Doctoral Theses
46 doctoral theses exploring family business and ownership topics have been authored and successfully defended at JIBS so far.

Enrique Sandino Vargas nails his Doctoral Thesis on the JIBS’ wall
The following Doctoral Theses have been authored and successfully defended by JIBS doctoral students in the topics of family business and ownership.
Doctoral Thesis 2025 - today
Fredrika Askenmalm (2024)
Hur mjölk i tanken blir kronor på banken: Bondförnuftets rationalitet -
Mohamed Genedy (2024)
Beyond the bright side: Investigating dark aspects of independent entrepreneurship, family entrepreneurship, and corporate entrepreneurship -
Anup Banerjee (2023)
The role of the board chair: Changing expectations and hybrid organizations -
Jiyoung Kim (2023)
External enablers and new venture creation: How characteristics of environmental changes and enabling mechanisms influence entrepreneurial responses -
Bryan Malki (2023)
The entrepreneurial financing of the immigrant entrepreneurs: An ambidexterity perspective -
Lisa Bäckvall (2022)
The coexistence of family, ownership, and business: Conceptualizing entanglement and business family ownering
Shanyun Lu (2021)
Managing contexts for innovation and renewal: Strategies of incumbent firms in traditional manufacturing industries -
Sumaya Hashim (2021)
Women Entrepreneurship: Masculinity, Legitimacy and Well-being -
Enrique Sandino Vargas (2020)
Capturing the antecedents and aftermath of a family business process: The entrepreneurial journey of a displaced agricultural family in Colombia -
Pierre Sindambiwe (2020)
The challenges of continuity in family businesses in Rwanda
Doctoral Thesis 2020 - 2024
Fredrika Askenmalm (2024)
Hur mjölk i tanken blir kronor på banken: Bondförnuftets rationalitet -
Mohamed Genedy (2024)
Beyond the bright side: Investigating dark aspects of independent entrepreneurship, family entrepreneurship, and corporate entrepreneurship -
Anup Banerjee (2023)
The role of the board chair: Changing expectations and hybrid organizations -
Jiyoung Kim (2023)
External enablers and new venture creation: How characteristics of environmental changes and enabling mechanisms influence entrepreneurial responses -
Bryan Malki (2023)
The entrepreneurial financing of the immigrant entrepreneurs: An ambidexterity perspective -
Lisa Bäckvall (2022)
The coexistence of family, ownership, and business: Conceptualizing entanglement and business family ownering
Shanyun Lu (2021)
Managing contexts for innovation and renewal: Strategies of incumbent firms in traditional manufacturing industries -
Sumaya Hashim (2021)
Women Entrepreneurship: Masculinity, Legitimacy and Well-being -
Enrique Sandino Vargas (2020)
Capturing the antecedents and aftermath of a family business process: The entrepreneurial journey of a displaced agricultural family in Colombia -
Pierre Sindambiwe (2020)
The challenges of continuity in family businesses in Rwanda
Doctoral Thesis 2015 - 2019
Annika Yström (2019)
The role of financial reporting: Perspectives of different actors within the reporting environment of entrepreneurial SMEs -
Andrea Kuiken (2019)
Exploring the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises as a discontinuous process -
Matthias Waldkirch (2018)
From professional interactions to relational work: Investigating relationships around non-family CEOs in family firms -
Isabelle Mari (2018)
Developing Trust among Family Owners in Multiple Branches Family Firms -
Judith Van Helvert-Beugels (2018)
The emerging role of advisory boards in strategizing in family firms: A sensemaking perspective -
Imran Nazir (2017)
Nurturing Entrepreneurial Venturing Capabilities: A Study of Family Firms -
Giuseppe Criaco (2016)
Founding conditions and the survival of new firms: An imprinting perspective on founders, organizational members and external environments -
Diogenis Baboukardos (2016)
Essays on the market valuation implications of mandatory corporate reporting -
Naveed Akhter (2016)
Family Business Portfolios: Enduring Entrepreneurship and Exit Strategies -
Huriye Aygören (2015)
Entrepreneurial identity formation-in-practice: Immigrant women entrepreneurs' lived practices and experiences within gender, ethnicity and class relations -
Maria José Parada Balderrama (2015)
Developing Governance Structures in the Family Firms: From adoption to institutionalization
Doctoral Thesis 2010 - 2014
Hanna Almlöf (2014)
Bolagsorganens reglering och dess ändamålsenlighet: En aktiebolagsrättslig studie om ägarledda bolag -
Börje Boers (2013)
Organizational identity construction in family businesses a dualities perspective -
Kajsa Haag (2012)
Rethinking family business succession: From a problem to solve to an ongoing practice -
James Dzansi (2011)
Essays on Financing and Returns on Investment -
Andreas Högberg (2012)
Corporate Governance, Legal Origin and Firm Performance: An Asian Perspective -
Magdalena Markowska (2011)
Entrepreneurial Competence Development: Triggers, Processes & Consequences -
Jenny Helin (2011)
Living moments in family meetings: A process study in the family business context -
Johanna Palmberg (2010)
Family Ownership and Investment Performance
Doctoral Thesis 2005 - 2009
Karin Hellerstedt (2009)
The Composition of New Venture Teams: Its Dynamics and Consequences -
Jean-Charles Languilaire (2009)
Experiencing work/non-work - Theorising individuals' process of integrating and segmenting work, family, social and private -
Lucia Naldi (2008)
Growth through Internationalization:
A Knowledge Perspective on SMEs
Johan E. Eklund (2008)
Corporate Governance, Private Property and Investment -
Daniel Wiberg (2008)
Venture Capital for the Future-Implications of Founding Visions in the Venture Capital Setting -
Miriam Garvi (2007)
Venture Capital for the Future-Implications of Founding Visions in the Venture Capital Setting -
Carlo Salvato (2006)
Micro-Foundations of Organizational Adaptation. A Field Study in the Evolution of Product Development Capabilities in a Design Firm
Mattias Nordqvist (2005)
Understanding the role of ownership in strategizing: a study of family firms
Doctoral Thesis 2000 - 2004
Annika Hall (2003)
Strategising in the context of genuine relations: An interpretative study of strategic renewal through family interactions -
Caroline Wigren (2003)
The Spirit of Gnosjö – The Grand Narrative and Beyond -
Emilia Florin-Samuelsson (2002)
Accountability and Family Business Contexts - An Interpretive Approach to Accounting and Control Practices -
Ethel Brundin (2002)
Emotions in Motion – The Strategic Leader in a Radical Change Process