AI is a catalyst for enhancing business processes

Prince Chacko Johnson

Combining engineering and management is a powerful approach to accelerating business growth, says Prince Chacko Johnson, a doctoral student in digital business. His research delves into the transformative impact of AI on established structures and competencies.

From India to Jönköping – from engineering to business management… that’s quite a journey, isn’t it?

“I started my career as an engineer, earning a bachelor’s degree in electronics and instrumentation engineering from Karunya University in India. However, I quickly realized that effective management is crucial for the success of engineering projects. This realization led me to pursue a Master of Science in Engineering Management at Jönköping International Business School. Before moving to Sweden, I worked in various IT roles across multiple countries, which broadened my perspective. Jönköping offered a perfect blend of academic excellence and the chance to experience a new culture. Before starting my doctoral journey, I worked as a research assistant at the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) at Jönköping International Business School.”

Your research is all about digital transformation, correct?

“Yes, my research revolves around digital transformation, digital research methods, artificial intelligence, and management. Specifically, I explore the adoption of AI across different knowledge areas and business sectors, such as legal services, manufacturing, and media. I investigate how these industries leverage AI to tackle various challenges and how they can better prepare for the adoption of new technologies in knowledge-intensive roles.”

You are also involved in the “AI and Industrial Dynamics” project within AFAIR?

“This project has been a significant part of my work over the past few years, and it's closely tied to my doctoral thesis. We’re currently witnessing a massive reshaping of entire industries. The project’s goal is to map out how AI affects competition between

emerging and established companies, as well as its impact on the labor market. Are jobs disappearing, or are they evolving? How do companies use AI – primarily to enhance existing offerings or to create entirely new products and services?”

Which industries and companies are the winners in this transformation? And who are the losers?

This is a complex and evolving area of research. Certain industries, particularly those that are already technology-driven like IT, finance, and manufacturing, are poised to benefit quickly from AI adoption. These sectors have the infrastructure and agility to integrate AI seamlessly, enabling them to enhance productivity, innovate faster, and gain a competitive edge. Companies within these industries that are proactive and willing to embrace AI are likely to emerge as clear winners. The ability to adapt, innovate, and invest in upskilling employees can turn potential losers into winners over time.

Ultimately, the outcome hinges on adaptability. Companies that recognize AI not just as a tool but as a catalyst for transformation—and that actively work to integrate it into their core processes—will thrive. Those that resist or delay this integration risk being left behind in an increasingly AI-driven world.”

Are you concerned that AI might eventually replace your job?

“Actually, my research suggests that companies view employees as valuable investments. They invest in people and their knowledge, but industries are evolving rapidly, and digital technologies are critical enablers in this transformation. For example, when computers were first introduced, many feared they would replace human jobs. Yet, 25 years later, most of us are still employed – though our jobs have evolved. Sure, AI might not brew your morning coffee (yet), but it’s certainly brewing up big changes in the business world. But it’s not just industries that are transforming – AI is also transforming us. It’s reshaping our roles, our skills, and even how we perceive work itself. From my perspective, AI should be seen as a tool to enhance and upscale our work processes, offering new opportunities for growth and learning. We’re still far from replacing human competence entirely, but AI presents an excellent opportunity for upskilling, allowing us to evolve alongside the technologies we create.”

What key insights have you gained from collaborating with the industry?

“AFAIR’s strength lies in its collaboration with industry, allowing us to incorporate real- world examples into our research. One of the most interesting findings is that the greatest challenges – and opportunities – often lie within middle management. Middle managers aren’t just cogs in the machine; they are the driving force behind much of the change we see in organizations. They push boundaries, initiate innovation, and often, they do so quietly, without fanfare. Yet, their role is frequently overlooked. This underappreciation is a missed opportunity because, it’s middle management that often takes the first steps toward transformation. They’re not just implementing strategies; they’re shaping the future. It’s a dynamic that has flown under the radar in many companies, but it’s one that businesses need to recognize if they want to thrive in a rapidly changing landscape.”

Why is researching AI so important?

“Humanity has unprecedented access to information, and it’s crucial for researchers to help make this information accessible and actionable. Rather than fostering fear of new technologies, we must demonstrate how these tools can be harnessed effectively. This includes guiding organizations in identifying the skills they need and helping them navigate change. By being proactive and educating ourselves, we have the opportunity to shape the narrative around AI and its potential.”