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Professional Practice and Personal Development Portfolio 7,5 hp

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


The course is designed to develop students’ competencies for entrepreneurial and sustainable action. It encourages them to learn from practice and reflection, which help them understand the role of their own responsibility and their ability to act. The course runs parallel to other courses, during five semesters of the programme, and is finalized during the fifth semester.
The content reflects the various aspects relevant students for entrepreneurial and sustainable action through professional practice and personal development activities:
  • Speech competence. Students will work on their ability to speak in public and communicate effectively their ideas on sustainability. Students will practise their ability to distinguish how to use and respond to language appropriately with regards to sustainability, time and audience. It includes public speaking in a cohesive and coherent oral manner.
  • Negotiation competence. Students will learn how to set and prioritize negotiation goals, present routes and arguments for their proposals, as well as develop routine in actively searching for alternatives. Negotiation skills will be complemented with critical elements of persuasion tactics. Students should acquire ability to understand dual nature of negotiation: cooperation and competition, practise accessing the other party in negotiations, as well as develop understanding of the prerequisites of successful long term business relationships.
  • Consciousness development and sustainable leadership competence. Students will explore maturational differences in the way individuals make sense, experience and act upon sustainability challenges and will also reflect on how these differences can influence leadership style and sustainability orientation.
  • Action competence. Students will work on their ability to engage themselves in entrepreneurial and sustainable actions that promote the improvement of the social and/or environmental sustainability. Students will collectively design, organize and carry out a project in international and diverse teams. Students will reflect on their ability to create opportunities, be innovative and resilient throughout the activities.
  • Foresight thinking. This competence includes the ability to identify, apply and reconcile sustainability values with future scenarios and targets with regards the impact of decision on social, environmental and economic sustainability. It includes the use of novel and adaptive thinking, sense-making, and cognitive load management.


Entry to the course is limited to students who are registered to JIBS Bachelor programme, Sustainable Enterprise Development (or the equivalent).

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: JPPG17
Kursen ges vid: Jönköping International Business School

Kommande kurstillfällen

Typ av Kurs
Hösten 2024: vecka 34 - vecka 43
Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: Studieavgift
Senast ändrad 2024-05-22 07:36:52