Don't miss "Shaping our future" – JU Sustainability Festival
Today, our sustainability festival starts with a lot of exciting activities.

Today and for the rest of the week we explore how social, public and private collaborations, technology and cutting-edge ideas can help create a society for everyone.
For example, don't miss the Urban Farming Tour and a visit to the rooftop gardens here on campus. Or "Finding Oscar" - a collaboration with the municipality, the UN association in Jönköping and Sida with a film by Steven Spielberg and discussions about, among other things. Guatemala's long civil war with Sanna Ahlfors, representative from the Sida aid authority, and Sweden's ex. ambassador to Guatemala, Georg Andrén.
Other things that happen include the Green Day with Students for Sustainable Action, the exhibitions Normstorm and Business for Sustainability and much, much more.
Festival opens today at. 11.45 am in the entrance hall at HLK. Here you will find the entire program.