Ole Henrik Hansen

Professor i pedagogik inriktning förskola
Avdelningen för pedagogik , Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation


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Ole Henrik Hansen is professor PhD. in Early Childhood Education and Care at Jönköping University.

He is affiliate at Stanford University at the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford.

At JU he participates in the CHILD research environment and in the PUF research environment. 



Ole Henrik Hansen is PI in the NordForsk financed: 

EXPECT project: Exploring Practices in Early Childhood of Tomorrow in Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Develop resilience in social sustainable childhoods after Covid-19 (NordForsk).

The EXPECT project aims to deepen knowledge about the experiences and consequences of COVID- 19 to prepare Nordic preschools in maintaining social sustainability for future pandemics or crises.



Ole Henrik Hansen participates in this EU Horizon Cost Action project: 

A European consortium to determine how complex, real-world environments influence brain development (ENVIRO-DEV) 

The early years of brain development are critically influential for life-long outcomes. During early childhood, neurodevelopmental conditions emerge and vulnerabilities for longer-term problems are sown. Homes, schools and neighbourhoods shape children’s life chances, interacting with individual differences in cognition and behaviour to determine access to resources and quality of life. However, because almost all current research measures behaviour and brain function by taking children away from these natural environments into controlled lab settings, our knowledge of how early life settings shape development is surprisingly limited. We understand very little about the mechanisms through which specific environmental features impact development (e.g. the effects of variation in noise, clutter, social interaction etc); how these vary across European nations; and how they interact with neurodiverse learning styles. This limits us from designing personalised practical interventions to tailor early environments for different individuals. Under this COST Action we shall create the infrastructure and networks to allow for transformative new approaches to quantifying variability in the early life physical and social environments experienced by children across the EU. We will bring together currently siloed areas of expertise across Europe in new methods for studying children in their natural habitats; new perspectives on cultural and neurodiversity; and new ethical and legal frameworks to support large-scale collaborative developmental science. Our network will be a partnership across European nations and with neurodiverse communities to enable our work to be underpinned by co-creation, ensuring we are harnessing state-of-the-art research efforts to generate meaningful and impactful real- world outcomes.


Ole Henrik Hansen is part of The EduCom project:

The research profile EduCom is a broad framework which is intended to accommodate concepts and theories from the six research groups of the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University. The aim is to integrate the school expertise in education and communication, creating a new combined and interdisciplinary profile that promotes educommunication research to respond to local and global challenges of social sustainability.




Ole Henrik Hansen is the practitioner that became professor. He was educated social pedagogue in Denmark. He worked as leader of an institution for children before starting to study pedagogy at a higher level. He obtained a Master degree in didactics at Aarhus University in Denmark and a doctoral degree in preschool didactics at the same university. He then was employed in a position first as an assistant professor then as an associate professor. In addition, Professor Hansen has been employed as an associate professor at Gothenburg University, Oslo Metropolitan University and professor at UiT in Norway.

Professor Hansen's research has from the beginning of his career been focused on the youngest children's learning and development conditions in institutionalized, professional contexts. This also includes research into the conditions of families with children and their parenting in welfare societies and not least the development of the professional pedagogical competencies that are expected to replace the parents in the daytime.

Professor Hansen has a comprehensive international and public outreach. He has been part of research collaborations that have explored the youngest children's upbringing conditions in the Nordic countries, in Europe and globally. He has served as head of international research groups in Early Childhood Education and Care associations, and he is often used as a public debater regarding child welfare and children’s conditions in our rich but also demanding welfare society.

Professor Hansen’s research contributes to the development of pedagogical and professional quality in preschools. His research is investigative of children's well-being, their stress level in different contexts, their relationships with each other and with the professional adults. Not least the quality of the professionals' care, of the children's experience of their own lives and how everything around the children affects the children's opportunities.

Professor Hansen's recent work is a critical investigation at possible unintended consequences of the early institutionalization of children; can a connection be identified between the Nordic welfare and Nordic preschool culture and the increase in children's mental challenges in the Nordic countries? This involves research into the consequences of the early separation from the parents and research in the relational competencies and attachment quality of the system that is to replace the parents in the daytime.

Another current perspective in Ole Henrik Hansen’s current research is the democratization processes among the youngest children in preschool. This is an important research perspective in the Nordic democratic societies and in the current political challenges in the Nordic countries. The pedagogical perspective is early education as part of democratic resilience.

A third current perspective is the development of research methods to give the youngest children a voice in their own lives. To enable them to express their opinion in a quantifiable measuring instrument.

Finally, it is Professor Hansen ambition to continue to develop pedagogical frameworks that can develop children's self-esteem, their ability to relate critically to their surroundings, their innovative competencies and not least their ability to create healthy relationships with other people.


List of selected Publications: 

Peer-reviewed publications:

Articles in Journals 

Hansen, O.H. (2024 in process). Transition from family to day care in Denmark: Early start. JECER Journal of Early Childhood Education Research. (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H., Jensen, A. S., & Broström, S. (2020). Democratic, caring and disciplinary values in Danish preschools: Bringing values together. International Research in Early Childhood Education (IRECE). (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2020). Conversations in the Crèche: Interaction Patterns between Children and Caregivers in Danish Crèches. International Research in Early Childhood Education (IRECE). (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2016). Det er bedst at være en sød lyshåret pige fra middelklassen. [It’s best to be a nice blond girl from the middle class]. Paideia: tidsskrift for professionel pædagogisk praksis, (12), 22-29. 

Hansen, O. H. (2014). Højkvalitetspasning for små børn. [High Quality Care for Small Children]. Paedagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 51(4), 14-23. 

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Jeg var lige så glad ... [I was just as happy…] Paideia - tidsskrift for professionel pædagogisk praksis, 2013(6), 72-74.

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Sprogets sociale forankring: at blive til som menneske. [The Social Anchoring of Language: to Come-Into-Being as a Person]. Kognition & Pædagogik, 23(90), 28-39.

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Vuggestuen som socialt læringsmiljø. [The Créche as a Social Learning Environment]. Pædagogisk psykologisk tidsskrift, 50(3), 51-59. 

Hansen, O. H. (2012). Interaktionsmønstre i den danske vuggestue. [Patterns of Interaction in the Danish Créche]. Cursiv, (10), 71-86. 

Hansen, O. H. (2012). Professionens selvforståelse: fra frileg til organiseret læring. [The Professions’ Sense of Self:  From Free Play to Organized Learning]. Paideia: tidsskrift for professionel pædagogisk praksis, (3), 54-66. 

Broström, S., & Hansen, O. H. (2010). Care and Education in the Danish Créche. International Journal of Early Childhood, 42(2), 87-100. (BFI 1)

Jensen, A. S., Broström, S., & Hansen, O. H. (2010). Critical perspectives on Danish early childhood education and care: between the technical and the political. Early Years, 30(3), 243-254. DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2010.506599 (BFI 1)


Hansen, O.H., (2024 in press) Børneliv i velfærdsstatens hænder. [Childrens life in the welfare state] GAD

Broström, S., Hansen, O. H., Jensen, A. S., & Svinth, L. (2019). Barnet i sentrum: Pedagogikk og relasjoner for de mindste i barnehagen. [The Child in the Center:  Pedagogy and Relationships for the Youngest in Preschool]. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum.

Hansen, O. H., Svinth, L., & Broström, S. (2019). Barnet i centrum 2. Mod en 0-3-årspædagogik i vuggestue og dagpleje med fokus på samspil, overgange og didaktik. [The Child in the Center 2: Towards a pedagogy for 0-3 year olds in créche and family daycare with a focus on interactions, transitions, and didactics]. København: Akademisk forlag.

Hansen, O. H. (2018). Små barns kommunikation med vuxna. [Small Children’s Communication with Adults]. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Broström, S., Hansen, O. H. & Jensen, A. S. (2017). Værdier i Danske dagtilbud kortlægning, analyse, refleksion. [Values in Danish Childcare, Mapping, Analysis, Reflection]. København: Akademisk Forlag. (BFI 1)

Broström, S., Hansen, O. H., Jensen, A. S., & Svinth, L. (2016). Barnet i centrum: pædagogik og relationer i vuggestue og dagpleje. [The Child in the Center: Pedagogy and Relationships in Créche and Family Daycare]. København: Akademisk Forlag. (BFI 1)

Jensen, A. S., & Hansen, O. H. (red.) (2016). Pædagogen, professoren, personligheden: festskrift til Stig Broström. [The Pedagogue, The Professor, The Personality: Memorial Volume for Stig Broström]. Frederikshavn: Dafolo.

Hansen, O. H. (2015). Betydningen av voksen-barn-kommunikasjon. [The Significance of Adult-Child Communication]. Oslo: Gyldendal (Norway). (Dette vet vi om - barnehagen). (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2015). Det ved vi om betydningen af voksen-barn kommunikation. [What we know about the significance of adult-child communication]. Frederikshavn: Dafolo. (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2014). Dette vet vi om barnehagen: Læringsmiljøet for de minste barna. [What we know about childcare:  The learning environment for the smallest children]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Det ved vi om vuggestuen som læringsmiljø. [What we know about the créche as a learning environment]. (1. udg.) Frederikshavn: Dafolo A/S. (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Stemmer i fællesskabet. [Voices in the Community]. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik. 

Papers in Proceedings

Broström, S., Jensen, A. S., & Hansen, O. H. (2013). The Danish study: the early start: how to involve the preschool teachers. Abstract from EECERA 2013, Tallinn, Estland.

Broström, S., Hansen, O. H., & Jensen, A. S. (2010). Embracing early literacy indicators: a socio-cultural story?. Paper presented at OMEP World Congress, Göteborg, Sverige.

Hansen, O. H. (2010). Multi-disciplinary language construction for the 0-3 year child. Abstract from 20th EECERA annual conference, Birmingham, Storbritannien.

Broström, S., Hansen, O. H., & Jensen, A. S. (2010). Early literacy indicators: a socio-cultural story?. Paper presented at EECERA 2010, Birmingham, Storbritannien.

Book Chapters in Anthologies, etc.

Hansen, O.H. (2020 (in press)) Fælles opmærksomhed [Joint Attention]. In Thomsen, P. Michael Tomasello. København, DAFOLO.

Hansen, O. H., Jensen, A. S., & Broström, S. (2018). Democracy and care: Values education in Nordic preschool. In Values education in early childhood settings: Concepts, Approaches and Practices (Vol. 1, pp. 215-230.). Cham. Switzerland: Springer. (BFI 1)

Hansen, O. H. (2018). Empati i pedagogisk arbete. [Empathy in Pedagogical Work]. In I. P. Samuelsson & A. Jonsson (Eds.), Barnehagens yngste barn : perspektiver på omsorg, læring og lek (pp. 62-77). Bergen: Fakbokforlaget.

Greve, A. & Hansen, O.H. (2018). Toddlers in Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care. I International Handbook on Early Childhood Education and care. Springer. (BFI 1)

Hansen, O.H. (2018) “Du og jeg Alfred” følelsen af venskab. [”You and I Alfred”: The Feeling of Friendship]. I Det store blandt de små: om børns venskaber. Red. T. B. Fisker. Frederikshavn. Dafolo.

Hansen, O. H. (2017) Empati i pedagogisk arbete. [Empathy in Pedagogical Work]. In: Förskolans yngste barn; perspektiv på omsorg, lärande och lek. Ed. Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson & Agneta Jonsson. Stockholm: Liber. p. 70-88 

Broström, S., Jensen, A. S., & Hansen, O. H. (2016). Values in Danish Early Childhood Education and Care. In: C. Ringsmose, & G. Kragh-Müller (ed.), Nordic Social Pæedagogical Approach to Early Years. (1 udg., Vol. 1, s. 25-41). Kapitel 2. Springer. (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Perspectives and Development; Nr. 15, Vol. 1). (BFI 1)

Broström, S., Jensen, A. S., & Hansen, O. H. (2016). The didactical basis of health education. I K. Fischer, I. Kaschefi-Haude, & J. Schneider (red.), Vocies on participation. (1 udg., Vol. 1, s. 69-80). Kapitel 4.Cologne: Signals Consortium. 

Hansen, O. H. (2015). Børns sproglige udvikling. [Children’s Linguistic Development]. In: I. Kornerup, & T. Næsby (red.), Kvalitet i dagtilbud : grundbog til dagtilbudspædagogik. (1. udg., s. 48-60). Kapitel 3.Frederikshavn: DAFOLO. (Den professionelle pædagog). 

Hansen, O. H. (2015). Følelsen af venskab. [The Feeling of Friendship]. In: M. Øksnes, & A. Greve (red.), Barndom i barnehagen: vennskap. (s. 119-133). Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag.

Hansen, O. H. (2015). Udfordringer ved implementering af en sundhedsprofil i de pædagogiske rammer omkring det nul- treårige barn. [Challenges in Implementing a Health Profile in the Pedagogical Framework for 0-3-year-old children]. In: Sundhedspædagogik og sundhedsfremme i dagtilbud og skole: praktisk guide til en helhedsorienteret indsats. (1. udg., s. 71-78). Kapitel 5.Frederikshavn: Dafolo. 

Hansen, O. H. (2015). Udvikling af mental sundhed gennem interaktioner mellem børn og omsorgsgivere [Development of mental health through interactions between children and caregivers]. In: Sundhedspædagogik og sundhedsfremme i dagtilbud og skole: praktisk guide til en helhedsorienteret indsats. (1. udg., s. 103-111). Kapitel 8. Frederikshavn: Dafolo. 

Hansen, O. H. (2014). Professionel kærlighed i dagtilbud: professionel kærlighed som grundlag for barnets mentale udvikling i dagtilbud. [Professional love in childcare:  Professional love as a basis for a child’s cognitive development in childcare]. In: E. M. Bech (ed.), Professionel kærlighed: er der plads til ægte følelser i det professionelle forhold. (1. udg., s. 17-30). Frederikshavn: Dafolo. 

Jensen, A. S., Broström, S., & Hansen, O. H. (2013). Transition to school: Contemporary Danish Perspectives. In: K. Margetts, & A. Kienig (red.), International perspectives on transition to school: reconceptualising beliefs, policy and practice. (1. udg., s. 56-68). Kapitel 6.New York: Routledge Falmer. 

Mellgren, E., Jensen, A. S., & Hansen, O. H. (2010). Early literacy learning in the perspective of the child: literacy stories. I H. Müller (red.), Transition from pre-school to school: emphasizing early literacy: comments and reflections by researchers from eight European countries. (s. 21-31). Cologne: EU-Agency, Regional Government of Cologne/Germany. 

Hansen, O. H., Kaschefi-Haude, I., Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Jensen, A. S. (2010). Introduction. I H. Müller (red.), Transition from pre-school to school: emphasizing early literacy: comments and reflections by researchers from eight European countries. (s. 9-15). S.l.: EU- Agency, Regional Government of Cologne/Germany.

Scientific reports

Hansen, O.H., Leer, J., Broström, S., Damgaard Warrer, S., Jensen, Tine Mark. (2018) Professionalisering og øget tværfaglighed i samarbejdet omkring mad og måltider i dagtilbud: afrapportering af aktionsforskningsprojektet. [Implementation of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's Guide and Associated Materials Regarding the Framework for the Good Meal in Daycare]. Emdrup: DCA – Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, Aarhus Universitet.

Hansen, O. H., Nordahl, T., Øyen Nordahl, S., Hansen, L. S., & Hansen, O. (2016). Dagtilbud - Læringsrapport 2015: Fredericia kommune. [Childcare – Learning Report 2015 The Municipality of Fredericia]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 

Hansen, O. H., Nordahl, T., Øyen Nordahl, S., Hansen, L. S., & Hansen, O. (2016). Dagtilbud - Læringsrapport 2015: Billund kommune. [Childcare – Learning Report 2015 The Municipality of Billund]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 

Hansen, O. H., Nordahl, T., Øyen Nordahl, S., Hansen, L. S., & Hansen, O. (2016). Dagtilbud - Læringsrapport 2015: Nordfyns kommune. [Childcare – Learning Report 2015 The Municipality of Nordfyn]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 

Hansen, O. H., Nordahl, T., Øyen Nordahl, S., Hansen, L. S., & Hansen, O. (2016). Dagtilbud - Læringsrapport 2015: Svendborg kommune. [Childcare – Learning Report 2015 The Municipality of Svendborg]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 

Hansen, O. H., Nordahl, T., Øyen Nordahl, S., Hansen, L. S., & Hansen, O. (2016). Dagtilbud - Læringsrapport 2015: Hedensted kommune. [Childcare – Learning Report 2015 The Municipality of Hedensten]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 

Hansen, O. H., Nordahl, T., Øyen Nordahl, S., Hansen, L. S., & Hansen, O. (2016). Læringsrapport 2015 Uligheder og variationer - i dagtilbud: T1. [Learning Report 2015 Inequalities and Variations – in Childcare: T1]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag 

Broström, S., Jensen, T. M., Hansen, O. H., Jensen, A. S., & Svinth, L. (2015). Barnet i Centrum: evaluering. [The Child in the Center: Evaluation]. København: Barnet i Centrum, Aarhus Universitet.

Hansen, O. H. (2014). Stressundersøgelse af de mindste børn i Danmark: en forskningsrapport. [Stress Study of the Youngest Children in Denmark: A Research Report]. København: Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Aarhus Universitet.

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Dagplejen i Danmark: en forskningsrapport. [Family Daycare in Denmark: A Research Report]. København: Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Aarhus Universitet. 

Egelund, N., Hansen, O. H., Csonka, A., Jørgensen, K., Davidsen, I., Sloth, L., & Joen Jacobsen, L. (2012). Baggrundsrapport fra Task Force om Fremtidens Dagtilbud. [Background Report from the Task Force on the Childcare of the Future]. København: Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning. 

Egelund, N., Hansen, O. H., Csonka, A., Jørgensen, K., Davidsen, I., Sloth, L., & Joen Jacobsen, L. (2012). Fremtidens dagtilbud: pejlemærker fra Task Force om fremtidens dagtilbud. [The Childcare of the Future: Benchmarks from the Task Force on the Childcare of the Future]. København: Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning. 

Egelund, N., Hansen, O. H., Csonka, A., Sloth, L., Jørgensen, K., Davidsen, I., & Joen Jacobsen, L. (2012). Inklusion og læring i praksis: fortællinger fra fremtidens dagtilbud. [Inclusion and Learning in Practice:  Narratives from The Future of Childcare]. København: Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning. 

Broström, S., Jensen, A. S., & Hansen, O. H. (2012). Undersøgelse af sprogpædagogik (early literacy) i børnehaven: en forskningsrapport. [Study of Early Literacy in Preschool: A Research Report]. København: Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.2620.0728.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications 

Articles in Journals 

Hansen, O. H. (2019). Hvad har vi gang i? hvad tænker vi på? [What are we doing? What are we thinking?]. 0 - 14, 70-74.

Damgaard Warrer, S., & Hansen, O. H. (2016). Omsorgsfulle relasjoner er kilden til kvalitet. [Caring relationships are the source of quality]. Barnehagefolk, (3), 66-72. 

Hansen, O. H. (2014). På tålt ophold. [On Tolerated Origin]. 0 - 14, (1/2014), 88-91. 

Hansen, O. H. (2012). Kjærlighet som kvalitet i barneehagetilbuddet for de mindste. [Love as quality in childcare services for the youngest]. Barnehagefolk, 28(4), 57-61. 

Hansen, O. H., & Broström, S. (2011). What does research tell us about services for under threes: Ole Henrik Hansen reports on recent Nordic research on services for under threes. Children in Europe, (20), 15-18. 

Hansen, O. H., (2011) Pædagogisk kærlighed: Et begrebsligt ståsted for fremtidens vuggestuepædagogik. [Pedagogical Love: A conceptual standpoint for the nursery pedagogy of the future]. Gjallerhorn (14) s. 36.43

Jensen, A. S., Broström, S., & Hansen, O. H. (2011). Sproghistorier: sprog- og skriftsprogstilegnelse i børnehave, SFO og børnehaveklasse. [Literacy Stories: Verbal and Written Language Acquisition in Preschool, Afterschool, and Kindergarten]. Skolestart, 41(2), 4-7.

Jensen, A. S., Hansen, O. H., & Broström, S. (2010). Sproghistorier: En bro mellem skriftsprogstilegnelse i børnehave og indskoling? [Literacy Stories: A bridge between language acquisition in preschool and school?]. Viden om Laesning, (8), 21-25.

Hansen, O. H. (2010). Det postmoderne barn: Pædagoger som hjernens gartnere. [The postmodern child:  Pedagogues as gardeners of the brain]. PPR, (2), 50-55.

Hansen, O. H. (2010). Hvor dumme er pædagoger egentlig? [How dumb are pedagogues, really?]. PPR, (2), 72-75.

Hansen, O. H. (2009). Social(de)konstruktivisme. [Social (De)constructivism]. Tidsskrift for Socialpædagogik, 12(1), 53-60.

Hansen, O. H. (2007). Socialpædagogik: fællesskabets pædagogik. [Social Pedagogy: Pedagogy of the Community]. Tidsskrift for Socialpædagogik, (20), 37-42.

Book chapters

Hansen, O. H. (2014). Vuggestuer for alle børn. [Créche for all children]. In: L. Qvortrup (ed.), Inklusionens historie og aktualitet: festskrift til en ildsjæl - Ole Hansen. (1. udg., s. 175-191). Frederikshavn: Dafolo.

Hansen, O.H. (2014). Didaktik i dagtilbud. [Didactics in Childcare]. I: Pædagogens grundfaglighed: Grundbog til pædagoguddannelsen. (1. udg., s. 209-226) Kapitel 4. Frederikshavn: DAFOLO.

Hansen, O. H. (2014). Inklusion i vuggestuen. [Inclusion in the créche]. In: T. Ritchie (red.), De mange veje mod inklusion: metoder og tilgange i pædagogers praksis. (1. udg., s. 268-285). Værløse: Billesøe og Baltzer. 

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Vuggestue. [Créche]. In: T. Ankerstjerne, & S. Broström (ed.), Håndbog til pædagoguddannelsen: ti perspektiver på pædagogik. (1. udg., s. 604-618). Kapitel 10.1.København: Hans Reitzel. 

Hansen, O. H. (2013). Forord. [Preface]. In: Er der nogen hjemme?: En antologi om hjemmepasning. [Anyone home? an anthology about home minding] (1. udg., s. 7-10). København: Brumbas. 


Hansen, O., Jensen, A., Broström, S. (2020). Democratic, caring and disciplinary values in Danish preschools: Bringing values together Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 21(4), 340-355. More information
Hansen, O. (2020). Conversations in the crèche: Interaction patterns between children and preschool teachers in nine Danish crèches International Research in Early Childhood Education, 10(2), 43-60. More information
Hansen, O. (2016). Det er bedst at være en sød, lyshåret pige fra middelklassen Paideia, 22-28. More information
Hansen, O. (2014). Højkvalitetspasning for små børn Pædagogisk Psykologisk Tidsskrift, 14-23. More information
Jensen, A., Broström, S., Hansen, O. (2010). Critical perspectives on Danish early childhood education and care: Between the technical and the political Early years, 30(3), 243-254. More information
Broström, S., Hansen, O. (2010). Care and education in the Danish crèche International Journal of Early Childhood, 42(2), 87-100. More information


Hansen, O. (2024). Børnelivet i velfærdsstatens hænder: En kritik af samtidens opvækstvilkår for vores yngste børn [Child Life in the Hands of the Welfare State - A Critique of Contemporary Upbringing Conditions for Our Youngest Children]. Frederikshavn: Dafolo A/S More information


Hansen, O. (2024). Kærlighedens mulige rolle i pædagogikken [Loving cares possible role in education]. In: Stig Boström, Finn Thorbjørn Hansen & Karsten Mellon (Ed.), Pædagogik med kærlighed (pp. 112 -125). Frederikshavn: Dafolo A/S More information
Hansen, O. (2022). Et undervisningseksepriment. In: Anna R. Moxnes, Terese Wilhelmsen, Steinar Øvreås, Marianne Olsen Santana & Teresa K. Aslaninan (Ed.), Barnehagelærerutdanning i endring: å forske på egen undervsiningspraksis (pp. 76 -85). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget More information
Hansen, O., Jensen, A., Broström, S. (2018). Democracy and Care: Values Education in Nordic Preschools. In: Eva Johansson, Anette Emilson & Anna-Maija Puroila (Ed.), Values Education in Early Childhood Settings: Concepts, Approaches and Practices (pp. 215 -230). Cham: Springer More information
Hansen, O., Jensen, A., Broström, S. (2018). Democracy and care: Values education in Nordic preschool. In: Eva Johansson, Anette Emilson & Anna-Maija Puroila (Ed.), Values education in early childhood settings: Concepts, Approaches and Practices (pp. 215 -230). Cham: Springer More information
Greve, A., Hansen, O. (2018). Toddlers in Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care. In: Marilyn Fleer & Bert van Oers (Ed.), Springer International Handbooks of Education (pp. 907 -927). Dordrecht: Springer More information
Broström, S., Jensen, A., Hansen, O. (2017). Values in Danish early childhood education and care. In: Charlotte Ringsmose & Grethe Kragh-Müller (Ed.), Nordic social pedagogical approach to early years (pp. 25 -41). Cham: Springer More information
Jensen, A., Hansen, O., Broström, S. (2013). Transition to school: Contemporary Danish perspectives. In: Kay Margetts & Anna Kienig (Ed.), International Perspectives on Transition to School: Reconceptualising beliefs, policy and practice (pp. 56 -68). London: Routledge More information


(2019). Barnet i centrum 2. Mod en 0-3-årspædagogik i vuggestue og dagpleje. København: Akademisk Forlag More information