Academic Partner: School of Engineering
Industrial Partners: Fagerhult belysning, OBOS Sverige, Elitfönster AB (ex Inwido), Informationsbyggarna
Duration of the Project: 2018-2022
Research Team:
Annika Moscati (Projectleader)

The building industry’s highly complex products are predominantly aggregations of products realized by the manufacturing industry. The research project Manufactured products’ information provision for light environments (MAP4Light) aims to study and develop new digital tools for product information exchange between the two industries, focusing on the products in light environments.
Lighting in the built environment, both daylight and electric lighting, affects users’ health and wellbeing as well as the building’s sustainability in terms of costs, energy consumption and environmental impact. Appropriate information exchange between all parties involved in the construction and maintenance process is crucial for the correct application and integration of complex systems like luminaires and windows in a building. (Digital) information provision and exchange are among the issues that affect all parties involved in each stage of the building process, influencing costs and time, and potentially final product quality and sustainability.
It is a fact that the increase in digitalization in the construction and facility management industry has created great opportunities for industries delivering products and services used in construction, but new challenges have arisen such as a growing information flow and more complex information integrity.

The purpose of this research project is to enhance the information flow, focusing on efficient information exchange and advanced digital tools. Furthermore, the project will highlight the relevant actors in the product realization process, focusing on the end-user’s inclusion, believing that their satisfaction will bring benefits to the building and the manufacturing sectors and, indeed, to the end-user itself. With a focus on the manufacturing and construction sector, the project will define models, guidelines, routines and tools for information supply. New digital tools will also be developed to enable the exchange of information between the parties involved in the construction process.
Expected results
MAP4Light aims to
- increase knowledge in process modeling and information exchange between the manufacturing and building industry, focusing on light environments.
- investigate how Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data technologies can facilitate the interaction between the manufacturing and building industry.
Furthermore, focusing on manufacturing and construction industries, the project will define models, guidelines, procedures and tools for information provision and will develop new digital tools to enable the information exchange between the involved parties in the building process.
Do you want to know more about the project?
- Associate Professor ICT-BIM in building
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1565
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- External Relations Manager
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1074