Digital education
Welcome to Digital Education. On this page you will find pedagogical tips for online education and information on available digital tools.
Digital education is a broad concept and these pages also include various forms of so-called "blended education". This term usually includes both campus-based education and online education. Here we include both courses that are run entirely online and blended in the larger concept of digital education.
When education is offered online, the interaction that usually takes place between teachers and students in a physical space is reduced or eliminated. The question of how to engage students is therefore an important theme for digital education, as are the tips presented here. Although this page was created with digital education in mind, many of the tips are relevant to campus teaching as well.
Feel free to use the material as a source of inspiration and guide as a first step. Try different approaches to see what works best for your course, but always keep in mind the resources available (course budget), the type of course and the composition of the student group.
The page is divided into four sections:
- Course design for engagement
About structure, constructive alignment and communication. - Designing learning activities
Examples of interactive learning activities. - Recording and streaming
Information about using sound and video in learning activities, assessment and communication. - Hybrid education
Tips about things to think about when planning and carrying out hybrid education.
About this guide
Digital education was updated in autumn 2020 with
- A guide with pedagogical tips for digital education.
- JU webinars and other resources, as well as training sessions for Canvas, Zoom, Teams and Inspire.
The updates were made by the project team Temporary pedagogical support for digitalization. This group consisted of members from the universities of applied sciences, JUE and University Services, as well as a student representative.
In spring 2022, digital education was taken over by Educate, who are now responsible for updating the pages.
Sources for inspiration
The content of the pages has been created based on the collective experience of the project team and the following publications.
- Bates, T. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age : guidelines for designing teaching and learning for a digital age. BC Open Textbooks.
External link, opens in new window.
- Biggs, J., & Tang, C. (2011). Teaching for quality learning at university : what the student does (4., [rev.] ed.). Open University Press.
External link, opens in new window.
- Christensen Center for Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Knowing Your Students. Harvard Business School. Retrieved November 2, 2020, from
External link, opens in new window.
- Educational Research, the journal of the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). Available at
- Elmgren, M., & Henriksson, A. (2016). Universitetspedagogik (3., [uppdaterade och omarb.] uppl.). Studentlitteratur.
External link, opens in new window.
- Garrison, D. (2017). E-learning in the 21st century : a community of inquiry framework for research and practice (3. ed.). Routledge.
External link, opens in new window.
- Hrastinski, S. (2018). Digitalisering av högre utbildning (Upplaga 1). Studentlitteratur
External link, opens in new window..
- International Council for Open and Distance Education. (2020, September 22). ICDE Quality Network Webinar Series #2.
- Online Learning Journal, the official journal of OLC. Available at
External link, opens in new window.
Hybrid Education
- Eileen M., Ahlin (2021) A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Hybrid Course Modality to Increase Student Engagement and Mastery of Course Content in Undergraduate Research Methods Classes. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 32:1, 22-41.
- Karlsson, S., (2022). Kursdeltagare både här och där!: En fenomenografisk fallstudie om uppfattningar och erfarenheter av synkron hybridundervisning inom högre utbildning. Mälardalen University, School of Education, Culture and Communication.
- Gerald P. Marquis & Soumen Ghosh (2017) Student preferences for a hybrid
course, Journal of Education for Business, 92:3, 105-113. - Raes, A., Detienne, L., Windey, I. et al. (2020) A systematic literature review on synchronous hybrid learning: gaps identified. Learning Environ Res 23, 269–290.
- Raes, A., Vannestea, P., Pietersa, M., Windey, I., Van Den Noortgate, W., Depaepea, F., (2020) Learning and instruction in the hybrid virtual classroom: An investigation of students’ engagement and the effect of quizzes. Computers & Education 143 (2020) 103682.
- Raes, A. (2022) Exploring Student and Teacher Experiences in Hybrid Learning Environments: Does Presence Matter?. Postdigit Sci Educ 4, 138–159.
- Lärcentra för kompetensförsörjning och livslångt lärande. Behovsinventering och analys. Redovisning av uppdrag inom myndighetssamverkan för kompetensförsörjning och livslångt lärande. (2022).
- Oiuyun Lin (2008) Student Views of Hybrid Learning, Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 25:2, 57-66.