Trade unions
In Sweden, there are trade union organisations at most workplaces and they primarily focus on negotiating work conditions and unemployment benefits.
A trade union is an organisation where employees within a specific occupation or at a specific workplace unify to focus on their work situation and labour rights. Trade unions can provide support in questions relating to work conditions.
At most workplaces there is a collective agreement, i.e. a written agreement between the trade unions and the employer regulating for instance employment conditions, holidays, working hours and other workplace conditions.
Besides focusing on work condition negotiations, another prominent matter addressed by the unions is unemployment benefit funds, referred to as “A-kassa” in Sweden. In other words, payment to an unemployed person. Read more about unemployment benefit here.
As an employee you choose whether you would like to be a member of a trade union or not. The membership comes with a fee.
Two trade unions are represented at Jönköping University:
- Saco-S
External link, opens in new window. (in Swedish)
External link, opens in new window. (in Swedish)