Anne-Le Morville

Avdelningen för rehabilitering , Hälsohögskolan
För en presentation av Anne-Le Morville, se engelska presentationsidan.


Morville, A., Wagman, P., Håkansson, C. (2024). A Rasch analysis of the Danish version of the occupational balance questionnaire (OBQ11) Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1). More information
Morville, A. Jones, J. Bar, M. Clouston, T. Dur, M. Ilper, N. , ... Kristensen H. (2023). A scoping review on occupational science research in European contexts. More information
Turtiainen, T., Morville, A., Jansson, I. (2023). Experiences of long-term unemployment from an occupational perspective: A scoping review. More information
Røpke, A., Morville, A., Møller, T., Delkus, E., Juhl, C. (2022). HIP Fracture REhabilitation Program for older adults with hip fracture (HIP-REP) based on activity of daily living: a feasibility study BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). More information
Hansson, S., Björklund Carlstedt, A., Morville, A. (2021). Occupational identity in occupational therapy: A concept analysis Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. More information
Bergström, A., El-Qasem, K., Morville, A. (2021). JOS Special Issue: Occupational Science in Europe Journal of Occupational Science, 28(1), 1-5. More information
Ropke, A., Lund, K., Thrane, C., Juhl, C., Morville, A. (2021). Developing an individualised cross-sectoral programme based on activities of daily living to support rehabilitation of older adults with hip fracture: A qualitative study BMJ Open, 11(6). More information
Wagman, P. Johansson, A. Jansson, I. Lygnegård, F. Edström, E. Björklund Carlstedt, A. , ... Fristedt S. (2020). Making sustainability in occupational therapy visible by relating to the Agenda 2030 goals – A case description of a Swedish university World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 76(1), 7-14. More information
Morville, A., Jessen-Winge, C. (2019). Creating a bridge: An asylum seeker’s ideas for social inclusion Journal of Occupational Science, 26(1), 53-64. More information
Larsen, A., Morville, A., Hansen, T. (2019). Translating the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure to Danish, addressing face and content validity Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26(1), 33-45. More information
Jessen-Winge, C., Petersen, M., Morville, A. (2018). The influence of occupation on wellbeing, as experienced by the elderly: a systematic review The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16(5), 1174-1189. More information
Pooremamali, P., Morville, A., Eklund, M. (2017). Barriers to continuity in the pathway toward occupational engagement among ethnic minorities with mental illness Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 24(4), 259-268. More information
Madsen, E., Morville, A., Larsen, A., Hansen, T. (2016). Is therapeutic judgement influenced by the patient's socio-economic status? A factorial vignette survey Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23(4), 245-52. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L. (2016). Methodological challenges when doing research that includes ethnic minorities: a scoping review Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23(6), 405-15. More information
Morville, A., Amris, K., Eklund, M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Erlandsson, L. (2015). A longitudinal study of changes in asylum seekers ability regarding activities of daily living during their stay in the asylum center Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(3), 852-9. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Amris, K., Eklund, M. (2015). Satisfaction with daily occupations amongst asylum seekers in Denmark Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22(3), 207-15. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L., Eklund, M., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Christensen, R., Amris, K. (2014). Activity of daily living performance amongst Danish asylum seekers: a cross-sectional study. Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture, 24(1), 49-64. More information
Jessen-Winge, C., Buch Holzt, D., Morville, A. (2014). The influence of occupation on wellbeing, as perceived by the elderly: A systematic review protocol The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 12(2), 26-34. More information
Eklund, M., Morville, A. (2014). Psychometric evaluation of the Danish version of Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO) Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(3), 166-71. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L. (2013). The Experience of Occupational Deprivation in an Asylum Centre: The Narratives of Three Men Journal of Occupational Science, 20(3), 212-223. More information


Erlandsson, L., Persson, D. (2017). ValMO-modellen: Et redskab til aktivitetsbaseret ergoterapi. More information


Morville, A. (2024). Flygtninge og etniske minoriteter. In: Henrik Brøndum Holm, Jacob Østergaard Madsen, Nanna Raunsø & Mette Eg Jørgensen (Ed.), Ergoterapi og socialt arbejde: Et argument for social ergoterapi København: Gads Forlag More information
Morville, A. (2022). Arbetsterapi med flyktingar och asylsökande. In: Petra Wagman (Ed.), Hälsa och aktivitet i vardagen – ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv (pp. 110 -122). Nacka: Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter More information
Enemark Larsen, A., Christensen, J., Morville, A. (2022). Aktivitetsmæssig retfærdighed (occupational justice). In: Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Anne Sofie Bach Schou & Jesper Larsen Mærsk (Ed.), Nordisk aktivitetsvidenskab (pp. 243 -269). København: Munksgaard Forlag More information
Håkansson, C., Morville, A., Wagman, P. (2022). Aktivitetsbalance. In: Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Anne Sofie Bach Schou & Jesper Larsen Mærsk (Ed.), Nordisk aktivitetsvidenskab (pp. 153 -170). København: Munksgaard Forlag More information
Morville, A., Petersen, K. (2019). Aktivitet og deltagelse i hverdagslivet. In: Kirsten Schultz Petersen, Inge Storgaard Bonfils & Inger Schrøder (Ed.), Sociologi og rehabilitering København: Munksgaard Forlag More information
Madsen, E., Morville, A. (2019). Grundlæggende antagelser, værdier og etik i ergoterapi. In: Åse Brandt, Hanne Peoples & Ulla Pedersen (Ed.), Basisbog for ergoterapeuter København: Munksgaard Forlag More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L. (2017). Occupational deprivation of asylum seekers. In: Dikaios Sakellariou, Nick Pollard (Ed.), Occupational Therapies Without Borders: Integrating Justice with Practice (pp. 381 -389). More information
Enemark Larsen, A., Morville, A. (2017). Occupational justice – at fremme retten til aktiviteter. In: Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Jesper Larsen Mærsk, Anne Sofie Bach Schou (Ed.), Nordisk aktivitetsvidenskab (pp. 193 -213). More information
Håkansson, C., Morville, A., Wagman, P. (2017). Aktivitetsbalance. In: Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Jesper Larsen Mærsk, Anne Sofie Bach Schou (Ed.), Nordisk aktivitetsvidenskab (pp. 111 -126). More information
Morville, A. (2016). Den traumatiserede patient. In: Lene Nyboe, Sylvia Johannsen og Per Jørgensen (Ed.), Lærebog i psykiatri for ergoterapeuter og fysioterapeuter (pp. 259 -273). More information
Morville, A., Decker, L. (2016). AMPS, ESI and ACIS. In: Lene Nyboe, Sylvia Johannsen og Per Jørgensen (Ed.), Lærebog i psykiatri for ergoterapeuter og fysioterapeuter (pp. 185 -189). More information
Morville, A., Hansen, B. (2013). Kreative aktiviteters rehabiliterende kraft. In: Gunner Gamborg, Jacob Madsen, Bodil Winther Hansen (Ed.), Kreativitet i ergoterapi (pp. 85 -103). More information
Morville, A., Mathiasson, G. (2013). Grundlæggende antagelser, værdier og etik i ergoterapi. In: Åse Brandt, Anette Judithe Madsen, Hanne Peoples (Ed.), Basisbog for ergoterapeuter (pp. 35 -48). More information
Morville, A. (2012). Boligen som ramme om hverdagslivet. In: Inger Schrøder og Kirsten Schultz Petersen (Ed.), Sociologi og rehabilitering (pp. 71 -79). More information


Morville, A. Jones, J. Avrech Bar, M. Clouston, T. Dür, M. Ilper, N. , ... Kaae Kristensen H. (2022). Scoping Review on European Research Articles in Occupational Science. 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Congress, 28-31 August 2022, Paris, France. More information
Fristedt, S. Johansson, A. Jansson, I. Lygnegård, F. Edström, E. Björklund Carlstedt, A. , ... Wagman P. (2021). Att synliggöra utbildning och forskning relaterat till hållbarhet i arbetsterapi – en fallbeskrivning. Arbetsterapiforum, den 16–17 mars 2021. More information
Morville, A. Jones, J. Avrech Bar, M. Clouston, T. Dür, M. Ilper, N. , ... Kaae Kristensen H. (2021). Occupational Science Research in European contexts. Occupational Science Europe Conference 2021, 17 November 2021 (online). More information
Morville, A. Jones, J. Avrech Bar, M. Clouston, T. Dür, M. Ilper, N. , ... Kaae Kristensen H. (2019). Co-Supervising across Europe: Facilitating research collaboration in transition. Occupational Science Europe Conference 2019, 30-31 August 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. More information
Morville, A. Jones, J. Avrech Bar, M. Clouston, T. Whitcombe, S. Krizaj, T. , ... Kaae Kristensen H. (2019). Ethical issues in occupational science research. Occupational Science Europe Conference 2019, 30-31 August 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. More information
Jessen-Winge, C., Morville, A. (2017). The influence of occupation on wellbeing, as perceived by the elderly. Occupational Science Europe Conference, Hildesheim, September 8th – 9th, 2017.. More information
Morville, A. (2016). Från asylsökande till uppehållstillstånd – vad händer under tiden?. Temadag om migration, Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter, Nacka, 28 oktober, 2016.. More information
Morville, A. (2016). Betydelsen av struktur och vardagliga aktiviteter under asyltiden. Psykosocialt stöd viktigt i mötet med flyktingar, Transkulturellt Centrum, 15 november, 2016.. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L. (2016). Methodological challenges when doing research that includes ethnic minorities: a scoping review. COTEC - ENOTHE, European Congress for Occupational Therapists, Galway, 15 June - 19 June, 2016.. More information
Morville, A., Håkansson, C., Wagman, P., Hansen, T. (2016). Validity of the Danish version of Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ-DK). COTEC - ENOTHE, European Congress for Occupational Therapists, Galway, 15 June - 19 June, 2016.. More information
Morville, A., Eklund, M. (2015). Asylsökandes tillfredsställelse med dagliga aktiviteter i danska asylcenter. AT-Forum, Göteborg, 15-16 maj, 2015.. More information
Winge, C., Morville, A. (2015). The influence of occupation on wellbeing, as perceived by the elderly. Occupational Science Europe Conferences : Health and Wellbeing through Occupation, Bournemouth, 3-4 September, 2015.. More information
Morville, A. (2015). Tilfredshed med daglige aktiviteter hos asylansøgere i Danmark. Forskningens dag, Professionshøjskolen Metropol, København, 25 september, 2015.. More information
Morville, A., Amris, K., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Erlandsson, L. (2014). A longitudinal study of change in asylum seekers Activity of Living Ability while in an asylum centre. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, 18 June-21 June, 2014.. More information
Hansen, B., Morville, A. (2014). Creative activities: An important agent of change in the process of rebuilding identity - a scoping literature review. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, 18 June-21 June, 2014.. More information
Morville, A. (2012). Challenges and reflections on using AMPS with an interpreter. AMPS symposium 2012, København, 11-14 september, 2012.. More information
Morville, A. (2012). Observation-based assessment of functional ability in Danish asylum-seekers. 14th World Congress on Pain, Milan, August 27 – August 31, 2012.. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L., Danneskiold-Samsøe, B., Eklund, M., Amris, K. (2012). Observation based assessment of ADL-performance Amongst Danish asylum seekers: A cross-sectional study. 14th World Congress on Pain, Milan, August 27 – August 31, 2012.. More information
Morville, A., Erlandsson, L. (2012). Narratives about occupational history and occupational choices in an asylum centre. Occupation Diversity for the future : 9th COTEC Congress of Occupational Therapy, Stockholm, 24-27 May, 2012.. More information
Morville, A. (2012). Udfordringer ved at forske i meget heterogene grupper og de metodiske overvejelser. ERGO Symposium 2012, Odense, 2012.. More information