JIBS interacts closely with Science Park Jönköping, which is part-owned by Jönköping University, and its Business Lab, Business Incubator, and Business Growth units.

Science Park was founded in 2001 and supports entrepreneurs and start-up companies in five main areas:

  1. Entrepreneurship,
  2. Innovation,
  3. Funding,
  4. Matchmaking,
  5. Internationalisation.

Situated close to campus, Science Park is a meeting place for business representatives and new ventures. Here they can find common ground for development and collaboration and take advantage of the close connection to the university. Besides having its members sit on some of our Programme Advisory Boards, Science Park is actively involved in many JIBS entrepreneurship courses.

JIBS students can access Science Park’s resources for starting and developing a new venture free of charge. About 250 ideas from students and researchers were handled in 2019. Moreover, students from Jönköping University started some 25 companies, representing the highest ratio of student entrepreneurship in Sweden in terms of newly founded companies per number of FTE
students. Science Park also organizes and supports the school’s entrepreneurship competitions, both by providing organisational support and by participating on the jury.

Through their broad network and collaboration with students, researchers, and companies, Science Park often function as a “matchmaker” between JIBS students and the corporate world, such as teaming up students with entrepreneurial ventures for internships, writing theses, and job recruitments.


Find out more about Science Park here