

JIBS graduation ceremony

JIBS students shout out their joy after their graduation ceremony. In front of them Johan Larsson, Master of Ceremonies at JU and Jerker Modysson, Dean and Managing Director at JIBS.

On 29 October, it was finally time for Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) graduation ceremony at Spira in Jönköping. About 300 of the students who graduated in the spring this year or in 2020, when the ceremonies were postponed due to the pandemic, returned to Jönköping for the ceremony. The students received their diplomas and later in the evening attended a banquet.

The graduation ceremony was divided into two sessions. First, the bachelor students and the graduates from Civilekonomprogrammet were awarded their diplomas, and then the master students.

Jerker Moodysson, Dean and Managing Director at JIBS, said on Friday that he thought it was grand to actually have the graduation ceremony as a physical event and that it makes a nice ending of their study time for the students.

“I have said before that every year is special, but I will never say that again. Last time I said it was 2019, when we still could take events like this for granted. But this year is truly special. I think all of you should wear t-shirts saying “I took my JIBS degree during the pandemic” and you should get a medal from the king or something,” said Jerker Moodysson during his speech to the graduating students.

Gustave Gaillard from France, who studied the bachelor programme Business Administration at JIBS, was one of the graduating students.

“This is a day to remember. JIBS has given me a lot and it feels really good to have the ceremony in real life instead of sitting in front of a screen. This is the end of the journey, but it is a happy ending”, he says.

Roxana Lentz from Germany has finished the master programme Global Management at JIBS. She was proud and excited during the ceremony and is honored to have studied at JIBS.

“It has been two rewarding years for me in JIBS’ international environment and with my degree I have great job opportunities for the future”, says Roxana Lentz.

JIBS graduating students Gustave Gailard, Julie Walters-Malcurat and Baptiste Labat.

JIBS graduating students Roxana Lentz and Stella Heuer before the graduating ceremony at Spira.


Bachelor programmes (i.e. International Economics, International Management, Marketing Management, Sustainable Enterprise Development).

Civilekonomprogrammet (i.e. Masters of Science in Business and Economics).

Master programmes (i.e. Digital Business, IT, Management and Innovation, International Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Marketing, Global Management, Engineering Management, Urban Regional and Development Economics).