Papers 2020-2024
Given the many faculty members working as part of CeFEO and the heterogeneity of their research interests, it is no surprise that different research projects, leading to several top-tier publications, have been developed over time.
Below you can find links to scientific publications authored by CeFEO members since 2005, year of incorporation of CeFEO. These reflect the breadth of the research at CeFEO while offering important scientific results in the areas of family business and/or ownership.
Selected publications
In bold are indicated CeFEO members.
- Andric, M., Hsueh, J., Zellweger, T., Hatak, I. (2024). Parental divorce in early life and entrepreneurial performance in adulthood. Journal of Business Venturing 39(3),
- Banerjee, A., Carlsson-Wall, M., Nordqvist, M. (2024). Hybrid board governance: Exploring the challenges in implementing social impact measurements. The British Accounting Review 56(5),
- Bauweraerts, J., Cirillo, A.(*), Sciascia, S.(*) (2024). Socioemotional Wealth and Tax Aggressiveness in Private Family Firms: The Role of the CEO's Characteristics. Family Business Review 37(3), 370-395
- Bayissa, J., Hellerstedt, K., Brundin, E., Abtew, M. (2024). Transitioning to an entrepreneurial career as a process of individuation: a study of graduate entrepreneurs in Ethiopia and the role of their parents. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 30(11), 420-445
- Baù, M., Karlsson, J.(*), Haag, K., Pittino, D., Chirico, F. (2024). Employee layoffs in times of crisis: do family firms differ?. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(5-6), 722-744
- Block, J.(*), Lorenzen, S., Steinmetz, H. (2024). Decarbonization types of medium-sized and mid-cap firms in the manufacturing sector. Business Strategy and the Environment 33(8), 8833-8850
- Blume, F., Hsueh, J. (2024). Opening the black box of venture capitalists' evaluation of entrepreneurial teams. Journal of small business management 62(4), 2116-2151
- Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O. (2024). Ceasing to communicate public family firm identity: the decoupling of internally experienced and externally communicated identities. Journal of Family Business Management 14(1), 199-224
- Brunelli, S., Vena, L., Sciascia, S.(*), Naldi, L. (2024). Does family power drive the size transition of entrepreneurial family firms? A study on the growth of Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 31(6), 1175-1200
- Carbone, E., Campopiano, G., Cirillo, A.(*), Mussolino, D. (2024). Why and How Do Family Firms Go Public? A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective of IPO. Family Business Review 37(4), 400-430
- Chirico, F., Kellermans, F. (2024). When Does Time Enhance Family Firm Performance?: Examining Family Generation in Control and Family Control Dispersion through a Mixed-Gamble Logic. Long range planning 57(1),
- Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Hitt, M., Sieger, P., Sirmon, D., Xu, K. (2024). Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation. The Journal of product innovation management 41(4), 735-767
- Criaco, G.(*), Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing 39(1),
- Ferreira, J., Fernandes, A., Ramírez-Pasillas, M. (2024). Start-ups and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the circular economy: A multi-level approach for safe and just planetary boundaries. International Small Business Journal 42(4), 416-445
- Ganzin, M., Chirico, F., Kroezen, J., Dacin, M., Sirmon, D., Suddaby, R. (2024). Craft and strategic entrepreneurship: Exploring and exploiting materiality, authenticity and tradition in craft based ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 18(4), 671-685
- Ge, B., Hamilton, E., Haag, K. (2024). An Entrepreneurship-as-practice perspective of next-generation becoming family businesses successors: the role of discursive artefacts. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(3-4), 489-515
- Genedy, M., Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L., Wiklund, J. (2024). Growing pains in scale-ups: How scaling affects new venture employee burnout and job satisfaction. Journal of Business Venturing 39(2),
- Gjergji, R., Vena, L., Campopiano, G., Sciascia, S.(*), Cortesi, A. (2024). Strategy disclosure and cost of capital: The key role of women directors for family firms. The Journal of Family Business Strategy 15(2),
- Haag, K., Almlöf, H.(*), Madsen, M., Neville, M. (2024). Legal Advisors and Family Business Owners: A Transaction Cost Understanding of “the Ownership Contract”. Family Business Review 37(2), 292-314.
- Hashim, S., McAdam, M., Nordqvist, M. (2024). An exploration of women entrepreneurs “doing context” in family business in the Gulf States. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 16(2), 227-255
- Hellerstedt, K., Uman, T., Wennberg, K. (2024). Fooled By Diversity? When Diversity Initiatives Exacerbate Rather Than Mitigate Bias And Inequalities. Academy of Management Perspectives 38(1), 23-42
- Henrekson, M., Johansson, D., Karlsson, J.(*) (2024). To Be or Not to Be: The Entrepreneur in Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory. Entrepreneurship 48(1), 104-140
- Jenkins, A., Achtenhagen, L., Hellerstedt, K. (2024). Back to work? How employers perceive applicants’ experience of entrepreneurial failure. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(5-6), 659-680
- Jungk, S., Waldkirch, M.(*) (2024). When crises meet grand environmental challenges: Navigating intertemporal tensions in European manufacturing family firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(3-4), 535-559
- Kanji, S., Vershinina, N.(*) (2024). Gendered transitions to self-employment and business ownership: a linked-lives perspective. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(7-8), 922-939
- Kraemer-Eis, H., Block, J.(*), Botsari, A., Lang, F., Lorenzen, S., Diegel, W. (2024). Entrepreneurial finance in Europe and the Russian war against Ukraine. Journal of Technology Transfer (pp. 2273-2305).
- Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Genedy, M. (2024). Keeping One’s Options Open: Intermittent Exporting, Family Control, and Foreign Background. Entrepreneurship 48(5), 1160-1190
- Lorenzen, S., Gerken, M., Steinmetz, H., Block, J.(*), Hülsbeck, M., Lux, F. (2024). Environmental Sustainability of Family Firms: A Meta-Analysis of Handprint and Footprint. Entrepreneurship 48(5), 1266-1284
- Maine, J., Uman, T., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2024). Actors constructing accountability in hybrid organisations: The case of a Swedish municipal corporation. The British Accounting Review 56(5),
- Malki, B. (2024). Financial Ambidexterity of the Immigrant Family Businesses: The Role of Boundary Work and Behavioral Complexity. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 53(1), 21-41
- Malki, B. (2024). Responding to financing uncertainty in complex settings: the case of immigrant entrepreneurs from the Arab world in Sweden. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 36(3-4), 366-385
- McMullen, J., Henrekson, M., Naldi, L., Stenkula, M., Thorburn, K., Wigren-Kristoferson, C. ... Zander, I. (2024). The psychology of entrepreneurial performance—theoretical and applied: Robert A. Baron and Michael Frese, co-recipients of the 2024 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. Small Business Economics 63(4), 1341-1354
- Melander, A., Brunninge, O., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Löfving, M. (2024). Management innovation in SMEs – taking psychological ownership of Hoshin Kanri. Production planning & control (Print) 35(14), 1687-1705
- Menzies, J., Chavan, M., Jack, R., Scarparo, S., Chirico, F. (2024). Australian Indigenous female entrepreneurs: The role of adversity quotient. Journal of Business Research 175(March),
- Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Ashforth, B., Swartz, R., Melin, L. (2024). From “FIBER” to “FIRE”: construct validation and refinement of the socioemotional wealth scale in family firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
- Orozco Collazos, L., Botero, I.(*) (2024). Women ownership as a form of leadership: The role of context in understanding its effects on financial performance. BRQ Business Research Quarterly 27(1), 57-72
- Pinelli, M., Chirico, F., De Massis, A., Zattoni, A. (2024). Acquisition relatedness in family firms: Do the environment and the institutional context matter?. Journal of Management Studies 61(4), 1562-1589
- Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2024). The role of the strategic apex in shaping the disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis. The British Accounting Review 56(3),
- Shankar, A., Behl, A., Pereira, V., Chavan, M., Chirico, F. (2024). Exploring enablers and inhibitors of AI-enabled drones for manufacturing process audits: A mixed-method approach. Business Strategy and the Environment 33(5), 3749-3768
- Smith, C., Rondi, E., De Massis, A., Nordqvist, M. (2024). Rising Every Time We Fall: Organizational Fortitude and Response to Adversities. Journal of Management 50(5), 1865-1910
- Surana, A., Chavan, M., Kumar, V., Chirico, F. (2024). The internationalization process: A contextual analysis of Indian business firms. International Business Review 33(4),
- Wu, S., Chirico, F., Fan, D., Ding, J., Su, Y. (2024). Foreign Market Exit in Family Firms: Do Historical Military and Cultural Frictions Matter?. Journal of World Business 59(1),
- Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., Uman, T. (2024). Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures. Management science 70(2), 671-693
- Yang, T., Kacperczyk, A., Naldi, L. (2024). The Motherhood Wage Penalty and Female Entrepreneurship. Organization science 35(1), 27-51
- Almlöf, H.(*), Sjögren, H. (2023). Owner-manager when death do us part - roles of a widow in sudden succession in family firms.
External link, opens in new window. Journal of Family Business Management, 13(2), 432-452.
- Berglund, K., Ahl, H.(*), Pettersson, K., & Tillmar, M. (2023). Conceptualising feminist resistance in the postfeminist terrain. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 38(2), 183-199.
- Block, J. H.(*), Hirschmann, M., Kranz, T., & Neuenkirch, M. (2023). Public family firms and economic inequality across societies. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19, e00376.
- Brunninge, O. (2023). Invented corporate heritage brands. Journal of Brand Management, 30, 157-169.
- Caccamo, M.(*), Pittino, D., & Tell, F. (2023). Boundary objects, knowledge integration, and innovation management: A systematic review of the literature. Technovation, 122, 102645.
- Gillmore, E., Andersson, U., & Dellestrand, H. (2023). Between a rock and a hard place: The consequences of complex headquarters configurations for subsidiary R&D activities. Global Strategy Journal, 13(1), 217-247.
- Haag, K., Achtenhagen, L., & Grimm, J. (2023). Engaging With the Category: Exploring Family Business Longevity From a Historical Perspective. Family Business Review, 36(1), 84-118.
- Hsueh, J. W. J., De Massis, A., & Gomez-Mejia, L. (2023). Examining Heterogeneous Configurations of Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms Through the Formalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy. Family Business Review, 36(2), 08944865221146350.
- Hsueh, J. W. J., Hietschold, N., Sieger, P., & Voegtlin, C. (2023). Strangers in my home: the 2015 refugee event in Europe and founder social identities of nascent entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 35(3-4), 337-365.
- Maggi, B., Pongelli, C., & Sciascia, S. (*) (2023). Family firms and international equity-based entry modes: a systematic literature review. Multinational Business Review, 31(1), 38-63.
- Martínez-Alonso, R., Martínez-Romero, M. J., Rojo-Ramírez, A. A., Lazzarotti, V., & Sciascia, S.(*) (2023). Process innovation in family firms: Family involvement in management, R&D collaboration with suppliers, and technology protection. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113581.
- Pongelli, C., Majocchi, A., Bauweraerts, J., Sciascia, S.(*), Caroli, M., & Verbeke, A. (2023). The impact of board of directors’ characteristics on the internationalization of family SMEs. Journal of World Business, 58(2), 101412.
- Rugina, S., & Ahl, H.(*)(2023). How research positions Central and Eastern European women entrepreneurs: A 30-year discourse analysis. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 35(3-4), 241-263.
- Achtenhagen, L., Haag, K., Hultén, K., Lundgren, J. (2022). Torn between individual aspirations and the family legacy – individual career development in family firms. Career Development International, 27(2), 201-221.
- Almlöf, H.(*) (2022). Regulation of Shareholder Exits in Closely Held Companies–Reflections from Sweden. European Company and Financial Law Review, 19(2), 175-202.
- Bauweraerts, J., Rondi, E., Rovelli, P., De Massis, A., & Sciascia, S.(*) (2022). Are family female directors catalysts of innovation in family SMEs? Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 16(2), 314-354.
- Brundin, E., Liu, F., & Cyron, T. (2022). Emotion in strategic management: A review and future research agenda. Long Range Planning, 55(4), 102144.
- Cambrea, D. R., Ponomareva, Y., Pittino, D., & Minichilli, A. (2022). Strings attached: Socioemotional wealth mixed gambles in the cash management choices of family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(3), 100466.
- Carnes, C., Hitt, M.A., Sirmon, D.G., Chirico, F., Wook Huh, D., (2022). Leveraging Resources For Innovation: The Role Of Synchronization. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39(2), 160-176.
- Cirillo, A., Maggi, B., Sciascia, S.(*), Lazzarotti, V., & Visconti, F. (2022). Exploring family millennials’ involvement in family business internationalization: Who should be their leader? Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(3), 100455.
- Chirico, F., Ireland, R., Pittino, D., Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2022). Radical Innovation in (Multi)family Owned Firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 37(3), 106194.
- Coad, A., Karlsson, J. (2022). A field guide for gazelle hunters: Small, old firms are unlikely to become high-growth firms. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 17, e00286.
- Criaco, G., Naldi, L., & Zahra, S. A. (2022). Founders’ Prior Shared International Experience, Time to First Foreign Market Entry, and New Venture Performance. Journal of Management, 48(8), 2349-2381.
- Flamini, G., Pittino, D., & Visintin, F. (2022). Family leadership, family involvement and mutuality HRM practices in family SMEs. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(2), 100468.
- Gillmore, E. (2022). Mandate dynamics and the importance of mandate loss for subsidiary evolution. International Business Review, 31(6), 101994.
- Kimjeon, J., & Davidsson, P. (2022). External enablers of entrepreneurship: A review and agenda for accumulation of strategically actionable knowledge
External link, opens in new window.. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 46(3), 643-687.
- Lin, N., Wilden, R., Chirico, F., Ghasrodashti, E., & DeTienne, D. R. (2022). Persist or Let it Go: Do Rational Entrepreneurs Make Decisions Rationally? Journal of Business Venturing, 37(4), 106210.
- Maine, J., Florin-Samuelsson, E., Uman, T (2022). Ambidextrous sustainability, organisational structure and performance in hybrid organisations. Accounting, Accountability and Auditing Journal, 35(3), 734-769.
- Malki, B. (2022). The financial ambidexterity of the immigrant entrepreneurs: a conceptualization. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(9), 242-267.
- Malki, B., Uman, T., Pittino, D. (2022). The entrepreneurial financing of the immigrant entrepreneurs: a literature review. Small Business Economics, 58, 1337–1365.
- Minola, T., Baù, M., Brumana, M., & De Massis, A. (2022). Under which circumstances do family SMES achieve high growth? A behavioural perspective. International Small Business Journal, 40(6), 768-798.
- Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T., Bodolica, V., & Wennberg, K. (2022). Cultural diversity in top management teams: Review and agenda for future research. Journal of World Business, 57(4), 101328.
- Lorenzo, D., Núñez-Cacho, P., Akhter, N., Chirico, F. (2022). Why are some family firms not innovative? Innovation barriers and path dependence in family firms. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38(1), 101182.
- Patel, P., Lenka, S., Parida, V. (2022). Caste-Based Discrimination, Microfinance Credit Scores, and Microfinance Loan Approvals Among Females in India. Business & Society, 61(2), 372–388.
- Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T., Bodolica, V., & Wennberg, K. (2022). Cultural diversity in top management teams: Review and agenda for future research. Journal of World Business, 57(4), 101328.
- Querbach, S., Kammerlander, N., Singh, J., & Waldkirch, M.(*) (in press). Pragmatic learning in family SMEs: a qualitative study of functional overload among family SME owner-managers. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(2), 375-402.
- Quigley, T., Chirico, F., Baù, M. (2022). Does the CEO effect on performance differ in private versus public firms? Strategic Organization, 20(3), 652-673.
- Segaro, E. L.(*), & Haag, K. (2022). Good Intentions Gone Awry: Government Intervention and Multistakeholder Engagement in a Frontier Market. Journal of Business Ethics, 180(4), 1019-1040.
- Shen, W., Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T. (2022). Can you catch two birds with one stone? The impacts of nominating committee composition on board monitoring and resource provision. Long Range Planning, 55(3), 102127.
- Stendahl, E., Tippmann, E., & Yakhlef, A. (2022). Practice creation in multinational corporations: Improvisation and the emergence of lateral knowledge. Journal of World Business, 57(3), 101287.
- Symeonidou, N., DeTienne, D. R., & Chirico, F. (2022). The persistence of family firms: How does performance threshold affect family firm exit?
External link, opens in new window.. Small Business Economics, 59(2), 477-489.
- Wigren-Kristoferson, C., Brundin, E., Hellerstedt, K., Stevenson, A., Aggestam, M. (2022). Rethinking embeddedness: a review and research agenda. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34(1-2), 32-56.
- Arregle, J., Chirico, F., Kano, L., Kundu, S., Majocchi, A., Schulze, W. (2021). Family firm internationalization: Past research and an agenda for the future. Journal of International Business Studies, 52, 1156-1198.
- Baù, M., Block, J., Discua Cruz, A., Naldi, L. (2021). Bridging locality and internationalization – A research agenda on the sustainable development of family firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33(7-8), 477-492.
- Chirico, F., Welsh, D., Ireland, R., Sieger, P. (2021). Family versus non-family firm franchisors: Behavioral and performance differences. Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), 165-200.
- Criaco, G., van Oosterhout, J. H., & Nordqvist, M. (2021). Is blood always thicker than water? Family firm parents, kinship ties, and the survival of spawns. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6), 106161.
- Eze, N., Nordqvist, M., Samara, G., Parada, M. (2021). Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Roles of Religion and Tradition for Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 45(4), 792-837.
- Gillmore, E., Andersson, U., Ekman, P. (2021). The enduring effects of relational attributes on subsidiary evolution after mandate loss. Global Strategy Journal, 11(3), 402-433.
- Ghosh, C., He, F., & Zhou, H. (2021). On the role of foreign directors: Evidence from cross-listed firms. Journal of Empirical Finance, 63, 177-202.
- Hashim, S., Naldi, L., Markowska, M. (2021). “The royal award goes to…”: Legitimacy processes for female-led family ventures. The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(3), 100358.
- Larrañeta, B., Naldi, L. (2021). Introduction to the Reflection Forum: Clouds in the business landscape—Reflections on the implications of major worldwide turmoil for management and organizations. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24(3), 194-198.
- Naldi, L., Baù, M., Ahl, H., Markowska, M. (2021). Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers. Small Business Economics, 56, 903-918.
- Naldi, L., Nilsson, P., Westlund, H., Wixe, S. (2021). Amenities and new firm formation in rural areas. Rural Studies, 85, 32-42.
- Pittino, D., Visintin, F., Minichilli, A., & Compagno, C. (2021). Family involvement in governance and firm performance in industrial districts. The moderating role of the industry’s technological paradigm. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 33(7-8), 514-531.
- Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H., Nordqvist, M. (2021). Next generation external venturing practices in family owned businesses. Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), 63-103.
- Smith, C., Nordqvist, M., De Massis, A., & Miller, D. (2021). When so much is at stake: Understanding organizational brinkmanship in family business. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(4), 100425.
- Waldkirch, M.(*), Bucher, E., Schou, P. K., & Grünwald, E. (2021). Controlled by the algorithm, coached by the crowd–how HRM activities take shape on digital work platforms in the gig economy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(12), 2643-2682.
- Waldkirch, M.(*), Kammerlander, N., & Wiedeler, C. (2021). Configurations for corporate venture innovation: Investigating the role of the dominant coalition. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(5), 106137.
- Astrachan J., Binz-Astrachan C., Campopiano G., Baù, M. (2020). Values, Spirituality and Religion: Family Business and the Roots of Sustainable Ethical Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 163, 637–645.
- Banerjee, A., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2020). The role of the board chair—A literature review and suggestions for future research. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 28(6), 372-405.
- Barbera, F., Shi, H. X., Agarwal, A., & Edwards, M. (2020). The Family That Prays Together Stays Together: Toward a Process Model of Religious Value Transmission in Family Firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 163, 661–673.
- Baù, M., Pittino, D., Sieger, P., Eddleston, K.A. (2020). Careers in family business: New avenues for careers and family business research in the 21st century
External link, opens in new window.. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11(3), 100379.
- Chirico, F., Criaco, G., Baù, M., Naldi, L., Gomez-Mejia, L., Kotlar, J. (2020). To patent or not to patent: That is the question. Intellectual property protection in family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 44(2), 339-367.
- Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Hellerstedt, K., Withers, M., Nordqvist, M. (2020). To merge, sell or liquidate? Socioemotional wealth, family control, and the choice of business exit. Journal of Management 46(8), 1342-1379.
- Lauto, G., Pittino, D., Visintin, F. (2020). Satisfaction of entrepreneurs: A comparison between founders and family business successors. Journal of Small Business Management 58(3), 474-510.
- Li, H., Terjesen, S., Uman, T. (2020). Corporate Governance in Entrepreneurial Firms: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda
External link, opens in new window.. Small Business Economics, 54, 43-74.
- Markowska, M., Wiklund, J. (2020). Entrepreneurial learning under uncertainty: exploring the role of self-efficacy and perceived complexity. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 32(7-8), 606-628.
- Muñoz-Bullón, F., Sanchez-Bueno, M., Nordqvist, M. (2020). Growth intentions in family-based new venture teams: The role of the nascent entrepreneur’s R&D behavior. Management Decision 58(6), 1190-1209.
- Naldi, L., Criaco, G., Patel, P. (2020). Related and unrelated industry variety and the internationalization of start-ups. Research Policy 49(10).
- Naldi, L., Larsson, J., Westlund, H. (2020). Policy entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial orientation in vulnerable Swedish municipalities. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 32(7-8), 473-491.
- Netz, J., Svensson, M., Brundin, E. (2020). Business disruptions and affective reactions: A strategy-as-practice perspective on fast strategic decision making. Long range planning 53(5).
- Nordqvist, M., & Gartner, W. B. (2020). Literature, Fiction, and the Family Business. Family Business Review.33(2).
- Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Baù, M., Villasana, M., Naranjo-Priego, E., Barron, E. (2020). Starting a family business as a career option: The role of the family household in Mexico. Journal of Family Business Strategy 11(2).
- Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Henssen, B., Broekaert, W. (2020). Does increased generational involvement foster business growth? The moderating roles of family involvement in ownership and management. European Management Review 17(3), 785-801.
- Uman, T., Smith, E., Andersson, W., Planken, W. (2020). Top management teams’ shared leadership and ambidexterity: the role of management control systems
External link, opens in new window.. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 86(3): 444-462.
- van Helvert-Beugels, J., Nordqvist, M., Flören, R. (2020). Managing tensions as paradox in CEO succession: The case of nonfamily CEO in a family firm. International Small Business Journal 38(3), 211-242.
- Zawadzki, M., Jałocha, B., Mazurkiewicz, G., Pluszyńska, A., Prawelska-Skrzypek, G. (2020). Unrooting management education and entrepreneurial self from neoliberal demands: An action research approach. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy 3(3), 265-290.