Conference Program
Preliminary Program (constantly updated, visit back to get the latest news)
16:00 | Informal meet-up & Tour of Jönköping, Meeting point: Elite Stora Hotel |
18:00 | Get-together & private dinner, Kafé Braheparken, Kyrkogatan 16, 553 16 Jönköping (Vegan restaurant) |
08:30 | Registration opens |
09:00 | A word of welcome by Guénola A-H Nonet, Chair, 6th RMER Conference PRME working groups, DACH, Nordic, Benelux Chapters (separate sessions) Rooms: |
10:30 | Coffee break outside room B3008 |
11:00 | PRME Cross Chapters and Cross Working Groups: Current and Emerging Activities (Plenary session) - Room B3008 Facilitator: Guénola Nonet |
12:30 - 13:30 | Networking Lunch - B3008 |
13:30 15:30 | Roundtable: Shaping the Future of RME - Room B3008 Co-chairs: Milenko Gudić & Guénola Nonet Keynote Speakers: Susanne Merkler, Vice President, Students for Sustainable Action Kjel Hendriks, President, Students for Sustainable Action Norman Arruda Filho, Chair, PRME Regional Chapter Brazil & LAC Anders Aspling, Founding Secretary General, GRLI Foundation Dan Leclair, CEO, Global Business School Network Florencia Librizzi, Head of Program and Partnerships, SDG Academy, UN Sustainable Solutions Development Network John North, Executive Director, GRLI Ivo Matser, CEO, ABIS Carole Parkes, Interim Chair, PRME Advisory Committee Jean-Christophe Carteron, President of Sulitest, Senior Advisor HESI, and Director of CSR, Kedge Business School |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee break - outside room B3008 |
16:00 - 17:30 | (a) Carbon Literacy Training (with certificate of completion) Additionally to this introductory session designed for all, you are invited to participate to the Conference Track Sessions 1.2, 2.5, 3.4 and 4.6 to complete the entire training with certification. Please be aware that the Carbon Literacy Training takes 7,5 hours in total. Room B7030 Host: Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Business School and Caroline Aggestam Pontopiddan (Copenhagen Business School) |
16:00 - 17:00 | (b) Yoga & self-awareness session - Studio (2nd floor) Please bring a towel or a yoga matt if available Host: Susanne Ten Doesschate |
17:00 | Free Time |
18:00 | Welcoming Tour & Fusion Buffet at Circular Centre |
08:30 | Registration opens |
09:00 | Welcome & Opening of the 6th RMER Conference Anna Blombäck, JIBS Associate Dean of Education Guénola A-H Nonet, JIBS Conference Chair & Milenko Gudić, RMER Conference Committee |
09:15 | The Conference's Carbon Footprint Speakers: Guénola A-H Nonet and Stef Van Dongen |
09:30 | Multistakeholder Engagement & the SDGs (Plenary session) with Rob Van Tulder |
10:00 | Networking Coffee Break & RMER Poster Session - outside B1033 |
10:30 - 12:00 | Session 1: Parallel Tracks |
10:30 - 12:00 | Track 1:1 Relevant and Impact-Oriented Research to Support Multistakeholder Collaboration for Poverty Alleviation - Room B1033 Co-chairs: Carole Parkes "Transformational skills for social inclusion with economic impacts UN SDG 4, 8, 17 - Quality of education, economic growth and partnership", by Shirley Yeung (Gratia Christian College, Hong Kong) "Inclusive business and the case of the sustainable point - Consumption in favor of the SDGs", Norman Neto (ISAE Brasil) & Rodrigon Titon (Crasa Infraestrutura) "Mumpreneurs: Gender (in)equality and women entrepreneurship", by Lucia Naldi ( JIBS), Magdalena Markowska (JIBS) & Helene Ahl (Jönköping University HLK) "The role of Agenda 2030 or Transformative Change of Business Societal Practice", by Samuel Petros Sebhatu & Bo Enquist (Karlstad University) |
10:30 - | Track 1:2 Carbon Literacy Training (with certificate of completion) - Room B7030 Please be aware that the Carbon Literacy Training takes 7,5 hours in total. Additionally to this session and past session, you will have to participate to the Conference Track Sessions 2.5, 3.4 and 4.6 if you want to complete the entire training. Host: Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Business School and Caroline Aggestam Pontopiddan (Copenhagen Business School) |
10:30 - 12:00 | Track 1:3 Responsible Management of Digitization (Research session) - Room B4065 Chair: Dušan Kučera (University of Economics, Prague) "SDGs and Global Compact in Japan: Industry 4.0, ESG investment, Social Marketing and Organization Development", by Mari Iizuka (Doshsiha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan) "Sustainable news media, organizational reconciliation of economic, democratic and environmental challenges in media firms", by Mart Ots (Jönköping International Business School), Peter Berglez and Ulrika Olausson (Jönköping University School of Media & Communication) "Information scarcity depresses the effectiveness of policy level climate change containment: A Malaysian case study", by Ananda Samudhram (Monash University Malaysia) "Transformational business models from a moral perspective", by Alexander Herzner (Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule) "Ethical challenges of artificial intelligence in the frame of industry 4.0", by Dušan Kučera (University of Economics, Prague) |
10:30 - 12:00 | Track 1:4 Revisiting the Value Chain to Embed Agenda 2030 (Research session) - Room B4051 Chair: Ana Simaens (ISCTE-IUL) "The transformative power of the SDGs for small businesses in global value chain", by Nicolás Gambetta (Universidad ORT Uruguay) & Robyn Eversole (Swinburne University Australia) "Competencies and learning approaches for fashion design students to enable a sustainable change in the fashion supply chain", by Carolin Ermer & Julia Schwarzkopf (HTW Berlin Business School) "Managing responsibility issues in the international supply chain: A conceptual framework", by Eleanor Shaw & Christian Hauser (FHGR University of the Applied Science of the Grisons) "Integration of sustainability into corporate strategy: A case study of the textile and clothing industry", by Juliane Peters (BRU IUL) & Ana Simaens (ISCTE-IUL) |
10:30-12.00 | Track 1:5 Sulitest By Jean-Christophe Carteron, President of Sulitest,Senior Advisor HESI and CSR Director at Kedge Business School |
11:40 - 12:00 | JU Shaping our Future Festival - Opening School of Education & Communication (HLK) Building - Main Hall |
12:00 - 12:30 | JU Urban Farming Tour HLK Building Main Hall |
12:30 - 13:30 | Networking Lunch - HLK Building - Orangeriet Dean Jerker Moodysson's |
13:45- 15:00 | Session 2: Parallel Tracks |
13:45 - 15:00 | Track 2:1 Creating a narrative that matters (Workshop/Roundtable) - Room B3008 In this creative workshop, Umesh Mukhi (Sao Paulo School of Business Administration) invites you to use storytelling in relation to RME. |
13:45 - 15:00 | Track 2:2 Business Schools as Force for Positive Change - Reports from the Inside (Panel session) - Room B1033 In this lively and interactive session, Rob van Tulder |
13:45 - 15:00 | Track 2:3 Struggles and Successes in the Creation of an Anti-Poverty Toolkit by the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Toolkit Working Group (Panel session) - Room B3053 Chair: Tay Keong Tan |
13:45 - 15:00 | Track 2:4 Supporting collaboration & cooperation for the SDGs (Research session) - Room B4051 Chair: Mark Edwards "Factors constraining collaborative working across multi-stakeholder partnerships", by Andy Brookes (University of Lincoln, UK) "Business for peace as a research agenda for PRME Community: A case from Korea", by Stephen Young-Seung Park (Kyung Hee University Seoul Korea) & Oliver F. Williams (Mendoza School of Business, University of Notre Dame) "A new type of leader: impact on SDG", by Ricardo H. Archbold (Khalifa University of Science and Technology) "Encourage cooperation among internal stakeholders in the development of a university code of ethics. Case study of Budapest Business School", by Kristina Szegedi, Sára Csillag, Zsuzsanna Géring & Zsuzsanna Györi (Budapest Business School) |
13:45 - 15:00 | Track 2.5 Carbon Literacy Training (with certificate of completion) - Room B6046 Please be aware that the Carbon Literacy Training takes 7,5 hours in total. Additionally to this session and past sessions, you will have to participate to the Conference Track Sessions 3.4 and 4.6 if you want to complete the entire training. Host: Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Business School and Caroline Aggestam Pontopiddan (Copenhagen Business School) |
15:00 | Networking Coffee Break & RMER Poster Session (cont'd) |
Session 3: Parallel Tracks | |
15:30 - 17:00 | Track 3:1 Teaching/Learning: Developing Multi-stakeholder Collaboration Mindsets and Capabilities for Poverty Alleviation and Advancement of the UN 2030 Agenda (Panel session) - Room B1033 Co-chairs: Al Rosenbloom & Carole Parkes "Proposing platform for SDGs: Connecting international students to host-country business through SDGs", by Mari Iizuka (Doshsiha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan) & Pamzy Pun-Zee (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) "Role playing as a tool to inculcate social responsibility from a multistakeholders perspective", by Divya Singhal (Goa Institute of Management) "Advancing UN SDGs in Higher Education: A case study - Brunswick European Law School (BELS)", by Anna-Theresia Krein (Brunswick European Law School) "Learning by Doing. experiential learning through engaging with the third sector", by Jana Filosof & Ekaterina Murzacheva (University of Hertfordshire) |
15:30 - 17:00 | Track 3:2 Journal of Business Ethics Call for Special Issue - Room B3053 Feedbacks, Q&A, suggestions & support Rob Van Tulder & Guénola A-H Nonet |
15:30 - 17:00 | Track 3:3 Talking v Walking: Impact of RME (Panel session) - Room B3008 Co-chairs: Elisabeth Fröhlich & Lutz E. Schlange "A Model for Integrating Sustainability in Management Education at HEI", by Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan (Copenhagen Business School) & Anne-Karen Hueske (Technische Universität Dresden). "An Impact-oriented Analysis of Recent PRME SIP Reports", by Frank-Yves Möhler (FHGR University of Applied Sciences of The Grisons) "SDGs Teaching Map", by Elisabeth Fröhlich (Cologne Business School) |
15:30 - 18:00 | Track 3:4 Track 3.4 Carbon Literacy Training (with certificate of completion) - Room B6046 Please be aware that the Carbon Literacy Training takes 7,5 hours in total. Additionally to this session and past sessions, you will have to participate to the Conference Track Session 4.6 if you want to complete the entire training. Host: Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Business School and Caroline Aggestam Pontopiddan (Copenhagen Business School) |
19:00 | Conference Dinner at Spira, Kulturgatan 3, 553 24 Jönköping |
8:00 - 8.50 | Yoga & self-awareness session - Room B3008 Host: Susanne Ten Doesschate |
9:00 - 10:30 | What can business schools learn from youth and other stakeholders? (Plenary panel) - Room B1033 |
Plenary panel with Rob van Tulder, Mariana Morosanu & Stef Van Dongen, facilitated by Martina Leonelli (JIBS Sustainability Alumni) | |
10:30 | Networking Coffee Break & RMER Poster Session (cont'd) - outside room B1033 |
11:00 - 12:30 | Session 4: Parallel tracks |
11:00 - 12:30 | Track 4:1 Supporting Learning with Collaborative Ecosystems (Research session) - Room B3008 Chair: Guénola Abord-Hugon Nonet "The role of multi-stakeholder engagement in curriculum development for sustainability education", by Audrey Beghon (University Libre de Bruxelles) & Estelle Cantillon (Solvay Brussels School of Economics, Université LIbre de Bruxelles) "Education for multi-stakeholder collaboration: Addressing wicked problems", by Edgar Bellow (NEOMA Business School) "Realizing the transformative vision: Accompanying organisational leaders on their sustainability journeys", by Guénola Abord-Hugon Nonet, Mark Edwards, Tomas Müllern & Darko Pantelic (Jönköping International Business School) |
11:00 - 12:30 | Track 4:2 Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship to Support Achieving SDGs (Research session) - Room B1033 "Multi-stakeholder collaboration and sustainable entrepreneurship in the Ethiopian tourism industry", by Meskerem Mitiku Ferede (Addis Ababa University) & Olof Brunninge (Jönköping International Business School) "Engaging 'sleeper stakeholders' today to prepare for a projected future: Lessons from a social innovation course", by Pamsy Hui (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) "Social entrepreneurship and multi-stakeholder engagement: Coping with institutional logics in social ventures", by Zanele Penny Lurafu (Jönköping International Business School), Asha Arthur & Jonas Gabrielsson (Halmstad University) "Why don't endowments of unique natural resources lead to innovation? Aligning strategy, processes and resources to build innovation capabilities", by Henry Lopez-Vega (Jönköping International Business School) & Nicolette Lakemond (Linköping University) |
11:00 - 12:30 | Track 4:3 Students' Voices in Engaging with Multistakeholder Initiatives Room B4043 Chair: Al Rosenbloom (tbc) "How assisting students in self-fulfillment for a collective human and ecological mission", by Carole Simonnet (PSB Paris School of Business) "Student engagement with the SDGs and poverty: Measuring change in student views", by Kathleen Odell, Elizabeth Collier & Al Rosenbloom (Dominican University River Forest) "Exploring Pedagogical Approaches for the Development of Students Key Competences for Sustainable Development: Sustainability as a Path to Students' Future Employability", by Karin Alm & Maria Melén (Faculty of Business, Kristianstad University) "CSR Perception of Millenials - Study of Management and Law Students at a Swiss University College", by Selina Baumgärtner, Jörg Schmid & Marie-Christin Weber (ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur) |
11:00 - 12:30 | Track 4:4 Touching Base! Embedding Sustainability in Ownership and Family Business Research (Keynote and Panel session) - Room B4051 Chair: Marcela Ramirez-Pasillas (Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) and Centre for Family Enterprises and Ownership (CeFEO))
11:00 - 12:30 | Track 4.5 Carbon Literacy Training (with certificate of completion) - Room B7030 Please be aware that the Carbon Literacy Training takes 7,5 hours in total. Additionally, to this session you should have participated in all past sessions to complete the entire training. Host: Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Business School and Caroline Aggestam Pontopiddan (Copenhagen Business School) |
12:30 - 13:45 | Networking Lunch - Orangeriet (HLK) |
14:00 - 15:30 | Identifying Ideas for Future Research Conventions on RME (Plenary Session) - Room B1033 Facilitators: Guénola Nonet & Milenko Gudić Elisabeth Fröhlich, Chair, PRME Chapter DACH Dan Leclair, CEO of Global Business School Network (GBSN) Jerker Moodysson, Dean, JIBS Carole Parkes, Chair, PRME Advisory Committee |
15:30 - 16:00 | Networking Coffee Break and RMER Poster Session (cont’d) - outside room B1033 |
16:00 - 16:30 | Closing remarks & Outlook: 7th RMER conference 2020 - Room B1033 Plenary session |
Your registration includes access to Thursday, 3rd October 2019:
Jönköping University + Science Park Sustainability & Diversity Day & Award Ceremony
Location: Jönköping University (separate program), click here External link, opens in new window.
Please contact the Program Chair