Celebrate Spring 30 April
Welcome to join the traditional celebration of spring at Jönköping University with music and speeches on campus, Thursday 30 April at 12:30 p.m
On the last day of April, it is a tradition in Sweden to welcome spring. A choir will sing traditional Swedish songs, and the Presidents of Jönköping University and the Student Union will make speeches. Jönköping University Badge for Merit will be given to a person or several persons whose achievements have been of great importance to Jönköping University. Most of the ceremony is held in Swedish.
30 April is called Walpurgis Eve and all over Sweden bonfires are lit at dusk. It's a public event with choirs and speeches. Once the fire dies, many people move on to parties or restaurants, since Walpurgis Eve is followed by 1 May - a public holiday.Welcome to experience a Swedish tradition!