JU-Labs - Materials and Manufacturing
Advancing sustainable materials and manufacturing
At JU-Labs in the department of Materials and Manufacturing, we unlock the secrets of materials through unique experimentation and analysis. Our facilities allow us to process materials, and measure mechanical, chemical, and physical properties, exploring the intricate relationships between processing, performance, and microstructure of materials (mainly Metals and Polymers). By combining state-of-the-art equipment with expert knowledge, we dive deep into the connections between material properties, manufacturing processes, and component design—paving the way for breakthroughs in sustainable and innovative materials and manufacturing.
Our facilities are generally divided into two categories of (i) processing and manufacturing that are mostly located at JU-CAST External link, opens in new window. (~10 min walking from our main building at JTH), and (ii) testing and characterization all located at JTH
External link, opens in new window. main building.
Interested in utilizing our facilities to test your materials or components? Reach out to our lab experts—we’re here to collaborate!
List of facilities
- Processing and manufacturing
- Testing and characterization
- Microscopy
- Mechanical testing
- Thermophysical testing
- Corrosion and electrochemical testing
- Machining and sample preparation
Contact (general equipment/labs responsible)
- Laboratory Engineer
- School of Engineering
- jorgen.bloom@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1683