

Aktiestinsen Thesis Award 2022

Hanna Forsberg and Tilma Lundkvist

The winners of the Aktiestinsen Thesis Award 2022 have been announced. This year, three theses on entrepreneurship received the first prize of 15 000 SEK each.

Entrepreneurship is one of the cornerstones of JIBS' mission and guiding principles. To promote the subject, students are given a fantastic opportunity to enter their bachelor's or master's thesis for an essay competition with the support of the Aktiestinsen foundation.

The award was set to foster entrepreneurship and its related elements as part of everyday practice. It is based on a Lennart" Aktiestinsen" Israelsson's Foundation donation.

Kim Naike Bussian and Janina Goettert

The members of the Aktiestinsen's Foundation Board awarded the following students and their theses:

First prize: 15000 SEK

Hanna Forsberg and Tilma Lundkvist

Thesis: "Growth Intentions in New Ventures: The Influence of Founders' Prior Work Experiences"

First prize: 15000 SEK

Lisa Östberg and Tamara Schmoll

Thesis: "Sowing the Seeds of Entrepreneurial Influence –A Study of Network Mobilization Within the Technology Ecosystem in Kenya"

First prize: 15000 SEK

Kim Naike Bussian and Janina Goettert

Thesis: "Managing Mission Drift in Social Business Hybrids – An exploratory study on strategies that employees of Social Business Hybrids apply to mitigate the risk of mission drift"

A big thanks to all the contributors to the competition, and congratulations to the awarded authors.

Lisa Östberg and Tamara Schmoll

Aktiestinsen Entrepreneurship Thesis Award is based on a donation from the Lennart "Aktiestinsen" Israelsson's foundation. Lennart Israelsson, born in 1916, made his fortune buying stocks. He bought his first stock in 1946 for 600 SEK, and at most, the value of his portfolio grew to over 140 million SEK.