Artikel (refereegranskat)
Ahmed, W. (2025). Enhancing solar PV reliability with hybrid local features and infrared thermography.
Energy Reports (pp. 345-352).
Bäckstrand, J., Fredriksson, A., Halldórsson, Á. (2025). Middle-range theorising supporting and supported by action research: focusing on practitioner preparedness.
Production planning & control (Print) 36(2), 222-235
Hedvall, L., Mattsson, S., Wikner, J. (2025). Identification and selection of safety buffers in manufacturing companies.
Production planning & control (Print) 36(1), 92-109
Olausson, U., Engström, A. (2025). ‘The road to the metaverse is not a straight one’: Social representations of virtual reality in the news media.
Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Kerekes, T., Mahmud, M. (2024). Solar roof tiles: Unleashing technical advantages and contribution to sustainable society.
Science of the Total Environment
Ahmed, W., Siva, V., Bäckstrand, J., Sarius, N., Sundberg, H. (2024). Circular economy: Extending end-of-life strategies.
Sustainable Production and Consumption (pp. 67-78).
Ali, M., Zafar, A., Ahmed, W., Aslam, M., Kim, S. (2024). Enhancing Photovoltaic Reliability: A Global and Local Feature Selection Approach with Improved Harris Hawks Optimization for Efficient Hotspot Detection Using Infrared Imaging.
International Journal of Energy Research
Endrigo Sordan, J., Andersson, R., Antony, J., Lopes Pimenta, M., Oprime, P. (2024). How Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and augmented reality can boost Digital Lean Six Sigma.
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 35(13-14), 1542-1566
Engström, A., Pittino, D., Mohlin, A., Johansson, A., Edh Mirzaei, N. (2024). Artificial intelligence and work transformations: integrating sensemaking and workplace learning perspectives.
Information Technology and People 37(7), 2441-2461
Eslami, M., Jafari, H., Achtenhagen, L., Carlbäck, J., Wong, A. (2024). Financial performance and supply chain dynamic capabilities: the Moderating Role of Industry 4.0 technologies.
International Journal of Production Research 62(22), 8092-8109
Hedvall, L., Mattsson, S. (2024). Causes and actions related to self-induced variations in manufacturing companies.
Production planning & control (Print) 35(10), 1081-1098
Reitsma, E., Haug, A., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2024). A conceptualization and empirical investigation of strategic sourcing approaches for engineer-to-order manufacturers.
Production planning & control (Print)
Sollander, K., Edh, N., Engström, A. (2024). Unplanned managerial work: Crucial support for knowledge creation in manufacturing SMEs.
Production planning & control (Print)
Sordan, J., Oprime, P., Pimenta, M., Andersson, R., Antony, J., Garza-Reyes, J., Tortorella, G. (2024). Lean Six Sigma practices supported by Industry 4.0 technologies: evidence from heavy vehicle manufacturers.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Andersson, R., Pardillo-Baez, Y., De Los Rios Pérez, D., Bridi, E., Pimenta, M., Sordan, J. (2023). Lean Six Sigma philosophy create companies and supply chains that is agile.
Revista UNICREA 1(2), 273-298
Anisimova, T., Weiss, J. (2023). Toward a better understanding of the attitude–behavior gap in organic food conative loyalty: a moderation and moderated mediation analysis.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 35(6), 1474-1493
Engström, A., Johansson, A., Edh Mirzaei, N., Sollander, K., Barry, D. (2023). Knowledge creation in projects: an interactive research approach for deeper business insight.
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 16(1), 22-44
Forslund, H., Mattsson, S. (2023). In search of supplier flexibility performance measurement.
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 72(3), 772-788
Gremyr, I., Bäckstrand, J., Fredriksson, A., Gatenholm, G., Halldórsson, Á. (2023). Blueprinting construction logistics services for quality improvement.
Construction Management and Economics 41(1), 60-78
Hedvall, L., Forslund, H., Mattsson, S. (2023). Exploring challenges in dimensioning safety buffers: an empirical study.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 34(9), 163-184
Jafari, H., Ghaderi, H., Malik, M., Bernardes, E. (2023). The effects of supply chain flexibility on customer responsiveness: the moderating role of innovation orientation.
Production planning & control (Print) 34(16), 1543-1561
Johnsson, J., Tufvesson, T., Costa, J. (2023). Characterization of D2 Tool Steel fabricated thru Fused Filament Fabrication Process.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering 9(3), 181-193
Karltun, A., Karltun, J., Coelho, D., Havemose, K., Kjellström, S. (2023). The work of first line managers – A key to resilience in manufacturing.
Applied Ergonomics
Mohlin, A. (2023). How to facilitate manufacturing industry learning from problems: a review on advanced technology problem-solving.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Reitsma, E., Haug, A., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2023). Engaging with ‘Engineer for Supply Chain’ (EfSC): insights from two engineer-to-order manufacturers.
Production planning & control (Print)
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2023). Supply chain design during product development: a systematic literature review.
Taylor & Francis
Risberg, A. (2023). A systematic literature review on e-commerce logistics: towards an e-commerce and omni-channel decision framework.
International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research 33(1), 67-91
Risberg, A., Jafari, H., Sandberg, E. (2023). A configurational approach to last mile logistics practices and omni-channel firm characteristics for competitive advantage: a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 53(11), 53-70
Sordan, J., Marinho, C., Oprime, P., Pimenta, M., Andersson, R. (2023). Characterization of Lean Six Sigma projects in healthcare settings: empirical research.
Benchmarking 30(10), 4058-4075
Sordan, J., Oprime, P., Pimenta, M., Chiabert, P., Lombardi, F., Hilletofth, P. (2023). One-of-a-kind production (OKP) planning and control: a comprehensive review and future research directions.
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 72(8), 2446-2466
Vackerberg, N., Andersson, A., Peterson, A., Karltun, A. (2023). What is best for Esther? A simple question that moves mindsets and improves care.
BMC Health Services Research 23(1), 1-16
Borgstrom, B., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Kaneberg, E. (2022). Third-party logistics providers’ strategic development in Sweden: Learning from a crisis.
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (pp. 1-12).
Bäckstrand, J., Fredriksson, A. (2022). The role of supplier information availability for construction supply chain performance.
Production planning & control (Print) 33(9-10), 863-874
Coelho, D. (2022). Sustainable Design and Management of Industrial Systems: A Human Factors Perspective.
Applied System Innovation 5(5),
Engström, A., Käkelä, N., Wikner, J. (2022). Ambidextrous learning in a customer order–based context.
Learning Organization 29(2), 116-128
Jafari, H., Eslami, M., Paulraj, A. (2022). Postponement and logistics flexibility in retailing: The moderating role of logistics integration and demand uncertainty.
International Journal of Production Economics
Jafari, H., Ghaderi, H., Eslami, M., Malik, M. (2022). Leveraging supply integration, mass customization and manufacturing flexibility capabilities and the contingency of innovation orientation.
Supply chain management 27(7), 194-210
Jensen, L., Hilletofth, P. (2022). Sourcing from China: Approaches and Outcomes for Swedish Firms.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 15(2), 267-279
Kaneberg, E., Rico-Cortez, M., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Sandoval-Pineda, J., Gonzalez-Huerta, R. (2022). Hydrogen technology for supply chain sustainability: The Mexican transportation impacts on society.
International journal of hydrogen energy 47(70), 29999-30011
Kantari, L., Pujawan, I., Arvitrida, N., Hilletofth, P. (2022). Mixing contract-based and on-demand sourcing of transportation services for improved supply chain performance under supply uncertainties.
International journal of systems science 9(4), 472-488
Lima, T., Coelho, D. (2022). Gender differences in associating musculoskeletal complaints, housework, electronic device usage and physical exercise for administrative workers.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 28(2), 1189-1197
Lourenço, M., Pitarma, R., Coelho, D. (2022). A Design Contribution to Ergonomic PC Mice Development.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(13),
Melander, A., Müllern, T., Anderssson, D., Elgh, F., Löfving, M. (2022). Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Collaborative Research—in Dialogues We Trust.
Systemic Practice and Action Research (pp. 655-677).
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P., Axelsson, M. (2022). Crisis-driven Innovation of Products New to Firms: The Sensitization Response to COVID-19.
R&D Management 52(2), 407-426
Risberg, A., Jafari, H. (2022). Last mile practices in e-commerce: framework development and empirical analysis of Swedish firms.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 50(8/9), 942-961
Sollander, K., Engström, A. (2022). Unplanned managerial work: an ambidextrous learning potential.
Studies in Continuing Education 44(3), 441-459
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2021). Strategic development of third-party logistics providers (TPLs): “Going under the floor” or “raising the roof”?.
Industrial Marketing Management (pp. 183-192).
Bäckstrand, J., Powell, D. (2021). Enhancing Supply Chain Capabilities in an ETO Context Through "Lean and Learn".
Operations and Supply Chain Management 14(3), 360-367
Coelho, D., Lourenço, M. (2021). Dynamics of forearm muscle activity in slanted computer mice use.
Work 68(1), 123-135
Edh Mirzaei, N., Hilletofth, P., Pal, R. (2021). Challenges to competitive manufacturing in high-cost environments: checklist and insights from Swedish manufacturing firms.
Operations Management Research (pp. 272-292).
Ekström, T., Hilletofth, P., Skoglund, P. (2021). Towards a purchasing portfolio model for defence procurement: A Delphi study of Swedish defence authorities.
International Journal of Production Economics
Eriksson, D., Engström, A. (2021). Using critical realism and abduction to navigate theory and data in operations and supply chain management research.
Supply chain management 26(2), 224-239
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P., Tate, W., Gothager, M. (2021). Critical Manufacturing Prerequisites for Successful Reshoring.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 14(2), 249-260
Fobbe, L., Hilletofth, P. (2021). The role of stakeholder interaction in sustainable business models. A systematic literature review.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Fobbe, L., Hilletofth, P. (2021). Stakeholder interaction for sustainability in seaports: Analysing the implementation and its linkages to overarching interaction efforts.
European Business Review 33(5), 693-724
Forslund, H., Mattsson, S. (2021). Strategies for achieving customer order flexibility – supplier perspective.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32(9), 396-413
Gatenholm, G., Halldórsson, Á., Bäckstrand, J. (2021). Enhanced circularity in aftermarkets: logistics tradeoffs.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 51(9), 999-1021
Hilletofth, P., Sequeira, M., Tate, W. (2021). Fuzzy-logic-based support tools for initial screening of manufacturing reshoring decisions.
Industrial management & data systems 121(5), 965-992
Jahre, M., Jensen, L. (2021). Coordination at the 10-year mark of the JHLSCM–from global response to local preparedness.
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 11(4), 585-598
Kaneberg, E., Jensen, L., Hertz, S. (2021). Managing network responsiveness in emergency preparedness supply chains for safety and security in developed nations.
Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Colombian Journal of Military and Strategic Studies) 19(34), 453-477
Kantari, L., Pujawan, I., Arvitrida, N., Hilletofth, P. (2021). Investigating the mix of contract-based and on-demand sourcing for transportation services under fluctuate and seasonal demand.
International Journal of Logistics 24(3), 280-302
Karltun, J., Karltun, A., Havemose, K., Karlsson, M., Kjellström, S. (2021). Studying resilient action strategies of first line managers [Protocol].
Social Science Protocols
Lanhoso, F., Coelho, D. (2021). Emergence fostered by systemic analysis - Seeding innovation for sustainable development.
Sustainable Development 29(4), 768-779
Lee, T., Sinnarong, N., Hsu, Y., Lan, H., Yeh, C., Hilletofth, P. (2021). The sequence of strategies when establishing Taiwanese restaurant in Thailand.
European Business Review 33(2), 181-203
Lourenço, M., Lanhoso, F., Coelho, D. (2021). Usability evaluation of slanted computer mice.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(8),
Löfving, M., Melander, A., Elgh, F., Andersson, D. (2021). Implementing Hoshin Kanri in small manufacturing companies.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32(9), 304-322
Murillo Oviedo, A., Pimenta, M., Piato, É., Hilletofth, P. (2021). Development of market-oriented strategies through cross-functional integration in the context of the food and beverage industry.
Business Process Management Journal 27(3), 901-921
Oprime, P., Pimenta, M., Jugend, D., Andersson, R. (2021). Financial impacts of innovation in Six Sigma projects.
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 32(7-8), 829-851
Rodriguez, R., Svensson, G., Eriksson, D. (2021). Priorities determining future directions of sustainable development in business models of the healthcare industry—findings and framework.
Sustainability 13(11),
Sequeira, M., Hilletofth, P., Adlemo, A. (2021). AHP-based support tools for initial screening of manufacturing reshoring decisions.
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 14(3), 502-527
Shahparvari, S., Soleimani, H., Govindan, K., Bodaghi, B., Taherian Fard, M., Jafari, H. (2021). Closing the Loop: Redesigning Sustainable Reverse Logistics Network in Uncertain Supply Chains.
Computers & industrial engineering
Tiedemann, F. (2021). Demand-driven supply chain operations management strategies – a literature review and conceptual model.
Taylor & Francis
Tiedemann, F., Wikner, J., Johansson, E. (2021). Understanding lead-time implications for financial performance – a qualitative study.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32(9), 183-207
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M. (2021). Smart factories for single-family wooden houses: a practitioner’s perspective.
Construction Innovation 21(1), 64-84
Albertzeth, G., Pujawan, I., Hilletofth, P., Tjahjono, B. (2020). Mitigating transportation disruptions in a supply chain: a cost-effective strategy.
International Journal of Logistics 23(2), 139-158
Andersson, R., Pardillo-Baez, Y. (2020). The Six Sigma framework improves the awareness and management of supply-chain risk.
The TQM Journal 32(5), 1021-1037
Coelho, D. (2020). Social, cultural and working conditions determinants of fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents In Europe.
Sigurnost 62(3), 217-237
Coelho, D., Vieira, F., Carrola, T. (2020). Conceptual model for management of intellectual capital derived from systemic analysis.
TMQ - Techniques Methodologies and Quality (pp. 145-160).
Ekström, T., Hilletofth, P., Skoglund, P. (2020). Differentiation strategies for defence supply chain design.
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics 4(2), 183-202
Freitas, M., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Jugend, D., Oprime, P. (2020). Demand management: the role of cross-functional integration in a context of political turbulence.
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32(3), 817-839
Hilmola, O., Lähdeaho, O., Henttu, V., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic: Early implications for north european manufacturing and logistics.
Sustainability 12(20), 1-13
Karltun, A., Sanne, J., Aase, K., Anderson, J., Fernandes, A., Fulop, N. ... Andersson-Gäre, B. (2020). Knowledge management infrastructure to support quality improvement: A qualitative study of maternity services in four European hospitals.
Health Policy 124(2), 205-215
Netz, J., Svensson, M., Brundin, E. (2020). Business disruptions and affective reactions: A strategy-as-practice perspective on fast strategic decision making.
Long range planning 53(5),
Nunes, F., Robert, G., Weggelaar-Jansen, A., Wiig, S., Aase, K., Karltun, A., Fulop, N. (2020). Enacting quality improvement in ten European hospitals: a dualities approach.
BMC Health Services Research 20(1),
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P., Panova, A., Hongsheng, X. (2020). Application of the just-in-time approach to a third-generation port.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 13(3), 279-293
Pardillo-Baez, Y., Sequeira, M., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Local and Organic Food Distribution Systems: Towards a Future Agenda.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 13(4), 336-348
Pimenta, M., Bertan, F., Jugend, D., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Integração interfuncional no contexto de desenvolvimento de produtos: revisão da literatura e agenda de pesquisa [Cross-functional integration in the context of product development: literature review and research agenda].
Exacta 18(2), 438-458
Poberschnigg, T., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. (2020). How can cross-functional integration support the development of resilience capabilities? The case of collaboration in the automotive industry.
Supply chain management 25(6), 789-801
Reitsma, E., Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P., Andersson, R. (2020). The outcomes of providing lean training to strategic suppliers: A Swedish case study.
The TQM Journal 33(5), 1049-1065
Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2020). Critical Operations Capabilities for Competitive Manufacturing in a High-Cost Environment: A Multiple Case Study.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 13(1), 94-107
Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2020). Evaluation of critical operations capabilities for competitive manufacturing in a high-cost environment.
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 13(3), 229-250
Tiedemann, F., Johansson, E., Gosling, J. (2020). Structuring a new product development process portfolio using decoupling thinking.
Production planning & control (Print) 31(1), 38-59
Anderson, J., Robert, G., Nunes, F., Bal, R., Burnett, S., Karltun, A. ... The QUASER Team, ,. (2019). Translating research on quality improvement in five European countries into a reflective guide for hospital leaders: the ‘QUASER Hospital Guide’.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 31(8), G87-G96
Anisimova, T., Weiss, J., Mavondo, F. (2019). The influence of corporate brand perceptions on consumer satisfaction and loyalty via controlled and uncontrolled communications: a multiple mediation analysis.
Journal of Consumer Marketing 36(1), 33-49
Anisimova, T., Mavondo, F., Weiss, J. (2019). Controlled and uncontrolled communication stimuli and organic food purchases: The mediating role of perceived communication clarity, perceived health benefits, and trust.
Journal of Marketing Communications 25(2), 180-203
Bjursell, C., Engström, A. (2019). A Lewinian approach to managing barriers to university–industry collaboration.
Higher Education Policy 32(1), 129-148
Bäckstrand, J., Halldórsson, Á. (2019). Engaged Scholar(ship) in purchasing and supply management (PSM): Creative tension or squeezed in the middle?.
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 25(4),
Bäckstrand, J., Suurmond, R., van Raaij, E., Chen, C. (2019). Purchasing process models: Inspiration for teaching purchasing and supply management.
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 25(5),
Coelho, D., Silva, P. (2019). Season influence on rapid thermal sensation assessment by young adults.
Engineering Reports 1(1),
De Goey, H., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, L. (2019). Design-driven innovation: a systematic literature review.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Engström, A., Käkelä, N. (2019). Early steps in learning about organizational learning in customization settings: A communication perspective.
Learning Organization 26(1), 27-43
Ferreira, A., Pimenta, M., Wlazlak, P. (2019). Antecedents of cross-functional integration level and their organizational impact.
Journal of business & industrial marketing 34(8), 1706-1723
Ghosal, V., Stephan, A., Weiss, J. (2019). Decentralized environmental regulations and plant-level productivity.
Business Strategy and the Environment 28(6), 998-1011
Hilletofth, P., Sequeira, M., Adlemo, A. (2019). Three novel fuzzy logic concepts applied to reshoring decision-making.
Expert systems with applications (pp. 133-143).
Høgevold, N., Svensson, G., Rodriguez, R., Eriksson, D. (2019). Relative importance and priority of TBL elements on the corporate performance.
Management of environmental quality 30(3), 609-623
Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2019). Voluntary defense networks in emergency preparedness in developed countries: the case of Sweden [Redes de defensa voluntarias en preparación ante emergencias en países desarrollados: el caso de Suecia].
Revista Científica General José María Córdova 17(26), 229-250
Lima, T., Coelho, D. (2019). A participatory ergonomics approach to prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in Portuguese small and medium enterprises: Ergo@Office.
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 6(3), 273-295
Lättilä, L., Kortelainen, S., Hilletofth, P. (2019). Assumptions for inventory modelling: insights from practice.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 8(2), 147-166
Murillo-Oviedo, A., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Reitsma, E. (2019). Achieving market orientation through cross-functional integration.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 12(3), 175-185
Netz, J. (2019). Värdekonstellationer: En tillväxtmodell för innovativt och starkt totalförsvar.
Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift (pp. 70-74).
Pardillo-Baez, Y., Andersson, R., Bridi, E., Paladini, E. (2019). Lean Six Sigma Philosophy Improves Collaboration To Get More Integrated Supply Chains.
Revista Eletronica de Estrategia E Negocios 12(3), 153-176
Rodriguez, R., Svensson, G., Høgevold, N., Eriksson, D. (2019). Factors and determinants of value- and business-driven sustainability initiatives in health care organizations: intrinsic differences and extrinsic similarities.
Corporate Governance 19(4), 806-823
Seno, J., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2019). Cross-functional interconnectedness as an enabler of customer value.
Journal of business & industrial marketing 34(4), 821-835
Vieira, F., Vieira, P., Coelho, D. (2019). A data-driven approach to development of a taxonomy framework for triple bottom line metrics.
Sustainability 11(9),
Weiss, J., Anisimova, T., Shirokova, G. (2019). The translation of entrepreneurial intention into start-up behaviour: The moderating role of regional social capital.
International Small Business Journal 37(5), 473-501
Weiss, J., Anisimova, T. (2019). The innovation and performance effects of well-designed environmental regulation: evidence from Sweden.
Industry and Innovation 26(5), 534-567
Weiss, J., Stephan, A., Anisimova, T. (2019). Well-designed environmental regulation and firm performance: Swedish evidence on the Porter hypothesis and the effect of regulatory time strategies.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62(2), 342-363
Wikner, J., Hedvall, L., Mattsson, S. (2019). Hierarchical adaptive control of safety buffers in manufacturing.
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), 2626-2631
Williamsson, A., Dellve, L., Karltun, A. (2019). Nurses' use of visual management in hospitals: A longitudinal, quantitative study on its implications on systems performance and working conditions.
Journal of Advanced Nursing 75(4), 760-771
Wlazlak, P., Eriksson, Y., Johansson, G., Ahlin, P. (2019). Visual representations for communication in geographically distributed new product development projects.
Journal of engineering design (Print) 30(8-9), 385-403
Wlazlak, P., Säfsten, K., Hilletofth, P. (2019). Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-supplier integration to prepare for production ramp-up.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 30(2), 506-530
Andersson, R., Bridi, E., Pardillo-Baez, Y., Maldonado, M., Forcellini, F., Moraes, F. (2018). Improvement in public administration services: a case of business registration process[Poboljšanje usluga javne uprave: Studija slucaja za registracije preduzeca].
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 9(2), 109-120
Engelseth, P., Jafari, H. (2018). Marketing Complex Product Designs in the Contemporary Value Chain.
International journal of value chain management 9(4), 311-329
Engström, G., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D., Sollander, K. (2018). Drivers and barriers of reshoring in the Swedish manufacturing industry.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 7(3), 195-220
Engström, G., Sollander, K., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2018). Reshoring drivers and barriers in the Swedish manufacturing industry.
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 11(2), 174-201
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P., Svensson, G., Bengtsson, L. (2018). Exploring opportunities for moral disengagement in codes of conduct from the textile industry.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 7(4), 371-389
Eriksson, D., Svensson, G. (2018). Managers’ psychological challenges in implementing corporate responsibility in supply chains.
Corporate Governance 18(3), 564-578
Fathi, M., Fontes, D., Moris, M., Ghobakhloo, M. (2018). Assembly line balancing problem: A comparative evaluation of heuristics and a computational assessment of objectives.
Journal of Modelling in Management 13(2), 455-474
Jugend, D., De Araujo, T., Pimenta, M., Gobbo Jr, J., Hilletofth, P. (2018). The role of cross-functional integration in new product development: Differences between incremental and radical innovation projects.
20(1), 42-60
Nyström, M., Karltun, J., Keller, C., Andersson Gäre, B. (2018). Collaborative and partnership research for improvement of health and social services: researcher’s experiences from 20 projects.
Health Research Policy and Systems
Pahlberg, T., Thurley, M., Popovic, D., Hagman, O. (2018). Crack detection in oak flooring lamellae using ultrasound-excited thermography.
Infrared physics & technology (pp. 57-69).
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2018). Managing supply chain risks and delays in construction project.
Industrial management & data systems 118(7), 1413-1431
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P., Krasinskaya, J. (2018). Mitigating the break-of-gauge problem in international transportation corridors.
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (WRITR) 7(2), 124-146
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P. (2018). Critical success factors for ERP system implementation: A user perspective.
European Business Review 30(3), 285-310
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Mukhtar, U. (2018). Enterprise resource planning system implementation: A user perspective.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 11(3), 110-117
Rodriguez, R., Svensson, G., Eriksson, D. (2018). Organizational logic to prioritize between the elements of triple bottom line.
Benchmarking 25(6), 1626-1640
Rodriguez, R., Svensson, G., Eriksson, D. (2018). Organizational positioning and planning of sustainability initiatives: Logic and differentiators.
International Journal of Public Sector Management 31(7), 755-774
Rodriguez, R., Svensson, G., Eriksson, D. (2018). Comparing and contrasting the evolution through time of organizational sustainability initiatives.
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 10(3), 296-315
Sandberg, E., Jafari, H. (2018). Retail supply chain responsiveness: Towards a retail-specific framework and a future research agenda.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Halldórsson, Á. (2018). Organising sustainability competencies through quality management: Integration or specialisation.
Sustainability 10(5),
Wikner, J. (2018). An ontology for flow thinking based on decoupling points - unravelling a control logic for lean thinking.
Production & Manufacturing Research 6(1), 433-469
Wikner, J., Bäckstrand, J. (2018). Triadic perspective on customization and supplier interaction in customer-driven manufacturing.
Production & Manufacturing Research 6(1), 3-25
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