If you have a specific and far-reaching interest in a question that concerns the development of your industry, your customers, or your type of organisation, a collaboration with one or several JIBS researchers could be beneficial for you.

Contact us

Discuss opportunities with us at societalengagement@ju.se

Get the answers you need for your business or industry

Uncover solutions tailored to your needs

Our research collaborations involve JIBS researchers who will work with you to identify and develop solutions tailored to your specific and far-reaching interests.

Gain access to cutting-edge expertise

We give you access to cutting-edge expertise from some of the brightest minds in the field, helping you stay ahead of the competition.

Stay one step ahead of trends

Our research collaborations provide up-to-date insights on current trends and developments, enabling you to make informed decisions that can help drive your business forward.

Reduce costs and increase efficiency

With our research collaborations, you can reduce costs and increase efficiency while still getting the answers that matter most for your business or industry.