Ingemar Kåreholt

Professor gerontologi
Institutet för gerontologi , Hälsohögskolan


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ARN-J (Aging Research Network - Jönköping)

I am professor in Gerontology, working at the Institute of Gerontology here at Jönköping University a bit more than half of my time. I also work at Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University.

My research interests are broad and cover nearly all aspects of aging and the situation in old age. Examples of research areas that I have been involved in during 2014-2015 are:

¬Patterns of alcohol drinking in old age and how it relates to mortality risk.

–Health trends in the population.

–Leadership behaviors and psychosocial working conditions in nursing homes and home help services.

–Trends in survival after referral to nursing homes.

–Mortality risk after dementia diagnoses. Here we have analyses the effect of BMI (Body Mass Index), type of dementia and what causes of deaths that are most common.

–Health care utilization during the last years of life.

–Life-style factors associated to risk of dementia and cognitive problems.

–The balance between formal and informal care


Presently I’m leading a project about working conditions before retirement age and how it is associated to health and physical functioning in old age (69 years and older). We study measures of socioeconomic position and psychosocial working conditions in ages 53-64 and how these factors associates to health, wellbeing and physical functioning in old age (age 76-89 years).

Socioeconomic position are measures of the status and position in the society. In this study we measure socioeconomic position with years of education, income, cash margin, social class based on occupation, and an index (a way of combining the separate measures) based on all measures. Cash margin is based on questions about the possibility to raise a specific amount of money (10,000 SEK in 1991) and divided into three categories, no/yes, with problem/yes, from own account or from the family. Social class is categorized as unskilled manual worker, skilled manual, lower non-manual, and higher non-manual worker.

Working conditions studied are job control (how much you can control your work situation), work related stress, job strain (high job strain is having a job with much work related stress and low control), and how intellectually demanding your work is – the latter is categorized as intellectually demanding in general, regarding handling information, and dealing with people.


Some main findings from the project:

–Having low socioeconomic position, low job control or less intellectually stimulating work in terms of working with information and people have strong associations (statistically significant) to all three physical function in old age. We measure physical functioning as self-reported mobility (ability to walk 100 m, walk stairs, and run 100 m), and tests of general physical functioning and lung function. When working conditions and socioeconomic position are analyzed together, job control was the factor that had the strongest association to physical functioning in old age. The conclusion from this is that modification in the degree of control at work might be a possible way to increase physical functioning in old age.

–Having an intellectually stimulating work is associated to lower risk of psychological problems in old age.

–Having an intellectually stimulating work or intellectually stimulation leisure time activities are associated to lower risk of cognitive problems in old age. You only need either intellectually stimulating work or intellectually stimulating leisure time activities to have lower risk of cognitive problems.

– Work related stress is associated with higher likelihood of serious health problems among women but lower likelihood of serious health problems among men. Having control over the work situation are associated with less serious health problems. The strongest association in this study was between high job strain (low control+much work related stress) and having several kind of severe health problems.

–Income is the measure of socioeconomic position that has the strongest association to both psychological problems and mobility problems – high income -> less problems.

–Sense of coherence measures to what extent a person finds life meaningful, manageable, and comprehensible. High job strain are relatively strongly associated to higher risk of mortality in the presence of low sense of coherence, whereas the work stress-mortality link was less strong in the presence of high sense of coherence, indicating that high sense of coherence served as a buffer for the negative effects of work-related stress on risk of mortality.


Hoang, M. Kåreholt, I. Lindgren, E. von Koch, L. Xu, H. Tan, E. , ... Garcia-Ptacek S. (2024). Immigration and access to dementia diagnostics and treatment: A nationwide study in Sweden SSM - Population Health, 25. More information
Holleman, J. Kåreholt, I. Aspö, M. Hagman, G. Udeh-Momoh, C. Kivipelto, M. , ... Sindi S. (2024). Life-course stress, cognition, and diurnal cortisol in memory clinic patients without dementia Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print), 119. More information
Bazzi, M., Afram, S., Ndipen, I., Kåreholt, I., Bjällmark, A. (2024). Factors affecting radiographers' use of dose-reduction measures Journal of Radiological Protection, 44(1). More information
Norgren, J., Kåreholt, I., Sindi, S. (2024). Is there evidence of a ketogenic effect of coconut oil? Commentary: Effect of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with nicotinamide riboside and pterostilbene and/or coconut oil on anthropometric variables in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A pilot study Frontiers in Nutrition, 10. More information
Finkel, D., Nilsen, C., Sindi, S., Kåreholt, I. (2024). Impact of childhood and adult socioeconomic position on change in functional aging Health Psychology, 43(5), 388-395. More information
Holleman, J. Daniilidou, M. Kåreholt, I. Aspö, M. Hagman, G. Udeh-Momoh, C. , ... Sindi S. (2024). Diurnal cortisol, neuroinflammation, and neuroimaging visual rating scales in memory clinic patients Brain, behavior, and immunity, 118, 499-509. More information
Steive, K., Tham, P., Wiklund, S., Grell, P., Kåreholt, I. (2024). Social work in an assembly line? The development of specialisation in child welfare and further internal division of work between 2003 and 2018 European Journal of Social Work, 27(3), 650-663. More information
Norrgard, A., Tham, P., Strömberg, A., Kåreholt, I. (2024). How Do Child Welfare Social Workers Assess the Leadership of Their First-line Managers? A 15-Year Perspective British Journal of Social Work, 54(4), 1737-1752. More information
Yerramalla, M. Darin-Mattsson, A. Udeh-Momoh, C. Holleman, J. Kåreholt, I. Aspö, M. , ... Sindi S. (2024). Cognitive reserve, cortisol, and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers: A memory clinic study Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 20(7), 4486-4498. More information
Overton, M. Skoog, J. Laukka, E. Bodin, T. Darin Mattsson, A. Sjöberg, L. , ... Sindi S. (2024). Sleep disturbances and change in multiple cognitive domains among older adults: A multicentre study of five Nordic cohorts Sleep, 47(3). More information
Sorensen, C. Kåreholt, I. Kalpouzos, G. Udeh-Momoh, C. Holleman, J. Aspo, M. , ... Sindi S. (2024). Daytime Sleepiness, Apnea, Neuroimaging Correlates and Cortisol Dysregulation in a Memory Clinic Cohort The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease. More information
Daniilidou, M. Holleman, J. Hagman, G. Kåreholt, I. Aspö, M. Brinkmalm, A. , ... Matton A. (2024). Neuroinflammation, cerebrovascular dysfunction and diurnal cortisol biomarkers in a memory clinic cohort: Findings from the Co-STAR study Translational Psychiatry, 14(1). More information
Nilsen, C., Agerholm, J., Kelfve, S., Wastesson, J., Kåreholt, I., Nabe-Nielsen, K., Meinow, B. (2024). History of working conditions and the risk of old-age dependency: a nationwide Swedish register-based study Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 52(6), 726-732. More information
Sindi, S., Kiasat, S., Kåreholt, I., Nilsen, C. (2023). Psychosocial working conditions and cognitive and physical impairment in older age Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print), 104. More information
Norgren, J., Sindi, S., Sandebring-Matton, A., Ngandu, T., Kivipelto, M., Kåreholt, I. (2023). The Dietary Carbohydrate/Fat-Ratio and Cognitive Performance: Panel Analyses in Older Adults at Risk for Dementia Current Developments in Nutrition, 7(6). More information
Tham, P., Kåreholt, I. (2023). Lower demands but less meaningful work?: Changes in work situation and health among social workers in a 15-year perspective British Journal of Social Work, 53(4), 2038-2056. More information
Rydstrom, A. Stephen, R. Kåreholt, I. Mattsson, A. Ngandu, T. Lehtisalo, J. , ... Mangialasche F. (2023). The role of brain integrity in the association between occupational complexity and cognitive performance in subjects with increased risk of dementia Gerontology, 69(8), 972-985. More information
Augustsson, E., Von Saenger, I., Agahi, N., Kåreholt, I., Ericsson, M. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Swedish adults aged 77 years and older: Age differences in lifestyle changes Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 51(5), 764-768. More information
Adedeji, D. Holleman, J. Juster, R. Udeh-Momoh, C. Kåreholt, I. Hagman, G. , ... Sindi S. (2023). Longitudinal study of Alzheimer's disease biomarkers, allostatic load, and cognition among memory clinic patients Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health, 28. More information
Mo, M. Xu, H. Hoang, M. Jurado, P. Mostafaei, S. Kåreholt, I. , ... Garcia-Ptacek S. (2023). External Causes of Death From Death Certificates in Patients With Dementia Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 24(9), 1381-1388. More information
Hoang, M. Kåreholt, I. Schön, P. Von Koch, L. Xu, H. Tan, E. , ... Garcia-Ptacek S. (2023). The Impact of Educational Attainment and Income on Long-Term Care for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: A Swedish Nationwide Study Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 96(2), 789-800. More information
Hedberg, L. Kumar, A. Skott, P. Smedberg, J. Seiger, Å. Sandborgh-Englund, G. , ... Ekman U. (2023). White matter abnormalities mediate the association between masticatory dysfunction and cognition among older adults Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 50(12), 1422-1431. More information
Norgren, J., Sindi, S., Matton, A., Kivipelto, M., Kåreholt, I. (2023). APOE-genotype and Insulin Modulate Estimated Effect of Dietary Macronutrients on Cognitive Performance: Panel Analyses in Non-Diabetic Older Adults at Risk for Dementia Journal of Nutrition, 153(12), 3506-3520. More information
Malm, J., Bielsten, T., Odzakovic, E., Finkel, D., Nilsen, C., Kåreholt, I. (2023). Co-production to tailor a digital tool for monitoring symptoms of dementia in nursing home care in Sweden Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement 1), 743. More information
Kåreholt, I., Nilsen, C., Finkel, D., Sindi, S. (2023). Mid-life financial stress and cognitive and physical problems in older age: The role of potentially modifying factors Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement 1), 377. More information
Gabrielsson-Järhult, F., Kåreholt, I. (2023). Telemedicine consultations in Sweden 2020–2022: Exploring age differences Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement 1), 714. More information
Kåreholt, I., Bergström Af Ekenstam, A. (2023). What is important for the feeling of meaningfulness? A study of Swedes aged 76–101 years Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement 1), 665. More information
Baumann, I. Eyjólfsdóttir, H. Fritzell, J. Lennartsson, C. Darin-Mattsson, A. Kåreholt, I. , ... Agahi N. (2022). Do cognitively stimulating activities affect the association between retirement timing and cognitive functioning in old age? Ageing & Society, 42(2), 306-330. More information
Holleman, J. Adagunodo, S. Kåreholt, I. Hagman, G. Aspo, M. Udeh-Momoh, C. , ... Sindi S. (2022). Cortisol, cognition and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers among memory clinic patients BMJ Neurology Open, 4(2). More information
Bostrom, A., Lundgren, D., Kabir, Z., Kåreholt, I. (2022). Factors in the psychosocial work environment of staff are associated with satisfaction with care among older persons receiving home care services Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e6080-e6090. More information
Kåreholt, I., Lundgren, D., Kabir, Z., Bostrom, A. (2022). Staffs' Psychosocial Work Environment in Relation to Recipient Satisfaction in Home Care Services Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement 1), 702. More information
Kåreholt, I., Nilsen, C., Agerholm, J., Kelfve, S., Wastesson, J., Nabe-Nielsen, K., Meinow, B. (2022). History of Job Strain And Risk of Late-Life Dependency: A Nationwide Swedish Registerbased Study Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement 1), 502-503. More information
Finkel, D., Nilsen, C., Sindi, S., Kåreholt, I. (2022). Impact of Objective and Subjective Sep on Aging Trajectories of Functional Capacity Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement 1), 220. More information
Sindi, S., Kiasat, S., Kåreholt, I., Nilsen, C. (2022). Psychosocial Working Conditions in Midlife And Cognitive and Physical Impairment in Older Age Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement 1), 610. More information
Rydström, A. Darin-Mattsson, A. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Lehtisalo, J. Solomon, A. , ... Mangialasche F. (2022). Occupational complexity and cognition in the FINGER multidomain intervention trial Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 18(12), 2438-2447. More information
Hoang, M., Kåreholt, I., Von Euler, M., Von Koch, L., Eriksdotter, M., Garcia-Ptacek, S. (2021). Satisfaction with Stroke Care among Patients with Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: A Swedish Register-Based Study Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 79(2), 905-916. More information
Sundberg, F., Fridh, I., Lindahl, B., Kåreholt, I. (2021). Associations between healthcare environment design and adverse events in intensive care unit Nursing in Critical Care, 26(2), 86-93. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Agahi, N., Fritzell, J., Kåreholt, I. (2021). Association between psychosocial working conditions in mid-life and leisure activity in old age Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 49(2), 168-175. More information
Mehmedi, L., Nilsen, C., Kåreholt, I. (2021). Lungfunktion i hög ålder och dess samband med fysisk aktivitet från medelålder upp till hög ålder: En longitudinell studie med 24–30 års uppföljningstid Äldre i Centrum Vetenskapligt supplement, 1(1), 15-26. More information
Sindi, S. Solomon, A. Kåreholt, I. Hovatta, I. Antikainen, R. Hänninen, T. , ... Group F. (2021). Telomere Length Change in a Multidomain Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Cognitive Decline: A Randomized Clinical Trial The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 76(3), 491-498. More information
Smailovic, U. Kåreholt, I. Koenig, T. Ashton, N. Winblad, B. Höglund, K. , ... Jelic V. (2021). Synaptic Molecular and Neurophysiological Markers Are Independent Predictors of Progression in Alzheimer's Disease Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 83(1), 355-366. More information
Hoang, M. Kåreholt, I. von Koch, L. Xu, H. Secnik, J. Religa, D. , ... Garcia-Ptacek S. (2021). Influence of Education and Income on Receipt of Dementia Care in Sweden Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(10), 2100-2107. More information
Csajbók, Z., Kagstrom, A., Kåreholt, I., Pawłowski, B., Marečková, K., Cermakova, P. (2021). Sex differences in the association of childhood socioeconomic position and later-life depressive symptoms in Europe: the mediating effect of education Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56, 1091-1101. More information
Trygged, S., Lilja, M., Hedlund, E., Kåreholt, I. (2021). Some Die Young: A Follow-Up Study of Young Men Exposed to Violence in Sweden Victims & Offenders, 16(5), 652-663. More information
Lindgren, E., Sörenson, J., Wattmo, C., Kåreholt, I., Nägga, K. (2021). Differences in Dementia Care Between Swedish-Born and Foreign-Born from Countries with Different Country Level Socioeconomic Position: A Nationwide Register-Based Study Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 84(3), 1363-1371. More information
Sundberg, F., Fridh, I., Lindahl, B., Kåreholt, I. (2021). Visitor’s Experiences of an Evidence-Based Designed Healthcare Environment in an Intensive Care Unit Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 14(2), 178-191. More information
Kåreholt, I., Mehmedi, L., Nilsen, C. (2021). Lung Function In Old Age And Physical Activity From Midlife To Old Age: Longitudinal Study With 24-30 Years' Follow-Up Innovation in Aging, 5(Supplement 1), 455. More information
Wolfova, K., Csajbok, Z., Kagstrom, A., Kåreholt, I., Cermakova, P. (2021). Role of sex in the association between childhood socioeconomic position and cognitive ageing in later life Scientific Reports, 11(1). More information
Sindi, S. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Rosenberg, A. Kulmala, J. Johansson, L. , ... Kivipelto M. (2021). Sex differences in dementia and response to a lifestyle intervention: Evidence from Nordic population-based studies and a prevention trial Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 17(7), 1166-1178. More information
Norgren, J. Daniilidou, M. Kåreholt, I. Sindi, S. Akenine, U. Nordin, K. , ... Sandebring-Matton A. (2021). Serum proBDNF Is Associated With Changes in the Ketone Body β-Hydroxybutyrate and Shows Superior Repeatability Over Mature BDNF: Secondary Outcomes From a Cross-Over Trial in Healthy Older Adults Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13. More information
Smailovic, U., Johansson, C., Koenig, T., Kåreholt, I., Graff, C., Jelic, V. (2021). Decreased global EEG synchronization in amyloid positive mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease patients: relationship to apoe ε4 Brain Sciences, 11(10). More information
Meinow, B., Wastesson, J., Kåreholt, I., Kelfve, S. (2020). Long -Term Care Use During the Last 2 Years of Life in Sweden: Implications for Policy to Address Increased Population Aging Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(6), 799-805. More information
Norgren, J. Sindi, S. Sandebring-Matton, A. Kåreholt, I. Akenine, U. Nordin, K. , ... Kivipelto M. (2020). Capillary blood tests may overestimate ketosis: triangulation between three different measures of β-hydroxybutyrate American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 318(2), E184-E188. More information
Hoang, M., Kåreholt, I., von Euler, M., Jönsson, L., von Koch, L., Eriksdotter, M., Garcia-Ptacek, S. (2020). Costs of Inpatient Rehabilitation for Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Dementia: A Cohort Swedish Register-Based Study Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 73(3), 967-979. More information
Olsson, L., Bengtsson, S., Granlund, M., Huus, K., Elgmark Andersson, E., Kåreholt, I. (2020). Social service utilisation in relation to class setting - a longitudinal study among children with mild intellectual disability in Sweden European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35(4), 544-558. More information
Sindi, S. Darin-Mattsson, A. Kåreholt, I. Kulmala, J. Ngandu, T. Laatikainen, T. , ... Kivipelto M. (2020). Midlife improvements in financial situation are associated with a reduced dementia risk later in life: The CAIDE 30-Year Study International psychogeriatrics, 32(11), 1317-1324. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Börjesson, U., Kåreholt, I. (2020). The association between psychosocial work environment and satisfaction with old age care among care recipients Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(7), 785-794. More information
Norgren, J. Sindi, S. Sandebring-Matton, A. Kåreholt, I. Daniilidou, M. Akenine, U. , ... Kivipelto M. (2020). Ketosis After Intake of Coconut Oil and Caprylic Acid—With and Without Glucose: A Cross-Over Study in Healthy Older Adults Frontiers in Nutrition, 7. More information
Sindi, S. Pérez, L. Vetrano, D. Triolo, F. Kåreholt, I. Sjöberg, L. , ... Calderón-Larrañaga A. (2020). Sleep disturbances and the speed of multimorbidity development in old age: results from a longitudinal population-based study BMC Medicine, 18(1). More information
Chang, M., Geirsdottir, O., Sigurdarsdottir, S., Kåreholt, I., Ramel, A. (2019). Associations between education and need for care among community dwelling older adults in Iceland Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(4), 885-891. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Börjesson, U., Kåreholt, I. (2019). The impact of leadership and psychosocial work environment on recipient satisfaction in nursing homes and home care Gerontology and geriatric medicine, 5, 1-9. More information
Hooshmand, B. Refsum, H. Smith, A. Kalpouzos, G. Mangialasche, F. von Arnim, C. , ... Fratiglioni L. (2019). Association of methionine to homocysteine status with brain magnetic resonance imaging measures and risk of dementia JAMA psychiatry, 76(11), 1198-1205. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Darin-Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I. (2019). Psychosocial working conditions across working life may predict late-life physical function: a follow-up cohort study BMC Public Health, 19(1). More information
Sindi, S., Kåreholt, I., Eskelinen, M., Hooshmand, B., Soininen, H., Ngandu, T., Kivipelto, M. (2018). Healthy dietary changes in midlife are associated with a reduced dementia risk later in life International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S167-S168. More information
Zupanic, E. Kåreholt, I. Norrving, B. Secnik, J. von Euler, M. Winblad, B. , ... Garcia-Ptacek S. (2018). Acute stroke care in dementia: A cohort study from the Swedish Dementia and Stroke Registries Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 66(1), 185-194. More information
Sindi, S. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Hovatta, I. Singh, D. Wolozin, B. , ... Soininen A. (2018). Effects of a multidomain lifestyle intervention on telomere length: The FINGER trial International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S153-S154. More information
Bäckström, C., Kåreholt, I., Thorstensson, S., Golsäter, M., Mårtensson, L. (2018). Quality of couple relationship among first-time mothers and partners, during pregnancy and the first six months of parenthood Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 17, 56-64. More information
Smailovic, U., Koenig, T., Kåreholt, I., Andersson, T., Kramberger, M., Winblad, B., Jelic, V. (2018). Quantitative EEG power and synchronization correlate with Alzheimer's disease CSF biomarkers. Neurobiology of Aging, 63, 88-95. More information
Roheger, M., Zupanic, E., Kåreholt, I., Religa, D., Kalbe, E., Eriksdotter, M., Garcia-Ptacek, S. (2018). Mortality and nursing home placement of dementia patients in rural and urban areas: a cohort study from the Swedish Dementia Registry. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(4), 1308-1313. More information
Kåreholt, I., Lilja, M., Hedström, E., Trygged, S. (2018). Of premature demise - a follow-up study of young men exposed to violence in Sweden International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25(Suppl. 1), S75. More information
Zupanic, E. Garcia-Ptacek, S. Kåreholt, I. Religa, D. Kramberger, M. Norrving, B. , ... von Euler M. (2018). Differences between men and women with ischemic stroke with and without pre-stroke dementia European Stroke Journal, 3(1 (suppl.)), 57. More information
Subic, A. Cermakova, P. Religa, D. Han, S. von Euler, M. Kåreholt, I. , ... Garcia-Ptacek S. (2018). Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Dementia: A Cohort Study from the Swedish Dementia Registry Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 61(3), 1119-1128. More information
Sindi, S. Johansson, L. Skoog, J. Mattsson, A. Sjöberg, L. Wang, H. , ... Kåreholt I. (2018). Sleep disturbances and later cognitive status: a multi-centre study Sleep Medicine, 52, 26-33. More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S. Contreras Escamez, B. Zupanic, E. Religa, D. von Koch, L. Johnell, K. , ... Eriksdotter M. (2018). Prestroke Mobility and Dementia as Predictors of Stroke Outcomes in Patients Over 65 Years of Age: A Cohort Study From The Swedish Dementia and Stroke Registries Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 19(2), 154-161. More information
Darin-Mattsson, A., Andel, R., Celeste, R., Kåreholt, I. (2018). Linking financial hardship throughout the life-course with psychological distress in old age: Sensitive period, accumulation of risks, and chain of risks hypotheses. Social Science and Medicine, 201, 111-119. More information
Kåreholt, I., Andel, R., Darin-Mattsson, A., Nilsen, C. (2018). The Influence of Psychosocial Working Conditions on Late-Life Physical Functioning International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 25, S154. More information
Nilsen, C., Darin-Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I., Andel, R. (2018). The influence of psychosocial working conditions on late-life physical functioning Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique, 66(Suppl. 5), S279. More information
Lygnegård, F., Augustine, L., Granlund, M., Kåreholt, I., Huus, K. (2018). Factors Associated With Participation and Change Over Time in Domestic Life, Peer Relations, and School for Adolescents With and Without Self-Reported Neurodevelopmental Disorders. A Follow-Up Prospective Study Frontiers in Education, 3, 1-13. More information
Sindi, S. Kåreholt, I. Johansson, L. Skoog, J. Sjöberg, L. Wang, H. , ... Kivipelto M. (2018). Sleep disturbances and dementia risk: A multicenter study Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 14(10), 1235-1242. More information
Sindi, S. Kåreholt, I. Eskelinen, M. Hooshmand, B. Lehtisalo, J. Soininen, H. , ... Kivipelto M. (2018). Healthy dietary changes in midlife are associated with reduced dementia risk later in life Nutrients, 10(11). More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S., Modéer, I., Kåreholt, I., Fereshtehnejad, S., Farahmand, B., Religa, D., Eriksdotter, M. (2017). Differences in diagnostic process, treatment and social support for Alzheimer's dementia between primary and specialist care: results from the Swedish Dementia Registry Age and Ageing, 46(2), 314-319. More information
Sindi, S., Kåreholt, I., Solomon, A., Hooshmand, B., Soininen, H., Kivipelto, M. (2017). Midlife work-related stress is associated with late-life cognition Journal of Neurology, 264(9), 1996-2002. More information
Kramberger, M., Giske, K., Cavallin, L., Kåreholt, I., Andersson, T., Winblad, B., Jelic, V. (2017). Subclinical white matter lesions and medial temporal lobe atrophy are associated with EEG slowing in a memory clinic cohort. Clinical Neurophysiology, 128(9), 1575-1582. More information
Ericsson, M., Gatz, M., Kåreholt, I., Parker, M., Fors, S. (2017). Validation of abridged mini-mental state examination scales using population-based data from Sweden and USA European Journal of Ageing, 14(2), 199-205. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth Bravell, M., Kåreholt, I. (2017). Municipal eldercare: Leadership differences in nursing homes and home help services MOJ Gerontology & Geriatrics, 1(2), 30-36. More information
Sindi, S. Ngandu, T. Hovatta, I. Kåreholt, I. Antikainen, R. Hänninen, T. , ... Solomon A. (2017). Baseline telomere length and effects of a multidomain lifestyle intervention on cognition: The FINGER randomized controlled trial Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 59(4), 1459-1470. More information
Sindi, S. Hagman, G. Håkansson, K. Kulmala, J. Nilsen, C. Kåreholt, I. , ... Kivipelto M. (2017). Midlife work-related stress increases dementia risk in later life: The CAIDE 30-year study The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 72(6), 1044-1053. More information
Nilsen, C., Agahi, N., Kåreholt, I. (2017). Work Stressors in Late Midlife and Physical Functioning in Old Age Journal of Aging and Health, 29(5), 893-911. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Agahi, N., Fritzell, J., Kåreholt, I. (2017). Active Aging: the influence of active jobs in midlife: Charlotta Nilsen European Journal of Public Health, 27(Suppl. 3). More information
Darin-Mattsson, A., Fors, S., Kåreholt, I. (2017). Different indicators of socioeconomic status and their relative importance as determinants of health in old age International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(1). More information
Enache, D. Fereshtehnejad, S. Kåreholt, I. Cermakova, P. Garcia-Ptacek, S. Johnell, K. , ... Eriksdotter M. (2016). Antidepressants and mortality risk in a dementia cohort: data from SveDem, the Swedish Dementia Registry Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 134(5), 430-440. More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S., Kåreholt, I., Cermakova, P., Rizzuto, D., Religa, D., Eriksdotter, M. (2016). Causes of Death According to Death Certificates in Individuals with Dementia: A Cohort from the Swedish Dementia Registry. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society, 64(11), e137-e142. More information
Hooshmand, B. Mangialasche, F. Kalpouzos, G. Solomon, A. Kåreholt, I. Smith, D. , ... Kivipelto M. (2016). Association of vitamin B12, folate, and sulfur amino acids with brain magnetic resonance imaging measures in older adults: A longitudinal population-based study JAMA psychiatry, 73(6), 606-613. More information
Agahi, N., Kelfve, S., Lennartsson, C., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Alcohol consumption in very old age and its association with survival: a matter of health and physical function Drug And Alcohol Dependence, 159, 240-245. More information
Schön, P., Lagergren, M., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Rapid decrease in length of stay in institutional care for older people in Sweden between 2006 and 2012: results from a population-based study Health & Social Care in the Community, 24(5), 631-638. More information
Enache, D. Solomon, A. Cavallin, L. Kåreholt, I. Kramberger, M. Aarsland, D. , ... Jelic V. (2016). CAIDE Dementia Risk Score and biomarkers of neurodegeneration in memory clinic patients without dementia Neurobiology of Aging, 42, 124-131. More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S., Eriksdotter-Jönhagen, M., Jelic, V., Porta-Etessam, J., Kåreholt, I., Manzano Palmo, S. (2016). Quejas cognitivas subjetivas: hacia una identificación precoz de la enfermedad de Alzheimer [Subjective cognitive impairment: Towards early identification of Alzheimer disease] Neurología, 8(31), 562-571. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Leadership and the psychosocial work environment in old age care International Journal of Older People Nursing, 11(1), 44-54. More information
Hallgren, J., Fransson, E., Kåreholt, I., Reynolds, C., Pedersen, N., Dahl Aslan, A. (2016). Factors associated with hospitalization risk among community living middle aged and older persons: results from the Swedish Adoption/TwinStudy of Aging (SATSA) Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print), 66, 102-108. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Fritzell, J., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Work-related stress in midlife and all-cause mortality: can sense of coherence modify this association? European Journal of Public Health, 26(6), 1055-1061. More information
Darin-Mattsson, A., Andel, R., Fors, S., Kåreholt, I. (2015). Are Occupational Complexity and Socioeconomic Position Related to Psychological Distress 20 Years Later? Journal of Aging and Health, 27(7), 1266-1285. More information
Andel, R., Silverstein, M., Kåreholt, I. (2015). The role of midlife occupational complexity and leisure activity in late-life cognition The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 70(2), 314-321. More information
Meinow, B., Kåreholt, I., Thorslund, M., Parker, M. (2015). Complex health problems among the oldest old in Sweden: increased prevalence rates between 1992 and 2002 and stable rates thereafter European Journal of Ageing, 12(4), 285-297. More information
Tolppanen, A. Solomon, A. Kulmala, J. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Rusanen, M. , ... Kivipelto M. (2015). Leisure-time physical activity from mid- to late life, body mass index, and risk of dementia Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 11(4), 434-443. More information
Trygged, S., Hedlund, E., Kåreholt, I. (2014). Beaten and Poor? A study of the long-term economic situation of women victims of severe violence Social Work in Public Health, 29(2), 100-113. More information
Trygged, S., Hedlund, E., Kåreholt, I. (2014). Living in Danger: Previous violence, socioeconomic position, and mortality risk among women over a 10-year period Social Work in Public Health, 29(2), 114-120. More information
Sigurdardottir, S., Kåreholt, I. (2014). Informal and formal care of older people in Iceland Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28(4), 802-811. More information
Larsson, K., Kåreholt, I., Thorslund, M. (2014). Care utilisation in the last years of life in Sweden: the effects of gender and marital status differ by type of care European Journal of Ageing, 11(4), 349-359. More information
García-Ptacek, S., Kåreholt, I., Farahmand, B., Cuadrado, M., Religa, D., Eriksdotter, M. (2014). Body-mass index and mortality in incident dementia: a cohort study on 11,398 patients from SveDem, the Swedish Dementia Registry Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15(6), 447.e1-447.e7. More information
Lennartsson, C. Agahi, N. Hols-Salén, L. Kelfve, S. Kåreholt, I. Lundberg, O. , ... Thorslund M. (2014). Data Resource Profile: The Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (SWEOLD) International Journal of Epidemiology, 43(3), 731-738. More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S., Farahmand, B., Kåreholt, I., Religa, D., Cuadrado, M., Eriksdotter, M. (2014). Mortality risk after dementia diagnosis by dementia type and underlying factors: a cohort of 15,209 patients based on the Swedish Dementia Registry Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 41(2), 467-477. More information
Kulmala, J. Solomon, A. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Rantanen, T. Laatikainen, T. , ... Kivipelto M. (2014). Association between mid- to late life physical fitness and dementia: evidence from the CAIDE study Journal of Internal Medicine, 276(3), 296-307. More information
Tolppanen, A., Ngandu, T., Kåreholt, I., Laatikainen, T., Rusanen, M., Soininen, H., Kivipelto, M. (2014). Midlife and Late-Life Body Mass Index and Late-Life Dementia: Results from a Prospective Population-Based Cohort Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 38(1), 201-209. More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S., Cavallin, L., Kåreholt, I., Kramberger, M., Winblad, B., Jelic, V., Eriksdotter, M. (2014). Subjective cognitive impairment subjects in our clinical practice Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 4(3), 419-430. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Fors, S., Meinow, B., Darin Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I. (2014). Associations between work-related stress in late midlife, educational attainment, and serious health problems in old age: a longitudinal study with over 20 years of follow-up BMC Public Health, 14(878), 1-12. More information
Ahacic, K., Kennison, R., Kåreholt, I. (2014). Alcohol abstinence, non-hazardous use and hazardous use a decade after alcohol-related hospitalization: registry data linked to population-based representative postal surveys BMC Public Health, 14(874), 1-13. More information
Trygged, S., Hedlund, E., Kåreholt, I. (2013). Women experiencing severe violence in all social groups suffer long-term negative economic consequences Journal of Povertry and Social Justice, 21(1), 61-76. More information
Agahi, N., Lennartsson, C., Kåreholt, I., Shaw, B. (2013). Trajectories of social activities from middle age to old age and late-life disability: a 36-year follow-up Age and Ageing, 42(6), 790-793. More information
Mangialasche, F. Solomon, A. Kåreholt, I. Hooshmand, B. Cecchtti, R. Fratiglioni, L. , ... Kivipelto M. (2013). Serum levels of vitamin E forms and risk of cognitive impairment in a Finnish cohort of older adults Experimental Gerontology, 48(12), 1428-1435. More information
Rydwik, E., Welmer, A., Kåreholt, I., Angleman, S., Fratiglioni, L., Wang, H. (2013). Adherence to physical exercise recommendations in people over 65-The SNAC-Kungsholmen study European Journal of Public Health, 23(5), 799-804. More information
Kramberger, M., Kåreholt, I., Andersson, T., Winblad, B., Eriksdotter, M., Jelic, V. (2013). Association between EEG Abnormalities and CSF Biomarkers in a Memory Clinic Cohort Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 36(5-6), 319-328. More information
Vuorinen, M. Kåreholt, I. Julkunen, V. Spulber, G. Niskanen, E. Paajanen, T. , ... Solomon A. (2013). Changes in vascular factors 28 years from midlife and late-life cortical thickness Neurobiology of Aging, 34(1), 100-109. More information
Parker, V., Andel, R., Nilsen, C., Kåreholt, I. (2013). The Association Between Mid-Life Socioeconomic Position and Health After Retirement—Exploring the Role of Working Conditions Journal of Aging and Health, 25(5), 863-881. More information
Welmer, A., Kåreholt, I., Rydwik, E., Angelman, S., Wang, H. (2013). Education-related differences in physical performance after age 60: a cross-sectional study assessing variation by age, gender and occupation BMC Public Health, 13. More information
Ahacic, K., Kåreholt, I., Helgason, A., Allebeck, P. (2013). Non-response bias and hazardous alcohol use in relation to previous alcohol-related hospitalization: comparing survey responses with population data Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 8(10). More information
Trygged, S., Hedlund, E., Kåreholt, I. (2013). Sociala konsekvenser av sjukdom - exemplet stroke Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 90(4), 613-629. More information
Tryggred, S., Hedlund, E., Kåreholt, I. (2013). Våldutsatta kvinnor drabbas av långsiktiga negativa ekonomiska konsekvenser Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 90(4), 604-612. More information
Hooshmand, B. Solomon, A. Kåreholt, I. Rusanen, M. Hänninen, T. Leiviskä, J. , ... Kivipelto M. (2012). Associations between serum homocysteine, holotranscobalamin, folate and cognition in the elderly: a longitudinal study Journal of Internal Medicine, 271(2), 204-212. More information
Ahacic, K., Kennison, R., Kåreholt, I. (2012). Changes in sobriety in the Swedish population over three decades: age, period or cohort effects? Addiction, 107(4), 748-755. More information
Wallin, K., Solomon, A., Kåreholt, I., Tuomilehto, J., Soininen, H., Kivipelto, M. (2012). Midlife rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of cognitive impairment two decades later: a population-based study Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 31(3), 669-676. More information
Welmer, A., Kåreholt, I., Angleman, S., Rydwik, E., Fratiglioni, L. (2012). Can chronic multimorbidity explain the age-related differences in strength, speed and balance in older adults? Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 24(5), 480-489. More information
Ahacic, K., Trygged, S., Kåreholt, I. (2012). Income and education as predictors of stroke mortality after the survival of a first stroke Stroke Research and Treatment. More information
Besga, A. Cedazo-Minguez, A. Kåreholt, I. Solomon, A. Björkhem, I. Winblad, B. , ... Wahlund L. (2012). Differences in brain cholesterol metabolism and insulin in two subgroups of patients with different CSF biomarkers but similar white matter lesions suggest different pathogenic mechanisms Neuroscience Letters, 510(2), 121-126. More information
Kramberger, M., Jelic, V., Kåreholt, I., Enache, D., Eriksdotter Jönhagen, M., Winblad, B., Aarsland, D. (2012). Cerebrospinal fluid alzheimer markers in depressed elderly dubjects with and without alzheimer's disease Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 2(1), 48-56. More information


Barysheva, G., Mikhalchuk, A., Kåreholt, I., Casati, F., Nedospasova, O., Terekhina, L. (2019). Educational Impact On Older Adults' Well-Being: A Local Case For General Conclusions. 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed-Academy-of-Business, SEP 18-20, 2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE. More information
Kåreholt, I., Dahl Aslan, A., Siverskog, A., Torgé, C. (2019). ARN-J: A beautiful kaleidoscope of gerontologists and gerontological research: Three examples of our research. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Mangialasche, F., Rydström, A., Kåreholt, I., Rosenberg, A., Kivipelto, M. (2019). Mental stimulation and multimodal trials to build resilience against cognitive impairment and Alzheimer´s disease. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Sindi, S. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Rosenberg, A. Kulmala, J. Johansson, L. , ... Kivipelto M. (2019). Sex differences in dementia: Evidence from population-based studies and a lifestyle intervention. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Kåreholt, I., Fors, S., Nilsen, C., Fritzell, J., Andel, R., Darin-Mattsson, A. (2019). Occupational complexity in relation to late life physical functioning in Sweden. 27th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) conference, 29 April - 2 May, 2019, Aotearoa, New Zealand. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Darin-Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I. (2019). Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions as predictors of later life physical function. 27th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) conference, 29 April - 2 May, 2019, Aotearoa, New Zealand. More information
Kåreholt, I., Darin-Mattsson, A., Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Wilińska, M. (2018). Psychological distress, mental illness, and mood fluctuations in old age – causes and consequences. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Sindi, S. Kåreholt, I. Ngandu, T. Hovatta, I. Singh, D. Wolozin, B. , ... Soininen A. (2018). Effects of a multidomain lifestyle intervention on telomere length: The FINGER trial. 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 14-17 November, Santiago, Chile. More information
Sindi, S., Kåreholt, I., Eskelinen, M., Hooshmand, B., Soininen, H., Ngandu, T., Kivipelto, M. (2018). Healthy dietary changes in midlife are associated with a reduced dementia risk later in life. 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 14-17 November, Santiago, Chile. More information
Zupanic, E. Garcia-Ptacek, S. Kåreholt, I. Religa, D. Kramberger, M. Norrving, B. , ... von Euler M. (2018). Differences between men and women with ischemic stroke with and without pre-stroke dementia. 4th European Stroke Organisation Conference ​(ESOC 2018), 16-18 May 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Baumann, I. Sif Eyjólfsdóttir, H. Fritzell, J. Lennartsson, C. Darin-Mattsson, A. Kåreholt, I. , ... Agahi N. (2018). Retirement age and cognitive functioning in old age: the role of stimulating occupational activities. The role of occupational activity in explaining the association between retirement timing and cognitive functioning in old age. Swiss Public Health Conference 2018, 7-8 November 2018, Switzerland. More information
Darin-Mattsson, A., Andel, R., Keller-Celeste, R., Kåreholt, I. (2018). Linking financial hardship and psychological distress from childhood to old age: testing the sensitive period, chain of risks, and accumulation of risks hypotheses. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Nilsen, C., Darin-Mattsson, A., Andel, R., Kåreholt, I. (2018). The Influence of Psychosocial Working Conditions on Late-Life Physical Functioning. SLLS, Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, International Conference, 9-11 July 2018, Milan, Italy. More information
Kåreholt, I., Andel, R., Darin-Mattsson, A., Nilsen, C. (2018). The Influence of Psychosocial Working Conditions on Late-Life Physical Functioning. 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 14-17 November, Santiago, Chile. More information
Nilsen, C., Darin-Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I., Andel, R. (2018). The Influence of Psychosocial Working Conditions on Late-Life Physical Functioning. European Congress of Epidemiology, July 4–6, 2018, Lyon, France. More information
Darin-Mattsson, A., Fors, S., Nilsen, C., Fritzell, J., Andel, R., Kåreholt, I. (2018). Occupational complexity in relation to late life physical functioning in Sweden. SLLS, Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, International Conference, 9-11 July 2018, Milan, Italy. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Darin-Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I. (2018). The influence of psychosocial working conditions on late-life mobility in Sweden. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Baumann, I. Sif Eyjólfsdóttir, H. Fritzell, J. Lennartsson, C. Darin-Mattsson, A. Nilsen, C. , ... Agahi N. (2018). Retirement age and cognitive functioning in old age: the role of stimulating occupational activities. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Nilsen, C., Agahi, N., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Work stressors in late midlife and physical functioning in old age. Forte Talks 2016, Jämlikhet på riktigt, 8-9 mars, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Nilsen, C., Agahi, N., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Work stressors in late midlife and physical functioning in old age. Elmia Äldre 2016, 7-8 april, 2016, Jönköping, Sverige. More information
Darin-Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I., Andel, R. (2015). Economic hardship and income before retirement in relation to anxiety and depression in older adulthood. (2015) Work-related stress in midlife and all-cause mortality: the role of sense of coherence.. Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS)international conference: 'Life Courses in Cross-­National Comparison: Similarities and Differences'. Dublin Castle, Ireland, 19-21 October 2015. More information
Kåreholt, I. (2015). A life-course with financial hardship and psychological distress in old age: A cohort study with Swedish data.. Horizons for Comparative and Integrative Research on Ageing and Health (HCIRAC), Stockholm, Sweden, Oct 7-8, 2015. More information
Kåreholt, I. (2015). Midlife work-related stress increases dementia risk in late-life: The CAIDE 30-year study.. Nordic Brain Network Symposium. More information
Kåreholt, I., Nilsen, C., Darin-Mattsson, A., Andel, R. (2015). Are socioeconomic position and working conditions before retirement age related to physical function 20 years later after retirement?. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 25-28 August, Prague, Czech Republic. More information
Nilsen, C., Fritzell, J., Kåreholt, I., Andel, R. (2015). Work-related stress in midlife and all-cause mortality: the role of sense of coherence. Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS): 'Life Courses in Cross-­National Comparison: Similarities and Differences'. Dublin Castle, Ireland, 19-21 October 2015. More information
Nilsen, C., Agahi, N., Kåreholt, I. (2015). Midlife work-related stress and late life physical functioning: a 20-year prospective cohort study. Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS): 'Life Courses in Cross-­National Comparison: Similarities and Differences'. Dublin Castle, Ireland, 19-21 October 2015. More information
Kulmala, J. Vuorinen, M. Solomon, A. Spulber, G. Kåreholt, I. Waller, K. , ... Kivipelto M. (2014). Midlife self-rated health and fitness in relation to white matter lesions and grey matter volume 20 years later. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), July 12-17, 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Sindi, S. Håkansson, K. Hagman, G. Kulmala, J. Soininen, H. Kåreholt, I. , ... Kivipelto M. (2014). Mid-life work-related stress increases dementia risk in late-life: The caide 30-year study. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), July 12-17, 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Solomon, A. Enache, D. Kåreholt, I. Kramberger, M. Kivipelto, M. Eriksdotter Jönhagen, M. , ... Jelic V. (2014). Caide dementia risk score and cerebrospinal fluid Alzheimer biomarkers. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC). More information
Garcia-Ptacek, S., Farahmand, B., Kåreholt, I., Religa, D., Luz Cuadrado, M., Eriksdotter, M. (2014). Mortality in dementia: Data from SveDem, Swedish dementia registry. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), July 12-17, 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Kåreholt, I., Darin Mattsson, A., Nilsen, C. (2014). Are socioeconomic position, work stress, and work complexity associated to mobility after retirement?. 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Groningen, the Netherlands. More information
Kåreholt, I., Darin Mattsson, A., Nilsen, C. (2014). Are work related stress, work complexity, and socioeconomic position more than 20 years earlier associated to mobility after retirement age. The 22nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 25-28, 2014. More information
Nilsen, C., Andel, R., Fors, S., Meinow, B., Darin Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I. (2014). Work stressors in late midlife and physical functioning in old age. Forte Talks 2014, Håller Sverige ihop?, 25-26 mars, 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Darin Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I., Fors, S. (2013). Social stratification, work complexity, and psychological distress in old age: Exploring the associations. The 66th Annual Scientific Meeting to the Gerontological Society of America. 20-24 November 2013, New Orleans, Lousiana, Usa. More information
Kåreholt, I., Meinow, B., Darin Mattsson, A. (2013). Are work conditions more than 20 year earlier associated to complex and severe health problems after retirement age?. The 20th IAGG (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul, South Korea. More information
Darin Mattsson, A., Kåreholt, I. (2013). Is work complexity associated with psychological distress after retirement age?. THe 20th IAGG (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics) World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Seoul, South Korea. More information
Andel, R., Kåreholt, I. (2013). The role of midlife ocupational complexity and leisure time activity in cognitive performance later in life.. The 66th Annual Scientific Meeting to the Gerontological Society of America. 20-24 November 2013, New Orleans, Lousiana, Usa. More information
Sigurdardottir, S., Kåreholt, I. (2013). Patterns of informal and formal care of older people living at home. The 66th Annual Scientific Meeting to the Gerontological Society of America. 20-24 November 2013, New Orleans, Lousiana, Usa. More information
Nilsen, C., Darin Mattsson, A., Fors, S., Kåreholt, I. (2013). Work-related stress, midlife socioeconomic position, complex and severe health problems in old age. The 66th Annual Scientific Meeting to the Gerontological Society of America. 20-24 November 2013, New Orleans, Lousiana, Usa. More information
Meinow, B., Kåreholt, I., Parker, M. (2012). Recent trends in complex health problems in the oldest old in Sweden 1992-2010. Washington: Gerontological society, The 65rd Annual Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America. November 14-18, 2012, San Diego, California, USA. More information
Meinow, B., Kåreholt, I., Thorslund, M. (2012). Recent trends in complex health problems in the oldest old in Sweden 1992-2010/11. The 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Kåreholt, I. (2012). Socieconomic position, mobility, and political participation among men and women 77+ in Sweden. The 65rd Annual Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America. San Diego, California, USA. More information
Kåreholt, I. (2012). Socieconomic position and political participation in terms of voting among elderly 77+ in Sweden. The Second ISA Forum of Sociology Social justice and democratization Buenos Aires, Argentina August 1-4, 2012. More information
Kåreholt, I. (2012). Age and Sex Differences in the Relation between Education and Physical and Cognitive Functioning among Men and Women Aged 76 Years and Older. New York: Springer, 12th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 29 August – 1 September 2012, Hungary. More information
Lennartsson, C., Kåreholt, I., Parker, M. (2012). The health of the oldest old in Sweden deteriorated between 1992 and 2002 - is it better or worse in 2011?. The 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Agahi, N., Shaw, B., Kåreholt, I., Lennartsson, C. (2012). Trajectories of social activities and mobility problems from middle to old age. The 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Andel, R., Silverstein, M., Kåreholt, I. (2012). Occupational and Leisure Time Engagement at Midlife and Cognitive Functioning in Advanced Old Age. The 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information


Sigurðardóttir, S., Kåreholt, I. . Factors associated with informal and formal care of older Icelandic people. More information
Olsson, L., Bengtsson, S., Granlund, M., Huus, K., Elgmark Andersson, E., Kåreholt, I. . Integration of pupils with mild intellectual disability in mainstream school settings - goog or bad for social service utilisation? A longitudinal study among children with mild intellectual disability in Sweden. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Börjesson, U., Kåreholt, I. . Changes in perceived psychosocial work environment in old age carefrom 2007 to 2015. More information


Gabrielsson-Järhult, F., Mahmud, Y., Fristedt, S., Kjellström, S., Kåreholt, I. (2023). Hur klickar vi med vården? En vetenskaplig studie av digitala och fysiska vårdkontakter utifrån användarmönster och patienters erfarenheter av primärvård. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare More information