Growing and Sustaining an Anti-Poverty Toolkit by the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Toolkit Task Force (2)
Panel session
This UN PRME project to develop an Anti-Poverty Toolkit is aimed at strengthening teaching and research on poverty around the world. The Toolkit is envisioned to be a clearing house of open educational resources (e.g. case studies, syllabi, teaching exercises, journal articles) for scholars around the world to access, share, and adapt them to their teaching and research. It is hoped that this instrument will enable and encourage academics around the world to prepare the future generations of business managers, public officials, and civic leaders to contribute to the fight against endemic poverty, extreme hunger, and inequality.
By September 2019, the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group’s Toolkit Task Force has developed an embryonic version of the Anti-Poverty Toolkit with the help of a Radford University team of four students and a faculty member. Over the past year, the team has created a website for the Anti-Poverty Toolkit, populated it with hundreds of artifacts, and used the materials in the creation of a new course on World Poverty. In October 2019, at this Conference (The 6th Responsible Management Education Research Conference, at the University of Jonkoping, Sweden) the Anti-Poverty Toolkit will be formally handed over to the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group’s Toolkit Task Force to further develop its content and expand its reach (user base and contributors) to the members of the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group.
This interactive and consultative session will engage the participants in envisioning and strategizing the future of this Toolkit. The Co-Chairs of the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group and the Toolkit Task Force (Dr. Al Rosenbloom and Mr. Milenko Gudic) and the Faculty Advisor to the Radford University Team (Dr. Tay Keong Tan) will discuss their vision for the Toolkit and plans for its rollout in the coming months. The challenge remains: How to grow and sustain an online portal and mobilize a community of practice to collectively develop its content and promote its use. Aided by the members of the Radford University student researchers (Ms. Emily Jenkins, Mr. Gabriel Bennett, Ms. Haley Nunez), the discussion be structured to elicit visionary ideas and creative inputs from the participants on this challenging endeavor.
Session Chair: Tay Keong Tan
Panel Session Discussants & Moderators: Al Rosenbloom, Milenko Gudic, Emily Jenkins, Gabriel Bennett, Haley Nunez, & Tay Keong Tan
Session plan:
Introduction of the session objectives, outline the early results and status of the Anti-Poverty Toolkit
Tay Keong Tan, Radford University Research Team
Engagement of session participants
Organization of participants into groups of 3-5, using the Think-Pair-Share-Dare technique. Participants will introduce themselves within the group, engage in silent brainstorming on designated topics, then share ideas in the group, and collaboratively improve and combine the top two ideas. A Rapporteur will write down tenets of the top two ideas for presentation to the plenary
Presentations and plenary discussion of the key ideasWrap-up summation
Al Rosenbloom & Milenko Gudic, Co-Chairs of the UN PRME Anti-Poverty Working Group and the Toolkit Task Force