Petra Wagman

Avdelningen för rehabilitering , Hälsohögskolan
Doktorsexamen i arbetsterapi


Petra Wagmans forskningsintresse rör förhållandet mellan vad människor gör, vad de tycker om det de gör och hur de mår, det vill säga mellan aktivitet och hälsa. Det omfattar allt från individens hälsa till de konsekvenser människors vardagsaktivititeter får globalt.

Ett forskningsområde handlar om människors uppfattning om sin mängd och variation mellan olika vardagsaktiviteter (aktivitetsbalans): hur aktivitetsbalansen ser ut i olika grupper och hur den kan mätas. Petra Wagman är en av utvecklarna till instrumentet Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ11) som nu finns publicerad på tio olika språk. Hon är också kontinuerligt involverad i studier om nya versioner på olika språk.

Vidare har hon ett stort intresse för vad som kan främja hälsa och välbefinnande trots olika utmanande situationer. Hon är en av utvecklarna till den nya hälsofrämjande metoden fotostödda samtal, BeWell (TM), för personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa. Studier pågår för att få mer kunskap om metoden och dess användbarhet.

Ett annat intresseområde handlar om Hållbar Utveckling och människors vardagliga aktiviteter, hur arbetsterapi kan bidra till hållbar utveckling samt hur kunskapen om hållbar utveckling kan främjas i högre utbildning.

Nyckelorden i hennes forskning är: aktivitetsbalans, aktivitetsvetenskap, arbetsterapi, hållbar utveckling, hälsa, hälsofrämjande, instrumentutveckling, interventioner, OBQ11, välbefinnande.


Petra Wagman är legitimerad arbetsterapeut och yrkesverksam mellan 1995 och 2007. Hon har erfarenhet från strokerehabilitering, kommunal äldreomsorg, psykiatrisk öppenvård och rättspsykiatri samt  klimatvård. Hon har utöver sin arbetsterapeutexamen en fil. mag. i psykologi med arbetsvetenskap som biämne.

Hon anställdes som doktorand på Hälsohögskolan 2007 och disputerade 2012 med avhandlingen "Conceptualizing life balance from an empirical and occupational therapy perspective". I avhandlingen undersöktes begreppen "balans i livet" och "aktivitetsbalans" vilka är viktiga inom arbetsterapi. Bland annat utforskades vad yrkesverksamma anser att balans i livet är och vad som anses viktigt för att uppleva balans i sitt liv.

Därefter har hon varit anställd som universitetslektor i arbetsterapi på avdelningen för rehabilitering och genom åren haft uppdrag av olika slag.



Johnsen, A., Wagman, P., Broström, A., Fransson, E. (2024). Work-, lifestyle-, and health-related factors among women and men working in the emergency medical services International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 30(2), 651-661. More information
Nordstrand, J., Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Hörberg, U., Holmgren, K. (2024). Occupational therapists’ experiences of photo-supported conversations: An intervention in primary health care Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1). More information
Morville, A., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2024). A Rasch analysis of the Danish version of the occupational balance questionnaire (OBQ11) Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1). More information
Sternudd, H., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Gunnarsson, A. (2024). A room of your own: photographs of situations of well-being taken by patients suffering from a stress-related illness Visual Studies, 39(4), 501-515. More information
Wagman, P., Karlsson, L., Ekblad, N., Håkansson, C. (2024). Cognitive interviews on the Swedish occupational balance questionnaire Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1). More information
Gunnarsson, A., Hedberg, A., Håkansson, C., Hedin, K., Wagman, P. (2023). Occupational performance problems in people with depression and anxiety Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(2), 148-158. More information
Wagman, P., Hakansson, C., Gunnarsson, A. (2023). Occupational performance issues in a longitudinal perspective in people with depression and/or anxiety on sick leave, returning to work or working Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(2), 159-169. More information
González-Román, L., Peral-Gómez, P., Garrido-Pedrosa, J., Zango-Martín, I., Wagman, P., Sánchez-Pérez, A. (2023). Occupational balance of Spanish occupational therapist – a challenge Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(4), 444-451. More information
Håkansson, C., Gunnarsson, A., Wagman, P. (2023). Occupational balance and satisfaction with daily occupations in persons with depression or anxiety disorders Journal of Occupational Science, 30(2), 196-202. More information
Ercan Doğu, S., Günal, A., Pekçetin, S., Örsel, S., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2023). Validity and reliability of the Turkish Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ11-T) in mental health Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(6), 796-802. More information
Salehi sadati, S., Raji, P., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2023). Translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Persian version of Occupational Balance Questionnaire in healthy adults British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 86(8), 587-594. More information
Johnsen, A., Theodorsson, E., Broström, A., Wagman, P., Fransson, E. (2023). Work-related factors and hair cortisol concentrations among men and women in emergency medical services in Sweden Scientific Reports, 13(1). More information
Hogan, L., Björklund Carlstedt, A., Wagman, P. (2023). Occupational therapy and stress-related exhaustion: a scoping review. More information
Hernandez, R., Schneider, S., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Spruijt-Metz, D., Pyatak, E. (2023). Validity and Reliability of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ11) in a U.S. Sample of Adults With Type 1 Diabetes American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(4). More information
Uthede, S., Nilsson, I., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Farias, L. (2023). Occupational balance in parents of pre-school children: Potential differences between mothers and fathers Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(8), 1199-1208. More information
Wagman, P., Gunnarsson, A., Hjärthag, F., Hedin, K., Håkansson, C. (2023). Quality of life, sense of coherence and occupational balance one year after an occupational therapy intervention for people with depression and anxiety disorders Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 76(2), 561-568. More information
Günal, A., Pekçetin, S., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Kayıhan, H. (2022). Occupational balance and quality of life in mothers of children with cerebral palsy British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(1), 37-43. More information
Dhas, B., Wagman, P. (2022). Occupational balance from a clinical perspective Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29(5), 373-379. More information
To-Miles, F., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Backman, C. (2022). Exploring the associations among occupational balance and health of adults with and without inflammatory arthritis Arthritis care & research, 74(1), 22-30. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Håkansson, C., Hedin, K., Wagman, P. (2022). Outcomes of the Tree Theme Method versus regular occupational therapy: A longitudinal follow-up Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 69(4), 379-390. More information
To-Miles, F., Backman, C., Forwell, S., Puterman, E., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2022). Exploring occupations and well-being before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults with and without inflammatory arthritis Journal of Occupational Science, 29(3), 368-385. More information
Gunnarsson, A., Frisint, A., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P. (2022). Catching sight of well-being despite a stress-related disorder Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29(8), 699-707. More information
Wåhlin, C., Lindmark, U., Wagman, P., Johnston, V., Rolander, B. (2022). Work and health characteristics of oral health providers who stay healthy at work – a prospective study in public dentistry European Journal of Physiotherapy, 24(6), 349-357. More information
Dhas, B., Wagman, P., Marji, F., Håkansson, C., Carrasco, R. (2022). Translation and initial validation of the occupational balance questionnaire to Arabic—Occupational Balance Questionnaire-A British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(7), 533-540. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2022). Equilibrio ocupacional desde la perspectiva interpersonal: Una revisión de alcance* Journal of Occupational Science, 29(2), 186-194. More information
Bonsaksen, T., Lindstad, M., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Cordier, R. (2021). Rasch Analysis of the Norwegian Version of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire in a Sample of Occupational Therapy Students Occupational Therapy International, 2021. More information
Peral-Gómez, P., López-Roig, S., Pastor-Mira, M., Abad-Navarro, E., Valera-Gran, D., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2021). Cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the spanish version of the occupational balance questionnaire: An instrument for occupation-based research International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14). More information
Wagman, P., Hjärthag, F., Håkansson, C., Hedin, K., Gunnarsson, A. (2021). Factors associated with higher occupational balance in people with anxiety and/or depression who require occupational therapy treatment Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 28(6), 426-432. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Sternudd, H., Holmberg, S., Holmgren, K., Hörberg, U. (2021). A study protocol of the photo-supported conversations about the well-being intervention (Be Well™) for people with stress related disorders BMC Psychology, 9(1). More information
Robinson-Bert, K., Rutt, L., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2021). Occupational Balance and Quality of Life of OT Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(Supplement 2). More information
Johnsson, A., Boman, Å., Wagman, P., Pennbrant, S. (2021). Manoeuvring between interplay and context- an ethnographic study of social interaction in encounters between registered nurses, older patients and their relatives BMC Nursing, 20(1). More information
Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Gunnarsson, A. (2020). Women's lived experience of well-being in everyday life when living with a stress-related illness International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 15(1). More information
Wagman, P., Ahlstrand, I., Björk, M., Håkansson, C. (2020). Occupational balance and its association with life satisfaction in men and women with rheumatoid arthritis Musculoskeletal Care, 18(2), 187-194. More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Hagell, P. (2020). Construct validity of a revised version of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(6), 441-449. More information
Günal, A., Pekçetin, S., Demirtürk, F., Şenol, H., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2020). Validity and reliability of the Turkish Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ11-T) Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(7), 493-499. More information
Wagman, P., Johansson, A., Fristedt, S. (2020). Begging abroad in Sweden: An interview study Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(6), 408-417. More information
Rolander, B., Lindmark, U., Johnston, V., Wagman, P., Wåhlin, C. (2020). Organizational types in relation to exposure at work and sickness - a repeated cross-sectional study within public dentistry Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 78(2), 132-140. More information
Wagman, P. Johansson, A. Jansson, I. Lygnegård, F. Edström, E. Björklund Carlstedt, A. , ... Fristedt S. (2020). Making sustainability in occupational therapy visible by relating to the Agenda 2030 goals – A case description of a Swedish university World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 76(1), 7-14. More information
von Post, H., Wagman, P. (2019). What is important to patients in palliative care? A scoping review of the patient’s perspective. More information
Uhrmann, L., Hovengen, I., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Bonsaksen, T. (2019). The Norwegian Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ11-N)–development and pilot study Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26(7), 546-551. More information
Håkansson, C., Milevi, S., Eek, F., Oudin, A., Wagman, P. (2019). Occupational balance, work and life satisfaction in working cohabiting parents in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 47(3), 366-374. More information
Johansson, A., Fristedt, S., Boström, M., Björklund Carlstedt, A., Wagman, P. (2019). Occupational challenges and adaptations of vulnerable EU citizens from Romania begging in Sweden Journal of Occupational Science, 26(2), 200-210. More information
Johnsson, A., Wagman, P., Boman, Å., Pennbrant, S. (2019). Striving to establish a care relationship—Mission possible or impossible?—Triad encounters between patients, relatives and nurses Health Expectations, 22(6), 1304-1313. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2019). Occupational balance from the interpersonal perspective: A scoping review. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Hedin, K., Håkansson, C. (2018). Treatment of depression and/or anxiety – outcomes of a randomised controlled trial of the tree theme method® versus regular occupational therapy BMC Psychology, 6(25). More information
Borgh, M., Eek, F., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2018). Organisational factors and occupational balance in working parents in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 46(3), 409-416. More information
Ahlstrand, I., Wagman, P., Hakansson, C., Bjork, M. (2018). Occupational balance and its relation to performance of valued life activities in persons with rheumatoid arthritis in working age Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 77(Suppl. 2), 186. More information
Jansson, I., Wagman, P. (2018). Hannah Arendt’s thoughts in relation to occupational science: A response to Turnbull Journal of Occupational Science, 25(2), 252-255. More information
Johnsson, A., Boman, Å., Wagman, P., Pennbrant, S. (2018). Voices used by nurses when communicating with patients and relatives in a department of medicine for older people - An ethnographic study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(7-8), e1640-e1650. More information
Johnsson, A., Wagman, P., Boman, Å., Pennbrant, S. (2018). What are they talking about? Content of the communication exchanges between nurses, patients and relatives in a department of medicine for older people - An ethnographic study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(7-8), e1651-e1659. More information
Lindmark, U., Wagman, P., Wåhlin, C., Rolander, B. (2018). Workplace health in dental care – a salutogenic approach International Journal of Dental Hygiene, 16(1), 103-113. More information
Munck, B., Björklund, A., Jansson, I., Lundberg, K., Wagman, P. (2018). Adulthood transitions in health and welfare: a literature review. More information
Wagman, P., Nordin, M., Alfredsson, L., Westerholm, P., Fransson, E. (2017). Domestic work division and satisfaction in cohabiting adults: Associations with life satisfaction and self-rated health Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24(1), 24-31. More information
Jansson, I., Wagman, P. (2017). Hannah Arendt’s vita activa: A valuable contribution to occupational science Journal of Occupational Science, 24(3), 290-301. More information
Wagman, P., Björklund, A., Johansson, A., Fristedt, S. (2017). Descriptions of health by EU citizens begging abroad Society, health and vulnerability, 8(1). More information
Wagman, P., Lindmark, U., Rolander, B., Wåhlin, C., Håkansson, C. (2017). Occupational balance in health professionals in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24(1), 18-23. More information
Evans, K., Girdler, S., Falkmer, T., Richmond, J., Wagman, P., Millsteed, J., Falkmer, M. (2017). Viewpoints of working sandwich generation women and occupational therapists on role balance strategies Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24(5), 366-382. More information
Rolander, B., Wåhlin, C., Johnston, V., Wagman, P., Lindmark, U. (2016). Changes in division of labour and tasks within public dentistry: relationship to employees work demands, health and work ability Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 74(6), 471-479. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Hedin, K. (2015). The Tree Theme Method® (TTM), an occupational therapy intervention for treating depression and anxiety: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial BMC Psychology, 3(40), 1-7. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Jonsson, H. (2015). Occupational balance: A scoping review of current research and identified knowledge gaps. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2014). Introducing the Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ) Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(3), 227-231. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2014). Exploring occupational balance in adults in Sweden Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(6), 415-420. More information
Wagman, P. (2014). How to contribute occupationally to ecological sustainability: A literature review Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(3), 161-165. More information
Wagman, P. (2014). The model of human occupation's usefulness in relation to sustainable development British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(3), 165-167. More information
Jonsson, H., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2012). Aktivitetsbalans: ett centralt begrepp inom arbetsterapi och aktivitetsvetenskap. More information
Wagman, P., Björklund, A., Håkansson, C. (2012). Occupational balance as used in occupational therapy: A concept analysis Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19(4), 322-327. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Jacobsson, C., Falkmer, T., Björklund, A. (2012). What is considered important for life balance? Similarities and differences among some working adults Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19(4), 377-384. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Matuska, K., Björklund, A., Falkmer, T. (2012). Validating the model of lifestyle balance on a working Swedish population Journal of Occupational Science, 19(2), 106-114. More information
Wagman, P., Björklund, A., Håkansson, C., Jacobsson, C., Falkmer, T. (2011). Perceptions of life balance among a working population in Sweden Qualitative Health Research, 21(3), 410-418. More information


Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2022). Självskattad aktivitetsbalans (OBQ11). Nacka: Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information


Wagman, P. (2012). Conceptualizing life balance from an empirical and occupational therapy perspective (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University). More information


Wagman, P., Erlandsson, L., Kåhlin, I., Persson, D. (2022). Aktivitet, hälsa och arbetsterapi ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. In: P. Wagman (Ed.), Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen – ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv Nacka: Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2022). Aktivitetsbalans i hälsofrämjande arbetsterapi. In: P. Wagman (Ed.), Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen – ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv (pp. 27 -36). Nacka: Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information
Wagman, P. (2022). Redaktörens introduktion: Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen. In: P. Wagman (Ed.), Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen – ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv (pp. 7 -10). Nacka: Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information
Håkansson, C., Morville, A., Wagman, P. (2022). Aktivitetsbalance. In: Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Anne Sofie Bach Schou & Jesper Larsen Mærsk (Ed.), Nordisk aktivitetsvidenskab (pp. 153 -170). København: Munksgaard Forlag More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2018). Aktivitetsbalans<em> </em>: ett fokus för hälsofrämjande arbetsterapi. In: Ulla Kroksmark (Ed.), Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen: ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv Nacka: Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information
Håkansson, C., Morville, A., Wagman, P. (2017). Aktivitetsbalance. In: Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Jesper Larsen Mærsk, Anne Sofie Bach Schou (Ed.), Nordisk aktivitetsvidenskab (pp. 111 -126). More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2014). Aktivitetsbalans och andra aktivitetsbehov. In: Ulla Kroksmark (Ed.), Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen - ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv (pp. 16 -23). Nacka: Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information


Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2023). Aktivitetsbalans – ett instrument för att mäta självskattad aktivitetsbalans (OBQ11). Arbetsterapiforum 14-15 mars 2023. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Hörberg, U., Holmgren, K., Holmberg, S., Sternudd, H. (2023). Be-WellTM – fotostödda samtal för att främja hälsa och välbefinnande hos personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa i primärvården. Arbetsterapiforum 14-15 mars 2023. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Gunnarsson, B. (2023). Aktivitetsbalans över tid mätt med både OBQ och SDO-OB hos personer med depression och ångest. Arbetsterapiforum 14-15 mars 2023. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Holmberg, S., Holmgren, K., Sternudd, H. (2022). Be WellTM – an intervention using photo-supported conversations to promote well-being in people living with stress-related illness. The 4th International NCCS & EACS Conference April 27th – 28th 2022 at Mälardalen University, Sweden. More information
Chen, Y., Ko, W., Hsieh, M., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2022). Psychometric properties of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire 11-Chinese version (OBQ11-C): Preliminary results. TOTA 2022 Annual Meeting and International Conference, Taiwan, 3-4 December 2022. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Hörberg, U., Holmberg, S., Sternudd, H., Holmgren, K., Wagman, P. (2022). An intervention using photo-supported conversations about well-being in people with stress related disorders. 18th WFOT Congress, 27 August 2022, Paris, France. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Holmberg, S., Holmgren, K., Sternudd, H. (2022). Be-WellTM – photo-supported conversations to promote well-being in people living with stress-related illness. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 20-22 June 2022, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Fristedt, S. Johansson, A. Jansson, I. Lygnegård, F. Edström, E. Björklund Carlstedt, A. , ... Wagman P. (2021). Att synliggöra utbildning och forskning relaterat till hållbarhet i arbetsterapi – en fallbeskrivning. Arbetsterapiforum, den 16–17 mars 2021. More information
Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Hedin, K., Håkansson, C. (2021). Effectiveness of the Tree Theme Method® (TTM) versus regular occupational therapy: a longitudinal follow-up. 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-18, 2021 (online). More information
Wagman, P., Hjärthag, F., Håkansson, C., Hedin, K., Gunnarsson, B. (2021). Associations between occupational performance, occupational satisfaction, quality of life and occupational balance in people with depression and/or anxiety. 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-18, 2021 (online). More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Hagell, P. (2019). OBQ11 – ny version av Occupational Balance Questionnaire baserat på Raschanalys. Arbetsterapiforum, Stockholm, 2–3 april, 2019. More information
Johansson, A., Fristedt, S., Boström, M., Björklund, A., Wagman, P. (2018). Occupational adaptation in vulnerable EU citizens when begging in Sweden. WFOT Congress 2018, 21st – 25th May 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. More information
Wagman, P., Johansson, A., Björklund Carlstedt, A., Fristedt, S. (2017). Occupation and health abroad as described by EU citizens begging in Sweden. The 4th Conference of Occupational Science Europe, Hildesheim, Germany, 8-9 September 2017. More information
Jansson, I., Wagman, P. (2017). Paid work and basic income - Reflections from the perspective of Arendt’s Vita Activa. The 4th Conference of "Occupational Science Europe", September 8th-9th, 2017, Hildesheim, Germany. More information
Morville, A., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Hansen, T. (2016). Validity of the Danish version of Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ-DK). COTEC - ENOTHE, European Congress for Occupational Therapists, Galway, 15 June - 19 June, 2016.. More information
Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Almers, E., Wagman, P., Stagell, U. (2016). Education for sustainability: Transformative processes, actions and systemic change in a Swedish university. EURAM 2016, "Manageable Cooperation", June 1-2-3 and 4, 2016, Paris, France. More information
Gunnarsson, A., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Hedin, K. (2015). Arbetsterapi för personer med depression och ångest: En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av Tree Theme Method®. Arbetsterapiforum, Göteborg, 15-16 april, 2015.. More information
Wagman, P. (2015). Arbetsterapins bidrag till ekologisk hållbarhet. Arbetsterapiforum, Göteborg, 15-16 april, 2015.. More information
Johansson, A., Wagman, P. (2015). Relating occupational therapy research/education to the marginalized population of begging EU- migrants. The 2015 ENOTHE Annual meeting, University of Ruse, Bulgaria, 22–24 October, 2015.. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Björk, M., Gunnarsson, A. (2015). Självskattad aktivitetsbalans hos vuxna med gemensam diagnos och vuxna från en generell population. Arbetsterapiforum, Göteborg, 15-16 april, 2015.. More information
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Almers, E., Kjellström, S., Wagman, P., Stagell, U. (2015). Towards Multiple Approaches on Education for Sustainability: A case study of a Swedish University. 8th World Environmental Education Congress – WEEC 2015, Gothenburg, 29th of June - 2nd of July, 2015. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Jacobsson, C., Falkmer, T., Björklund, A. (2015). Likheter och skillnader i synen på vad som är viktigt för att uppleva livsbalans. Arbetsterapiforum, Göteborg, 15-16 april, 2015.. More information
Jonsson, H., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Backman, C., Matuska, K. (2014). Occupational balance – definition and state of the art. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) 16th International Congress, Yokohama, Japan. 18-21 Juni 2014. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Björk, M., Gunnarsson, B. (2014). Occupational balance in different populations and an evaluation of the psychometric properties of a newly developed instrument . 2014 Joint International Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Globalization & Occupational Science: Partnerships, Methodologies & Research. Oktober 2014.. More information
Jonsson, H., Matuska, K., Håkansson, C., Backman, C., Wagman, P. (2014). Occupational balance - definition and state of the art. 2014 Joint International Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Globalization & Occupational Science: Partnerships, Methodologies & Research. October 2014.. More information
Wagman, P. (2014). Occupational balance – of importance for occupational therapists. CIETO, International congress of occupational therapy students Alicante, Spanien 14-16 May. More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2014). Self-rated occupational balance – a generic instrument. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) 16th International Congress, Yokohama, Japan. 18-21 Juni 2014. More information
Wagman, P. (2014). What have occupational therapists written about global climate change? . The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) 16th International Congress, Yokohama, Japan. 18-21 Juni 2014. More information
Wagman, P., Fristedt, S. (2013). Q metodologi i arbetsterapi - ett nytt sätt att identifiera subjektiva synsätt. Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter AT-forum. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Jonsson, H. (2013). Aktivitetsbalans - ett viktigt begrepp i arbetsterapi. Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter. More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2013). Aktivitetsbalans - ett generiskt självskattningsinstrument. Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter. More information
Wagman, P. (2013). Balans i livet ur empiriskt och arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv. Förbundet Sveriges arbetsterapeuter AT- forum Stockholm. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Björklund, A. (2012). A proposed definition of occupational balance. Stockholm, Sweden: 9th COTEC Congress of Occupational Therapy, 24-27 May. More information
Wagman, P., Håkansson, C., Matuska, K., Björklund, A., Falkmer, T. (2012). The five dimensions in the Life Balance Model are empirically supported by Swedish participants. Stockholm, Sweden: 9th COTEC Congress of Occupational Therapy, 24-27 May. More information
Håkansson, C., Wagman, P. (2011). Balans - vad är det egentligen?. Göteborg: Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter (FSA) AT-forum 6-8 april. More information
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Johansson, A., Fristedt, S., Boström, M., Björklund, A., Wagman, P. . Occupational adaptation in vulnerable EU citizens when begging in Sweden. More information
Johnsson, A., Boman, Å., Wagman, P., Pennbrant, S. . What is going on? Social interaction between nurses, older patients and their relatives. More information


(2022). Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen – ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv. Nacka: Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information


Kjellström, S., Almers, E., Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Wagman, P., Stagell, U., Andersson, A. (2014). Högskoleutbildning för hållbar utveckling: En kartläggning vid Jönköpings högskola. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health Sciences More information