All learning opportunities
Not sure on what activities suit you? Have a look at the pages for the different pedagogical roles!
Educational technology
In today's educational environment, AI tools are a much-discussed topic. This workshop wants to give you inspiration on how you could work with learning activities and examination in an ...
Specific teaching methods
The course offers those of you who wish to prepare for your application to be admitted as associate professor the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of supervision on third-cycle level and to learn more about things that you as an associate professor are expected to work with. The course covers, for example, ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 36, 2025 Jönköping Third-cycle level
Equal opportunities, broadened participation and sustainable development
How do we create an inclusive learning environment while maintaining quality? The workshop focuses on inspiring you as a teacher to develop courses so that they create inclusive learning while maintaining quality. Broadened participation enables us to be an inclusive, open, and accessible ...
Teaching and learning
Universities in Sweden have as part of their mission to broaden their recruitment to higher education. This means that higher education in Sweden should not be based on elite selection but more on mass education. We as higher education institutions must enable students to complete their education regardless of their ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 46, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Creating collaboration in different types of groups is exciting but can also be challenging. A well-functioning group can provide a lot of knowledge for the group members and also make it easier for the teacher. A group that does not work, on the other hand, can generate much more work than planned. Therefore, it is ...
Course (credits) Spring week 4, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Teaching and learning
What do you need to be familiar with, beyond your subject, to work as a teacher in higher education in Sweden? The course provides an introduction to various aspects relevant to working as a higher education teacher in Sweden, ranging from approaches to knowledge, the science of teaching and learning, student-active ...
Course (credits) Spring week 4, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Course design, management, development and constructive alignment
A course is presented from A to Z to share best practices in course ideas, course planning, and course delivery. Find ideas, inspiration and answers. ...
Teaching and learning
Creating and conducting examinations and assessments that reflect the objectives of the course and rest on a sound pedagogical foundation is a starting point for this course. The aim of the course is to develop your ability as a teacher to link content, objectives and examinations. The course also aims to support ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 34, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Digital education
Hybrid teaching opens up new teaching opportunities, such as reaching new student groups and contributing to flexible learning. But for teaching to work well, pedagogy needs to be designed in a way that activates and engages students, both on campus and online, and supports learning, ...
Digital education
How can I as a teacher best utilize a hybrid or blended learning environment in my teaching to increase flexibility and accessibility? Various forms of digital elements in teaching open up new possibilities, such as reaching new student groups and contributing to flexible learning. But for ...
Internationalization, intercultural competence and languaging
The workshop will lead you to new perspectives on the diversity of experiences and expectations of teaching and learning practices in a multicultural classroom. We begin the work by building together an understanding of concepts such as internationalisation of curricula (IoC), inclusive ...
Internationalization, intercultural competence and languaging
How does the teacher change to change the student? The course will lead you to new perspectives on the diversity of experiences and expectations of teaching and learning practices in a multicultural classroom. We begin the process of building understanding together of concepts such as internationalisation of ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 36, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Examination and assessment
The course is intended for beginners in a university teaching, but also for more experienced educators that want to enhance the educational experience for the students. The course is applying management principles for managing the course design, planning, communication, delivery, with purpose of creating predictable ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 46, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Teaching and learning
More and more courses and programs at JU are offered fully or partially online. This course gives you as a teacher opportunities to acquaint yourself with ways to use digital tools in teaching. You will learn more about important concepts in online learning, principles for how you can present course content, create ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 46, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Specific teaching methods
In many teaching situations, we as teachers at a university often use PowerPoints (or Keynotes). Many people spend an enormous amount of time on these and they often form a good basis for lectures. But, how can we improve these presentations? What are the small, or big, things to ...
Teaching and learning
Active learning implies engagement per design, promoting cognitive processes that makes learning more effective and engaging for all participants. It also has an impact on the joy of learning, student agency and the development of transferable skills. In essence, active learning engages your students in deep thought ...
Course (credits) Spring week 14, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Supervision and academic advancement
The course offers you as a supervisor at basic level and advanced level the opportunity to learn more about how you can design the supervision process, give constructive feedback and support your students' learning of the subject. The course also deals with ethical perspectives on the supervision process as well as ...
Course (credits) Spring week 4, 2025 Jönköping Advanced level
Supervision and academic advancement
What does the doctoral education context look like and how can we as supervisors support doctoral students in their development as researchers? The course focuses on the supervisory process, the role of the supervisor and the doctoral student, and the social, organisational and legal context in which doctoral ...
Course (credits) Spring week 4, 2025 Jönköping Third cycle-level
Specific teaching methods
How can you support students in developing their academic writing in your subject even if you are not a language teacher? Academic writing is an important tool for interpreting, understanding, organising and developing new knowledge in different subject traditions. This course addresses questions about how you can ...
Course (credits) Spring week 4, 2024 Jönköping Advanced level
Equal opportunities, broadened participation and sustainable development
How do we prepare our students for a future that seems uncertain and complex? What sustainability-related competences do our students need to develop? The course is intended for you who teach in higher education and want to strengthen your ability to teach about sustainability. According to the Higher Education Act, ...
Course (credits) Spring week 4, 2024 Jönköping Advanced level
Digital education
How can I, as a teacher, best utilize analogue/digital and synchronous/asynchronous elements in my teaching to increase flexibility and accessibility? Consciously using a mixture of analogue/digital and synchronous/asynchronous elements in teaching opens up new possibilities, such as ...
Specific teaching methods
The course develops the ability to teach in English. It links theoretical perspectives, approaches and concepts, such as English as a foreign language (EFL), English as a medium of instruction (EMI), English for specific purposes (ESP) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) together with pedagogical ...
Course (credits) Autumn week 44, 2024 Jönköping Advanced level
Specific teaching methods
Do you wish to use video in your course? This coaching session will help you as a teacher to plan, present and act in front of the camera in a more natural and relaxed way. You will learn about the most ...
Long-term planning
Are you in need of a list of all activities planned for several semesters ahead?
Digital systems for educational support
Are you looking for training sessions in systems like LMS, e-exams or online meetings?