CeFEO Research Seminars
CeFEO organizes seminars for scholars as well as family business practitioners such as owners, managers, advisors and policy makers with interest in family enterprising and ownership.
Every week or every second week, CeFEO hosts research seminars on a range of topics. Each seminar addresses a current topic of relevance with a wide audience of interested participants. Speakers can be CeFEO members or other scholars within or outside JIBS. Specific emphasis is placed on achieving a high degree of interaction between speakers and the audience to secure a good learning outcome (e.g., feedback on how to strengthen the paper or address editors and reviewers’ comments, new knowledge on specific or broad topics).
Type of Seminars
- CeFEO Research Seminars – presentation of working papers
- CeFEO R&R Research Seminars – presentation of papers for which a review & resubmit request has been received from a journal
- CeFEO Special Issues Seminars – targeting paper submissions to Journal Special Issues
- CeFEO Pitch Seminars – projects and papers idea generation and development
- CeFEO Method Seminars – dedicated to competency development
Covid-19 significantly impacted on the number of CeFEO Seminars, as it cut to zero the number of external guests visiting JIBS. For this reason we count 19 seminars in 2020. Nonetheless, this difficult situation created the opportunity to join forces with other 14 strong research groups and form an international network among the largest European Family Business Centers (EuFBC). In the period June-December 2020, CeFEO participated to 10 EuFBC Research Seminars. Throughout 2019 CeFEO hosted 31 seminars and there were 26 seminars in 2018.
For more information about the CeFEO seminars, please contact Josh Hsueh.
CeFEO Seminars 2023
- Research Seminar: 'Female Entrepreneurship in the High-Tech Sectors: Legitimacy and Entrepreneurial Orientation'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino. (2023-01-23).
- Research Seminar: 'Stakeholder pressures and decarbonization strategies in Mittelstand firms'. Presented by: Joern Block (CeFEO Affiliated Professor, Trier University). (2023-02-06).
- Research Seminar: 'Machine Learning and Family Business: On the Brink of a Revolution?'. Presented by: Bart Hennsen (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, Odissee University). (2023-03-06).
- Research Seminar: 'In the eye of the storm? Hurricane wind damage and insurers’ strategic adjustment in Florida'. Presented by: Giuseppe Criaco (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, Erasmus University). (2023-03-07).
- Research Seminar: 'Corporate Entrepreneurship in family firms: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda'. Presented by: Michela Bearzi (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, Udine University). (2023-03-20).
- Research Seminar: 'Driving the transition from family SMEs to large family firms'. Presented by: Sofia Brunelli (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, Cattaneo University LIUC). (2023-04-17).
- Research Seminar: 'Family business groups as a research context – An important but under studied phenomenon'. Presented by: Marita Rautiainen (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, LUT University). (2023-05-15).
CeFEO Seminars 2022
- Pitch Seminar: 'Why go green? A study of generational differences in implementing sustainability practices in family business firms'. Presented by: Julia Grimm. (24-01-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Access to Succession Finance in Private Family Firms: The Role of Governance'. Presented by: Lien Vekemans (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, Hasselt University). (31-01-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'The entrepreneurial leadership in freelancing: Impact of entrepreneurial bricolage on project success'. Presented by: Mansoor Ahmed (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, Università G. D'Annunzio). (07-02-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Bridging the theory-practice gap: Applying the triple layered business model canvas to family business'. Presented by: Bart Henssen (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, Odissee University). (21-02-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'South African family wineries – A Family business brand matrix perspective'. Presented by: Adele Berndt. (07-03-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'An attention based view of how emotions effect renewal in SMEs'. Presented by: Edward Gillmore. (21-03-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Psychological Measurement in New Venture Teams'. Presented by: Rebecka Persson (Stockholm School of Economics). (04-04-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Crisis Management in Family Firms: Taking stock of where we are and how to move forward'. Presented by: Joyce Kox (University of Tillburg). (21-04-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Let’s trade off economic goals and socio-emotional wealth: finding the optimal non-family executive in family firms'. Presented by: Madeleine Meurer (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, EBS Business School). (02-05-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Back to the Future: Transgenerational Entrepreneurship through Legacy and Identity Work'. Presented by: Naveed Akhter. (16-05-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Auditing in family firms – Systematic Review and Research Agenda'. Presented by: Miguel Gil. (30-05-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'An Alternative Approach to Family Business – A theory of socio-material weaving'. Presented by: Mona Ericson (CeFEO Affiliated Professor). (13-06-2022).
- Research Seminar: 'Understanding the Performance Premium of Family Firms:
Governance Benefits vs. Financial Constraints'. Presented by: Janis Berzins (BI Oslo, Norway). (2022-09-19). - Research Seminar: 'How Does Collective Psychological Ownership Develop In Family Firms? A Process Perspective'. Presented by: Ana Lucia Caicedo (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, Universidad Publica de Navarra, Spain). (2022-10-03).
- Research Seminar: 'Family Business Dynasties: An Evolutionary Perspective'. Presented by: Josh Hsueh. (2022-10-17).
- Research Seminar: 'Ownershift – Power shift through ownership'. Presented by: Anna Nordén. (2022-10-25).
- Research Seminar: 'The role of family for sustainability-related entrepreneurship: A co-creation perspective'. Presented by: Miguel Gil. (2022-11-14).
- Research Seminar: 'CEO transgenerational responsibility and tax avoidance behaviours'. Presented by: Alessandro Cirillo (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, Università Federico II). (2022-11-28).
- Research Seminar: 'Socio-emotional wealth and accounting practices: The case of Swedish dairy farms'. Presented by: Andreas Jansson. (2022-12-12).
CeFEO Seminars 2021
- Research Seminar: 'Gender roles or gendered goals?'. Presented by: Shqipe Gashi Nulleshi (Linnaeus University). (2021-01-25).
- Research Seminar: 'The Genie is Out of the Bottle: The Entrepreneur in Neo-Schumpeterian Growth Theory'. Presented by: Johan Karlsson. (2021-02-15).
- Research Seminar: 'The long-term taxation of owner-entrepreneurs – Sweden, 1862 to 2018'. Presented by: Dan Johansson (Örebro University). (2021-03-15).
- Research Seminar: 'Blessing or Curse? Antecedents and Implications of Corporate Venture Capital Directorships in Venture Boards'. Presented by: Matthias Waldkirch (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, EBS University). (2021-03-29).
- Research Seminar: 'Women Entrepreneurs in the Gulf State: Taking Stock & Moving Forward'. Presented by: Sumaya Hashim. (2021-04-12).
- Research Seminar: 'Fight not flight: Contextual strategies for rural industrial SME renewal – the case of Gnosjö Automatsvarvning'. Presented by: Shanyun Lu. (2021-05-10).
- Research Seminar: 'Conditions Influencing CEO Resilience in Family Firms during Crisis: A Configurational Approach'. Presented by: Bart Henssen (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, Odissee University). (2021-05-24).
- Research Seminar: 'Women directors, socioemotional wealth and innovation'. Presented by: Salvatore Sciascia (CeFEO Affiliated Professor, Università Cattaneo). (2021-06-07).
- Research Seminar: 'How the historical investors’ preferences affect their holding firms’ behavior?'. Presented by: Mohamed Genedy. (2021-09-06).
- Research Seminar: 'Academic goals and performance of University spin-off firms. The role of ownership structure and founders´ family business background'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino. (2021-09-27).
- Research Seminar: 'We Did Start the Fire: Wallstreetbets, ‘Flash movements’ and the Gamestop Short-Squeeze'. Presented by: Matthias Waldkirch (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, EBS University). (2021-10-11).
Research Seminar: '“The king is dead! Owner-managers’ sudden death, financial distress, and the role of the successor”'. Presented by: Francesco Chirico. (2021-10-18). - Research Seminar: 'Group Processes in New Venture Teams: A Model of Identity Fusion Formation'. Presented by: Emma Rui Lu (Handelshögskolan, Stockholm). (2021-10-25).
- Research Seminar: 'More than meets the eye: Balancing the internal complexities in family business groups'. Presented by: Marita Rautiainen (CeFEO Affiliated Researcher, LUT University). (2021-11-01).
- R&R Seminar: 'High growth in family and non family firms. The role of slack resources'. Presented by: Mara Brumana (University of Bergamo). (2021-11-08).
- Research Seminar: 'Whole-life entrepreneurship, family and key-others'. Presented by: Joaquin Cestino. (2021-11-22).
Research Seminar: 'Family firms going public: factors influencing the choice of the CEO at IPO'. Presented by: Emmadonata Carbone (CeFEO PhD Visiting Student, University of Naples Federico II). (2021-11-29).
Research Seminar: 'Rethinking dual missions in board governance in hybrid organizations'. Presented by: Anup Banerjee. (2021-12-13).
CeFEO Seminars 2020
- Research Seminar: 'External enablers of entrepreneurship: A review and research agenda'. Presented by: Jiyoung Kim. (2020-01-27).
- Research Seminar: ' The Danish Stewardship Code – The past, the present and the future'. Presented by: Marina Madsen (Aarhus University). (2020-02-17).
- Special Issue Seminar: 'Values, Spirituality and Religion: Family Business and the Roots of Sustainable Ethical Behavior'. Presented by: Massimo Baù. (2020-02-24).
- Research Seminar: ' More than meets the eye: managing complex dynamics in family business groups'. Presented by: Marita Rautiainen (Cancelled due to Covid 19 travel restrictions). (2020-03-23).
- Research Seminar: 'Radical innovation in multi-owned family firms'. Presented by: Francesco Chirico and Daniel Pittino. (2020-03-30).
- Pitch Seminar: 'Research opportunities in CoVid times'. Presented by: Edward Gillmore and Duncan Levinson. (2020-04-06).
- Research Seminar: 'Organizational identity and strategy in family firms: A conceptual study'. Presented by: Emanuela Rondi (University of Bolzano). (2020-04-23).
- Research Seminar: 'Distributed socio-emotional wealth and community commitment: the case of the family-owned local press in United Kingdom'. Presented by: Joaquin Cestino. (2020-05-04).
- Research Seminar: 'Accounting in Family Business literature: a conversation on open issues and future research trends'. Presented by: Alessandro Cirillo (University of Foggia). (2020-06-01).
- Final Seminar: 'Capturing the antecedents and aftermath of family business: The entrepreneurial journey of a displaced agricultural family in Colombia'. Presented by: Enrique Sandino Vargas. Discussant: Allan Discua Cruz, Lancaster University. (2020-06-15).
- Final Seminar: 'The entangled inert relatedness of business family ownering. Reconstructing family business ownership as practice relationally and overtime'. Presented by: Lisa Bäckvall. Discussant:
Denise Fletcher, University of Luxembourg. (2020-06-24). - Research Seminar: 'Keeping Family Firms In A Region: Family Firm Density, Job Security And Firm Performance'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino and Francesco Chirico. (2020-09-21).
- Seminar: 'Entrepreneurial Learning in Online Communities'. Presented by: Matthias Waldkirch. (2020-10-05).
- Pitch Seminar: 'Queer Family Business: A Research Agenda'. Presented by: Ryan Rumble. (2020-10-19).
- Research Seminar: 'Competence Supply Strategies in Rural Family-owned SMEs'. Presented by: Kristin Sabel (Mid Sweden University). (2020-11-02).
- Method Seminar: 'The Holdings Database'. Presented by Ulf Larsson. (2020-11-16).
- Research Seminar: 'It’s Not Motherhood: The Role Of Social Welfare Provision in Entrepreneurship By Mothers'. Presented by: Magdalena Markowska, Helene Ahl and Lucia Naldi. (2020-11-11).
- Research Seminar: 'The role of management control systems in Iranian family firms under environmental uncertainty'. Presented by: Amin Soheili. (2020-11-25).
- Research Seminar: 'The determinants of collective psychological ownership in family firms. A multilevel configurational approach'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino and Bart Henssen. (2020-12-14).
CeFEO Seminars 2019
- Research Seminar: 'Families in Business and the rural context'. Presented by: Allan Discua Cruz (Lancaster University). (2019-01-28).
- Research Seminar: 'A review and examination of identity in organizational studies'. Presented by: Anna Schade (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management). (2019-02-25).
- Research Seminar: 'Giving up the family brand'. Presented by: Börje Boers and Torbjörn Ljungkvist (University of Skövde), Olof Brunninge. (2019-03-11).
- R&R Seminar: 'Saving for a rainy day – Exploring the Vestigial Effects of Relational Attributes on Subsidiary Evolution Post Mandate Loss'. Presented by: Edward Gillmore. (2019-03-12).
- Pitch Seminar: 'Tentative research ideas in intersection between Small Family Business and Rituals'. Presented by: Luigi Servadio. (2019-03-18).
- Research Seminar: 'Family firms and sustainable human resource management: Is there a match?'. Presented by: Bart Henssen (Odisee University). (2019-03-25).
- Pitch Seminar: 'Tentative research ideas around microfoundational issues of entrepreneurship and ownership in MNEs'. Presented by: Edward Gillmore. (2019-03-26).
- Research Seminar: 'Identity transition during succession in family firms'. Presented by: Anna Schade (WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management). (2019-04-08).
- Research Seminar: 'Corporate venture capital financing, investor leadership and technological influence of new venture’s inventions'. Presented by: Francesco Di Lorenzo (Copenhagen Business School). (2019-04-30).
- Method Seminar: 'PhD project design". Presented by: Salvatore Sciascia (Università Cattaneo LIUC). (2019-05-03).
- Research Seminar: 'To Rome with love: A moderated mediation model in Roman heritage consumption'. Presented by: Francesco Raggiotto (University of Udine). (2019-05-06).
- Research Seminar: 'The Entrepreneur Who Became a Marionette – an Active Family Context'. Presented by: Hanna Astner (Swedish University of Agriculture). (2019-05-13).
- Research Seminar: 'The family influences of EO development in immigrant family businesses'. Presented by: Börje Boers (University of Skövde). (2019-05-20).
- Research Seminar: 'The ecosystem challenges to face the disruptive power of digital technologies'. Presented by: Wim Vanhaverbeke ( Hasselt University). (2019-05-27).
- Research Seminar: 'Opening Strategy: Professional Strategists and Practice Change?'. Presented by: Richard Whittington (Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK ). (2019-05-28).
- Research Seminar: 'Affective Neuroscience in Drive; possible contribution to family ownership practice and research'. Presented by: Gry Osnes (Practitioner). (2019-08-26).
- Research Seminar: 'Internationalization of Family Business: Analysis of the speed of the process'. Presented by: Jose Carlos Casillas Bueno (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain). (2019-08-28).
- Research Seminar: 'Reciprocal Stewardship in Family Firm’s Corporate Venturing Process'. Presented by: Anita Van Gils (Hamrin Visiting Professor at CeFEO). (2019-08-29).
- Research Seminar: 'Good for the venture but not for me? The role of passion in entrepreneurs’ work-family conflict'. Presented by: Annelore Huyghe (Cass Business School). (2019-09-06).
- Research Seminar: 'Challenges of building a positive owner identity'. Presented by: Markus Plate. (2019-09-09).
- Method Seminar: 'Academic research, publishing and writing'. Presented by: John Dumay (Macquarie University). (2019-09-18).
- Research Seminar: 'Ownership structure and regulation: the explain mechanism as a sign of “capture”'. Presented by: Ulf Larsson. (2019-09-23).
- Research Seminar: 'Time perspecvtive and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: Some theoretical propositions'. Presented by: Ludvig Levasseur (Indiana University). (2019-09-25).
- Research Seminar: 'Top Management Team Nepotism And Firm Growth: Evidence From A Transition Context'. Presented by: Peder Greve (Henley Business School). (2019-10-03).
- Research Seminar: 'The research topics concern the processes and governance of family businesses, innovation and development in the territorial networks of companies'. Presented by: Giorgia Maria D'Allura (University of Catania). (2019-10-07).
- Research Seminar: 'Failing to Learn from Failure: How Optimism Impedes Entrepreneurial Innovation'. Presented by: Victor Martin-Sanchez (King's College ). (2019-10-11).
- Research Seminar: 'Management accounting and control in family firms: the state of the field and new evidence on its role in institutional change'. Presented by: Martin Hiebl (University of Siegen). (2019-10-15).
- Research Seminar: 'Linking Entrepreneurial identity and entrepreneurial orientation'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino. (2019-10-21).
- Pitch Seminar: '"Reinventing family business education through action research (some initial ideas to discuss)"'. Presented by: Katrine Sonnerschein and Michal Zawadzki. (2019-11-04).
- Research Seminar: 'Managing Family Business Tensions: The Narrative of Family Business History'. Presented by: Timur Uman. (2019-11-14).
- Research Seminar: 'Entrepreneurship propagation: the bright side of kinship tie'. Presented by: Lina Eze (ESADE Business School). (2019-11-18).
CeFEO Seminars 2018
- Research Seminar: 'Theory to practice and practice to theory'. Presented by: Mette Neville (Aarhus University). (2018-01-30).
- Research Seminar: 'Corporate Governance in African Banks: The Role of Institutions and Corporate Governance Code'. Presented by: Samuel Mutarindwa and Andreas Stephan. (2018-02-05).
- Research Seminar: 'Sailing against the wind: Women’s navigation into entrepreneurship despite the adversity of divorce'. Presented by: Sumaya Hashim. (2018-02-26).
- Research Seminar: 'How do African banks respond to Basel III Capital and liquidity requirements? Evidence on bank lending and stability'. Presented by: Samuel Mutarindwa. (2018-03-12).
- R&R Seminar: 'A family-business perspective on corporate co-evolution'. Presented by: Assistant Professor Kajsa Haag and Leona Achtenhagen. (2018-03-19).
- Research Seminar: 'Collective leadership in young technology based firms'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino. (2018-04-09).
- Research Seminar: 'Expressing and embedding local authenticity in family firms as a driver of internationalization: case studies of Italian brands'. Presented by: Daria Sarti (University of Florence). (2018-04-11).
- Research Seminar: 'Real options reasoning and the influence of family ownership on intermittent exports'. Presented by: Andrea Kuiken. (2018-04-16).
- Research Seminar: 'Equity crowdfunding: A New Zealand case study'. Presented by: Trish Keeper (Victoria University of Wellington). (2018-04-30).
- Research Seminar: 'Influence of family identity on familiness and innovative performance'. Presented by: Ricardo Zavala. (2018-05-14).
- Research Seminar: 'Intergenerational succession and the internationalization strategy of family SMEs: Evidence from China'. Presented by: Francesco Barbera (Adelaide Business School). (2018-05-23)."
- Research Seminar: 'The Narratives Of Choice: Contextualizing Mumpreneurship In Sweden'. Presented by: Magdalena Markowska. (2018-05-28).
- Research Seminar: 'The Persistence And Viability Of Small Businesses In A Developing Country Context: Institution-Bypassing View'. Presented by: Pia Arenius (RMIT). (2018-06-04).
- Research Seminar: 'Moral Human Agency in Business'. Presented by: Mona Ericson. (2018-06-11).
- Final Seminar: 'From interactions to relational work: investigating non-family CEOs in family firms'. Presented by: Matthias Waldkirch. Opponent: Denise Fletcher (University of Luxemburg). (2018-06-20).
- R&R Seminar : 'Should I Stay, or Should I Go? Multi-focus Identification and Employee Retention in Post-Acquisition Integration'. Presented by: Norbert Steigenberger. (2018-09-03).
- Research Seminar: 'Using Supervised Machine Learning to Identify Family Firms Using the EU Definition'. Presented by: Juhana Peltonen (Hanken). (2018-09-17).
- Research Seminar: 'A life of two persons. A case study on trans-generational trauma transmission in a family business'. Presented by: Louisa Diana Brunner (Practitioner). (2018-09-24).
- Research Seminar: 'Female-led family ventures in the Arab world: a path from legitimacy judgement to royal validity'. Presented by: Sumaya Hashim. (2018-09-25).
- Research Seminar: 'Conflict in family business: antecedents and effects on Strategic Decision Making'. Presented by: Pedro Braga Sotomaior Karam. (2018-10-08).
- Research Seminar: 'Family Firms and Employment Growth: A Local Embeddedness Persepctive'. Presented by: Stefano Amato (University of Pisa). (2018-10-22).
- Research Seminar: 'Board Roles and Outside Directors in Micro Firms'. Presented by: Anna Thorsell. (Umeå School of Business and Economics). (2018-11-05).
- Research Seminar: 'A family never forgets? Imprints of past collaborative experiences and the interorganizational trust propensity of family and nonfamily firms'. Presented by: Jasper Brinkerink (University of Bolzano). (2018-11-12).
- Research Seminar: 'Pulled apart but held together: Job system change as a contestation process'. Presented by: Matthias Waldkirch. (2018-11-19).
- Research Seminar: 'Why do Owner-Managed Firms have Boards'. Presented by: Bill Schulze (Utah University). (2018-11-10).
- Research Seminar: 'Revisiting The Unit Of Analysis In Entrepreneurship Research'. Presented by: Léo-Paul Dana (University of Montepellier). (2018-11-17).
CeFEO Seminars 2017
- Research Seminar: 'Nordic Family Dynasties'. Presented by: Hans Sjögren (Linköping University). (24-04-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Entrepreneurial Orientation And Performance In Family Firms: The Double-Edged Sword Of Family Leadership'. Presented by: Salvatore Sciascia (IULM). (25-04-2017).
- Final Seminar: 'Nurturing Entrepreneurial Venturing Capabilities - A Study Of Family Firms'. Presented by: PhD. Candidate Imran Nazir. Discussant: Salvatore Sciascia (IULM) (26-04-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Analysis Of Business Models Of International Cooperation In Long-Lived Family-Owned Businesses'. Presented by: Alicja Hadryś-Nowak (Poznań University of Economics and Business). (27-04-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Enacting Entrepreneurship After Displacement: A Challenge For Family Business In Colombia'. Presented by: Enrique Sandino Vargas. (08-05-2017).
- R&R Seminar: 'Extending Signaling Theory To Signal Portfolios'. Presented by: Norbert Steigenberger. (22-05-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'The Importance Of Being Bridge Maker: Power, Influence And Skills In Multicultural Boards'. Presented by: Suzanne Liljegren (Stockholm School of Economics). (31-08-2017)."
- Research Seminar: 'Next Generation Engagement And Learning In The Family Business'. Presented by: Carole Howorth (University of Bradford School of Management). (18-09-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Entrepreneurial Orientation In Family Firms: Discrepancies Among Generations'. Presented by: Giovanna Campopiano (University of Witten/Herdecke). (02-10-2017)."
- Final Seminar: 'Nurturing Entrepreneurial Venturing Capabilities - A Study Of Family Firms'. Presented by: Judith Van Helvert-Beugels. Discussant: Jonas Gabrielsson. (09-10-2017).
- Final Seminar: 'Resource Mobilization Among Informal Entrepreneurs: Role Of Social And Human Capital: A Case Of Event Planning Industry Of Pakistan'. Presented by: Khizran Zehra. Discussant: Tomas Karlsson. (09-13-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'High Growth Entrepreneurial Firms In Troubled Economies: The Case Of Palestine'. Presented by: Nidal Darwish. (16-10-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Going Places: A Process Model Of Family Firm Internationalization'. Presented by: Giuseppe Criaco (Rotterdam School of Management). (18-10-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Regional Density Of Family Firms: Implications For Family Business Survival And Performance'. Presented by: Daniel Pittino. (30-10-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'The Meanings Of Ownership And Its Implications For Wellbeing In The Processual Context Of Ownership Exit In Family Business'. Presented by: Ethel Brundin and Leif Melin. (27-11-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Rethinking The Role Of Owners. How To Form An Inclusive 21th Century Swedish Market Economy'. Presented by: Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall (Stockholm School of Economics). (08-12-2017).
- Research Seminar: 'Explaining Portfolio Entrepreneurship In Long-Lived Family Firms'. Presented by: Peter Rosa (Edinburgh University). (14-12-2017).