Salem Seifeddine
Teknologie doktor
Nämnder, råd m.m.
Tekniska Högskolan -
, Ordförande
Salem Seifeddine fick sin Teknologi Doktorsexamen år 2006 från Linköpings Universitet inom ämnesområdet Konstruktionsmaterial och är numera professor vid avdelningen för Material och Tillverkning. Salem Seifeddine har publicerat mer än 70 vetenskapliga artiklar och samverkar med både nationella och internationella universitet, institut och industriella partner.
Salem Seifeddine forskar om relationen mellan mikrostruktur- och defektbildning och mekaniska egenskaper hos gjutna aluminium legeringar i syfte att förstå hur hållfastheten byggs upp och därmed skapa underlag för att prediktera de mekaniska egenskaperna genom gjutningssimulering.
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S.
The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behaviour of an Al–Si–Mg alloy component International Journal of metalcasting, 18, 2882-2892.
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Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E.
On the combined effects of surface quality and pore size on the fatigue life of Al–7Si–3Cu–Mg alloy castings Materials Science & Engineering: A, 885.
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Bogdanoff, T., Börjesson, J., Seifeddine, S., Tiryakioğlu, M., Ghassemali, E.
On the secondary cracks during crack propagation in an Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy: An in-situ study Materials Characterization, 203.
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Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Liljenfors, T., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E.
On the Effectiveness of Rotary Degassing of Recycled Al-Si Alloy Melts: The Effect on Melt Quality and Energy Consumption for Melt Preparation Sustainability, 15(6).
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Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S.
A design of fuzzy inference systems to predict tensile properties of as-cast alloy The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113(3-4), 1111-1123.
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Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S.
The complex interaction between microstructural features and crack evolution during cyclic testing in heat-treated Al–Si–Mg–Cu cast alloys Materials Science & Engineering: A, 825.
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Zamani, M., Toschi, S., Morri, A., Ceschini, L., Seifeddine, S.
Optimisation of heat treatment of Al–Cu–(Mg–Ag) cast alloys Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print), 139, 3427-3440.
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Ceschini, L., Messieri, S., Morri, A., Seifeddine, S., Toschi, S., Zamani, M.
Effect of Cu addition on overaging behaviour, room and high temperature tensile and fatigue properties of A357 alloy Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 30(11), 2861-2878.
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Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S.
Fuzzy logic-based modelling of yield strength of as-cast A356 alloy Neural Computing & Applications, 32(10), 5833-5844.
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Zamani, M., Belov, I., Sjölander, E., Bjurenstedt, A., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S.
Study on dissolution of Al2Cu in al-4.3cu and a205 cast alloys Metals, 10(7), 1-17.
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Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S.
The influence of copper addition on crack initiation and propagation in an Al–Si–Mg alloy during cyclic testing Materialia, 12.
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Zhu, B., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A., Leisner, P., Zanella, C.
A study of anodising behaviour of Al-Si components produced by rheocasting Solid State Phenomena, 285, 39-44.
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Bjurenstedt, A., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S., Dahle, A.
The effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on crack initiation in cast aluminium: an in-situ tensile study Materials Science & Engineering: A, 756, 502-507.
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Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S.
Fuzzy Logic Based Modelling of Cast Component Properties IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1132-1137.
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Bogdanoff, T., Dahle, A., Seifeddine, S.
Effect of Co and Ni Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties at Room and Elevated Temperature of an Al–7%Si Alloy International Journal of metalcasting, 12(3), 434-440.
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Ceschini, L., Morri, A., Toschi, S., Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S.
Influence of sludge particles on the fatigue behavior of Al-Si-Cu secondary aluminium casting alloys Metals, 8(4).
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, ... Ali S.
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Bjurenstedt, A., Casari, D., Seifeddine, S., Mathiesen, R., Dahle, A.
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Zamani, M., Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Lindgren, L., Seifeddine, S., Andersson, N., Jarfors, A.
A dislocation density based constitutive model for as-cast Al-Si alloys: Effect of temperature and microstructure International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 121, 164-170.
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Riestra, M., Ghassemali, E., Bogdanoff, T., Seifeddine, S.
Interactive effects of grain refinement, eutectic modification and solidification rate on tensile properties of Al-10Si alloy Journal of materials processing & manufacturing science (Print), 703, 270-279.
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Ali, S., Bogdanoff, T., Seifeddine, S., Jonson, B.
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Zamani, M., Morini, L., Ceschini, L., Seifeddine, S.
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Awe, S., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A., Lee, Y., Dahle, A.
Development of new Al-Cu-Si alloys for high temperature performance Advanced Materials Letters, 8(6), 695-701.
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Riestra, M., Seifeddine, S., Sjölander, E.
Tailoring Al-7Si-0.3Mg cast alloy properties to represent HPDC tensile and fatigue behaviour in component prototypes La Metallurgia Italiana, 108(6), 33-36 Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia .
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Bogdanoff, T., Seifeddine, S., Dahle, A.
The effect of SI content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si alloy La Metallurgia Italiana, 108(6) Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia .
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Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E.
Effect of cooling rate and eutectic modification on texture and grain structure of Al-Si-Cu-Mg die cast alloy La Metallurgia Italiana, 108(6), 5-8 Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia .
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Ceschini, L., Morri, A., Toschi, S., Boromei, I., Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S.
Al-Si-Cu alloys for high pressure die casting: Influence of Fe, Mn, and Cr on room temperaturemechanical properties La Metallurgia Italiana, 77-80 Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia .
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Ceschini, L., Morri, A., Toschi, S., Seifeddine, S.
Room and high temperature fatigue behaviour of the A354 and C355 (Al-Si-Cu-Mg) alloys: Role of microstructure and heat treatment Materials Science & Engineering: A, 653, 129-138.
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Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S.
Determination of Optimum Sr Level for Eutectic Si Modification in Al–Si Cast Alloys Using Thermal analysis and Tensile Properties International Journal of metalcasting, 10(4), 457-465.
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Zhu, B., Leisner, P., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A.
Influence of Si and cooling rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Si–Mg cast alloys Surface and Interface Analysis, 48(8), 861-869.
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Zhu, B., Seifeddine, S., Persson, P., Jarfors, A., Leisner, P., Zanella, C.
A study of formation and growth of the anodised surface layer on cast Al-Si alloys based on different analytical techniques Materials & design, 101, 254-262.
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Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A.
The effects of Fe-particles on the tensile properties of Al-Si-Cu alloys Metals, 6(12).
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Ceschini, L., Morri, A., Toschi, S., Johansson, S., Seifeddine, S.
Microstructural and mechanical properties characterization of heat treated and overaged cast A354 alloy with various SDAS at room and elevated temperature Materials Science & Engineering: A, 648, 340-349.
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Ceschini, L., Morri, A., Toschi, S., Seifeddine, S., Johansson, S.
Effect of microstructure and overaging on the tensile behaviour at room and elevated temperature of C355-T6 cast aluminum alloy Materials & design, 83, 626-634.
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Borkar, H., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A.
In-situ EBSD study of deformation behavior of Al-Si-Cu alloys during tensile testing Materials & design, 84, 36-47.
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Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A.
High Temperature Tensile Deformation Behaviour and Failure Process of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg Cast Alloy: The Microstructural Scale Effect Materials & design, 86, 361-370.
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Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A.
On the complexity of the relationship between microstructure and tensile properties in cast aluminum International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29(10-11).
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Borkar, H., Seifeddine, S., Jarfors, A.
Microstructure analysis of Al-Si-Cu alloys prepared by gradient solidification technique International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29(10-11).
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Jarfors, A., Rigovacca, D., Payandeh, M., Wessén, M., Seifeddine, S., Jansson, P.
Influence of process parameters on surface appearance and roughness of a low Si containing Al-alloy, in semisolid casting Solid State Phenomena, 217-218, 318-324 Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Inc. .
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Ferraro, S., Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S.
On the formation of sludge intermetallic particles in secondary aluminum alloys Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 46(8), 3713-3722.
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Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S., Fracasso, F.
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Influence of SDAS on the high temperature tensile behavior of the C355 Al alloy Materials Science Forum, 783-786, 228-233.
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Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S., Liljenfors, T.
Assessment of Quality when Delivering Molten Aluminium Alloys Instead of Ingots Materials Science Forum, 765, 266-270.
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Seifeddine, S., Sjölander, E., Bogdanoff, T.
On the role of copper and cooling rates on the microstructure, defect formations and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg alloys Materials Sciences and Applications, 4(3), 171-178.
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Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S.
Influence of alloy composition, solidification rate and artificial aging on plastic deformation behaviour of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 26(1), 28-36.
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Ceschini, L., Boromei, I., Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I.
Effect of Fe content and microstructural features on the tensile and fatigue properties of the Al-Si10-Cu2 alloy Materials & design, 36, 522-528.
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Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S.
The influence of natural ageing on the artificial ageing response of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys La Metallurgia Italiana, 11-12, 39-43 Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia .
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Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S.
Evaluating the plastic deformation of Al-Si-Cu-Mg casting alloys using the Hollomon and Ludwigson equations International Journal of Cast Metals Research.
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Artificial ageing of Al–Si–Cu–Mg casting alloys Materials Science & Engineering: A, 528(24), 7402-7409.
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Modelling yield strength of heat treated Al–Si–Mg casting alloys International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 24(6), 338-346.
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Optimisation of solution treatment of cast Al–Si–Cu alloys Materials & design, 31(suppl. 1), 44-49.
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Sjölander, E., Seifeddine, S.
The heat treatment of Al–Si–Cu–Mg casting alloys Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210(10), 1249-1259.
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Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I.
Prediction of mechanical properties of cast aluminium components at various iron contents Materials & design, 31(Supplement 1), S6-S12.
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Seifeddine, S., Sjögren, T., Flansbjer, M.
Inverkan av porer på mekaniska egenskaper i gjutna aluminiumkomponenter Gjuteriet, 99(5), 20-23.
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Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I.
Att förutsäga variationer i egenskaper hos gjutna aluminiumkomponenter Gjuteriet, 99(3), 8-10.
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Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I.
The influence of iron, manganese and cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of A380-die casting Metallurgical Science and Technology, 27(1), 11-20.
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Ceschini, L., Boromei, I., Morri, A., Seifeddine, S., Svensson, I.
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Seifeddine, S., Johansson, S., Svensson, I.
The influence of cooling rate and manganese content on the beta Al5FeSi phase formation and mechanical properties of Al-Si based alloys Materials Science & Engineering: A, 490(1-2), 385-390.
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The Influence of Quench Rate on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Alloys A356 and A354 Giessereiforschung (International Foundry Research), 59(1), 12-21.
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Variations in Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Aluminium EN AC 43100 Alloy Metallurgical Science & Technology, 25(1).
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The Effect of Cooling Conditions and Variation of Alloying Elements on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Al-7%Si Cast Alloys International Foundry Research, 58(3).
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