

Entrepreneurship Day at JIBS

JSA’s Entrepreneurship Day will take place at JIBS, Monday 5 October. During the event, the students of the Entrepreneurship and Business Planning course will be showing their New Venture Projects.

More than 70 New Venture Projects will be shown to the public during the day. The visitors will also have the opportunity to meet with different companies and get to know more about the organisations.

The entrepreneur Emanuel Nilsson will also attend the event and give a lecture about dealing with the pressure of success and how to be entrepreneurial and in good health at the same time. The day will end with a prize ceremony and the JIBS pub will be opened after the event.

The day is hosted by JSA Internal Committee in collaboration with the teaching team and the students of the Entrepreneurship and Business Planning course. The focus of the Entrepreneurship Day is to support entrepreneurial activities at Jönköping University.

More information and program can be find at the Facebook page.