Helena Nilsson

Universitetslektor nationalekonomi
Nationalekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie Doktor


Nilsson, H., Backman, M. (2024). An empirical application of herding behavior and compliance in the COVID-19 crisis Kyklos (Basel), 77(2), 428-457. More information
Nilsson, H., Backman, M. (2024). Retail employee turnover and turnover destinations–the role of human capital International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research. More information
Backman, M., Nilsson, H., Öner, Ö. (2024). Career trajectories in retail and wholesale: turnover, retention, and labor status International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research. More information
Nilsson, H. (2023). Population decline and changes in food store access Regional studies, 57(5), 946-960. More information
Daunfeldt, S., Mihaescu, O., Nilsson, H., Rudholm, N. (2019). Spillover effects when IKEA enters: Do incumbent retailers win or lose? Papers in regional science (Print), 98(6), 2295-2313. More information
Daunfeldt, S., Mihaescu, O., Nilsson, H., Rudholm, N. (2017). What happens when IKEA comes to town? Regional studies, 51(2), 313-323. More information


Nilsson, H. (2020). Spatial organization of retail activities (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School). More information


Mulligan, G. (2020). Recent Population and Employment Change in US Metropolitan Areas: An Application of the Adjustment Model. In: Chen Z., Bowen W. M., Whittington D. (Ed.), Development Studies in Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Kingsley E. Haynes (pp. 429 -447). More information
Mulligan, G., Nilsson, H., Carruthers, J. (2019). Population and Employment Change in US Metropolitan Areas. In: Franklin R. S. (Ed.), Population, Place, and Spatial Interaction: Essays in Honor of David Plane (pp. 95 -113). More information


Daunfeldt, S., Mihaescu, O., Nilsson, H., Rudholm, N. (2016). When IKEA enters: Do local retailers win or lose?. Western Regional Science Association 55th Annual Meeting, February, 14-17, 2016, Big Island, Hawaii, USA. More information
Nilsson, H. (2016). IKEA entry – Spatial scope of impact on retail firms. The 5th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference 2016, Århus, Denmark. More information
Nilsson, H. (2016). IKEA entry – Spatial scope of impact on retail firms. The 2016 SWEGPEC Workshop, 16–17 November, Linköping, Sweden. More information
Daunfeldt, S., Mihaescu, O., Nilsson, H., Rudholm, N. (2015). When IKEA enters: Do local retailers win or lose?. 3rd Annual SWEGPEC Workshop, 18-19 November 2015, Örebro, Sweden. More information


Nilsson, H. . IKEA entry - Effects on firms in retail and hospitality. More information
Klaesson, J., Nilsson, H. . Entry of malls and exit of stores - The role of distance and economic geography. More information
Nilsson, H. . Population decline and changes in food store proximity. More information


Backman, M., Nilsson, P., Nilsson, H. (2021). Karriärvägar inom partihandeln: Forskningsrapport 2021:1. More information
Daunfeldt, S., Mihaescu, O., Nilsson, H., Rudholm, N. (2015). When IKEA enters: Do local retailers win or lose?. More information
Rudholm, N., Daunfeldt, S., Mihaescu, O., Nilsson, H. (2015). Effekter av en  Ikea-etablering: Vad händer när Ikea kommer till staden?. Stockholm: Handelns utvecklingsråd More information
Daunfeldt, S., Nilsson, H. (2015). Webbpaneler vs telefonundersökningar: Vad är att föredra?. Stockholm: HUI Research More information
Daunfeldt, S., Rudholm, N., Nilsson, H., Johansson, R. (2015). Drivkrafter och effekter av handelns satsning på EMV-produkter. Stockholm: DLF:s Stiftelse för forskning och utveckling More information