Enter the Aktiestinsen Thesis competition
Have you written your master's or bachelor's thesis on entrepreneurship? If so, don't miss out on submitting your thesis for the Aktiestinsen Entrepreneurship Thesis Award 2022. Two winning theses will be awarded 15,000 SEK each.
Entrepreneurship is one of the cornerstones of JIBS' mission and guiding principles. To promote the subject, students are given a fantastic opportunity to participate in an essay competition with the support of the Aktiestinsen foundation.
To be eligible to participate in the competition, you must have addressed entrepreneurship as the core issue in your thesis. For instance, addressing entrepreneurship within family business, marketing, sustainable development, etc. You must also have received at least a grade B on your final thesis examination.
To apply, send an email stating your interest and a copy of your thesis to adam.al-azzawi@ju.se no later than 10 June 2022.
You can still apply even if you are waiting for your thesis result.
Aktiestinsen Entrepreneurship Thesis Award is based on a donation from the Lennart "Aktiestinsen" Israelsson's foundation. Lennart Israelsson, born in 1916, made his fortune buying stocks. He bought his first stock in 1946 for 600 SEK, and at most, the value of his portfolio grew to over 140 million SEK!