Marie Golsäter

Docent Hälsa och vårdvetenskap
Avdelningen för omvårdnad , Hälsohögskolan
Filosofie Doktor, Ph.D.


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Marie Golsäter är barnsjuksköterska, Fil dr i omvårdnad och Docent i Hälsa och Vårdvetenskap. Marie är adjungerad universitetslektor vid avdelningen för omvårdnad vid Jönköping University. Marie arbetar som verksamhetsutvecklare för barnhälsovården i Region Jönköpings Län och är medlem i den tvärprofessionella forskningsmiljön CHILD vid Jönköping University.

Maries avhandlingsarbete hade fokus på ungdomars och sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hälsosamtal inom barnhälsovård och elevhälsa. Syftet var också att studera användbarheten av "Hälsokurvan" som pedagogiskt verktyg vid hälsosamtal inom barnhälsovård och elevhälsa.

Fortsatta studier har till stor del haft fokus på barns möten med hälso- och sjukvården inom bland annat barnhälsovård, elevhälsa, röntgen samt barns som anhöriga när en förälder är sjuk. Hälsofrämjande arbete med fokus på samtal om hälsa och levnadsvanor är också ett fortsatt område för Maries forskning.

I samverkan med Mälardalens högskola arbetar Marie nu med projektet Hälsobesök med barn med utländsk bakgrund inom barnhälsovård och elevhälsa där fokus är sjuksköterskors kulturella kompetens samt barns delaktighet.




Johansson, L., Fransson, E., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M. (2024). Exploring how people achieve the recommended levels of physical activity despite self-reported economic difficulties: a sense of coherence perspective BMC Primary Care, 25(1). More information
Tell, M., Hedin, K., Nilsson, M., Golsäter, M., Lingfors, H. (2024). Associations between food intake and psychosomatic symptoms in 16-year-old adolescents Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. More information
Wahlström, E., Harder, M., Holmström, I., Larm, P., Golsäter, M. (2024). Reading the signs in health visits: Perspectives of adolescents with migration experiences on encounters with school nurses Nursing Open, 11(6). More information
Golsäter, M., Randell, E., Engström, M., Lucas, S. (2024). Parents' perceptions of the safe environment for every kid (SEEK) model in the Swedish child health services. BMC Pediatrics, 24(1). More information
Johansson, L., Eriksson, M., Dahlin, S., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M. (2024). Healthcare professionals' experiences of targeted health dialogues in primary health care Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 38(1), 231-239. More information
Wennergren, M. Berg, K. Frisk Cavefors, A. Edin, H. Ekholm, L. Gelander, L. , ... Fäldt A. (2023). Swedish Child Health Services Register: a quality register for child health services and children's well-being. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 7(1). More information
Wahlström, E., Golsäter, M., Holmström, I., Larm, P., Harder, M. (2023). In search of factors related to migration affecting children’s health: an analysis of documents guiding health visits within the Swedish school health services Archives of Public Health, 81(1). More information
Sahamkhadam, N., Andersson, A., Golsäter, M., Harder, M., Granlund, M., Wahlström, E. (2023). Testing the Assumptions in the Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services Using Empirical Data, Focusing on Cultural Awareness Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 34(3), 173-246. More information
Einberg, E., Golsäter, M., Clausson, E. (2023). Swedish schoolchildren's voices of health-promoting factors: a focus group study Health Promotion International, 38(4). More information
Golsäter, M., Karlsson Fialoss, M., Olsson Vestvik, S., Anefur, H., Harder, M. (2023). Child health care nurses' cultural competence in health visits with children of foreign background Nursing Open, 10(3), 1426-1436. More information
Moberg, M., Golsäter, M., Norman, Å. (2023). Parents' Thoughts Regarding Their Normal-Weight Children's Food and Physical Activity as Expressed During Health Conversations With the School Nurse: A Qualitative Analysis Informing Health-Promoting Practices Journal of School Nursing, 39(5), 385-395. More information
Stenmarker, M., Björk, M., Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. (2023). Everyday life during the childhood cancer trajectory—childhood cancer survivors’ descriptions of the role of caring support Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4. More information
Rangert, A., Oldin, C., Golsäter, M., Ludvigsson, J., Åkesson, K. (2023). No association between incidence of type 1 diabetes and rotavirus vaccination in Swedish children Frontiers in Immunology, 14. More information
Johansson, L., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M., Rolander, B., Fransson, E. (2023). Agreement between questions about physical activity and sitting time, and device-based measures, used in Swedish targeted health dialogues in the context of primary health care BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 15(1). More information
Tell, M., Hedin, K., Nilsson, M., Golsäter, M., Lingfors, H. (2022). Associations between intakes of foods and their relations to overweight/obesity in 16-year-old adolescents Journal of Nutritional Science, 11. More information
Kilander, H., Alehagen, S., Hammarström, S., Golsäter, M. (2022). Identifying sexual risk-taking and ill health in the meeting with young people-experiences of using an assessment tool Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(4), 1189-1196. More information
Gustafsson, I., Spångby, M., Arvidsdal, A., Golsäter, M., Palmér, L. (2022). The Existential Breastfeeding Difficulty Scale’s influences on the caring dialogue—Child healthcare nurses’ lived experiences Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(2), 558-566. More information
Knutsson, S., Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. (2021). The meaning of being a visiting child of a seriously ill parent receiving care at the ICU International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 16(1). More information
Wigert, H., Fors, A., Nilsson, S., Dalenius, K., Golsäter, M. (2021). A person-centred approach when encountering students with recurrent pain: School nurses’ experiences Journal of School Nursing, 37(4), 249-258. More information
Stenmarker, M., Oldin, C., Golsäter, M., Blennow, M., Enskär, K., Nilsson, M., Schollin Ask, L. (2021). Child health professionals' experiences of the introduction and successful implementation of rotavirus vaccination in Sweden Acta Paediatrica, 110(10), 2833-2841. More information
Golsäter, M., Knutsson, S., Enskär, K. (2021). Children's experiences of information, advice and support from healthcare professionals when their parent has a cancer disease: experiences from an oncological outpatient department European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 50. More information
Wahlström, E., Golsäter, M., Granlund, M., Holmström, I., Larm, P., Harder, M. (2021). Adjusting and doing the same: school nurses’ descriptions of promoting participation in health visits with children of foreign origin BMC Public Health, 21(1). More information
Johansson, L., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M., Kristenson, M., Fransson, E. (2021). Physical activity related to mastery and vitality in a Swedish adult population with economic difficulties BMC Public Health, 21(1). More information
Tell, M., Hedin, K., Nilsson, M., Golsäter, M., Lingfors, H. (2021). Food intake in children and adolescents: a cross-sectional study from 2009/2010 to 2015/2016 Journal of Nutritional Science, 10. More information
Andersson, A., Golsäter, M., Andersson-Gäre, B., Melke, A. (2020). Learning through networking in healthcare and welfare: The use of a breakthrough collaborative in the Swedish context International Journal of Healthcare Management, 13(3), 236-244. More information
Wahlström, E., Harder, M., Granlund, M., Holmström, I., Larm, P., Golsäter, M. (2020). School nurses' self-assessed cultural competence when encountering children of foreign origin: A cross-sectional study. Nursing and Health Sciences, 22(2), 226-234. More information
Wahlström, E., Golsäter, M., Granlund, M., Holmström, I., Larm, P., Harder, M. (2020). How do school nurses promote participation in health visits with children of foreign origin? European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement 5). More information
Stenmarker, M., Enskär, K., Björk, M., Pinkava, M., Rolander, B., Golsäter, M. (2020). Childhood cancer survivors: Self-reported quality of life during and after the cancer trajectory Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 7(4), 336-345. More information
Bäckström, C., Söderlund, T., Thorstensson, S., Mårtensson, L., Golsäter, M. (2020). Midwives' Experiences of Providing the “Inspirational Lecture” as a Care Intervention for Expectant Parents: A Qualitative Study Frontiers in Public Health, 8. More information
Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., Knutsson, S. (2019). Parents’ perceptions of how nurses care for children as relatives of an ill patient: Experiences from an oncological outpatient department European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 39, 35-40. More information
Oldin, C., Golsäter, M., Schollin Ask, L., Fredriksson, S., Stenmarker, M. (2019). Introduction of rotavirus vaccination in a Swedish region: assessing parental decision-making, obtained vaccination coverage and resulting hospital admissions Acta Paediatrica, 108(7), 1329-1337. More information
Harder, M., Andersson, S., Golsäter, M. (2019). Child healthcare nurses’ encounters with parents whose child is overweight Nordic journal of nursing research, 39(3), 152-158. More information
Golsäter, M., Nilsson, S., Wigert, H. (2019). Dealing with adolescents' recurrent pain problems in school health care—Swedish school nurses' view Nursing Open, 6(4), 1626-1633. More information
Nilsson, S. Wallbing, U. Alfvén, G. Dalenius, K. Fors, A. Golsäter, M. , ... Lundberg M. (2019). Development of the Help Overcoming Pain Early (HOPE) Programme Built on a Person-Centred Approach to Support School Nurses in the Care of Adolescents with Chronic Pain-A Feasibility Study Children, 6(9). More information
Johansson, L., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M., Kristenson, M., Fransson, E. (2019). Can physical activity compensate for low socioeconomic status with regard to poor self-rated health and low quality-of-life? Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17(1), 1-10. More information
Eriksson, M., Lingfors, H., Golsäter, M. (2018). Trends in prevalence of thinness, overweight and obesity among Swedish children and adolescents between 2004 and 2015. Acta Paediatrica, 107(10), 1818-1825. More information
Bäckström, C., Kåreholt, I., Thorstensson, S., Golsäter, M., Mårtensson, L. (2018). Quality of couple relationship among first-time mothers and partners, during pregnancy and the first six months of parenthood Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 17, 56-64. More information
Almqvist, L., Sjöman, M., Golsäter, M., Granlund, M. (2018). Special support for behavior difficulties and engagement in Swedish preschools Frontiers in Education, 3. More information
Andersson, A., Melke, A., Andersson Gäre, B., Golsäter, M. (2018). Identification of children as relatives with a systematic approach: a prerequisite in order to offer advice and support Quality Management in Health Care, 27(3), 172-177. More information
Knutsson, S., Enskär, K., Golsäter, M. (2017). Nurses' experiences of what constitutes the encounter with children visiting a sick parent at an adult ICU Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 39, 9-17. More information
Knutsson, S., Enskär, K., Andersson-Gäre, B., Golsäter, M. (2017). Children as relatives to a sick parent: Healthcare professionals’ approaches Nordic journal of nursing research, 37(2), 61-69. More information
Bäckström, C., Larsson, T., Wahlgren, E., Golsäter, M., Mårtensson, L., Thorstensson, S. (2017). ‘It makes you feel like you are not alone’: Expectant first-time mothers’ experiences of social support within the social network, when preparing for childbirth and parenting Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 12, 51-57. More information
Harder, M., Enskär, K., Golsäter, M. (2017). Nurses’ use of pliable and directed strategies when encountering children in child and school healthcare Journal of Child Health Care, 21(1), 55-64. More information
Petersson, C., Huus, K., Åkesson, K., Enskär, K., Golsäter, M. (2017). To promote child involvement – healthcare professionals' use of a health-related quality of life assessment tool during paediatric encounters European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 5(1). More information
Golsäter, M., Johansson, L., Harder, M. (2017). General practitioners’ accounts of how to facilitate consultations with toddlers: An interview study Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 36(1), 3-9. More information
Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., Knutsson, S. (2017). Contributing to making the school a safe place for the child: School nurses’ perceptions of their assignment when caring for children having parents with serious physical illness Nursing Open, 4(4), 267-273. More information
Bäckström, C., Thorstensson, S., Mårtensson, L., Grimming, R., Nyblin, Y., Golsäter, M. (2017). 'To be able to support her, I must feel calm and safe': Pregnant women's partners perceptions of professional support during pregnancy BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17(1). More information
Golsäter, M., Henricson, M., Enskär, K., Knutsson, S. (2016). Are children as relatives our responsibility? How nurses perceive their role in caring for children as relatives of seriously ill patients European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25, 33-39. More information
Hasselberg, M., Huus, K., Golsäter, M. (2016). Breastfeeding preterm infants at a neonatal care unit in rural Tanzania Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 45(6), 825-835. More information
Golsäter, M., Norlin, Å., Nilsson, H., Enskär, K. (2016). School nurses’ health dialogues with pupils regarding food habits Nordic journal of nursing research, 36(3), 136-141. More information
Johansson, L., Golsäter, M., Hedberg, B. (2016). Health dialogue with non-native-speaking parents: Child health nurses’ experiences Nordic journal of nursing research, 36(4), 209-215. More information
Day, A., Währborg, P., Andersson-Gäre, B., Golsäter, M., Rydå, U., Jansson, M. (2016). An evaluation of daily relaxation training and psychosomatic symptoms in young children , 3(3), 198-208. More information
Bäckström, C., Mårtensson, L., Golsäter, M., Thorstensson, S. (2016). “It's like a puzzle”: Pregnant women's perceptions of professional support in midwifery care Women and Birth, 29(6), e110-e118. More information
Golsäter, M., Fast, A., Bergman-Lind, S., Enskär, K. (2015). School nurses' health dialogues with pupils about physical activity British Journal of School Nursing, 10(7), 330-336. More information
Björkman, B., Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. (2014). Children's Anxiety, Pain, and Distress Related to the Perception of Care While Undergoing an Acute Radiographic Examination Journal of Radiology Nursing, 33(2), 69-78. More information
Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., Harder, M. (2014). Nurses' encounters with children in child and school health care: negotiated guidance within a given frame Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28(3), 591-599. More information
Björkman, B., Golsäter, M., Simeonson, R., Enskär, K. (2013). Will it Hurt? Verbal Interaction between Child and Radiographer during Radiographic Examination Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28(6), e10-e18. More information
Golsäter, M., Lingfors, H., Sidenvall, B., Enskär, K. (2012). Health dialogues between pupils and school nurses: a description of the verbal interaction Patient Education and Counseling, 89(2), 260-266. More information
Golsäter, M., Sidenvall, B., Lingfors, H., Enskär, K. (2011). Adolescents' and school nurses' perceptions of using a health and lifestyle tool in health dialogues Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(17-18), 2573-2583. More information
Golsäter, M., Sidenvall, B., Lingfors, H., Enskär, K. (2010). Pupils' perspectives on preventive health dialogues British Journal of School Nursing, 5(1), 26-33. More information
Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., Lingfors, H., Sidenvall, B. (2009). Health counselling: parental-oriented health dialogue - an innovation for child health nurses Journal of Child Health Care, 13(1), 75-88. More information
Enskär, K., Carlsson, M., Golsäter, M., Hamrin, E., Kreuger, A. (1997). Life situation and problems as reported by children with cancer and their parents Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 14(1), 18-26. More information
Enskär, K., Carlsson, M., Golsäter, M., Hamrin, E., Kreuger, A. (1997). Parental reports of changes and challenges that result from parenting a child with cancer Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 14(3), 156-163. More information
Enskär, K., Carlsson, M., Golsäter, M., Hamrin, E. (1997). Symptom distress and life situation in adolescents with cancer Cancer Nursing, 20(1), 23-33. More information


Golsäter, M. (2012). Hälsosamtal som metod att främja barns och ungdomars hälsa: en utmanande uppgift (Doctoral thesis). School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University More information


Golsäter, M., Enskär, K. (2012). Elevcentrerade hälsosamtal med hjälp av ett strukturerat hälsoverktyg. In: Clausson, E & Morberg, S (Ed.), Skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete (pp. 153 -172). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Enskär, K., Golsäter, M. (2009). Från barndom till ungdom: den växande människans omvårdnadsbehov. In: Friberg, F & Öhnén, J (Ed.), Omvårdnadens grunder: Perspektiv och förhållningssätt (pp. 109 -145). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information


Golsäter, M., Enskär, K., Sidenvall, B., Andersson-Gäre, B., Lingfors, H. (2006). Att arbeta med Hälsokurvan inom Barnhälsovården. Familjefokuserad Omvårdnad, Kalmar 18-19 maj 2006.. More information


Almqvist, L., Sjöman, M., Golsäter, M., Granlund, M. . Children’s behavior difficulties and staff-implemented special support in Swedish preschools: Emotional and behavioral difficulties. More information


Andersson, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Golsäter, M., Melke, A. (2016). Erfarenheter från lärandeseminarier: Barn som anhöriga: Reflektioner från följeforskning. Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping Academy For Improvement Of Health And Welfare More information
Granlund, M., Almqvist, L., Gustafsson, P., Gustafsson, B., Golsäter, M., Proczkowska, M., Sjöman, M. (2015). Tidig upptäckt - tidig insats (TUTI): slutrapport. Jönköping: Jönköping University More information