Online presentations
All contributions accepted to the conference will have one Presentation page on the online conference web platform. As on a real conference, the contributions will be divided into different sessions depending on their assigned presentation type. Each session will contain 6-10 contributions, and between the sessions there will be virtual breaks.
By default, the only content on the Presentation page is the title, abstract and name of the authors of the contribution. However, we invite you to contribute to fill the Presentation page with your contribution of whatever digital material you find suitable.
Basically, you have full freedom to choose how you want to present your work. We strongly encourage you to create a recorded presentation, following the Teaser concept we have presented before. This will enable a dynamic conference website, which is exciting to watch and follow. Recorded presentations can be easily created e.g. in Powerpoint, using Zoom or using your smartphone/tablet.
If you prefer, you can also include:
- Powerpoint-slides (e.g. in the form of a dynamic PPT-presentation)
- PDF document
- Images
- Links to other online material
- Embedded files from Youtube, Vimeo etc.
Please check out the Tips and tricks section for some guides and inspiration.

Example of a default Presentation page, containing the Abstract and name of the Authors and a link to the online publication.

Example of a combination of Photo, Text, Diagram and several Video sections on the same Presentation page.
For pre-recorded material, the following time limitations should be considered:
- Contributions assigned to Oral presentations: Maximum 10 minutes
- Contributions assigned to Poster presentations: Maximum 3 minutes
For other types of material, keep the material compact enough to maintain the readers interest in the time frames indicated above.
More detailed instructions will follow, but in general:
- We accept all the major file formats, e.g.
- For movies: mp4, wmv, mov, avi
- Powerpoints (ppt, pptx)
- Word (doc, docx)
If your file type is not on the list, please send a request to and we will see what we can do.
Smaller files can be uploaded in EasyChair. For larger files, please use the instructions here.
Note about storage and rights
The material will be made available on the conference website, where registered participants will be able to log in (with username and password) and access the material. Files will be locally stored on our webserver or Vimeo (for video files, access limited to users of the online platform) unless otherwise agreed.. The files will be available on the conference webpage from June 22 to December 31 2020 (unless otherwise agreed).
All rights to the material and the responsibility for the content remains with the authors.
Teaser awards
Each day the audience can vote for the best among the days presentations in the Poster sessions, and an award for Best Presentation of the Day will be announced.
At the end of the conference, a Best Presentation of the Conference will also be announced. This will be selected by the Poster committee based on both the scientific level and the overall quality of the Teaser.