ReCKA - Re-cast aluminum chassis components for vehicles
Academic Partner: School of Engineering
Industrial Partners: SCANIA, Volvo Cars,, Comptech, KTH
Duration of the Project: 2018-2021
Research Team:
Anders Jarfors (Projectleader)

The project aims to produce knowledge, material data and design guidelines that enable a reliable use of re-cast aluminum components in fatigue-laden applications.
A concrete goal is to reduce vehicle weight by replacing fatigue-bearing load-bearing steel parts with re-cast aluminum components, where one of the components reduces weight by 34%.
An additional goal is knowledge building in the field of mechanical properties of aluminum for re-cast material to reduce the development time when material data becomes available and predictable.
Collaboration between Scania and the academic environment at Jönköping University and at KTH is of great importance. Of particular importance is the building of expertise in metallography and mechanical properties with a focus on re-cast aluminum alloys.

Do you want to know more about the project?
- Professor Materials and Manufacturing - Casting
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1651
Do you want to develop the next project with us?
- External Relations Manager
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1074