Sophie Gaber

Universitetslektor arbetsterapi
Avdelningen för rehabilitering , Hälsohögskolan


Gaber, S., Guerrero, M., Rosenberg, L. (2024). Participatory research approaches in long-term care facilities for older adults: a meta-ethnography. More information
Margot-Cattin, I., Gaber, S., Vrkljan, B. (2024). Defining and refining emplacement by deepening the understanding of embeddedness, situatedness, and enactedness Journal of Occupational Science. More information
Rosenblad, A., Klarare, A., Rapaport, P., Mattsson, E., Gaber, S. (2024). Health literacy and its association with mental and spiritual well-being among women experiencing homelessness Health Promotion International, 39(2). More information
Gaber, S., Guerrero, M., Rosenberg, L. (2023). Characteristics and consequences of participatory research approaches in long-term care facilities for older adults: a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies The Lancet, 402(Suppl. 1), S43. More information
Palmgren, M., Rosenberg, L., Gaber, S., Johansson, K. (2023). Family members' reasoning in relation to pleasant environments in nursing homes Dementia, 22(1), 235-251. More information
Gaber, S., Brorsson, A. (2023). Designing for Social Citizenship in the Everyday Human Built Environment Generations, 47(3). More information
Gaber, S., Klarare, A., Mattsson, E., Rosenblad, A. (2023). A comparison of perceptions of caring behaviours among women in homelessness, Registered Nurses and nursing students Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 37(4), 959-969. More information
Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Malinowsky, C., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Hedman, A. (2023). Enacting citizenship through participation in a technological society: A longitudinal three-year study among people with dementia in Sweden Ageing & Society, 43(2), 276-297. More information
Neal, D., Gaber, S., Joddrell, P., Brorsson, A., Dijkstra, K., Dröes, R. (2023). Read and accepted?: Scoping the cognitive accessibility of privacy policies of health apps and websites in three European countries Digital Health, 9. More information
Thalén, L. Malinowsky, C. Margot-Cattin, I. Gaber, S. Seetharaman, K. Chaudhury, H. , ... Nygård L. (2022). Out-of-home participation among people living with dementia: A study in four countries Dementia, 21(5), 1636-1652. More information
Gaber, S., Rosenblad, A., Mattsson, E., Klarare, A. (2022). The relationship between attitudes to homelessness and perceptions of caring behaviours: a cross-sectional study among women experiencing homelessness, nurses and nursing students BMC Women's Health, 22(1). More information
Gaber, S. Thalén, L. Malinowsky, C. Margot-Cattin, I. Seetharaman, K. Chaudhury, H. , ... Nygård L. (2022). Social Citizenship Through Out-of-Home Participation Among Older Adults With and Without Dementia Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(11), 2362-2373. More information
Margot-Cattin, I., Berchtold, A., Gaber, S., Kuhne, N., Nygård, L., Malinowsky, C. (2022). Associations between community participation and types of places visited among persons living with and without dementia: risks perception and socio-demographic aspects BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). More information
Wallcook, S., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Gaber, S., Charlesworth, G., Malinowsky, C. (2021). Kaleidoscopic associations between life outside home and the technological environment that shape occupational injustice as revealed through cross-sectional statistical modelling Journal of Occupational Science, 28(1), 42-58. More information
Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S., Malinowsky, C. (2020). Social participation in relation to technology use and social deprivation: A mixed methods study among older people with and without dementia International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 1-19. More information
Wallcook, S. Malinowsky, C. Nygård, L. Charlesworth, G. Lee, J. Walsh, R. , ... Kottorp A. (2020). The perceived challenge of everyday technologies in Sweden, the United States and England: Exploring differential item functioning in the everyday technology use questionnaire Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(8), 554-566. More information
Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S., Malinowsky, C. (2020). Perceived risks, concession travel pass access and everyday technology use for out-of-home participation: Cross-sectional interviews among older people in the UK BMC Geriatrics, 20(1). More information
Money, A., Atwal, A., Boyce, E., Gaber, S., Windeatt, S., Alexandrou, K. (2019). Falls Sensei: A serious 3D exploration game to enable the detection of extrinsic home fall hazards for older adults BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19(1). More information
Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Malinowsky, C. (2019). Everyday technologies and public space participation among people with and without dementia Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy / Revue Canadienne d`Ergotèrapie, 86(5), 400-411. More information


Gaber, S., Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S., Malinowsky, C. (2022). Social participation and everyday technology use: A mixed-methods study among people living with and without dementia. In: Martin Orrell, Déborah Oliveira, Orii McDermott, Frans R. J. Verhey, Fania C. M. Dassen & Rose-Marie Dröes (Ed.), Improving the Lives of People with Dementia through Technology: Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (pp. 56 -70). More information