Exploring Practices in Early Childhood of Tomorrow: Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after COVID-19
Brief Summary
The Covid-19 pandemic has had extensive and long-lasting effects on societies worldwide,
including educational systems. Preschool children have been uniquely affected, and it is
crucial to understand these impacts to prepare preschools for future pandemics and crises.
The EXPECT project aims to investigate and strengthen social sustainability and resilience in Nordic preschools by analyzing the social, pedagogical, and psychological conditions that children encountered during the pandemic.
Study Rationale
The purpose of the EXPECT project is to deepen the understanding of how the Covid-19
pandemic has affected preschool children's well-being, participation, and social relationships. By examining these aspects, the project aims to develop guidelines and recommendations that can help ensure social sustainability and resilience in preschool environments during future pandemics. The project is particularly relevant to the Nordic countries, where the preschool system plays a central role in promoting equality and well-being for all children.
Materials and Methods
The EXPECT project employs a sequential mixed-methods design to collect both qualitative
and quantitative data. This approach allows for an in-depth analysis of the pandemic's effects on preschool children and their environments.
The project consists of four work packages (WP1-WP4):
WP1: Scoping Review
- Focus: Create a knowledge base on critical aspects and success factors related to preschool practices during Covid-19.
- Method: Systematic scoping review based on preschool practices in the Nordic
countries during the pandemic. - Coordinator: Jaana Juutinen (Oulu University).
WP2: Focus Group Interviews
- Focus: Parents', educators', and ECE leaders' experiences of preschool practices and children's well-being during Covid-19.
- Method: Thematic research analysis of recorded conversations from focus groups and interviews.
- Coordinator: Johanna Einarsdottir (University of Iceland).
WP3: Survey
- Focus: Online surveys distributed to preschools and parents with children aged 3-6 years who attended preschool during the pandemic.
- Method: Descriptive statistics to compare responses within countries and identify areas related to environmental and participatory differences during and after Covid19.
- Coordinator: Lilly Augustine (Jönköping University).
WP4: Synthesis of Results
- Focus: Create a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary picture to ensure resilience in social sustainability in early childhood education during future pandemics.
- Method: Thematic research analysis involving all researchers and a selection of
informants from WP2. - Data: Results from WP1, WP2, and WP3.
- Coordinator: Anette Emilson (Kristianstad University)
Project duration:
November 2023 - December 2026
Nordforsk, https://www.nordforsk.org/
Main Project Leaders:
Ole Henrik Hansen, HLK, Jönköping University
Lilly Augustine, HLK, Jönköping University
Working Partners:
University of Iceland, Island: Johanna Einarsdottir, joein@hi.is
Kristianstad University, Sverige: Anette Emilson, anette.emilsson@hkr.se
University College Copenhagen, Danmark: Anders Skriver Jensen, ansj@kp.dk
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norge: Ellen Os, os@oslomet.no
University of Stavanger, Norge: Lars Yngve Rosell, lars.y.rosell@uis.no
Oulu University, Finland: Jaana Juutinen, Jaana.Juutinen@oulu.fi