Registration is open from 15 March for the autumn semester, and from 15 September for the spring semester. For courses, registration closes at the end of April and at the end of October. You can register for seminars, workshops and coaching up to one week before the start of the activity.
Educational technology, Technical and administrative solutions
Specific teaching methods, Supervision and academic advancement
Equal opportunities, broadened participation and sustainable development
Teaching and learning, Equal opportunities, broadened participation and sustainable development
Teaching and learning, Course design, management, development and constructive alignment
Course design, management, development and constructive alignment
Teaching and learning, Examination and assessment, Course design, management, development and constructive alignment
Digital education
Digital education
Digital education
Internationalization, intercultural competence and languaging
Internationalization, intercultural competence and languaging, Course design, management, development and constructive alignment
Examination and assessment, Course design, management, development and constructive alignment, Technical and administrative solutions
Teaching and learning, Digital education, Educational technology
Specific teaching methods, Educational technology
Teaching and learning, Specific teaching methods, Student-centered learning and active learning
Supervision and academic advancement
Supervision and academic advancement
Specific teaching methods, Student-centered learning and active learning, Specific teaching modes, Internationalization, intercultural competence and languaging
Equal opportunities, broadened participation and sustainable development
Digital education
Specific teaching methods, Student-centered learning and active learning, Internationalization, intercultural competence and languaging
Specific teaching methods, Specific teaching modes, Educational technology, Teaching labs