JIBS participates in a project to develop digitally inclusive solutions.
Over 2 billion people worldwide have different types of disability, literacy or aging related barriers that impede or prevent use of ICT. Today access to ICT is equired for most education, employment, and commerce, and is increasingly required for travel, health, safety, daily living and participation in most of our society. Yet we currently only reach 3 to 15% of these – in developed countries. We cannot socially, economically or politically afford to have this cumulatively large percentage of our society offline going forward. Yet there is no way to reach them with our current model.
Prosperity4all aims at a paradigm shift in e-Inclusion. It focuses on developing the infrastructure to allow a new ecosystem to grow; one that is based on self-rewarding collaboration, that can reduce redundant development, lower costs, increase market reach and penetration internationally, and create the robust cross-platform spectrum of mainstream and assistive technology based access solutions required.
This will be done through a process based on true value propositions for all stakeholders and resulting in a system that can profitably serve markets as small as one, at a personally and societally affordable cost.
JIBS is the lead for the initial work package that bootstraps the development of the P4A platform, and is in charge of identifying the graded list of feasible business models to be adopted within the system. JIBS has additionally taken on responsibility for modeling and evaluating the prosperity and micro- and macro-economic impact of increased inclusion for people with disabilities for the EU and member states. JIBS will also participate in the work packages concerned with the design of the user experience and the evaluation of the P4A platform.
Read more on the project web page External link, opens in new window.
The consortium is comprised of 25 partners in 13 countries:
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V Fhg-Iao, Germany
- Raising The Floor-International Association Rtf-I, Switzerland
- Ontario College Of Art And Design University IDRC, Canada
- Lse Enterprise Limited LSEE, United Kingdom
- Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
- Singularlogic Anonymi Etairia Pliroforiakon Sistimaton Kai Efarmogon Pliroforikis Silo, Greece
- Hochschule Der Medien Hdm, Germany
- Centre For Research And Technology Hellas Certh, Greece
- Fundosa Technosite Sa Tech, Spain
- Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica Spa Eng, Italy
- Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF), United Kingdom
- Sensus Aps Sensus, Denmark
- Karlsruher Institut Fuer Technologie Kit, Germany
- Kompetenznetzwerk Informationstechnologie Zur Foerderung Der Integration Von Menschen Mit Behinderungen Ki-I, Austria
- Fachhochschule Technikum Wien Fhtw, Austria
- University Of Cyprus Ucy, Cyprus
- Fundacion Once Para La Cooperacion E Inclusion Social De Personas Con Discapacidad Fonce, Spain
- Age Platform Europe Aisbl Age, Belgium
- National Council For The Blind Of Ireland Ncbi, Ireland
- Consorcio Para El Desarrollo De Politicas En Materia De Sociedad De La Informacion Y El Conocimiento En Andalucia Fernando De Los Rios Guadal, Spain
- Opendirective Ltd Opendir, United Kingdom
- Lifetool Gemeinnutzige Gmbh Lftl, Austria
- Mls Multimedia Ae Mls, Greece
- Clevercherry.Com Ltd Cc, United Kingdom
- Universitaet Stuttgart Ustutt, Germany