M. (2012). Kalmar Industries Supplier Network.
In: Steven D. Eppinger and Tyson R. Browning (Ed.), Design Structure Matrix Methods and Applications (pp. 317-324). MIT Press
Wikner, J. (2012). Grad av kundorderstyrning.
In: Gösta Hultén (Ed.), Bonnier ledarskapshandböcker: Inköp & Logistik (pp. 5.1 / 1-5.1 / 25). Stockholm: Bonnier Ledarskap
Berglund, M., Guinery, J., Karltun, J. (2011). The Unsung Contribution of Production Planners and Schedulers at Production and Sales Interfaces.
In: Jan C. Fransoo, Toni Wäfler, John R. Wilson (Ed.), Behavioral Operations in Planning and Scheduling (pp. 47-81). Heidelberg: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Wäfler, T., Von der Weth, R., Karltun, J., Starker, U., Gärtner, K., Gasser, R., Bruch, J. (2011). Human Control Capabilities.
In: Jan C. Fransoo, Toni Wäfler, John Wilson (Ed.), Behavioral Operations in Planning and Scheduling Springer
Karltun, A. (2008). Att följa hela Posten-projektet på nära håll.
In: Forskarroller i interaktivt utvecklingsarbete: Om samverkansprocesser för ergonomiska förbättringar (pp. 111-153). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press
Svengren-Holm, L., Anderson, H., Huge-Brodin, M., Johansson, G., Nilsson, F. (2008). Synkronisering mellan delprocesser i innovationsprocessen.
In: Annika Olsson (Ed.), Innovationsförmåga Stockholm: Product innovation engineering program (PIEp)
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2006). Produktionsutveckling.
In: Håkan Ylinenpää, Bo Johansson, Jan Johansson (Ed.), Ledning i småföretag (pp. 161-197). Lund: Studentlitteratur
Berger, A., Wikner, J. (2006). Affärssystem och Lean produktion: det bästa av två världar.
In: John Bicheno (Ed.), Ny verktygslåda för Lean: för snabbt och flexibelt flöde (pp. 118-119). Göteborg: Revere AB
Karltun, A. (2006). Arbetsintensifiering: bikonsekvenser av en ”working smarter” strategi inom Postens brevbärarverksamhet..
In: Tid för utveckling? Lund: Studentlitteratur
Säfsten, K. (2000). Evaluation of Assembly Systems in the Context of Change.
In: Performance Measurement: Past, Present and Future Cranfield, England: Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield School of Management
Olhager, J., Wikner, J. (1998). A framework for integrated material and capacity based master scheduling.
In: Andreas Drexl, Alf Kimms (Ed.), Beyond Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II): advanced models and methods for production planning (pp. 3-20). Berlin: Springer-Verlag New York
Nilsson, C., Dernroth, J. (1991). Scania och Iveco.
In: "Bäst i världen": vad kan vi lära av världens ledande företag? Stockholm: Allmänna Förlaget
Collection (editor)
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O., Wang, Y. (2016). Special issue: Simulation based decision support systems in the supply chain context.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Hilletofth, P., Rampa, V., Wen, Y., Wang, C., Chen, C. (2016). Special Issue on Advances in Mobile Computing and Applications.
InderScience Publishers
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O., Lorentz, H. (2013). Special Issue on Sustainability and Ethics in Global Transportation Logistics Networks Sustainability and Ethics in Global Transportation Logistics Networks.
InderScience Publishers
Hilletofth, P., Hedenstierna, C. (2012). Special Issue on Competing Through Logistics and Supply Chain Capabilities.
InderScience Publishers
Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2012). Special Issue on Industrial Case Studies of Demand-Supply Chain Management.
InderScience Publishers
Conference paper
Salim, R. (2018). Drivers and challenges for automation of manufacturing: A multiple case study in the Swedish wood products industry.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Alayón, C., Sannö, A., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2016). Sustainable production in surface treatment SMEs: an explorative study of challenges and enablers from the CEOs perspective.
Andersen, A., Rösiö, C., Bruch, J., Jackson, M. (2016). Reconfigurable Manufacturing - An Enabler for a Production System Portfolio Approach.
Bertan, F., Ferreira, A., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Análise da Integração Interfuncional nos Pontos de Contato de Processos de Desenvolvimento de Sementes.
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2016). Barriers to managing knowledge and learning in university: Industry cooperation.
Bäckstrand, J., Engström, A. (2016). The lead time tree as a boundary object for developmental learning and improved conditions for purchasers.
Bäckstrand, J., Jansson, D., Karlsson, J., Löfving, M. (2016). Guidelines for designing a purchasing process for small businesses.
Bäckstrand, J., Tiedemann, F., Carlsson, B. (2016). Skyllt på skylten.
De Goey, H., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2016). Enablers and barriers to design-driven innovation: a case study at a Swedish wood furniture wholesaler.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
De Goey, H., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, L. (2016). Design-driven innovation: A literature review.
Edh Mirzaei, N., Wlazlak, P., Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Challenges with competitive manufacturing in high cost environment.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Engström, A. (2016). Separate to integrate the task as a whole in work meetings?: Two types of learning hindering each other – the duality between execution and development of the same task.
Engström, A., Johansson, A. (2016). Effectual learning in SME’s to promote transformation instead of frustration: Towards a design of an intervention study.
The Society for Effectual Action
Hedvall, L., Sollander, K., Wikner, J., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Kapacitetsdimensionering: 14 företags investeringsstrategier och planeringsstrategier.
Johansson, A., Engström, A. (2016). Effectual learning in SME’s – activities promoting transformation in place of frustration.
Queensland University of Technology, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research
Johansson, A., Engström, A., McKelvie, A. (2016). An In-depth Investigation of Employee-driven Innovation.
Johansson, A., McKelvie, A., Ellonen, H. (2016). Explaining the co-existence of effectuation and causation: An indepth qualitative study of decision makers.
The Society for Effectual Action
Johansson, E., Tiedemann, F. (2016). Using decoupling thinking in NPD.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Löfving, M., Melander, A., Elgh, F., Andersson, D., Thulin, M. (2016). Leadership characteristics and Hoshin Kanri in small and medium sized enterprises.
Murillo-Oviedo, A., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Creating market responsiveness through cross-functional integration.
Nafisi, M., Wiktorsson, M., Rösiö, C. (2016). Manufacturing involvement in new product development: An explorative case study in heavy automotive component assembly.
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Prospects of nearshoring European manufacturing located in China to Russia.
Popovic, D., Fast-Berglund, Å., Winroth, M. (2016). Production of customized and standardized single family timber houses – A comparative study on levels of automation.
Popovic, D., Winroth, M. (2016). Industrial timber house building – levels of automation.
International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC)
Reitsma, E., Wewering, D., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Enterprise resource planning system implementation: An end user perspective.
Salim, R., Andersson, O., Schneider, C., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2016). Levels of Automation in the wood products industry: A case study.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Salim, R., Johansson, J. (2016). The influence of the raw material on the wood product manufacturing.
Salim, R., Mapulanga, M., Saladi, P., Karltun, A. (2016). Automation in the wood products industry: challenges and opportunities.
Sansone, C., Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Framework of operations capabilities: A literature review with new insights.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Critical operations capabilities in high cost environment: A case study.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2016). Critical operations capabilities in a high cost environment: A focus group study.
Sollander, K., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2016). Motiv till återflyttning av produktion till Sverige.
Säfsten, K., Bäckstrand, J. (2016). Co-creation of knowledge: Key aspects for relevance in collaborative research projects.
Trondheim: International Annual EurOMA Conference
Tiedemann, F., Bäckstrand, J., Carlsson, B. (2016). The sign of lead time.
Tiedemann, F., Johansson, E., Wikner, J. (2016). Strategiska ledtiders inverkan på räntabilitet.
Tiedemann, F., Johansson, E., Wikner, J. (2016). Strategic lead-time implications on return on assets.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Wikner, J., Tiedemann, F. (2016). Kundanpassning och variantspridning i termer av form, plats och tid.
Bruch, J., Rösiö, C., Granlund, A. (2015). User-supplier collaboration in production equipment development a lifecycle perspective.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
De Oliveira, E., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. (2015). Characterizing Cross-Functional Teams in Service Companies: A Case Study from Telecom Industri.
Hilletofth, P., Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2015). Challenges with industralization in a supply chain network: A supplier perspective.
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K., Adolfsson, A. (2015). Implementation of R&D management models in global organisations.
Karltun, A., Berglund, M. (2015). Emphasizing the interactive systems view in a master’s programme in Ergonomics and HTO.
International Ergonomics Association
Lee, T., Liu, S., Hilletofth, P. (2015). How Asian Entrepreneurs Balance Business and Family Life: A Case Study from Taiwan.
Löfving, M., Melander, A., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Thulin, M. (2015). Initiation of Hoshin Kanri in SMEs using a tentative process.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Rösiö, C., Bruch, J., Johansson, A. (2015). Early production involvement in new product development.
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
Salim, R., Kristina, S., Mats, W. (2015). Current situation analysis: Manufacturing challenges in woodworking sector.
Tiedemann, F., Johansson, E., Gosling, J. (2015). Extending and applying an engineering based framework for decoupling points.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Wikner, J. (2015). Financial measures and their relations to decoupling points and decoupling zones.
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J., Tiedemann, F., Johansson, E. (2015). Leagility in a triad with multiple decoupling points.
Berlin: Springer
Wlazlak, P., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2015). Supplier involvement in product development: Critical issues from a supplier perspective.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Yurtkulu Akgun, E., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G. (2015). Supply chain related decisions in product development projects: Insights from the industry.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Alayón, C., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2014). Implementation of sustainable production principles within Swedish manufacturers.
Göteborg: Chalmers university
Andersson, R., Hilletofth, P. (2014). Lean implementation in geriatric care in a municipal: A case study from Sweden.
Andersson, R., Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P. (2014). Lean Six Sigma strategy: A case study from Sweden.
Andersson, R., Manfredsson, P., Svensson, V. (2014). Preventive maintenance is an enabler for operation excellence in support processes.
Lund University Library Press
Bruch, J., Rösiö, C., Bellgran, M., Granlund, A. (2014). User-supplier integration throughout the different lifecycle stages of the production equipment.
Eklind, M., Persson, M., Winroth, M. (2014). Combining internal and external manufacturing of product modules.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Eklund, J., Karltun, J., Vogel, K. (2014). Interactive research and HTO as an industry development model.
Nordic Ergonomics Society
Karltun, A., Karltun, J. (2014). Interactive Oral Assessment Supporting Active Learning.
Karltun, A., Karltun, J., Berglund, M., Eklund, J. (2014). HTO - a complementary ergonomics perspective.
Nordic Ergonomics Society
Larsson, C., Säfsten, K., Syberfeldt, A. (2014). Performance measurement communication supporting lean production in SMEs.
The Performance Management Association (PMA)
Lee, T., Hsu, Y., Chain-Yao, C., Hilletofth, P. (2014). Managing the customer waiting problem in fast food restaurants in Taiwan through reengineering of the app ordering process.
Seoul, South Korea
Löfving, M., Melander, A., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Thulin, M. (2014). Introducing the Hoshin Kanri approach in small and medium sized companies.
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Lim Yan Guan, R. (2014). The use of a manufacturing strategy tool and the role of national culture.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Rösiö, C., Bruch, J. (2014). Focusing Early Phases in Production System Design.
Stahl, B., Taghavi, N., Winroth, M., Kjellsdotter Ivert, L. (2014). Manufacturing strategy: The missing link between sustainability in corporate strategy and sustainable production.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Säfsten, K., Allert, A. (2014). Business support agencies introducing lean production in SMEs – does it make any difference?.
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). Usability of a manufacturing strategy framework developed for SMEs.
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). Development of a manufacturing strategy framework for SMEs.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Taghavi, N., Kjellsdotter Ivert, L., Winroth, M. (2014). Sustainable Operations Management; from concept to action.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Vogel, K., Karltun, J., Åström, P. (2014). Stay sharp.
Nordic Ergonomics Society
Williamsson, A., Dellve, L., Karltun, A. (2014). Visualizing improvements of care processes - supporting engagement and perceived systems performance in improvement work.
Nordic Ergonomics Society
Winroth, M., Almström, P., Andersson, C. (2014). Indicators of sustainable production: A survey among Swedish manufacturing industry.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G. (2014). Management of international manufacturing relocation projects of new and existing products.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G. (2014). Bridging Geographically Distant R&D and Manufacturing.
Yurtkulu, E., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G. (2014). Foundation of the integration of supply chain decisions in new product development.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Bellgran, M., Bruch, J., Rösiö, C., Wiktorsson, M. (2013). Decision support for production localization: Process, activities and localization factors.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Bjelkemyr, M., Wiktorsson, M., Rösiö, C., Bruch, J., Bellgran, M. (2013). Production Localization Factors: An Industrial and Literature Based Review.
International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR)
Bäckstrand, J., Johansson, E. (2013). Customer-driven Purchasing: Empirical applications.
Nordic Logistics Research Network
Bäckstrand, J., Johansson, E., Wikner, J., Andersson, R., Carlsson, B., Kornebäck, F. ... Spaak, B. (2013). A method for customer-driven purchasing.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Bäckstrand, J., Wikner, J. (2013). Time-phasing and decoupling points as analytical tools for purchasing.
Edh, N., Fredriksson, A., Winroth, M. (2013). Strategic concensus in SMEs: Behavioral operations perspective on manufacturing strategy.
Eklind, J., Persson, M., Winroth, M. (2013). Managing product customization by modularization.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Karltun, A., Berglund, M. (2013). Supporting engineering innovation and design by a multidisciplinary master's program.
Lee, T., Kuo, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2013). Formulation of marketing information and communication strategies in Taiwan tourism industry.
Puket, Thailand: ToKnowPress
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2013). The role of contextual factors for manufacturing strategy formulation in SMEs.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2013). Leadership Style, Organisation Culture And Manufacturing Strategy Formulation; Empirical Evidence From Swedish Smes.
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2013). Leadership style, organization culture and manufacturing strategy formulation - Empirical evidence from Swedish SMEs.
Paulin, D., Winroth, M. (2013). Facilitators, inhibitors and obstacles - A refined categorization regarding barriers for knowledge transfer, sharing and flow.
Academic Conferences Limited
Rösiö, C., Wiktorsson, M., Bruch, J., Bellgran, M. (2013). Risk Analysis in Manufacturing Footprint Decisions.
Cranfield University Press
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2013). Development Of A Manufacturing Strategy Tool Useful To SME – An Interactive Approach.
Yurtkulu, E., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2013). Value and risk of extended services within Swedish road freight sector.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Bäckstrand, J., Wikner, J., Carlsson, B. (2012). Kundorderstyrning och kundanpassning - ett kund- och leverantörsperspektiv.
Edh, N., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). Organizational comprehension of manufacturing strategy - A case study of a SMME.
Edh, N., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). Production-related Staff's Perception of Manufacturing at a SMME.
Hilletofth, P. (2012). Supply chain design and differentiation.
Lublin: Maria Sklodowska-Curie University
Hilletofth, P., Lättilä, L. (2012). Demand and supply chain integration framework.
Tampere: Tampere University of Technology
Hägg, G., Vogel, K., Karltun, J., McGorry, R. (2012). Knife force differences when cutting meat at different temperatures.
Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Johansson, G., Elmquist, L. (2012). Teaching international students: The value of having experience from teaching in a foreign country.
Karltun, A., Lahger, A. (2012). Developing a sustainable infection control program in health care.
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2012). Manufacturing strategy formulation process – evidence from SMEs.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Schedin, J., Rösiö, C., Bellgran, M. (2012). Considering Production Localisation in the Production System Design process.
Servati, M., Johansson, G. (2012). Identifying challenges for developing integrated product service solutions: A case study within the waste to energy sector.
Soosay, C., Nunes, B., Bennett, D., Sohal, A., Jabar, J., Winroth, M. (2012). Strategies for sustaining manufacturing competitiveness: Case studies of Australian firms.
Birmingham: Aston Business School, Aston University
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2012). Requirements on manufacturing strategy frameworks for SMME.
Tibblin, L., Winroth, M. (2012). Knowledge Management in the Cross-cultural Organisation; Imposed Cultural and Language Barriers vs. Risk of Sub-optimising and Distanced Organisational Identity.
Svenska Produktionsakademien
Wikner, J. (2012). Kundorderstyrning och frikopplingszoner.
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J. (2012). Decoupling points and product uniqueness impact on supplier relations.
International Annual EurOMA Conference
Winroth, M., Almström, P., Andersson, C. (2012). Sustainable indicators at factory level – a framework for practical assessment.
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M., Edh, N. (2012). A tentative comprehensive manufacturing strategy framework adapted to the requirements in SME.
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G. (2012). Communication challenges in a product development project faced with culture and language differences: The Sweden/China case.
Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G., Cederfeldt, M. (2012). A study of the R&D-Manufacturing interface in distributed settings: Experiences from a Chinese manufacturing site.
Almström, P., Andersson, C., Muhammad, A., Winroth, M. (2011). Achieving Sustainable Production through Increased Utilization of Production Resources.
Bruch, J., Bellgran, M. (2011). The critical role of design information for improved equipment supplier integration during production system design.
Bruch, J., Bellgran, M., Angelis, J. (2011). Information Management for Production System Design with a New Portfolio Approach.
Bruch, J., Johansson, G. (2011). Dual Perspective on information exchange between design and manufacturing.
Glasgow Design Society
Bruch, J., Wiktorsson, M., Bellgran, M., Salloum, M. (2011). In search for improved decision making on manufacturing footprint: A conceptual model for information handling.
Elmquist, L., Johansson, G. (2011). An approach to foster integrative skills during the engineering studies.
Technical University of Denmark
Engström, A. (2011). Organizational learning in cross-functional teams. A study of a small manufacturing company.
Engström, A. (2011). Teams effectiveness in small medium sized manufacturing company.
Johansson, G., Cederfeldt, M. (2011). The role of decentralized purchasing to ensure supplier involvement in geographically dispersed new product projects.
The Swedish Production Academy
Karltun, A. (2011). Developing HTO system’s thinking for organizational and technological change.
Karltun, J., Aili, K., Vogel, K. (2011). Deboners’ stress in alternatively organized work.
Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University
Säfsten, K., Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Gustavsson, M. (2011). Development activities in product introductions – a cross functional approach.
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2011). Manufacturing strategies supporting competiveness in SMME.
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2011). Manufacturing supporting strategies in SMME.
Wikner, J. (2011). Ledtidsbaserat ramverk för kundorderstyrning.
Stockholm: Plan
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J. (2011). Aligning operations strategy and purchasing strategy.
Winroth, M., Johansson, G. (2011). A lean perspective on servitization of manufacturing.
Winroth, M., Muhammad, A., Almgren, B., Bennett, D., Nunes, B. (2011). Sustaining local manufacturing: a longitudinal study of Swedish companies.
Vogel, K., Karltun, J., Eklund, J. (2010). Ergonomic changes and their consequences in a Swedish meat cutting plant.
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J. (2010). Strategiska frikopplingspunkter och samverkan i försörjningskedjor.
Stockholm: Logistikföreningen PLAN
Bruch, J., Bellgran, M., Johansson, C. (2009). Exploring requirement specification of the production system – a position paper.
Bruch, J., Karltun, J. (2009). Information Requirements in a Proactive Assembly Work Setting.
München: Herbert Utz Verlag GMbH
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2009). Assessment of challenges in the innovation process: Experiences from application of the interface management method.
The Swedish Production Academy
Johansson, G., Winroth, M. (2009). Lean vs. Green Manufacturing : Similarities and differences.
Rösiö, C., Hedström, R. (2009). Linking Production Strategy to Production System Specification - a case study.
Säfsten, K., Gustavsson, M., Berglund, M., Harlin, U. (2009). Preparatory Production Activities and Learning During product Introduction.
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J. (2009). Grad av kundorderstyrning.
Stockholm: PLAN
Wikner, J., Johansson, E., Persson, T. (2009). Process based inventory classification.
Winroth, M., Johansson, G. (2009). A Manufacturing Strategy Perspective on Lean and Green Manufacturing.
The Swedish Production Academy
Åsa, F., Lundholm, T., Stahre, J., Dencker, K., Mårtensson, L., Bruch, J. (2009). Designing proactive assembly systems: Criteria and interaction between automation, information, and competence.
Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Säfsten, K. (2008). Knowledge gained from product introduction and implications for organizational learning.
Bruch, J., Karltun, J., Dencker, K. (2008). Assembly Work Settings Enabling Proactivity - Information Requirements.
Bäckstrand, J., Wikner, J. (2008). Samordning av grad av samverkan och grad av kundorderstyrning.
Stockholm: PLAN - Logistikföreningen
Karltun, A. (2008). Researcher-Supported Work for Change – Improving the Work Situation of 15,000 Postmen.
Karltun, A., Eklund, J. (2008). Interactive research promoting a systems perspective in improving the work situation of 15,000 postmen.
Lundin, R., Johansson, G. (2008). Components in the Product Development-Production Interface.
Löfving, M., Johansson, C., Winroth, M. (2008). Manufacturing Characteristics of Subcontractor SMME:s: an Empirical Study.
London: Springer
Löfving, M., Winroth, M. (2008). Classification of Competitive Priorities in Small and Medium sized Manufacturing Enterprises.
Säfsten, K., Berglund, M., Gustavsson, M., Harlin, U. (2008). Learning and Competence Driven Product Introduction.
Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Fjällström, S., Berglund, M. (2008). Proactive and Reactive Ways of Managing Product Introduction.
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2008). Managing Interfaces in the Industrial Innovation Process.
Winroth, M., Johansson, G. (2008). Implications from introducing sustainability in manufacturing strategies.
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2008). Automation Strategies: Implications on strategy process from refinement of manufacturing strategy content.
Bäckstrand, J., Stillström, C. (2007). Investigating the Aspect of Interaction in the Mobile Manufacturing Concept.
Danilovic, M., Winroth, M., Ferrándiz, J., Josa, O. (2007). Platform thinking in the automotive industry: managing dualism between standardization of components for large scale production and variation for market and customer.
Dernroth, J. (2007). Suppliers' management of risk factors in an order fulfillment context.
Stockholm: PLAN - Logistikföreningen
Fjällström, S., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2007). Differences concerning information when handling predictable and enpredictable events in production systems.
Fredriksson, A., Johansson, E. (2007). Integrating logistics factors into an outsourcing process.
Granell, V., Winroth, M. (2007). Linking manufacturing strategy implementation to levels of automation.
Hedelind, M., Jackson, M., Funk, P., Stahre, J., Söderberg, R., Carlsson, J. ... Winroth, M. (2007). Factory-in-a-Box - Solutions for Availability and Mobility of Flexible Production Capacity.
Johansson, E. (2007). A design process for materials supply systems.
Johansson, E. (2007). Information management for materials supply systems design.
Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T., Säfsten, K. (2007). A model for managing interfaces between technology development, product development and production.
Stillström, C., Bäckstrand, J. (2007). Effects on Supply Chain Relations in Mobile Manufacturing.
Stillström, C., Jackson, M. (2007). The Concept of Mobile Manufacturing.
Stillström, C., Jackson, M. (2007). The Concept of Mobile Manufacturing.
Wikner, J., Wong, H., Naim, M. (2007). Postponement based on the positioning of the differentiation and decoupling points.
New York: Springer
Winroth, M., Danilovic, M., Fernández Aguilar, A., Flaquer Borràs, O. (2007). Dynamics of sourcing A. & , O., 2007, , ,: Strategic implications of outsourcing and insourcing.
Winroth, M., Jackson, M. (2007). Manufacturing competition through the Factory-in-a-Box concept.
Winroth, M., Jackson, M. (2007). Manufacturing competition through the Factory-in-a-Box concept.
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J., Granell, V., Frohm, J. (2007). Strategic automation: Refinement of classical manufacturing strategy.
Berg, M., Säfsten, K. (2006). Managing production ramp-up: Requirement on strategy content.
Bäckstrand, J., Säfsten, K. (2006). Supply Chain Interaction: Market Requirements Affecting the Level of Interaction.
Dernroth, J. (2006). Suppliers' risk control strategies in an order fulfillment context.
Fjällström, S., Säfsten, K., Berg, M. (2006). Production ramp-up and the role of information.
Frohm, J., Lindström, V., Winroth, M., Stahre, J. (2006). The Industry's View on Automation in Manufacturing.
Granell, V., Frohm, J., Winroth, M. (2006). Controlling Levels of Automation: A model for identifying manufacturing parameters.
Groth, M., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2006). Research in Sweden on product and production development: A survey.
Johansson, G., Magnusson, T., Säfsten, K., Lakemond, N. (2006). Case studies on the application of interface dimensions in industrial innovation processes.
Karltun, A. (2006). Evaluation of a health- and efficiency-promoting intervention – a methodological approach.
Lakemond, N., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2006). From Product Development to Production: On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion.
Lundin, R., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2006). Assessing performance of the Design-Manufacturing (DM) interface: a review of the literature.
Magnusson, T., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2006). Bridging the boundaries between technology development, product development and production.
Stillström, C., Ask, A. (2006). Mobile manufacturing Systems: Market Requirements and Opportunities.
Stillström, C., Johansson, B. (2006). Mobile Manufacturing System Characteristics.
Säfsten, K., Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2006). The Content and Role of Preparatory Production Activities in the Product Development to Production Interface.
Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana
Wikner, J., Tang, O. (2006). Differentiering inom återkopplade logistiksystem baserat på kundorderpunkten.
Trollhättan: Högskolan Väst
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Lindström, V., Frohm, J., Stahre, J. (2006). Automation Strategies: Refinement of Manufacturing Strategy Content.
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2006). Automation Strategies: Requirements on the Strategy Process.
Berg, M., Fjällström, S., Stahre, J., Säfsten, K. (2005). Production ramp-up in the manufacturing industry: Findings from a case study.
Berg, M., Säfsten, K. (2005). A performance measurement framework for evaluation of production ramp-up.
Bäckstrand, J., Sandgren, A. (2005). A Review of Supply Chain Classifications.
Borås: Högskolan i Borås
Bäckstrand, J., Säfsten, K. (2005). Review of Supply Chain Collaboration Levels and Types.
Lindström, V., Frohm, J., Bellgran, M. (2005). Developing a methodology based on Value Stream Mapping for the Measurement of Automation Levels in Production Systems.
Lindström, V., Winroth, M. (2005). Choosing Levels of Automation in Production Systems: Finding Critical and Supportive Factors.
Sandgren, A., Winroth, M. (2005). Collaborative manufacturing networks: A study of success factors.
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Stahre, J. (2005). The content and process of automation strategies.
Wikner, J. (2005). Hantering av osäkerhet i försörjningskedjor med utgångspunkt i frikopplingspunkter.
Borås: Högskolan i Borås
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2005). Automation strategies: Existing theory or ad hoc solutions?.
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2004). Production System Design and Evaluation for Increased System Robustness.
Bergendahl, C., Lichtenvort, K., Johansson, G., Zackrisson, M., Nyyssönen, J. (2004). Environmental and economic implications of a shift to halogen-free printed wiring boards.
Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Dernroth, J. (2004). A transaction cost approach to risk and uncertainty: subcontractors perspective.
Dernroth, J. (2004). Trade Credits as Part of Distribution: decision problems in generic market situations.
Johansson, E. (2004). Structuring materials supply systems design according to a stage-gate process.
Johansson, E., Bellgran, M., Johansson, M. (2004). Evaluation of materials supply systems during product development projects.
Johansson, J., Belov, I., Säfsten, K., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal Analysis of an Electronic Module with a Double-sided PCB Housed in a 2-MCU Enclosure for Avionic Applications.
Washington, D.C.: IMAPS--International Microelectronics and Packaging Society
Johansson, J., Belov, I., Säfsten, K., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal design evaluation of an electronic module for helicopter applications.
Winroth, M. (2004). Outsourcing vs. Collaboration in Manufacturing Networks: From a manufacturing strategy perspective.
Winroth, M., Borges, L. (2004). How different is Sweden from Mexico?: A continuous improvement survey comparison.
Johansson, E., Medbo, L., Johansson, M. (2003). The information gap between design engineering and materials supply systems design.
Lichtenvort, K., Alonso, J., Johansson, G., Barruetabena, L. (2003). Applying the grEEEn Method: Initial Results from an Ecodesign Case Study.
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE conference proceedings
Säfsten, K., Bellgran, M. (2003). Strategies for Learning During Design and Evaluation of Production Systems.
Winroth, M., Danilovic, M. (2003). Linking Manufacturing Strategies to Design of Production Systems in Collaborative Manufacturing Settings.
Erlandsson, A. (2002). Perceived Participation - a Key Factor for Successful Implementation of a New Working Concept.
Erlandsson, A. (2002). A Top-Down Rationalisation in Mail Delivery – Short-term Outcomes.
Rudberg, M., Wikner, J. (2002). The customer order decoupling point: definition and application areas.
Linköping: Institutionen för produktionsekonomi, Linköpings universitet
Winroth, M., Danilovic, M. (2002). Manufacturing Strategies: Congruence Of Manufacturing Processes Within A Supply Chain.
Comstock, M., Winroth, M. (2001). Enabling Mass Customization in the Mobile Telephone Industry: Agility, Flexibility and the Changing Role of Assembly at Ericsson.
Johansson, E. (2001). Integration of materials supply aspects in product development projects: A case study from the automotive industry.
Johansson, E. (2001). Design of materials supply systems in product development projects: An empirical study from the car industry.
Säfsten, K., Bellgran, M. (2001). Design Driven Evaluation of Production Systems.
Prague, Czech republic
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2001). Analysis of the congruence between manufacturing strategy and production system in SMME.
Winroth, M., Björkman, M. (2001). Manufacturing strategies: A survey among medium sized enterprises in Sweden.
Winroth, M., Björkman, M. (2001). Aspects On Manufacturing Strategy: A Case Study At Saab Automobile, Sweden.
Broman, M., Eskilander, S., Säfsten, K. (2000). Interaction between Assembly System Suppliers and their Customers.
Stockholm, Sweden
Johansson, E., Heuman, S., Johansson, M. (2000). Influence of shipment size on logistics costs in the ordering company.
Säfsten, K., Aresu, E. (2000). Assembly System Design and Evaluation at 15 Manufacturing Companies in Sweden.
Stockholm, Sweden
Winroth, M., Björkman, M. (2000). Use of Manufacturing strategies in reality: A company’s overall view of manufacturing and possible obstacles to realization of the strategies.
Winroth, M., Björkman, M. (2000). Application of Manufacturing Strategies: The influence of manufacturing strategies upon the decision process when investing in new assembly equipment.
Dernroth, J., Gustafsson, C., Johansson, V. (1999). Kvalitetssystem inom vårdsektorn: första certifierade kvalitetssystemet i Sverige enligt ISO-9001.
Säfsten, K. (1999). Strategic Preconditions for Efficient Assembly.
Limerick, Ireland
Säfsten, K., Johansson, C. (1999). Systematic Evaluation Supports Efficiency in Assembly Systems.
Johansson, G., Bröte, S., Johansson, C. (1997). Modelling the Disassembly Process - An Approach to a Model of the Generic Disassembly Process.
Johansson, G., Bröte, S., Johansson, C. (1997). Entwicklung von Demontagesystemen.
Karltun, J., Eklund, J. (1994). Use of Key Variables for Improving the Ergonomic Situation in a Company.
Wikner, J., Towill, D., Naim, M. (1991). A Reference Model for Smoothing Supply Chain Dynamics.
Conference proceedings (editor)
Hertz, S., Hultman, J., Wikner, J. (2010). International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Special Issue: Selected papers from the 21st NOFOMA Conference 2009.
Olhager, J., Persson, F., Selldin, E., Wikner, J. (2002). Produktionslogistik 2002: modeller för effektiv produktionslogistik : artiklar från PLAN's forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens 2002.
Linköping: Institutionen för produktionsekonomi, Univ.
Doctoral thesis
Engström, A. (2014). Lärande samspel för effektivitet: En studie av arbetsgrupper i ett mindre industriföretag.
(Doctoral thesis, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press)
Bäckstrand, J. (2012). A Method for Customer-driven Purchasing: Aligning Supplier interaction and Customer-driven manufacturing.
(Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Engineering, Jönköping University)
Jessica, B. (2012). Management of design information in the production system design process.
(Doctoral thesis, Mälardalen University)
Rösiö, C. (2012). Supporting the design of reconfigurable production systems.
(Doctoral thesis, Västerås: Mälardalen University)
Lindström, V. (2008). Formulation of Automation Strategy in Manufacturing Systems: Developing a Methodology for Analysing and choosing Levels of Automation.
(Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology)
Johansson, E. (2006). Materials supply systems design during product development projects.
(Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Department of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology)
Winroth, M. (2004). On Manufacturing Strategies: Competing Through Inter-Organizational Collaboration.
(Doctoral thesis, Linköping: Linköpings Universitet)
Säfsten, K. (2002). Evaluation of assembly systems: An exploratory study of evaluation.
(Doctoral thesis, Linköping)
Wikner, J. (1994). Dynamic Modelling and Analysis of Information Flows in Production-Inventory and Supply Chain Systems.
(Doctoral thesis, Profil, Linköping)
Licentiate thesis
Wlazlak, P. (2016). Integration in global development projects: A study of new product development and production relocation projects.
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
Bruch, J. (2009). Information Requirements in a Proactive Assembly Work Setting.
Berg, M. (2007). Factors Affecting Production Ramp-Up Performance.
Göteborg: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
Bäckstrand, J. (2007). Levels of Interaction in Supply Chain Relations.
Jönköping: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, School of Engineering
Granell, V. (2007). Levels of Automation in Manufacturing Systems: Aligning Strategic and Tactical Decisions by Means of Operational Measurement.
Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology
Stillström, C. (2007). The Concept of Mobile Manufacturing.
Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology
Johansson, E. (2001). Design of materials supply systems in product development projects: Difficulties and requirements.
Department of Transportation and Logistics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
Winroth, M. (2001). On Manufacturing Strategies: Implementation and utilization at some Swedish manufacturing industries.
Linköpings Universitet, Linköping
Säfsten, K. (1998). Requirements and strategic precondictions for efficient assembly: a theoretical analysis.
Linköping: Linköping University
Dernroth, J. (1993). Leverantörers kredithantering: en problemanalys.
Lunds Tekniska Högskola, KF-Sigma, Lund
Other publication
Bäckstrand, J. (2016). Välj rätt nivå av samverkan i kund- och leverantörsrelationer.
Bonnier Business Media
Dernroth, J. (1991). Kompendium i Industriell kostnadsredovisning.
Industriell organisation, KF-Sigma Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lund
Wikner, J. (1990). Dynamic Analysis of the Forrester Supply Chain.
University of Wales College of Cardiff
Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D., Bengtsson, L. (null). Evaluation of operations capabilities in high cost environment.
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). STRATEGO - Manufacturing strategies supporting competitiveness in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises: A Handbook.
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). STRATEGO Produktionsstrategier som stöd för konkurrenskraft i små och medelstora tillverkande företag – en handbok.
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
Eklund, J., Engkvist, I., Karltun, J., Vogel, K. (2012). Styckarnas arbetssituation: Ett interaktivt forskningprogram för branschstöd och utveckling av åtgärder (Star). dnr 080014.
Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Karltun, J. (2008). En beskrivning av styckningsarbete och dess förutsättningar i Sverige 2008.
Jönköping: Tekníska högskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping
Roos, A., Erlandsson Karltun, A. (2005). Breddimplementering av BAS-åtgärderna Märkning, Belysning, Manual, Arbetsteknikutbildning - en utvärdering på 30 postutdelningskontor.
Linköping: Linköpings universitet
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2005). Forskningsverksamhet inom produktframtagning i Sverige: En ögonblicksbild år 2004.
Stockholm: Verket för innovationssystem (VINNOVA)
Erlandsson Karltun, A. (2004). Lidingörapporten I: en utvärdering i närtid av Brevbärarnas Arbetssituation.
Linköping: Linköpings universitet
Karltun Erlandsson, A. (2002). En utredning om brevbärarpersonalens arbetsförhållanden och införandet av Bästa Metod.
Linköping: Linköpings universitet
Säfsten, K., Bellgran, M. (2002). Scientific considerations and methodological issues in research on assembly system design and assembly system evaluation.
Linköping: Linköping University