Lena Rosenberg

Avdelningen för rehabilitering , Hälsohögskolan

Lena Rosenberg är professor i arbetsterapi. Hennes forskning handlar om samspelet mellan plats, vardagsliv och vårdpraktiker inom äldreomsorgen med ett särskilt fokus på särskilda boenden som livsmiljöer för äldre personer. 

Lena disputerade 2009 vid Karolinska Institutet och hon blev docent i arbetsterapi vid Karolinska Institutet 2020. Hon har arbetat som Professor i arbetsterapi vid Hälsohögskolan sedan september 2022.

I sin forskning strävar Lena efter att främja nära kopplingar och kunskapsutbyten mellan äldreomsorgen och akademin samt med professionella utanför akademin som planerare, arkitekter och landskapsarkitekter. Hennes forskning är tvärvetenskaplig och genom forskningssamarbeten inkluderar den, förutom arbetsterapi, perspektiv från hälsovetenskap, antropologi, sociologi, arkitektur, design och vetenskap och teknikstudier (STS).

Aktuella forskningsprojekt som leds av Lena: 

Utveckling av kunskap om hur vardagsliv, vård och omsorg och den fysiska miljön hänger samman – ett nytt ramverk för att förbättra utformningen av särskilda boenden (The 4Q project). Finansierat av FORTE 2023-2025. Samarbete med Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala Universitet, Nestor FoU center, Marge arkitekter, LAND arkitekter och Länsgården Örebro län.

Särskilda boenden som teknologiska habitat – Digital teknik som stöd för medborgerlighet, delaktighet och värdighet för äldre som bor på särskilt boende. Finansierat av FORTE 2024-2026. Samarbete med Karolinska Institutet, Linköpings Universitet, Linnéuniversitet och Jönköpings kommun. Doktorand Ida Adolfsson.

Hon leder också ett projekt finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet i samarbete med Jönköpings kommun om förutsättningarna för integrerad vård på äldreboenden: Plats för God och Nära Vård i särskilda boenden - Vardagsliv och vårdpraktiker. Doktorand Therese Jonsson.




Evertsson, L., Millkvist, H., Sjerén, S., Rosenberg, L., Nilsson, I. (2025). A fight on your own: experiences of rehabilitation after traumatic brachial plexus injuries Disability and Rehabilitation. More information
Nygård, L. Nedlund, A. Issakainen, M. Astell, A. Boger, J. Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, A. , ... Ryd C. (2025). Coming to terms with a changing everyday life with dementia: What can we learn from people who are diagnosed while still working? Dementia. More information
Felding, S., Rosenberg, L., Johansson, K., Teupen, S., Roes, M. (2024). The Woman with the Dog: Relationships between Pet Robots and Humans in a Danish Nursing Home for People with Dementia Anthropology and Aging, 45(1), 20-35. More information
Bergstrom, A., Mondaca, M., Nilsson, I., Guidetti, S., Rosenberg, L. (2024). Phronesis: Recognising a neglected dimension of knowledge within occupational therapy research Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1). More information
Gaber, S., Guerrero, M., Rosenberg, L. (2024). Participatory research approaches in long-term care facilities for older adults: a meta-ethnography. More information
Nygård, L. Nedlund, A. Mäki Petäjä Leinonen, A. Astell, A. Boger, J. Issakainen, M. , ... Ryd C. (2023). What happens when people develop dementia whilst working?: An exploratory multiple case study International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 18(1). More information
Cleeve, H., Borell, L., Rosenberg, L. (2023). Drawing in-situ: Matters of care and representation in daily life with dementia Qualitative Research, 23(3), 782-808. More information
Gaber, S., Guerrero, M., Rosenberg, L. (2023). Characteristics and consequences of participatory research approaches in long-term care facilities for older adults: a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies The Lancet, 402(Suppl. 1), S43. More information
Palmgren, M., Rosenberg, L., Gaber, S., Johansson, K. (2023). Family members' reasoning in relation to pleasant environments in nursing homes Dementia, 22(1), 235-251. More information
Nordin, T., Rosenberg, L., Nilsson, I. (2022). Personhood in aloneness and in affinity: satisfactory social participation among home care recipients Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29(7), 563-577. More information
Johansson, K., Borell, L., Rosenberg, L. (2022). Qualities of the environment that support a sense of home and belonging in nursing homes for older people Ageing & Society, 42(1), 157-178. More information
Sandberg, L., Borell, L., Rosenberg, L. (2021). Risks as dilemmas for home care staff caring for persons with dementia Aging & Mental Health, 25(9), 1701-1708. More information
Cleeve, H., Borell, L., Rosenberg, L. (2020). (In)visible materialities in the context of dementia care Sociology of Health and Illness, 42(1), 126-142. More information
Mondaca, M., Johansson, K., Josephsson, S., Rosenberg, L. (2020). In search for the “humane”: staffs’ perspectives on everyday activities in a nursing home Aging & Mental Health, 24(4), 679-688. More information
Sandberg, L., Nilsson, I., Rosenberg, L., Borell, L., Boström, A. (2019). Home care services for older clients with and without cognitive impairment in Sweden Health & Social Care in the Community, 27(1), 139-150. More information
Mondaca, M., Josephsson, S., Borell, L., Katz, A., Rosenberg, L. (2019). Altering the boundaries of everyday life in a nursing home context Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26(6), 441-451. More information
Nilsson, I., Luborsky, M., Rosenberg, L., Sandberg, L., Boström, A., Borell, L. (2018). Perpetuating harms from isolation among older adults with cognitive impairment: observed discrepancies in homecare service documentation, assessment and approval practices BMC Health Services Research, 18. More information
Mondaca, M., Josephsson, S., Katz, A., Rosenberg, L. (2018). Influencing everyday activities in a nursing home setting: A call for ethical and responsive engagement Nursing Inquiry, 25(2). More information
Malinowsky, C. Nygård, L. Tanemura, R. Nagao, T. Noda, K. Nakata, O. , ... Kottorp A. (2018). Everyday technology use among older adults in Sweden and Japan: A comparative study Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25(6), 446-456. More information
Patomella, A., Kottorp, A., Ferreira, M., Rosenberg, L., Uppgard, B., Nygård, L. (2018). Everyday technology use among older adults in Sweden and Portugal Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25(6), 436-445. More information
Rosenberg, L., Kottorp, A., Johansson, K. (2018). LGBQ-Specific Elderly Housing as a “Sparkling Sanctuary”: Boundary Work on LGBQ Identity and Community in Relationship to Potential LGBQ-Specific Elderly Housing in Sweden Journal of Homosexuality, 65(11), 1484-1506. More information
Sandberg, L., Borell, L., Edvardsson, D., Rosenberg, L., Boström, A. (2018). Job strain: a cross-sectional survey of dementia care specialists and other staff in Swedish home care services Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 11, 255-266. More information
Hwang, A., Rosenberg, L., Kontos, P., Cameron, J., Mihailidis, A., Nygård, L. (2017). Sustaining care for a parent with dementia: an indefinite and intertwined process International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 12(1). More information
Malinowsky, C. Kottorp, A. Wallin, A. Nordlund, A. Björklund, E. Melin, I. , ... Nygård L. (2017). Differences in the use of everyday technology among persons with MCI, SCI and older adults without known cognitive impairment International psychogeriatrics, 29(7), 1193-1200. More information
Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L. (2017). Learning and knowing technology as lived experience in people with Alzheimer's disease: a phenomenological study Aging & Mental Health, 21(12), 1272-1279. More information
Sandberg, L., Rosenberg, L., Sandman, P., Borell, L. (2017). Risks in situations that are experienced as unfamiliar and confusing – the perspective of persons with dementia Dementia, 16(4), 471-485. More information
Nygård, L., Rosenberg, L. (2016). How attention to everyday technology could contribute to modern occupational therapy: A focus group study British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 79(8), 467-474. More information
Kottorp, A., Johansson, K., Aase, P., Rosenberg, L. (2016). Housing for ageing LGBTQ people in Sweden: a descriptive study of needs, preferences, and concerns Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23(5), 337-346. More information
Kottorp, A. Nygård, L. Hedman, A. Öhman, A. Malinowsky, C. Rosenberg, L. , ... Ryd C. (2016). Access to and use of everyday technology among older people: An occupational justice issue – but for whom? Journal of Occupational Science, 23(3), 382-388. More information
Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Rosenberg, L. (2015). Making use of research: Clinical views on an evaluation of everyday technology use Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22(1), 24-32. More information
Malinowsky, C., Kottorp, A., Patomella, A., Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L. (2015). Changes in the technological landscape over time: Relevance and difficulty levels of everyday technologies as perceived by older adults with and without cognitive impairment Technology and Disability, 27(3), 91-101. More information
Malinowsky, C. Kottorp, A. Tanemura, R. Asaba, E. Nagao, T. Noda, K. , ... Nygård L. (2015). Validation of the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire in a Japanese context Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26, 1-8. More information
Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L. (2014). Learning and using technology in intertwined processes: A study of people with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease Dementia, 13(5), 662-677. More information
Malinowsky, C., Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L. (2014). An approach to facilitate healthcare professionals' readiness to support technology use in everyday life for persons with dementia Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(3), 199-209. More information
Boman, I., Nygård, L., Rosenberg, L. (2014). Users' and professionals' contributions in the process of designing an easy-to-use videophone for people with dementia Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 9(2), 164-172. More information
Boman, I., Rosenberg, L., Lundberg, S., Nygård, L. (2012). First steps in designing a videophone for people with dementia: identification of users' potentials and the requirements of communication technology. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 7(5), 356-63. More information
Rosenberg, L., Kottorp, A., Nygård, L. (2012). Readiness for technology use with people with dementia: The perspectives of significant others Journal of Applied Gerontology, 31(4), 510-530. More information
Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L. (2012). Persons with dementia become users of assistive technology: A study of the process Dementia, 11(2), 135-154. More information
De Vriendt, P. Gorus, E. Mets, T. Petrovic, M. Nygard, L. Kottorp, A. , ... Olde-Rikkert M. (2012). Mild cognitive impairment and early stage dementia: Assessment and treatment of everyday functioning European Geriatric Medicine, 3(Suppl. 1), S12-S13. More information
Rosenberg, L., Kottorp, A., Winblad, B., Nygård, L. (2009). Perceived difficulty in everyday technology use among older adults with or without cognitive deficits Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16(4), 216-226. More information
Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A. (2009). Everyday technology use questionnaire: Psychometric evaluation of a new assessment of competence in technology use OTJR (Thorofare, N.J.), 29(2), 52-62. More information
Rosenberg, L., Nygård, L. (2008). P2-251: Assistive technology in the hands of people with dementia and their significant others Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 4(4S Part 13), T445. More information
Borell, L., Asaba, E., Rosenberg, L., Schult, M., Townsend, E. (2006). Exploring experiences of "participation" among individuals living with chronic pain Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 13(2), 76-85. More information


Rosenberg, L. (2009). Navigating through technological landscapes: Views of people with dementia or MCI and their significant others (Doctoral thesis, Stockholm: Karolinska institutet). More information


Rosenberg, L., Johansson, K. (2013). Where the transactions happen: The unit of analysis when applying a transactional perspective. In: M. P. Cutchin, & V. A. Dickie (Ed.), Transactional Perspectives on Occupation (pp. 147 -156). Dordrecht: Springer More information


Nygård, L. Mäki Petäjä Leinonen, A. Astell, A. Nedlund, A. Boger, J. Heimonen, S. , ... Issakainen M. (2018). Dementia or mild cognitive impairment: @ work in progress. 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 29–31 October 2018. More information
Du Toit, S., Rosenberg, L., Mondaca, M., Lovarini, M. (2018). Unpacking the concept of person-centred care within OT in dementia care. COTEC-ENOTHE 2016, 15th - 19th June, 2016, Galway, Ireland. More information