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Everyday literacies: students, discourse and social practice. [Av] Michele Knobel.
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"Integration-oriented adult language education": An analysis of the whats, whos, wheres, whys, hows… in the scholarship.
In_equality Conference, 10-12 April 2024, Konstanz, Germany.
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(Dis)comfort as embodiment. Contributions to widening the aperture of scholarly being in and representing the world.
International conference on Embodied Methodologies, The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, in association with University of Aberdeen and Goldsmiths, University of London, 6 December 2024.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Diversity in ANY community. Diversity in Deaf-Hearing communities.
Sign up for Sign Language Rights, Diversity in Deaf Community, AYJ National Institute of SHD (Divyangjan), Mumbai, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, India, 27 September 2024.
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Conceptualizations of Whiteness and Colour-blindness. A meta-study of the Swedish, Nordic and Italian (educational) scholarship.
21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn, 2-5 July 2024, Lisbon, Portugal and Online.
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Explorations of institutional responses to diversity in Swedish universities: monitoring discrimination or reproducing inequities?.
Nordic Conference on Racism and Education, 15-16 May 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.
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What is this thing called Languaging? On the norms of ideologies and the norms of social practices.
NCED INDIA International Conference, "Global to Local Perspectives on Languaging, Literacy, Policies for Deaf Divyangjan", 26-28 June 2024, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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On the necessity of major and minor synvändor in the Educational Sciences. UN-learning to RE-learn for epistemic-sustainability.
EARLI 2023, Education as a hope in uncertain times, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia, Greece, 22-26 August 2023.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Ett evidencebaserat 3:e perspektiv på delaktighet och inkludering. Behovet av att gå bortom vår besatthet över att höra/tala och teckna [an evidence based third perspective regarding participation and inclusion, The need to transcend our obsession about hearing/speaking and signing].
Swedish Nationell Audiology Conference, ”Evidensbaserad praktik. forskningsperspektivet, de professionellas perspektiv samt det individuella perspektivet”, 21-22 November 2023, Gothenburg.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Kamei, M.
Trajectories of becomings. Applying southern thinking to trouble imaginaries that link land-peoples-culture-language.
26th International Conference of Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, Palestine, 28 September to 5 October 2023.
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Knowledging and Democracing. On the need for creative and curious mobile gazing on the contemporary planet.
Conference Democracy in the Times of Digital Transformations, IIIT, New Delhi, 9-11 November 2023.
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Constructing Language Boundaries: Historical Trajectories and Contemporary Categorizing in Swedish Spaces.
American Association of Applied Linguistics, AAAL 2023, 19-21 March 2022, Portland, USA.
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Researching and teaching-learning within higher education. On the need for creative and curious mobile gazing in contemporary times.
International conference, Telecollaboration and VE, Virtual Exchange, Aix en Provence, France, 6th June 2023.
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The work of language. Explorations of institutional responses to diversity in Swedish universities.
EARLI 2023, Education as a hope in uncertain times, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia, Greece, 22-26 August 2023.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Reflections on diversity in democratic societies. Accessibility and inclusion for whom, by whom in the 21st century.
International conference, “Changing Scenario in Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion of Divyangjan”, CTDI, NCED-India, New Delhi, 8-10 February 2023.
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Un-/indisciplined researching in the margins. (Non-)naming positionalities in Swedish spaces.
Mixed Race Thought in the Culture Wars, July 2023, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, England.
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Undisciplined researching in the margins. (Non-)naming human identities in Swedish spaces.
Visibilizing raciolinguistic ideologies across cultures, languages, and systems, UC Berkeley, California, USA, 5-6 April 2023.
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Languaging, memories and identities. Identifying ways-of-being and becoming.
American Association of Applied Linguistics 2022, Pittsburg, PA, USA, 19-22 March 2022.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Epistemic justice and languaging: A critique of hegemonic thinking, essentialisms and labelling language.
American Association of Applied Linguistics 2022, Pittsburg, PA, USA, 19-22 March 2022.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Life in Media(ted) Wor(l)ds. On disrupting “single grand stories”.
IX International Media Summit, KC College, HSNC University, Mumbai, India, 12-13 April 2022.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Researching the learning of language and literature in the 21st century. Challenges of going beyond 20th century nomenclature.
Exploring Language Education (ELE) 2021: Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century, 9-11 June 2021, Oslo, Norway.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Undisciplined research at the margins. The work of naming practices in Swedish spaces.
SIEF2021 15th Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 19-24 June 2021.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G., Vigmo, S.
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary higher and adult education: Mapping policies of inclusion/integration in the nation-state of Sweden.
Forskning om Högre Utbildning, Örebro, Sweden, Online, Örebro University, Sweden, 19-20 May 2021.
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On Epistemological Issues in Technologically Infused spaces. Reflections on Virtual Sites for Learning.
Exploring Language Education (ELE), 9-11 June 2021, Oslo, Norway.
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On myths and imaginations related to language, identity and mobility.
AMLI2021: Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity, Online, Sussex University, England, 9-11 June 2021.
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Multisidedness of knowing. Imagining nodal frontlines by going beyond multilingual scholarship.
Conference of the International Association of Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics 2021, 28-30 June, Cape Town, South Africa.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Disrupting the naturalistic order of things. On normal languaging and normal diversity.
AAAL 2021 Virtual Conference, 20-23 March 2021, USA.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
On Naming Traditions. Losing sight of communicative and democratic agendas when language is loose in academic landscapes.
Annual Conference of the International Association for the Integrationist Study of Language and Communication, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil/ Webinar Integrationism and language ideologies March 15-20, 2021, Virtual Seminar.
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Academic agency and responsibility through writing processes.
EARLI 2021 Online Conference: Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures, 22-28 August 2021.
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Undisciplinary, global stance. On non-programmatic theoretical alignments and transmethodologies: Presentation at the invited workshop on peer-reviewing.
EARLI 2021 Online Conference: Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures, 22-28 August 2021.
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Talking with, talking back. On rules and transgressions in researching diversity and communication.
EARLI 2021 Online Conference: Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures, 22-28 August 2021.
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On participation and learning to be a citizen. Troubling norms of identity in the performing arts.
EARLI 2021 Online Conference: Education and Citizenship: Learning and Instruction and the Shaping of Futures, 22-28 August 2021.
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Discourses and practices regarding digital tools. Unintended tools for exclusion in educational contexts?.
8th New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC8), Christchurch, New Zealand, 9-10 December 2021.
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On Participation and Communicating. Troubling Norms of Language and Identity in the Performing Arts.
8th New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC8), Christchurch, New Zealand, 9-10 December 2021.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Kamei, M.
Decolonizing scholars’ methodological stances based upon Second Wave of Southern Perspectives.
SMUS Interdisciplinary Conference, Botswana, 23-25 September 2021.
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Lindberg, Y., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Academic agency and responsibility through writing processes.
Praxis Symposium III – Borås, Sweden, 5-6 October 2020.
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Re-orienting for openness and inclusion: on the myth of one higher education for-all?.
Praxis Symposium III – Borås, Sweden, 5-6 October 2020.
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On myths and experiences of the mobile human condition: Belonging to land and language.
International Virtual Conference:Identity: Myths, Memories, Communication and Cultural Narratives, 28-29 November 2020, India.
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Digital Media Landscapes through Decolonial lenses: Troubling understandings of the nature of communication and identity.
Conference Emerging Styles of Communication and Storytelling in a Digital Media Landscape. Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India. 7 March 2020.
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Kamei, M., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Goodbye linear learning - Posthumanism in dialogue with Indian Communication theory on online education.
VII International Media Summit, LeaDMe 2020, February 13-15, 2020.
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Handling language during empirical research: Ethnography as action in and across time and physical-virtual sites.
VII International Media Summit, LeaDMe 2020, February 13-15, 2020.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Researching 21st century institutional trajectories.
18th Biennial EARLI Conference, EARLI 2019, Aachen, Germany, 12-16 August, 2019.
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Quality and equity in global academic publishing for whom, by whom and other sticky issues.
18th Biennial EARLI Conference, EARLI 2019, Aachen, Germany, 12-16 August, 2019.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
A second wave of southern perspectives. On the situated and distributed nature of named languages, named cultures and named identities.
GEReSH-CAM. Governance et Emergence de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines au Cambodge, Cambodia. 16-18 Oct 2019.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Making visible and going beyond “single academic stories” in the Language and Educational Sciences. A turn towards alternatives.
The Annual Conference of the International Association for the Integrational Study of Language and Communication: “Integrationism and Philosophies of Language: Emerging Alternative Epistemologies in the Global North and Global South”, 30 August - 2 September, 2019.
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Revisiting and questioning the circularity and taken-for-grantedness of older and newer concepts in the Language and Educational Sciences.
Conference GlobalizationS and circulation of ideas, knowledge and norms, Paris, France, 12-13 September 2019.
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Holmström, I., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Patient or customer? Interpretation, accessibility, and participation for deaf people in Sweden.
World association of Sign Language Interpreters - WASLI, Paris, France, 15-19 July, 2019.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Normalt språkande och medlemskap i olika livsvärldar. Om synliggörandet av vår besatthet vad gäller gränsdragning [Normal languaging and membership i different life-worlds. On making visible our obsession with demarcations].
Nätverksträff för lärarutbildare i svenska som andraspråk, 3-4 juni, Jönköping [National network meeting for teacher educators of Swedish as a Second Language. Jönköping 3-4 June 2019].
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Hållbar Forskning. Kunskapsregimer och kunskapsmångfald [Sustainable Research. Knowledge regimes and knowledge diversity].
SPARC konferens och årsmöte, "Deltagande Aktionsforskning och kunskapsdemokratin", 24 maj 2019, Stockholm, Sverige.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G., Vigmo, S.
Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary higher education. Mapping policies of inclusion/integration in the nation-state of Sweden.
Praxis Symposium: Praxis in Higher Education with a focus on the Nordic Context, University of Borås, Sweden, 22-23 May 2019.
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Languaging features and identity-positionings in contemporary social media: A contrastive analysis between global South-North spaces.
MuDD2019, Multilingualism, Diversity and Democracy, 8-10 April 2019, Jönköping, Sweden.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
”Jag är inte bara händer eller öron”. Språkande och medlemskap i döv-hörande världar [”I am not only hands or ears”. Languaging and membership in deaf-hearing worlds].
Nationell dövteamsträff, 10-12 april, 2019, Göteborg, Sverige.
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Academic Social Responsibility. On thinking freely and recognizing alternatives.
6th International Media Summit. Media Integrity. 14-16 Feb 2019, Mumbai, India.
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Patterns of socialization into multiple academic writing spaces. On centers and peripheries.
Ethnographies of academic writing: research and pedagogy, Zaragoza, Spain, May 16-17th, 2019.
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Malmqvist, J., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Provision of support and services in compulsory education in Sweden. School placement patterns of pupils with ADHD or hearing difficulties.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), “Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future?”, September, 3-6, 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Making visible and going beyond “single academic stories” in the Language and Educational Sciences. A turn towards alternatives.
Symposium on Linguistics Across Disciplines (LAD), Aligarh University, Aligarh, India, November 2-4, 2018,.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S., Vigmo, S.
Widening participation through digitalisation? Research issues and challenges related to transitions and inclusion in and across educational settings.
Symposium: Undervisning och lärande i ett praxis-orienterat universitet [Teaching and learning in a praxis-oriented university], Borås, Sweden, 27-28 September 2018.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Tapio, E., Gynne, A., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Languaging and learning genres. Meaning-making as chaining of resources across language-varieties and modalities inside, outside and across physical and digital spaces.
Paper at CCD international conference GeM 2018, Genres and media landscapes in virtual-physical learning spaces. Moving frontlines? Jönköping, Sweden, 12-14 September 2018.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Analytical explorations on the what, where and when of language learning.
Paper at SIG 10 and 21 EARLI conference “Connecting connected minds. Capturing the relevance of social interaction and cultural diversities in a digitalized media ecology”, Luxenbourg, 30-31 August 2018.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
On ”Making the impossible possible” – Democracy and Inclusion for whom and by whom.
Intergenerational and Comparative Perspectives on Quality Inclusive Education ICPQIE, Stockholm University, Sweden, 18-20 June 2018.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Weckström, P.
DoIT sektorsövergripande samarbete i demokratins tjänst. Behovet av ett tredje perspektiv på delaktighet och inkludering [DoIT cross-sector cooperation for democracy. The need for a third perspective on participation and inclusion].
Paper at the SPARC conference “Deltagande Aktionsforskning i demokratins tjänst” [Participation action-research in the service of democracy], Botkyrka, Stockholm, Sweden, 28-29 May 2018.
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Disentangling conceptual webs-of-understandings. The case of neologisms Translanguaging and Nyanlända.
Paper at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 22, Crossing Boarders: South, North, East, West, 27-30 June 2018, Auckland, New Zeeland.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
On the quest to ”go beyond” bounded semiotic codes. Research in the Language Sciences/Deaf Studies 1997-2017.
Paper in the Colloquium “Language Studies and Deaf Studies, LSDS. Theoretically framed empirical contributions on languaging across time and space”, at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. Crossing Boarders: South, North, East, West. 27-30 June 2018. Auckland, New Zeeland.
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Issues and challenges for whom in higher education-for-all? Disabling and Enabling technologies for learning.
Paper at Forskning om högre utbildning [Research on higher education], Lund, Sweden, 15-16 May 2018.
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Almén, L., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Digitalization initiatives in schools. Intersecting chains across time.
Paper at the 5th International Media Summit. Mediamorphosis: Identity and Participation. 16-17 February 2018, Mumbai, India.
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Mediamorphosis and the analysis of learning practices. Languaging and identity-positions.
Paper at the 5th International Media Summit. Mediamorphosis: Identity and Participation. 16-17 February 2018, Mumbai, India.
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Languaging in digital global-South-North spaces in the 21st century. Media, language and identity in political discourse.
Paper at the 5th International Media Summit. Mediamorphosis: Identity and Participation. 16-17 February 2018, Mumbai, India.
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SIG: A Broader Participation? Research issues and challenges related to Transitions and Inclusion in and across educational settings (BroTIn).
Forskning om högre utbildning, 15-16 maj, 2018, Lund.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Visually-oriented participation and learning. Contributions from Deaf Studies, Multilingual Studies and Literacy Studies to an education-for-all.
International Symposium “Visualization and augmented reality as learning tools for children with special needs. Inventory of the present - exploring the future”. 2-4 October. Norrköping, Sweden.
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"I am not just big hands or big ears". Membership and Languaging in deaf-hearing collaborations in Sweden: Paper in the panel “Sign Language Ideologies in Practice”.
AAA, American Anthropology Association 116th annual conference: Anthropology Matters! 29 Nov – 3 Dec 2017, Washington DC, USA.
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Dis/enabling technologies for learning in higher education-for-all. Issues and challenges for whom?.
EARLI 2017, Education in the crossroads of economy and politics – Role of research in the advancement of public good. 29 August – 2 September. Tampere, Finland.
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Applying analytics to multimodal data: Methodological challenges and opportunities.
EARLI 2017, Education in the crossroads of economy and politics – Role of research in the advancement of public good. 29 August – 2 September. Tampere, Finland..
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Mobilization of nomenclature in the language and diversity areas in learning and instuction.
EARLI 2017, Education in the crossroads of economy and politics – Role of research in the advancement of public good. 29 August – 2 September. Tampere, Finland..
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Identity (re)visited and (re)imagined. Empirical and theoretical contributions on the nature of diversity across time and space.
EDEN 2017, European Distance and E-Learning network conference, Diversity Matters. 13-16 June, Jönköping, Sweden.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G., Winther, Y.
Enabling and disabling dimensions of lived experiences and policies. Participation and learning in higher education-for-all.
Participation and inclusion in educational settings. Issues and challenges. Nordic Network on Disability, NNDR 14th Research Conference, Örebro, Sweden, 3-5 May, 2017.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Understanding functionality in Higher Education. Metaresearch across disciplines in the 21st century.
EARLI 2017, Education in the crossroads of economy and politics – Role of research in the advancement of public good. 29 August – 2 September. Tampere, Finland..
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Understanding functionality in Higher Education. Enquiring into research across disciplines in the 21st century.
Participation and inclusion in educational settings. Issues and challenges. Nordic Network on Disability, NNDR 14th Research Conference, Örebro, Sweden, 3-5 May, 2017.
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Chaining: the use of language resources including literacies on the move.
Conference Skriv! Les! 2017. 9-11 May. Trondheim, Norway.
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Mohan, S., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Boundaries in the areas of ”Languages” and “Disabilities” in the nation-state of India. A case study of the period 1881-2016.
International Conference on Dis/Ability Communications. Perspectives and Challenges in the 21st century, ICDC – 2017. Pre-conference proceedings (23-24). Uttan, Maharashtra, India. 9-11 January. Department of Communication Journalism, University of Mumbai, India & Sage Publishing, India..
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Analytical framings on dis/abilities, participation and inclusion. Going beyond dichotomized hegemonies in the domains of Language and Identity.
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Exploring Diversity and Dis/Ability in Theatre – Meeting Places and Conditions for Participation.
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Languaging, diversity and neologisms. Reflections on the mobilization of terminologies in the 21st century.
Translanguaging – researchers and practitioners in dialogue. Örebro, Sweden. 28-29 March.
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Visually oriented multilingual communication. Participation in higher education.
Participation and inclusion in educational settings. Issues and challenges. Nordic Network on Disability, NNDR 14th Research Conference, Örebro, Sweden, 3-5 May, 2017.
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”Om att göra det omöjliga möjligt”. Demokrati och delaktighet för vem och av vem? [”On making the impossible possible”. Democracy and participation for whom and by whom?].
CURSIV, Institut for Uddannelse & Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet., Nordic Minister Council’s conference Barehagen og skolen som sentrum for inkludering og demokratisk medborgerskap [Preschool and school as the centre for inclusion and democratic citizenship]. 2-3 May. Oslo, Norway.
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Mobalizing intersectionality through a focus on social-textual practices: Recognizing or marginalizing Sami, deaf and immigrants?.
g16 Gender research conference Boundaries, Mobility and Mobilization. 23-25 November 2016, Linköping, Sweden.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G., Gynne, A.
Ethnography as fieldwork practice in and across physical-virtual spaces. Focusing current methodological practices.
Colloquium "Research methods as practice. Current fieldwork strategies and methodological accountings", at AAAL, 9-12 April 2016. Orlando, USA.
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Gynne, A., Bagga-Gupta, S.
"I wuz like oh taam to go to skool." School diaries and blogs as spaces of languaging and learning.
Colloquium “Opening virtual sites for language learning and sustainable development”. Psychology of Language Learning 2 – Individuals in Contexts. 22-24 August, Jyväskylä, Finland.
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Center-staging language and identity research from earthrise perspectives. Chasing the elusive monolingual, monocultural hegemonic human state in the global North!.
Plenary at the “International conference on South Asian Languages and Literatures, ICOSAL-12”. 7-9 January 2016. Hyderabad, India..
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The where and when of online language learning: Socialization as categorization in virtual spaces.
EUROSAL 2016”. 24-26 August 2016, Jyväsklä, Finland.
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A third position on Language and Identity across learning sites. Democratic and equity issues for whom, where, when and why.
"Language Learning Round-Table at EUROSAL 2016". 24-26 August 2016, Jyväsklä, Finland.
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What, where, when, why and for whom is Language? Democratic and equity issues inside and outside school.
Scandinavian conference "Languages go far in the North" [Språk så in i Norden]. 18-19 April 2016, Stockholm.
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Att vara besatt av gränser VS länkning och kontinuum i språkande och identitetande: [Our obsession with boundaries VS Chaining and continuum in languaging and identiting].
Nordic conference on Bimodal Bilingualism in signing children”, 26-27 October, Trondheim, Norway.
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Re-visiting "turn" positions and making languaging visible.
Colloquium "Moving conceptualizations of language and literacy in SLA". EUROSAL 2016”. 24-26 August 2016, Jyväsklä, Finland.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Challenges in (re)searching literacies in the 21st century: issues of timespace, mobility and identity-positions in the GLO-CAL North and South.
GURT 2015, Diversity and Super-diversity: Sociocultural Linguistic Perspectives, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, March 13-15, 2015.
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Language learners and learning language: webs-of-understandings in the era of reinforced boundaries.
16th biennial EARLI 2015 conference: Towards a reflective society. Synergies between learning, teaching and research, Limassol, Cyprus, August 25-29, 2015.
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“We are doing Distanskurs!”: (Re)thinking the “distance” in online language education encounters. Addressing the decolonial and boundary turn in transformative learning.
16th Biennial Conference (EARLI 2015), Towards a reflective society: Synergies between learning, teaching and research, Cyprus, August 25-29 August, 2015.
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Going Beyond Inculsion: Reflections from research, culture and three years of DoT.
A Cross-sector multidisciplinary international conference, “Going Beyond Inclusion. New forms of Cultural Spaces in the 21st century" (ICS 2015) Örebro, Sweden, November 18-21, 2015.
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Rosén, J., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Back to roots!: Languaging and constructing home(land) and (be)longing in Swedish national language policies across time.
The Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centering and (de)standardization, The University of Hong Kong, June 3-6, 2015.
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Language learners and learning language in the era of reinforced boundaries: challenging webs-of-understandings related to bilingualism ethnographically.
36th Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum: Inequality, Poverty, and Education: An Ethnographic Invitation. University of Pennsylvania, USA, February 27-28, 2015.
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Languaging and diversity-at-work inside, across and outside educational, work-place and virtual arenas: Contextualizing accountings and performances.
Contextualizing Linguistic Diversity in Institutional Settings, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, October 8-9, 2015.
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Center(staging) language from earthrise perspectives: Chasing the elusive monolingual, monocultural hegemonic human state in the global North!.
The Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centering and (de)standardization, The University of Hong Kong, June 3-6, 2015.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
A third position in conversations about one-(education)-for-all: On “making the impossible possible” and “burning for culture, young people and coffee”.
Conceptions of social justice and inter-sectionality in Scottish and Swedish education, School of Education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, December 7, 2015.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Kritiska reflektioner kring “ISM:s” av betonade gränser inom utbildningsvetenskap: En tredje position kring en-(utbildning)-för-alla.
Plenary at the 10th anniversary conference of the Journal EDUCARE, Malmö University College, Lund, Sweden, December 9, 2015.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Languaging in and across virtual-irl timespaces: challenging disciplinary and methodological hegemonies through the lens of visually-oriented data.
Visual Media Culture Conference, KC College, Mumbai University, India, 20-21 February 2015.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
(Im)mobilities and transnational identity positions on-the-go: language learning in glocal spaces.
The Sociolinguistics of Globalization: (De)centering and (de)standardization. Hong Kong University, 3-6 June 2015.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Learning on the go while staying at home: languaging in virtual learning spaces.
AILA (International Applied Linguistics Association) World Congress “One World – Many Languages”, 10-15 August 2014. Brisbane, Australia..
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Gynne, A.
Young people’s languaging and multimodal practices: “Bilingualism” in a Swedish school and in virtual spaces.
AILA (International Applied Linguistics Association) World Congress “One World – Many Languages”, 10-15 August 2014. Brisbane, Australia..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Current challenges of researching literacies in “multilingual, multimodal” glocal settings in the North and South.
AILA World Congress (International Applied Linguistics Association) “One World – Many Languages”, 10-15 August 2014, Brisbane, Australia..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Agency, agents and artifacts: Performing and accounting for languaging and identity.
AAAL 2014 (American Association for Applied Linguistics, 22-25 March 2014, Portland, USA..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Human rights and democracy in the age of reinforced boundaries: Learners and learning in the here, the there, the virtual.
EARLI,European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction conference: Open spaces for interaction and learning diversities, 27-30 August 2014. Padova, Italy..
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Surian, A.
Center-staging global north-south research in the glocal-virtual age: Challenges in researching and theorizing learning, communication and diversity.
EARLI, European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction conference: Open spaces for interaction and learning diversities.27-30 August 2014. Padova, Italy..
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Rosén, J., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Back to roots!: Languaging and constructing home(land) and (be)longing in Swedish national language policies across time..
LanDpost, Languaging and Diversity in the age of post-colonial glocal-medialization.Central Institute of Indian Languages. 15-17 October 2014. Mysore, India..
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Online-offline learning spaces in language focused higher education: (re)visiting boundaries.
EARLI, European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 10, 21 & 25 "Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction","Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings" and "Educational Theory" 27-30 August 2014. Padova, Italy.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., MMC, M.
Accessing global communities through local resources?: a study of barriers and facilitators of first generation women users of new communication technologies.
Mysore, India:
CIIL, Swedish-Indian International Research Conference LanDpost, Languaging and Diversity in the age of post-colonial glocal-medialization. Central Institute of Indian Languages. 15-17 October 2014. Mysore, India.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Learning as access and learning as participation: (im)mobilities and transnational identity positions in cyber communities.
Mysore, India:
CIIL, Swedish-Indian International Research Conference LanDpost, Languaging and Diversity in the age of post-colonial glocal-medialization. Central Institute of Indian Languages. 15-17 October 2014. Mysore, India..
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Socialization in glocal communities of practices: Becoming a group in virtual learning sites.
IIEMCA, The International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis: Theme, Technologies and techniques. 5-13 August 2013. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Holmström, I.
Enabling and Disabling Participation.: Handling technologies in institutional settings..
2013 IIEMCA Conference, Technologies and techniques. 5-8 August 2013. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Accounting for and (re)visiting special needs: the identity of language and the language of identity.
13th IPrA, International Pragmatics Association Conference. 8 to 13 September 2013 in New Delhi, India..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Languaging: a layered critique of the prefix bi and multi!.
International conference Passion for language, June 13-14, 2013, Jönköping, Sweden.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
(Re)searching languaging and identity positions: Perfomances and accountings.
Materials and Analyses for Research on Multilingual Youth and Adults – qualitative perspectives (MeMARY). International LIMCUL workshop. 25-26 November 2013. Stockholm, Sweden..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Language and Diversity across time and space.: Representations loose in Northern sites and losing sight of democratic agendas in the global North?.
International conference on Language and Super-diversity. Explorations and Interrogations. 5-7 June 2013, Jyväsklä,Finland..
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Human Languaging: Studying what? (Re)creating what?.
Pragmatics of Cross-Cultural Communication in a Multilingual Setting, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, 14-16 September 2013.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Multilingual, Multimodal Languaging.: Theorizing Communication Across Sites..
CROSSLING Symposium:Language Contacts at the Crossroads of Disciplines. 28 Feb – 1 March 2013. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland..
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Gynne, A., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Linguistic and cultural ideologies and policies in education : An ethnographic case study of a "bilingual" Sweden Finnish School.
Stockholms University, Stocksholm Methods, Materials and Analyses for Research on Multilingual Youth and Adults – qualitative perspectives (MeMARY).
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Rosén, J., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Negotiating linguistic and cultural diversity in the adult language learning classroom: A study of practiced language policy in institutional education for immigrants in Sweden.
13th IPrA, International Pragmatics Conference, New Dehli, 8-13 september 2013.
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Mapping epistemic practices and identity in and across social spaces: constraints and affordances in cyber-education.
REID 2013, Elite Stora Hotellet, Örebro, Sweden, 22-24 October 2013.
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Rosén, J., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Shaping identities and futures through language learning: A study of an institutional education for immigrants across time and space.
15th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. August 27 – 31 2013. Munich, Germany..
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Constraints and affordances in epistemic practices:: Socialization in virtual affinity spaces.
Responsible teaching and sustainable learning. 15th Biennial EARLI conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. August 27 – 31 2013. Munich, Germany..
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Messina Dahlberg, G., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Socialization in transnational epistemic practices: Constraints and affordances in virtual classrooms.
13th IPrA, International Pragmatics Conference 8-13 September 2013.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Språkets identiteter och identitetens språk: Komplexitet och gränser i utbildningspraktiker over tid och rum.
Annual conference of the Educational Sciences Committee, The Swedish Research Council, Stockholm.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Språkets identiteter och identitetens språk [The identities of languages and the languages of identities]: Komplexitet och gränser i utbildningspraktiker over tid och rum [Complexities and boundaries in educational practices across time and space].
Annual conference of the Educational Sciences Committee, The Swedish Research Council, Stockholm.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Variations and modalities in languaging: the writing, talking, signing human being and communities of practices.
ECER, European Conference on Educational Research, September 18, 2012, Cádiz, Spain.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Scaffolding social developmental trajectories in an Asian megacity: NGO’s as sites for sustainable change.
Conference on Anthropology and Sustainability in Asia, CASA, December 2012, Bangkok, Thaliland.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
'Scaffolding identities and learning at construction sites': literacies and representations as mediation across time and space in an Indian NGO.
SANT-NAF Anthropology Conference, Theme: MediationsPanel: Asian Mediations II - South Asia.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Mediation and a third position in deaf research: studies of languaging and subject positions.
SANT-NAF Anthropology conference. Theme: MediationsPanel: Mediation and Functional Disabilities.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Virtual learning sites as transnational borderlands: dialogical approaches to participants 'multilingual-modal' languaging.
EUROCALL, European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Lärande forskning och de utmaningar vi möter i dagens samhälle [Learning research and the challenges we face in present day society]: om gränser, gränslandet och “(re)search” [On boundaries, borderlands and “(re)search”].
The 2nd national SPARC conference ”Att forska och utvecklas tillsammans. Hur kan vi stärka deltagarbaserad aktionsforskning?” [Researching and developing together. How can we strengthen participation based action-research?]. Stockholm.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
What can we learn from a “Third-Position” in the deaf education area?: A case study of Swedish deaf education.
The 8th Mexican national continuing education program. Instituto Pedagógio para Problemas del Lenguaje.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Människans språk och identiteter [Human language and identities]: utmaningar och en tredje position [Challenges and a third position].
Forum för sektorsövergripande kunskapsutveckling, Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Holmström, I.
”Technologies at work”: a sociohistorical analysis of human identities and communication : focus upon CI and language.
14th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Education for a Global Networked Society, Exeter, UK, 30 August-3 September 2011.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
En segregerad skolform för vissa inom ramen för en-skola-för alla [A segregated school for some within the framework of a common-school-for-all]: Vad kan vi lära från sociohistoriska och tvärgeografiska blickar? [What can we learn from socio-historical and cross-geographical perspectives?].
Sveriges Dövas Riksförbunds skolseminarium [Swedish National Deaf Association School Seminar].
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
The boundary-turn: reflections on language, culture and identity through the epistemological lenses of time, space and social interactions in the 21st century.
European Expert Seminar: Cultural Education and Civil Society: How can languages contribute?.
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Gynne, A., Bagga-Gupta, S.
Young people’s language usage and identity positioning inside and outside a Swedish Finnish bilingual educational setting: explorations from a pilot study.
39th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Rights and Education, Jyväskylä, Finland.
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Lyngvær Hansen, A., Bagga-Gupta, S., Muruvik Vonen, A.
Visual orientation and chaining: communicative practices in deaf and hearing settings.
ISB8, International Symposium on Bilingualism, Oslo, Norway. 15-18 June.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., St John, O.
Doing instructions: exploring instructions in multilingual classroom interaction.
14th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Education for a Global Networked Society, Exeter, UK. 30 August-3 September 2011.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G.
Unimodal behaviors in multimodal bilingual virtual learning settings: languaging in online synchronous higher educational environments.
14th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Education for a Global Networked Society, Exeter, UK, 30 August-3 September 2011.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Rosén, J.
Languages and identities in the development of the educational system ‘Swedish for immigrants’: a sociohistorical account of categories.
ISB8, International Symposium on Bilingualism. Oslo, Norway. 15-18 June.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Rosén, J.
Languaging and identities in the construction and organization of ‘Swedish for immigrants’.
14th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Education for a Global Networked Society, Exeter, UK. 30 August-3 September.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Re-thinking human diversity & multilingualism in Europe: critical reflections from empirical research on oral, written & signed communication.
The International conference on multilingualism in Europe. Budapest, Hungary.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Critical empirically based reflections on development of biliteracy: cross-cultural examples from hearing and deaf groups.
The Japanese conference on Development of Biliteracy. Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 22-24 February.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., St John, O.
Making complexities invisible?: Contributions to the representation of social interaction in scholarly writings.
The biennal Earli joint-SIG Social Interaction, Learning and Diversity meeting: “Moving through Cultures of Learning” in Utretch, The Netherlands, 2-3 September 2010.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., St John, O.
Orchestrating feedback: a study of teacher-student multimodal interaction in a language learning setting.
The biennal Earli joint-SIG Social Interaction, Learning and Diversity meeting: “Moving through Cultures of Learning” in Utretch, The Netherlands.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Språk, språkande och människa [Language, languaging and human beings]: Reflektioner kring demokrati och delaktighet [Reflections on democracy and participation].
National Human Rights Conference [Mänskliga rättigheters dagar], Conventum, Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
(Re)visiting borderlands: learning, communicating, identities inside and outside school settings.
The Research Workshop – Part II “Is there a place for intersectionality in educational research? Theoretical perspectives and practical implications”. Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Representations as mediation: revisiting understandings of language and identity in present day northern settings.
Plenary lecture at the International conference on Language, Culture and Diversity – Issues and Challenges. Department of Linguistics, Alighar Muslim University, UP, India. 8-10 February.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Reflections and issues on language, culture and identity in the 21st century.
Valedictory lecture at the International conference on Language, Culture and Diversity – Issues and Challenges. Department of Linguistics, Alighar Muslim University, UP, India. 8-10 February.
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Bagga-Gupta, S., Lyngvaer Hansen, A., Muruvik Vonen, A.
Visually oriented multilingual communication in the classroom.
37th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Literacy as worldmaking, Norway.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
The KKOM-DS (CCD) research group: implications and issues for education based on research.
European Parental non-governmental organization FEAPDA. Örebro, Sweden, 15 September 2009. Invited lecture.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Social interaction in learning and instruction: joining fources, losing focus?.
13th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, The Netherlands, 2009.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Talk about bilingualism and bilingual talk.
International English Schools National Annual Day, Stockholm.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Representations of diversity and culture: critically understanding identity through the analysis of a Swedish national project "Exemplary schools for diversity".
13th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Fostering Communities of Learners, The Netherlands.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Meaning making processes in human communication: chaining in and between language codes and modalities.
International symposium/workshop “Rethinking Bilingualism. Challenges of Multilingualism and Communication in classroom settings”, Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Communication-practices and identities inside and outside school arenas in Sweden: languages, literacies and cultural practices in the 21st century.
International symposium/workshop “Rethinking Bilingualism, Challenges of Multilingualism and Communication in classroom settings”, Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Critical explorations in understanding communication, culture and diversity.
EARLI’s 1st Advanced Study Colloquium in Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Visual or visually oriented?: What can one learn from research on bilingual models in Sweden.
4th Mexican national continuing education programme. Instituto Pedagógio para Problemas del Lenguaje. Mexico City, Mexico.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Democracy, participation and didactics: language issues in everyday life and in research.
The international workshop: Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building, Tuzla, Bosnia.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Didactics of communication and identity in settings that are labeled "inclusive".
The international workshop: Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building. Tuzla, Bosnia.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Inclusion, communication and didactics: education for all or education for "the Other".
International workshop: Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building, Bosnia.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Inclusion matters in a democratic society.
The international workshop: Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building. Tuzla, Bosnia.
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Understanding communication and identities in culturally diverse school settings in present day Sweden: empirical explorations from 3 different language profile schools in present day Sweden.
The biennal Earli joint-SIG Social Interaction, Learning and Diversity meeting, Göteborg.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Conceptual and methodological points of departure & socio-historical reflections on “cultural diversity in Sweden”: Understanding communication and identities in culturally diverse school settings in present day Sweden.
The biennal Earli joint-SIG Social Interaction, Learning and Diversity meeting, Göteborg.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Learning communication and identity in Swedish special schools: a sociohistorical and interactional analysis.
12th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest, 2007.
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Delaktighet för elever med funktionshinder: hur kan det förstås och vad vet vi?.
LIKA VÄRDE – Mötesplats för forskning och praktik, SIT, Specialpedagogiska institutet, Nynäshamn.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
The “acquisition” of blindness in communicative spaces.
12th Biennial Conference of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest, 2007.
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Monological literacy practices in present day pluralistic preschool and school contexts.
34th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Symposium “Interactions in and discourses about diversity in educational settings in the new millennium III, Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Languages and identities in school arenas: Communication-practices in plurilingual and multicultural settings at the beginning of the 21st century.
34th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Symposium “Interactions in and discourses about diversity in educational settings in the new millennium II”, Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Reflektioner kring flerspråkighet & kulturfrågor i hörande & Döva sammanhang [Reflections on multilingualism and cultural issues in hearing and deaf contexts].
Invited lecture at the Deaf Association, Örebro region.
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Education Widens Democracy – Or?: Theme Speech of the 34th NERA Congress.
34th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association. Örebro, March 9-11.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Diversity, disability or handicap?: Reflections on and from "special" education.
11th Biennnial Conference of EARLI European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Promoting Inclusive Learning Settings, Nicosia, Cyprus.
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Challenging understandings in pluralistic societies: language and culture loose in school sites and losing sight of democratic agendas in education?.
The multicultural foreign language classroom: An arena for democratic experiences.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Drawing boundaries in everyday life: identity markers in everyday school settings in Sweden.
10th Biennial Conference of EARLI European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova, Italy.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Språk och lärande i visuellt orienterade flerspråkiga pedagogiska miljöer i Sverige.
Inkluderende eller ekskluderende klasserom: Doveundervisning - et case laere av?, Oslo.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Bilingual ideologies and visually oriented language practices: reflections from research.
Segni-Parole: percorsi di bilinguismo, Biella, Italy.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Communication and literacies in visually oriented classrooms: exploring the activity of “högläsning” in deaf schools in Sweden.
The 23rd Ethnography in Education Forum conference, Pennsylvania, USA.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Swedish research on deaf bilingualism with a focus on literacies.
Star Schools Project conference on Deaf Bilingualism, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
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Cross-cultural explorations in deaf bilingualism: Sweden and the United States.
The international conference Deaf Way II, Washington DC.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Literacy matters in Swedish deaf education.
PVD Chair in Deaf Studies annual lecture, Gallaudet University, Washington DC.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Discursive-technological practices and belonging to a language: explorations of diversity and signs of deaf and hearing memberships: Paper presented in the panel: “Desire, technology and language: The discursive power of technologies in Deaf arenas” (Society for linguistic anthropology).
100th American Anthropological Associations Conference, Panel: Desire, technology and language: The discursive power of technologies in deaf arenas, Society for linguistic anthropology, Washington DC.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Everyday language practices and notions of identities in deaf bilingual school settings.
7th conference of International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), Budapest, Hungary,.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Instructional interaction: practising language and the practices of language at the bilingual Swedish schools for the deaf.
8th Biennial Conference of EARLI European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Gothenburg.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Deaf children: practising literacy or participating in literacy practices?: Or “understanding some of the paradoxes & dilemmas in Swedish deaf education at the end of the 20th century”.
European Days of Deaf Education (EDDE), Örebro.
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Bagga-Gupta, S.
Instructional interaction in deaf bilingual upper secondary schools in Sweden: an exploration of language ideologies and practices.
2nd International Symposium on Bilingualism, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K..
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Notions of deaf identity in the minority period in Sweden.
96th American Anthropological Associations Conference, Washington DC.
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Tensions of studying losses and gains in deaf-hearing communities. Reflections: Review of: The Noisy Silence of villagers with Deafness of Dhadkai, Jammu, India: A Case Study.
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Marginalization Processes: Studies of membership and participation across disciplines and sites.
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Making complexities (in)visible: Empirically-derived contributions to the scholarly (re)presentations of social interactions.
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Den enspråkiga människan och den enfaldiga skolan. [The monolingual human being and the momocultural/homogenous school]: Var finns de? [Where are they?].
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”Va sa han?”: communicative strategies in educational environments where one participant has cochlear implants.
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Virtual Learning Sites as Languaging Spaces. Critical issues on languaging research in changing eduscapes in the 21st century.
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Handling languaging during fieldwork, analysis and reporting in the 21st century. Aspects of ethnography as action in and across physical-virtual spaces.
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Languaging in deaf-hearing collaborative activities in educational and cultural sites in Sweden.
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Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication
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Palgrave Macmillan
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Newcastle upon Tyne:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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Gleerups Utbildning AB
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Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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Att förstå delaktighet utifrån forskning som fokuserar deltagande och interaktion.
Specialpedagogiska institutet
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Vardagskommunikation, lärande och måluppfyllelse i tvåspråkiga regionala specialskolor.
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Utvärderingen av statliga specialskolor [Evaluation of the State Special Schools].
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