

EUFBC Seminar - Valentino D Angelo

21 April 2021 - 21 April 2021

12:00 - 13:00


21 april 2021 - 21 april 2021
12:00 - 13:00



EUFBC Seminar - Valentino D Angelo

Welcome to join the 18th EuFBC seminar titled "Family Agents" presented by Valentino D’Angelo (Mario Daniele Amore and Alessandro Minichilli), from AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management
in Family Business in memory of Alberto Falck, Bocconi University.

ABSTRACT – Several firms around the world are led by multiple CEOs. This observation has spurred a literature on the strategic implications of shared leadership. Our study investigates how co-CEOs affect corporate investment under different conditions of ownership and governance. We argue that, while family firms have more parsimonious investment policies than non-family firms, the presence of multiple CEOs raises overinvestment in family firms due to a potential divergence of personal agendas. Our analysis confirms that co-CEOs are conducive of excessive investment activities in family firms. Yet, we find that the positive effect of co-CEOs on family firms’ overinvestment is lower when the firm is subject to strong board monitoring, and higher when the co-CEOs belong to different family branches. Contrary to the view that family actors represent a homogeneous group with aligned interests and preferences, our study shows that the fragmentation of leadership among multiple actors may be costly for the family business.

Discussant: Institute of Family Business and Mittelstand
–– WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership
Senast uppdaterad: 2021-04-09 07:38