Anup Banerjee (2023)

The role of the board chair: Changing expectations and hybrid organizations

The purpose of this dissertation is to enhance our understanding of the changing role of the board chair and what this means for hybrid organizations and their board work. Historically, the role of the boards and their chairs evolved around safeguarding shareholders’ financial interests. Whilst this responsibility persists, boards are increasingly expected to embrace societal issues in board governance discussions and to rethink performance measurement systems to incorporate the social impacts generated by their organizations.

To navigate these challenges, boards are encouraged to adopt hybrid board governance systems that strike a balance between financial and social mission targets. Board chairs can guide boards to secure such a hybrid outlook, but we lack academic insights on this role beyond financial performance. Systematically reviewing four decades of research, the first article of the dissertation demonstrates the need and opportunities for considering divergent stakeholder interests and contextual factors influencing the role of the board chair. Building on this, the second article engages with board chairs and general secretaries in social hybrid organizations and unearths different board-specific and field level challenges that currently hinder boards from implementing social impact measurements. Subsequently, the third article discusses how adopting a qualitative, engaged scholarship approach can generate practice informed research, contributing new understanding for boards and their chairs.

Together, these insights offer implications for theory and practice and promote an agenda for future research that embraces a social purpose beyond profit maximization.
