In order to strengthen our attention and commitment toward the exploration of one of the JIBS focus areas, ownership, CeFEO decided to introduce a thematic workshop in 2018 dedicated to deepening and broadening our understanding of ownership. The workshop is offered to JIBS faculty and open to the national and international community.

With this series of workshops, we delve in JIBS' focus area of ‘Ownership’, supporting  the development of the theoretical and empirical foundations of ownership. The purpose is to engage in a debate that stimulates a common interest that could in turn lead to the initiation of new research projects and funding applications.





The state-of-art of ownership research


The workshop provided a unique platform for researchers to explore research avenues in the emerging domain of Ownership to engage in a dialogue and explore future paths in research and practice. Given the ever-increasing interest in ownership in organization and management studies and as a cross-disciplinary subject, we brought together the top international scholars who have actively promoted and animated ownership discussion forums and areas.


Topics discussed in the workshop included:

  • Anna Grandori: No entrepreneurship without ownership? Entrepreneurial governance and the nature of the entrepreneurial firm.
  • Jonas Gabrielsson: Entrepreneurial ownership. Where do we go from here?
  • Steen Thomsen: New Research on enterprise foundations.
  • Thomas Zellweger: Strategic Ownership: some reflections on the impact of ownership for firm strategy.
  • Nicolai Foss: Ownership competence: implications for governance and stakeholder management.
  • Bill Schulze: Unified versus corporate ownership. Reflections and Implications for value creation.


Chairs: Daniel Pittino and Massimo Baù

Emergent Concepts of Ownership Across
Firms and Industries


With this workshop, we explored the focus area of ‘ownership’ by studying how industrial and geographical changes (e.g. digitalization, innovation, internationalisation, intellectual property, knowledge boundaries/integration) affect the theoretical and empirical foundations of ownership.


Topics discussed in the workshop included:

  • Anna Grandori: Ownership and governance, theory of the firm, contracts, ownership and human capital, ownership, and the law.
  • Fredrik Tell: Innovation, knowledge integration, digitalization, patents, and protection.
  • Leif Melin: Ownership and forms of organization, types of ownership, property and decision rights, psychological ownership
  • Rolf Lundin: Projects and temporary organizations; network projects and its ownership and time characteristics.
  • Jerker Moodysson. Knowledge bases for innovation; institutional characteristics and vested interest in knowledge creation; regime status-quo, and the role of middle-size firms in knowledge creation.
  • Francesco Chirico: Connecting family business and ownership, ownership exit, and ownership types e.g. franchising, mergers, acquisitions.
  • Mattias Nordqvist: Overview of ownership projects at Cefeo, new projects/initiatives in ownership research

Chairs: Daniel Pittino and Henry Lopez Vega

For more information about the CeFEO Ownership Workshop,
please contact Daniel Pittino.