Jiyoung Kim (2023)

External enablers and new venture creation: How characteristics of environmental changes and enabling mechanisms influence entrepreneurial responses

Changes in the external environment—whether technological breakthroughs, natural environmental disasters, regulatory reforms, economic shifts, sociocultural movements, or demographic transitions—provide the essential enablement of entrepreneurial endeavors and outcomes. Despite extensive existing research on this topic, the predominant focus on a single type of change has hindered the attainment of broadly generalizable insights or advancements in theoretical and practical knowledge. This dissertation aims to foster a unified understanding of how environmental changes enable the creation of new ventures. To this end, it draws attention to the characteristics of changes and enablement shared across different nominal types of change.

The notion of external enablers and the external enablement framework provide conceptual foundations for the four research articles included in this dissertation. The first article, a systematic literature review, demonstrates the potential for studying the characteristics of environmental changes and external enablement as a means of accumulating vastly broadened knowledge. The three remaining empirical articles delve into entrepreneurial responses to environmental changes. Experimental data evidence that variance in the characteristics of environmental changes and external enablement causes systematic differences in perceptions of entrepreneurial potential and intentions to create specific types of new ventures, i.e., family vs. non-family. This dissertation offers novel theoretical insights into the enabling impact of environmental changes on entrepreneurship. It also showcases different pathways for advancing generalizable knowledge that can be strategically applied.
