Study visit or guest speaker
Present your business or organization to students and researchers and exchange insights within a specific area.
Benefits for you:
- Strengthen your brand
- Exchange knowledge and expertise
- Present a challenge as a course project and get suggestions for possible solutions
Share your professional expertize
Within the frames of a specific course, a group of students can come for a study visit to get to know your company/organisation. By hosting a visit, you have a chance to engage with students and researchers in a meaningful way, giving them practical insights within a specific area of expertise. As an alternative, someone from your company/organisation can come and hold a guest lecture/speech at JIBS.
Gain valuable insights
Hosting a study visit or being a guest speaker gives you a chance to gain valuable insights from students and approach the challenge that you have in a new way.
Giving a guest lecture at JIBS is a great opportunity. It lets you see your potential employees' needs and share something from your field or industry. I believe it benefits you, your company and the students."
- Yury Bogomyagkov, JIBS alumnus, Senior Program Manager - Europe at Procter & Gamble
I enjoy meeting the students like this. They are the future and will be the next generation of leaders. I believe collaborations like this between academia and businesses are crucial."
- Julian Fox, Director of Nature Programs at Tetra Pak
Contact us for more information
- Leave of absence
- Coordinator
- Jönköping International Business School
- +46 36-10 1866
- Coordinator
Coordinator - Jönköping International Business School
- +46 36-10 1586