Frequently asked questions regarding e-exams in Inspera:
Before the exam
In which system do I write my e-exam?
In a web-based system called Inspera Assessment.
Will I be able to try the system before my exam?
You are able to write a demo exam, innumerable times. More info about the demo exam can be found here Opens in new window..
How do I register for the exam?
Register for the exam (no later than 10 days prior to the exam date) in Ladok External link, opens in new window. or in the JU Mobile app.
When do I need to be in place in the exam hall?
You need to be in the hall at least 10 minutes before the exam starts. The doors close at 8:51 AM (morning slots) and 1:50 PM (afternoon slots). If you are late, you will be let in 30 minutes after the exam starts.
What preparations are needed to perform an e-exam in Inspera?
You need to make sure that you know the login credentials for your JU account. If you have problems, go to ju.se/myaccount External link, opens in new window. or contact IT Helpdesk.
What is Safe Exam Browser (SEB)?
Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a secure web browser used on campus-based Inspera exams at JU. When SEB is activated, it is not possible to start other applications or access any files on the computer.
During the exam
How do I access my exam?
Go to ju.inspera.com External link, opens in new window. and log in with your JU email (e.g moho1700@student.ju.se) and password.
To open the exam you will need the SEB password that will be shown on the monitors in the exam hall.
Will I be able to get extra time if the computer crashes?
Yes, the invigilator will add extra time if the interruption lasts for a considerable amount of time.
Do I need do save my answers in the exam manually?
No, your answers will be saved automatically every 15 seconds in the cloud and on your computer.
What happens if the internet connection is lost during the exam?
You may continue to write the exam, even with a lost Internet connection. When it’s time for submission, click on the Submit now button. An encrypted file will be saved locally on the computer, including all data that has not been uploaded to Inspera already. The encrypted file can be found in the Downloads folder in Windows and correspondingly on Mac.
It is important that you as a student contact the JU exam organization if you have experienced an incident where the Internet connection has been lost for a longer time before submission. Short disconnects will not affect the submission, as Inspera will upload all data once the Internet connection has been reestablished.
Is it possible to skip questions on the exam?
Yes, you may choose to answer only select questions.
Please note that there are exams where you are not able to go to a previous question or browse the questions. In these cases, this information should be shown on the information page in the exam.
Is it possible to mark a question that I need to return to?
Yes, there is a flag icon to your upper right corner of the screen. Clicking on it will mark and flag the question in the navigation bar, in the bottom of the screen.
Is it possible to hand in a blank submission?
Yes (as of autumn 2018).
Is it possible to change already answered questions?
Yes, if the teacher hasn't restricted* the possibility to navigate backwards for that particular exam.
*Please note that there are exams where you are not able to go to a previous question or browse the questions. In these cases, this information should be shown on the information page in the exam.
Will I be able to do sketches in my submissions?
Yes, for essay type questions, there is a simple sketching function.
Is it possible to copy/paste?
Yes, but only within the framework of the exam.
What do I do if I run into technical problems during an exam?
Talk to an invigilator as soon as anything unforeseen happens.
May I bring my own keyboard and computer mouse to the exam?
How can I be aware of the remaining time of the exam?
In the upper left corner of the screen you will find a timer. Also, the system clock is visible in the lower right corner of your screen.
Where can I find more information regarding e-exams?
You will find more info at ju.se/student/e-exam Opens in new window.
After the exam
How can I see my results and marks?
Once your exam has been assessed by your teacher, log in to Inspera External link, opens in new window. and click on Archive. There you will find your results and marks/points. The exam will also be available as a PDF file on JU Mobile and Exam
External link, opens in new window..
Please note that the teacher has the choice of publishing different amounts of your assessed exam. Contact the examiner if you cannot see your assessed/graded exam.
Your exam results will always be visible to you when you are logged in to Inspera, given that the grading has been completed. Before that you will not get to see any results page, nor will you see your submission.