Nina Edh

Universitetslektor produktionssystem
Teknologie doktor
Programansvarig Supply Chain Operations Management


Nina Edh Mirzaei har alltid varit intresserad av operations management, framförallt arbetet på fabriksgolvet och samspelet mellan människor, samt mellan människa och maskin. Det här intresset för mänskliga interaktioner har haft en betydande påverkan på hennes forskningsinriktning. Forskningen har fokuserat på individerna i produktionsorganisationen. Medan doktorandprojektet fokuserade på formering av produktionsstrategi och strategisk samsyn mellan kollektivanställda och chefer jobbar hon numer i forskningsprojektet ProdHög, finansierat av Region Jönköping, där hon studerar kritiska faktorer för bevarandet av konkurrenskraft för företag verksamma i en högkostnadsmiljö. Hon är även intresserad av social hållbarhet, industriella nätverk och produktionsinnovation, särskilt hur kollektivanställda deltar i innovationsprocesser.

Nina sitter i Advisory board för Automation Småland och i styrelsen för European Operations Management Association (EurOMA).


Nina Edh Mirzaei har en mastersexamen i Produktionssystem från Jönköping University och en doktorsexamen i Teknikens ekonomi och organisation från Chalmers tekniska högskola. Hon försvarade sin avhandling med titeln "Involving individuals in the manufacturing strategy formation: Strategic consensus among workers and managers" i januari 2016. 





Sollander, K., Edh, N., Engström, A. (2024). Unplanned managerial work: Crucial support for knowledge creation in manufacturing SMEs Production planning & control (Print). More information
Engström, A., Pittino, D., Mohlin, A., Johansson, A., Edh Mirzaei, N. (2024). Artificial intelligence and work transformations: integrating sensemaking and workplace learning perspectives Information Technology and People, 37(7), 2441-2461. More information
Engström, A., Johansson, A., Edh Mirzaei, N., Sollander, K., Barry, D. (2023). Knowledge creation in projects: an interactive research approach for deeper business insight International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 16(1), 22-44. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N., Hilletofth, P., Pal, R. (2021). Challenges to competitive manufacturing in high-cost environments: checklist and insights from Swedish manufacturing firms Operations Management Research, 14, 272-292. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N., Fredriksson, A., Winroth, M. (2016). Strategic consensus on manufacturing strategy content: Including the operators’ perceptions International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(4), 429-466. More information


Edh Mirzaei, N. (2015). Involving individuals in the manufacturing strategy formation: Strategic consensus among workers and managers (Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology). More information


Stolt Olsson, H., Engström, A., Edh, N., Diószegi, A. (2024). Work-integrated learning in collaborative research projects: For whom and for what?. WIL Conference 2024 (WIL24): 2nd International conference on Work-Integrated Learning, 3-5 April 2024, Bloemfontein, South Africa. More information
Engström, A., Mohlin, A., Edh Mirzaei, N., Pittino, D., Johansson, A. (2022). Understanding Organizational Tensions During Artificial Intelligence Transformation. EURAM 2022, Leading Digital Transformation, 15-17 June 2022, Zürich, Switzerland. More information
Engström, A., Pittino, D., Johansson, A., Mohlin, A., Edh Mirzaei, N. (2022). How AI Transformation triggers new perspectives in organizational learning. OLKC conference 2022, 7-9 September, 2022, Trollhättan, Sweden. More information
Engström, A., Mohlin, A., Edh Mirzaei, N., Pittino, D., Johansson, A. (2022). Understanding Organizational Tensions During Artificial Intelligence Transformation. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 5-9 August, Seattle, Washington, USA, 4-10 August 2022, Virtual Platform. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N., Simonsson, J., Karlsson, M., Engström, A. (2022). AI transformation processes: understanding competencies. International Annual EurOMA Conference, 2022. More information
Engström, A., Edh Mirzaei, N., Simonsson, J. (2022). A learning perspective on the interdependency between technology-driven and managerial- driven AI-transformation. Trollhättan: University West, WIL'22 International Conference on Work Integrated Learning, 7-9 December 2022, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden. More information
Engström, A., Barry, D., Sollander, K., Edh Mirzaei, N., Johansson, A. (2019). Embracing the unplanned: Organizational ambidexterity within manufacturing SMEs. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2019, August 9-13, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. More information
Sollander, K., Edh Mirzaei, N. (2018). Contextualising ambidexterity in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. 25th International Annual EurOMA Conference, June 24-26th, 2018 Budapest, Hungary. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N., Halldorsson, A. (2017). Employee flexibility in operations in the era of digitalisation: Implications for social sustainability. 4th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, 27-28 February 2017, Milan, Italy. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N., Wlazlak, P., Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Challenges with competitive manufacturing in high cost environment. The 23rd EurOMA conference, 17th-22nd of June 2016, Trondheim, Norway. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N. (2015). Communication's role for strategic consensus in formation of manufacturing strategy. 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference, Operations management for sustainable competitiveness, 26 June - 1 July 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. More information
Jagstedt, S., Edh Mirzaei, N. (2015). The missing link between local and global best practices within manufacturing. 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference, Operations management for sustainable competitiveness, 26 June - 1 July 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. More information
Edh Mirzaei, N., Lantz, B. (2015). Strategic consensus on manufacturing strategy: operators’ and managers’ perceptions. 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference, Operations management for sustainable competitiveness, 26 June - 1 July 2015, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. More information
Edh, N., Fredriksson, A. (2014). The people dimension in manufacturing strategy: contextual factors influencing a joint view. 21th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Operations Management in an Innovation Economy, 20-25 June 2014, Palermo, Italy. More information
Edh, N., Fredriksson, A., Winroth, M. (2013). Strategic concensus in SMEs: Behavioral operations perspective on manufacturing strategy. 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. More information
Edh, N., Halldorsson, A. (2013). Manufacturing strategy in a behavioral operations perspective: The people dimension. 20th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Operations Management at the Heart of the Recovery, 7-12 June 2013, Dublin, Ireland. More information
Edh, N., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). Organizational comprehension of manufacturing strategy - A case study of a SMME. 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems Technology, May 16-18 2012, Athens, Greece. More information
Edh, N., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). Production-related Staff's Perception of Manufacturing at a SMME. 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2012. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M., Edh, N. (2012). A tentative comprehensive manufacturing strategy framework adapted to the requirements in SME. POMS 23rd Annual Conference "Socially Responsible Operations", April 20-23, 2012, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.. More information


Edh, N. (2013). The people dimension in manufacturing strategy: operators and managers (Licentiate thesis). Chalmers University of Technology More information