JIBS is supporting universities in four East African countries in projects with the aim of building up sustainable research capacity in the East African region. 

Competence Development Initiative - CDI

This project aims at twinning researchers from Addis Ababa University and University of Rwanda with researchers from JIBS who act as mentors with the purpose of writing publishable articles together. In addition to providing competence development for faculty members at the African university, it gives the young PhDs graduating from the local PhD program an opportunity for collaborating and networking with a more experienced researcher.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Development -EID

JIBS is the facilitator for the development of a regional collaboration between four East African universities; University of Rwanda in Rwanda, Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, Makerere University in Uganda and Dar Es Salaam Business School in Tanzania. The project aims at building up the structure for and a culture of collaboration at the regional level among the four East African countries in areas such as teacher exchange, teacher training, private sector development and research publication activities to build up and strengthen the research capacity and environment.

Deans of the collaborating universities after signing the agreement in May 2015.

Post-doc scholarships

More information to come.