Thank you all for attending RMER 6th Conference at Jönköping International Business School!

It was such a pleasure to welcome you all. In total more than 90 participants visited the conference. We had around 30 countries represented.

JIBS is especially grateful to RMER Conference Committee, Milenko Gudić, Lutz Schlange and Guénola Abord-Hugon Nonet and to the wonderful and friendly conference co-organizers: Barbara Eklöf and Martina Leonelli who did an amazing job getting everything ready for all of us!

You can access some of the event's pictures here External link, opens in new window. If you have more pictures and want to share it, you are welcome to do so and we will add them to this link, please email

Rob van Tulder's presentation was uploaded here, External link, opens in new window. you are welcome to also upload your presentations as many of you were interested.

As promised 25€ / paid participant will be allocated to a reforestation project in Spain Catalonia, if you want to know more about the project and visit the forest, you are welcome to contact Stef van Dongen (see list of participants sent in separate email).