Master Thesis, 30 högskolepoäng
Master Thesis, 30 credits
Kursplan för studenter vår 2022
Fastställd av:Utbildningsrådet 2021-11-09
Gäller fr.o.m.:2022-01-24
Diarienummer:Avdelning för Rehabilitering
Utbildningsnivå:Avancerad nivå
Utbildningsområde:Tekniska området


Upon completion of the course the student should have the ability to:

Färdighet och förmåga

  • critically evaluate research relevant to a defined topic within the main field of study
  • integrate theoretical knowledge and demonstrate deeper methodological understanding in the main field of study
  • discuss and debate how ethical principles affect research processes
  • analyse complex phenomena, issues, and situations, even when limited information is available
  • critically, independently, and creatively formulate issues pertaining to the work at hand
  • initiate and independently conduct a research or design project within the main field of study, using appropriate scientific methods
  • relate one’s own research to current research within the field
  • effectively communicate and defend project results in both oral and written formats.

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

  • critically evaluate one’s own work and identify areas requiring improvement or development
  • apply knowledge and skills acquired during the programme and identify the need of further knowledge
  • critically evaluate scientific strengths and weaknesses of their own and other projects
  • reflect on the results of research from the perspective of the end user of the product/s.


- project planning
- searching scientific literature
- collect, process and analyse data
- development work (if applicable)
- writing a scientific thesis
- oral presentation and opposition


The final project work is performed and reported within the main field of study individually. A supervisor and an examiner will be appointed to each project.

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


The student must hold a minimum of a Bachelor degree (equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) in Prosthetics and Orthotics or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent. The students must also have successfully completed all courses in the first year of study. Participation in Research methods and evidence-based practice (7,5hp).

Examination och betyg

Kursen bedöms med betygen A, B, C, D, E, FX eller F.

Examination of the course will be based upon one individual written thesis as well as
an oral presentation defence of this work. Furthermore the students must also conduct an oral
opposition to an other student project.

An associate professor will serve as examiner for the course.

Poängregistrering av examinationen för kursen sker enligt följande system:
Individual written thesis28 hpA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Oral presentation1 hpU/G
Oral opposition1 hpU/G


Creswell, J.W. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. SAGE Publications Inc.

Evans, D., Gruba, P., & Zobel, J. (2011). How to write a better thesis. Melbourne Univ. Publishing.

Gruba, P., & Zobel, J. (2017). How to write your first thesis. Springer.

Relevant literature related to the topic selected by each student will be identified together with individual supervisors.