PropAIr news letter December 2023
Ett samverkansprojekt om proaktiv organisering och arbetsdesign för AI-integration
A part of the research environment on applied AI (AFAIR) at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
More about the project
Project objectives
The purpose with this project is to build knowledge about proactive work design for sustainable AI integration in industrial organizations. PropAIr delves into how industrial
organizations proactively can embrace AI integration in their operations. We will take the results from the first project, PrepAIr, focusing on readiness for AI transformation in industrial organizations, as our starting point.
Research Questions of the project
- What are the characteristics of work design supporting AI integration in the specific
context of industrial organizations? - What stimulates/hinders the AI integration in industrial organizations?
- How can work activities facilitate organizational learning during AI integration?
Knowledge is key...
There’s a lot going on in AI, and our research team is monitoring new research finds as well as new trends within the field of education. We would like to send you a reminder about the course in ”Data driven AI for decision makers” taking place at
The School of Engineering this spring. Please scan the code for more information!
Our participating companies are continuing work with development and documentation of their AI-initiatives.
- The research team is carrying out follow-ups with each company.
- We are planning for the upcoming degree theses that will involve students at the ”International Logistics and Supply Chain Management” and the ”Operations and Supply Chain Management” programmes.
- Annika Engström was invited as key note speaker at the Metaverse Consortium on viral meeting environments (VR). Of course she participated in the form of an avatar. VR is another disruptive technology that, combined with AI, will change the way businesses are managed and organized
Annika Engström attended as an avatar at the Metaverse Consortium.
- School of Engineering
- +46 36-10 1644
PropAIr is one of several projects within the frame for the research profile AFAIR in the research and educational environment SPARK at Jönköping University’s School of Engineering.
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