2019 Global Gathering of PRME Community
RMER - Responsible Management Education Research
Multistakeholder Engagement for Agenda 2030
30 September - 3 October 2019
Location: Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping, Sweden
Sponsored by Jönköping International Business School and the Municipality of Jönköping
Regular fee from 1 August until 30 August: 3950 SEK
Late fee 31 August - 22 September: 4450 SEK
Following the success of the RME Research Conference last year in Germany and previously in Brazil, Switzerland and Egypt.
The 6th RMER Conference hosted by Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) is a forum intended to engage the PRME community and other stakeholders in a dialogue around Agenda 2030 and enhance further collaborations in education, research and business practices to advance the SDGs.
The conference will address the following questions:
- Who are the stakeholders and how to embrace their diversity?
- What types of leverages do they have?
- How can collaborations be encouraged?
- What are the inspiring stories?
- How to educate towards multi-stakeholder collaboration?
- How to help our students engage with other disciplines, other individuals and organizations towards achieving Agenda 2030 and beyond?
An exciting program will include prominent keynote speakers such as:
- Rob Van Tulder, Professor of International Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- Stef Van Dongen, Chairman of Nexus Europe and Founder of the social enterprise Enviu.
- Mariana Morosanu
External link, opens in new window., Founder of Business for Inclusion and Jönköping Circular Center
- Dan Leclair
External link, opens in new window., Global Business School Network CEO
Thematic panels and roundtables on multi-stakeholder engagement for Agenda 2030, student posters, field visits, start-ups and other forms of interactive exchanges will be organized and proposals for sessions are welcome!
Send your abstract. A Special Issue will be published by Journal of Business Ethics on Multistakeholder Engagement. Please notify your interest to be considered for the special issue on the cover page (deadline March 2020).
The event will be carbon compensated. Click here for more information.
The conference will be held in conjunction with the 7th PRME Chapter DACH Annual Meeting, PRME Nordic Chapter Meeting and Jönköping University Agenda 2030 Day, to which conference participants are invited to contribute.
