Overcoming climate change worry: how action competence can contribute to psychological well-being among young adults
Young people worry—about climate change, about governments not doing enough, about an uncertain and unsettling future. While this concern is a valid response to the state of the world, the level of anxiety can be overwhelming.
Audio and Video Podcast External link, opens in new window. Yulia Lakew, Assistant Professor of Media and Communications, on the project (from November, 2024)
This research project explores how young people feel about climate change and what actions they are willing to take. Using the concept of action competence, we examine how the potential for action can transform climate anxiety into constructive engagement and what measures are needed to safeguard young people’s psychological well-being. The study is based on survey data from students across various programs at JU, collected at the beginning and end of their studies.
Project duration
Project leader
Yuliya Lakew
Researchers in the project
Ellen Almers, Per Askerlund, Tobias Samuelsson
Climate worry, action competence, pro-environmental behavior, young people